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Is it possible to sell a car if it is in a car loan? How to sell a loan car if the title is on hand? Do I need the consent of the husband to sell or not

I sold the car under a contract of sale, and after the sale of the car fines came. Why are these fines coming? And what you need to do when selling your car, so as not to pay other people's fines? If you are going to sell your car, then in this article you will read about what you need to know so that you do not get a fine when you sell your car.

So, let's see why fines come when you sell a car under a sales contract? For example, you sold your car under a DKP (contract of sale) to some person. It can be: a private person, a car dealership using the trade-in system, a car sales site or a reseller in the car market. Sold the car, got the money, all is well. But suddenly, after a while, a “letter of happiness” comes to your mail with a fine for traffic violations (which you did not commit) for a car you have already sold.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from this, because on October 15, 2013, a new regulation on the registration of vehicles was adopted. According to which the car is not removed from the register for sale. Now this is done simultaneously with registration by the new owner, who has 10 days for this (more details).

Sold the car under a contract of sale

Currently, the purchase of a car consists of two parts. In the first part, the buyer becomes the owner after the payment of money and registration of the DCT. The car actually becomes his property, although it is registered with the traffic police for the previous owner.

And the second part is when the new owner re-registers the car with the traffic police in his name. And until the moment the new owner registers the car for himself, all traffic violations will come to the address of the former owner. Even despite the fact that he sold the car by proxy or a contract of sale.

It is best to go to the MREO together with the buyer and calmly re-register the car.

There are also exceptions

True, there are rare exceptions that even after the car is registered to the new owner, "letters of happiness" go to the old owner of the car. This is due to the fact that the car with the new owner has not yet entered the traffic police database. This also happens sometimes.

According to the current regulations, the buyer of a car has 10 days to register it. If he does not have time to re-register the car, then a fine of 1,500 rubles is taken from him during registration. But despite the law, there are many reasons why the new owner of the car did not have time to re-register the car for himself within the 10 days allotted by law. The car could break down, could not pass a technical inspection to obtain an OSAGO policy, went on a business trip, fell ill, no money, drives the car to another city, no time, and so on.

What to do in order not to pay other people's fines

If the new owner of the car drives a car at this time, then there is a possibility that the car will fall under the sight of video recording cameras or violate traffic rules. Nobody is immune from this. We are all human and we all break traffic rules sometimes. Even if you sell your car to your grandfather, fines may come in this case.

And in order not to get upset and not pay other people's fines after selling your car, there is an easy way to prevent these problems before they arise. It is not difficult to do this, you just need to discuss possible cases with the buyer when selling your car. And you need to negotiate in advance, during the sale of your car, and not later, when fines come.

How to do it? I tell you step by step

After you have sold your car (received the money, signed the DCT, handed over the keys), you pick up your copy of the DCT and make a photocopy of the PTS (vehicle passport) with the new owner entered (because not everyone sends a copy of the PTS with a re-registered car) .

Take the contact phone of the buyer and tell him (the buyer) that according to the law he is obliged to re-register the car for himself within 10 days. Say that after he (the new owner) registers the car for himself, then let him call you by phone (leave your phone number). Or he will write an e-mail that the car has been successfully re-registered by him on such and such a date.

Agree in advance

If suddenly he (the new owner) has any problems due to which he cannot re-register the car for himself within 10 days, then let him (the new owner) call you. Otherwise, after 10 days, you can write an Application to the state traffic inspectorate to terminate the registration of a car, with all the ensuing unpleasant consequences for it.

Then you warn your buyer that if you receive a “letter of happiness” with a fine issued from that date (show the date indicated in the DCT and the time when you filled out the contract), then he will have to pay the fines.

You also warn that if he violates and does not want to pay his fines, then you can:

  • firstly, write an application to the traffic police to search for a car (not theft), after which the car can be arrested on the road, taking the car to the parking lot.
  • And secondly, that you can, on the basis of the date of sale indicated in the DCT (you still have the original DCT), appeal to the traffic police a fine for a violation that you did not commit. And he (the new owner) will still have to pay these fines.

Let's act like civilized people

Re-register the car, call me and let me know about it. If a fine comes from this date (after the sale of the car), then I call you and you pay your fine. And no one will have any claims against each other.

If you discuss all this, then 90% of people (buyers) will do as you ask them because you are doing everything right, according to the law. But, of course, there are 10% of people who will ignore fair demands from you. It can be simply inadequate or very busy people who have absolutely no free time.

Also, a fine can come from a car that you gave to the salon for trade-in. This is also possible. It's just that potential buyers raced for a test drive under cameras in (your) former car, and the fine naturally came to you.

Let me remind you once again that it is best to negotiate in advance, when selling your car. After you start receiving fines for the sold car in a few months, it will be too late.

That's all for today. Take care of yourself and be happy!

Invariably, motorists are faced with the question, is it possible to sell a car with traffic police fines? Not all offenders are in a hurry to pay the fines issued to them. Many simply believe that there is absolutely no need to do this, since no one forbids comfortable operation of the vehicle in the presence of unpaid fines.

Despite the fact that it is possible to easily pay off fines within only two months, and then various sanctions await car owners, few are in a hurry to part with a certain amount of money. The classic situation is when the car owner remembers the fines at the moment when he decides to sell the car. Due to the simplification of this procedure, the buyer has the question of how to check whether the seller has fines and what will happen to him if he purchases such a penalty car. In this article, we will try to figure out whether it is necessary to pay fines when selling a car, and if necessary, who should do it?

The procedure for processing a purchase and sale transaction

The new rules make it much easier to sell used cars than it used to be. Car purchase and sale transaction:

  • can be concluded between the owner and the buyer independently without recourse to a notary;
  • if the car is not planned to be exported abroad or scrapped, it can be purchased using valid numbers and not be deregistered by the traffic police;
  • you can register a car in any MREO, and not only at the place of registration;
  • transit numbers are abolished.

If you plan to purchase a used car, it is important to check:

  • his papers;
  • whether the vehicle is credit or collateral property;
  • Are there any penalties for selling a car?
  • Has the car been in an accident?

Only after all the above circumstances are clarified, it is possible to conclude a sale and purchase transaction. The new owner is given ten days to register the vehicle for himself. If this is not done, the old car owner will continue to receive penalty notices in the future. Therefore, it is preferable to register a sale transaction with the traffic police.

It must be understood that a specific person is liable for violations of the rules. Therefore, after the sale of the vehicle, material obligations are not transferred to the new owner, and they are not removed from the old one.

The vehicle can be checked in various ways:

  • on the website of the traffic police,
  • on the website of public services,
  • in the Yandex service (Money or Navigator),
  • on the website of bailiffs at the link:

Checking registration restrictions due to innovations can be omitted. Checking the fact of credit registration is paid, but it is preferable to do it as well. The VIN code will let you know if the vehicle was involved in an accident. All documents provided by the seller must list one person.

Do I need to pay fines when selling a car or what does the law say?

Until recently, three years ago, it was impossible to sell a vehicle without paying all the penalty receipts. Today, if there are fines when selling a car, this is not a problem, since it has become possible to sell a vehicle without deregistration. But, in any case, you will have to pay, although this can be done later. All material obligations remain with the old owner, despite the fact that a completely different person has the right to the vehicle. You can not pay only receipts that are more than three years old.

The transfer of documents for the vehicle to another person does not exempt from the need to pay penalty receipts with penalties, if any was accrued for late repayment. It is not uncommon for situations when, after some time has passed after the vehicle was sold, its former owner receives a penalty notice. There can be two reasons for this: either he himself violated the rules when he was still driving, or the new owner did not register the car for himself. The document must show the date of the offense. In case of personal fault, payment must be made. If the buyer is guilty, it is necessary to write a statement and attach copies of documents confirming the fact that the vehicle was sold.

Is it possible to remove the car from the register if there are unpaid fines?

To the question: can I sell my own car to another person if there are fines, the answer is definitely yes. The inspector has no right to interfere with this. If he does not accept the documents, a written refusal should be requested, which will be the reason for contacting the prosecutor's office. When to pay penalty receipts is a personal matter for every car owner. Their non-payment is not a factor that can prevent the sale of a car or remove it from the register and then sell it.

It is still preferable to register the transaction and re-register the vehicle for a new owner. Only this step will allow in the future to avoid the need to prove that any violation of the rules was committed not by you, but by the buyer after the transaction. Despite the fact that the procedure for implementing the Customs Union in our country is quite simplified, only official re-registration will provide an opportunity in the future not to encounter troubles, not to waste nerves and time on getting out of controversial situations.

Hello everyone! Today, an important and interesting topic for many is how to sell a car on the secondary market as quickly, profitably and safely as possible, with minimal costs.

When selling used vehicles, there is a high probability of incorrect actions. Sometimes this has no consequences, but often leads to serious problems due to subsequent claims from buyers.

A meeting with rogue outbids and, at best, can end in a significant underpricing, and at worst, in an irretrievable loss of a car and money.

After reviewing the information provided, you will protect yourself from many possible mistakes in the sale and purchase, significantly secure the transaction and save time. Igor Pischy is with you - let's go!

For the convenience of readers, I have summarized the information in the article in the form of a step-by-step algorithm of actions that you can quickly review and refresh your memory if you forget something from what you read.

  • Step one- make a decision to sell the car. It must be balanced and adequate.
  • step two- Define a public reason for selling your car, which will be perceived by buyers in a positive way.
  • Step Three– correctly calculate the balanced price and the range of possible bargaining.
  • Step Four- Carry out pre-sale preparation of the car.
  • Step Five- Solve to the maximum legal problems with the car, if any.
  • Step Six- Decide on a list of effective platforms for placing an offer.
  • step seven– create a proposal text, a photo shoot package, shoot a video.
  • Step eight- prepare a package of documents for the transaction.
  • Step nine- place the finished ad on the selected resources.
  • Step ten– conduct preliminary remote negotiations. Agree on a preliminary inspection of the vehicle if the negotiations gave a positive result.
  • Step Eleven– hold a preliminary meeting at which the buyer will inspect the vehicle and conduct a test drive. Come to an agreement on the indicative framework for the cost of the vehicle and, if necessary, draw up a preliminary DCT. Agree on the place and date of the transaction, discuss its nuances.
  • Step twelve– conduct a transaction for the purchase and sale of the vehicle, during which a more thorough inspection of the vehicle by the buyer (and / or at the service station) can be carried out, and an agreement on the final cost can be made. Prepare all necessary documents and sign them. Accept the money from the buyer, and give the new owner the documents for the car.
  • Step thirteen- if it is stipulated by the conditions, accompany the buyer to the traffic police, where he will re-register the vehicle in his name.
  • Step fourteen- if the buyer promised to re-register the car later, then be sure to check this on the 11th day after the transaction. If the re-registration did not take place, then it is better to sell the car on your own - the buyer then pays it to the traffic police.

How to make the right decision to sell a car

To make an informed decision to sell a car, you need to find out:

  • Do you really want it?
  • Do you absolutely need it?

At the same time, you can sell a vehicle (V):

  1. Forced - due to lack of money, etc.
  2. Unnecessary – change to a different make/model, etc.

There are combinations of the first and second options, but they are all adequately correct solutions. But often the car owner begins to regret the sale, even if he received a fair price. After all, it may turn out:

  • That transport was needed more than money, and it was hard to find an identical option.
  • The proceeds are spent and a new car is missing.

There may be many other regrets.

  1. Avoid emotional haste.
  2. Make a decision with a sober calculation.

Why you need a public reason for selling

Buyers are often interested in the owner's reason for selling their used car. Questions like this can be answered honestly, but it's not always commercially prudent, as it can lead to price cuts or deal failure due to unwarranted bias.

Therefore, form a public reason that coincides with the real one only partially or does not coincide with it at all. A plausible preposition of realization is capable of:

  • Significantly reduce the time of sale.
  • Minimize the trading range.

But the seller should distinguish between the usual commercial ingenuity and outright deception of the buyer, often complicated by bad consequences.

Here is a list of some suitable selling reasons:

  1. I change to a more expensive (or cheaper) class of vehicle. This is the most “decent” reason, which rarely raises questions - such sellers usually monitor the condition of the car well.
  2. I'm tired, I want another. In this case, you may be considered capricious and checked more carefully, but they will not show much suspicion.
  3. Need money. There is little suspicion of technical condition, but it provokes increased bargaining and acts as a bait for resellers.
  4. As unnecessary, but I tear it off like a child from the heart. It will work if you are a good actor, but if you are a bad actor, spoil the impression.

You can work with your imagination and find your "exclusive" option.

If in the history of a car there is an accident with a sad outcome, then it is more difficult to sell such a car.

At what price to offer a car

Price is the main catalyst for any sales. Depending on its value, you can quickly sell anything or wait for buyers for years. It is very important for the seller to determine a balanced and adequate framework for the proposed and possible price tag.

  • Transaction speed.
  • Trading range.
  • claim level.
  • Buyer segment.

Many car owners spare money for a pre-sale valuation. This is justified only at a low price for a car, and in a high-budget class, an appropriately drawn up expert opinion can win good money when bargaining, especially if a beaten but well-restored vehicle is being sold.

Of course, in order to determine the real price of a car, the seller must know its true, and not imaginary, technical condition. To the withdrawn value, it is necessary to add a certain amount for the auction and, if conditions allow, then a profitable margin.

A specialized online service will allow you to increase the accuracy of the assessment, and to reduce the hassle, contact a specialized appraisal company.

Attention! You should be aware that online platforms for the sale of vehicles often have entire botnets of resellers. Through fake ads, they try to underestimate the average market value of a particular model.

What to do in pre-sale preparation

Any used car is desirable to prepare before selling. Here it must be taken into account that buyers of low-mileage and worn-out cars are interested in their condition in different ways. If in the first case, special attention is paid to appearance, then in the second case, the technical component is studied more. Accordingly, the pre-sale preparation will be different.

If the car is young, then you need to try to give it as fresh a look as possible. With some luck, it can be realized almost like new. Models of medium and premium class are better to give into the hands of specialists for thorough preparation (washing, dry cleaning of the interior, polishing of the body, blackening of tires, etc.).

Cracked optics and glazing are best replaced as this often provokes increased bargaining, especially in the case of a windshield. Sometimes it is advisable to replace the steering braid and even the interior upholstery.

If the model is of the middle class, then to guide the marafet, you can try to get by with improvised means (stain removers, polishes, odor neutralizers, a car vacuum cleaner). It is not necessary to wash the engine to the factory shine - this will generate an unhealthy interest in the buyer for its detailed examination.

In the case of age cars, it is better not to make cardinal external transformations and replacements - this may cause unnecessary suspicion. Just a good brush and wash the car will suffice. It is also desirable to remove obvious hints of rust. Pay more attention to the technical condition - the ignition must be trouble-free, the engine should run smoothly, and various knocking-squeaks should be eliminated if possible.

Watch a video about the pre-sale preparation of a car from a professional:

Where to sell a car

You can independently put up a car for sale on numerous online platforms, in media ads and in car markets. Nothing prevents you from using all the opportunities at once, which will maximize your chances.

For ads, you need to prepare a package of photo images of the body and interior from different angles. Photos must be of high quality and have a pleasant background. There are many cases of buyers ignoring good options just because of poor photography. A short video that can be attached to the ad or sent to those interested by e-mail will not hurt either.

If buyers, after a long inspection, go further down the row, do not rush to fire them through your teeth, maybe they just want to make sure that there are no better offers on the market and, having made a circle, will return to you.

If you do not have time to sell the vehicle on your own and you are ready to give up the price, then you can use intermediary legal entities, renting the vehicle to them for a commission sale.

If timing is more important to you, and not the full market value, then cars can be quickly sold to resellers and car dealers, like Carprice. But with such a sale, up to half of the possible value is sometimes lost, although in this case all the hassle of pre-sale preparation disappears.

Here is a list of the seven most popular online marketplaces for buying and selling used cars:

For a successful sale, do not be lazy to demonstrate all the features of your car

What has changed in the rules for the sale of vehicles

Some car owners who have not sold or purchased a car for a long time may not know that now the purchase and sale of vehicles is carried out differently than before.

Since 2013, such transactions have been concluded according to new rules, which were further optimized in 2015 and are still in force today.

The main innovations are as follows:

  • Abolished the vehicle from the register in the traffic police before selling it - while the car can be sold both on the numbers and without them, while maintaining the license plates for the old owner.
  • transit numbers for ordinary transactions are no longer issued - they will be required only for (vehicles are sold with owner numbers).
  • Registration both the seller and the buyer can be anyone - this does not affect the transaction.

The main purpose of updating the rules is to simplify the procedure for buying and selling vehicles, primarily for individuals.

What are the options for self-selling used cars

Today, there are only two ways by which you can legally sell a used car on your own:

  1. General power of attorney transaction This method, although legal, is not correct.
  2. Transaction under a contract of sale (PSA)- this method is absolutely legal and correct.

How to sell a car with a general power of attorney

The sale of vehicles in this way consists in issuing a notarized power of attorney in the name of the buyer, who acts as a trustee and has the right to drive the purchased vehicle.

At the same time, neither the price of the car nor the fact of its sale appears in the power of attorney. However, such powers of attorney, as a rule, prescribe the absolute rights of the authorized person to act with the vehicle, including its re-registration to another person, as well as the possibility of re-assignment and sale.

Because of this, such a power of attorney is commonly referred to as "general". In fact, there are no general powers of attorney (GD) for transport (but they are used in other areas of documentary trust).

The transfer of a car to a buyer under the State Duma is quite legal today, but such a legal action is not a sale and purchase, but has the status of a gray scheme. That is, the procedure of sale and purchase established by law is replaced by another one provided for other purposes.

Therefore, the GD option is considered the wrong way to sell. In addition, it has very serious disadvantages:

  • The power of attorney is canceled upon death. or incapacity of the trustee.
  • The power of attorney is canceled upon expiration and the impossibility of its extension (often it is not possible to find the owner).
  • The trustee can cancel his power of attorney at any time without the consent of the authorized person and request the return of the vehicle.

Although the above applies to the buyer, for the seller this usually results in a significant underpricing of the vehicle.

Note information. Previously, the sale of vehicles under the State Duma was widespread - pieceworkers were attracted by the much greater simplicity of this option in comparison with the old sale and purchase procedure. After its radical simplification, the scheme with the HD has lost popularity, but is still used for cases where there are any legal problems with the car.

How to sell a used car under a sales contract

This method is basic and completely legal. The key aspect of the conclusion of the transaction here is the preparation and signing of the contract of sale. After the completion of the transaction for the buyer, the DCT is the main title document for the alienated property (for the sold car in our case).

At the same time, the DCT for the sale of movable property has the following important features:

  • PrEP does not require state registration or any other obligatory visa.
  • Place and time compositions are irrelevant.
  • Document Form- free, but with the obligatory presence of certain information.
  • certain DCT has no effect.

At the same time, depending on the form of sale chosen, the DKP may have various seals, stamps and signatures of officials. This is practiced if the car is sold with the participation of:

  • notary- notarial registration of the sale of the vehicle is used at will and agreement between the pieceworkers, but usually it is not used because the fee for such services is high.
  • Legal entities-intermediaries- these can be various car commission offices, clearance offices and other organizations that help in the sale or transaction.
  • Yurlitz using various forms of vehicle repurchase - specialized repurchase companies, some car dealerships, etc.
  • Confidant having a legal status.

It is possible to draw up a DCT in both written and printed form.

Attention! In addition to the main DCT, the transaction may include a preliminary agreement drawn up between the pieceworkers as agreed in cases where the purchase and sale for some reason cannot take place immediately.

What is agreed before the deal

To conclude a transaction for the sale of a vehicle, first of all, the parties are required to be ready for the sale and purchase.

That is, before signing the document, the following issues must be fully resolved:

  • Technical condition of the vehicle - in the process of preliminary and main inspection of the car by the buyer.
  • Legal condition of the vehicle - in the process of checking the car by the buyer for legal purity and resolving issues on possible problems (lack of some documents, etc.).
  • By cost car - in the process of preliminary and final bidding.
  • By form of payment and repayment option– cash or bank transfer, as well as full settlement or repayment by private installment.
  • By place and time the conclusion of the transaction, as well as on possible authorized persons and those present at the transaction.

Both the pieceworkers themselves and theirs can directly sign the document. The legislation even provides for an oral version of the conclusion of the DCT, requiring mandatory simultaneous re-registration in the traffic police of the vehicle for the buyer, but this method is rarely used.

It is believed that cars from women drivers are sold more successfully

In addition, sometimes, most often through outbids, a form of transaction with an oral power of attorney is practiced, when a person has completed copies of the DKP with the required signature in his hands (this option can be dangerous).

Watch a video on how to sell a used vehicle:

What documents are needed to sell a car

To complete a transaction, you need to have three packages of documents:

  1. General package.
  2. Seller's package.
  3. Buyer package.

The general package of documents includes:

  • Sufficient number of DCT forms- at least three, but optimally 4-5 pieces. Taking into account possible errors, it is better to print 10 forms. One or two copies remain with the seller, and all the rest are transferred to the buyer.
  • Forms of the act of acceptance and transfer- this is not a mandatory, but desirable addition to the DCT, which allows you to record in detail the condition of the car being sold. Such a document is very useful to the seller in case of possible disputed claims after the transaction.
  • Forms of financial receipt- this is not a mandatory, but a desirable addition, certifying the fact of payment. In cases of loss of the monetary policy, this receipt may serve as the basis for recognizing the transaction as completed.

Attention! If there is an acceptance certificate, the moment the transaction enters into legal force is determined not by the date in the DCT, but by the date and time in the acceptance certificate.

The seller's package includes:

  • Photocopy of civil passport seller with the specified effective contacts. Transfer to the hands of the buyer is not required, but desirable.
  • from the co-owner of the vehicle, if it is jointly owned (usually a spouse). Handover to the buyer is mandatory, although this is not always done.
  • (PTS) is the main document for a car, which must be kept by its owner. Handover to the buyer is required.
  • Registration certificate TS (STS) is a document issued in the name of the owner of the vehicle upon registration with the traffic police. Transfer to the hands of the buyer is not required, but desirable.
  • - a document on the technical compliance of the vehicle with safety standards. Handover to the buyer is not required.
  • Service book- a document with marks on the service maintenance of the vehicle. Transfer to the hands of the buyer is not required, but desirable.
  • car manual– vehicle operating instructions from the manufacturer. Transfer to the hands of the buyer is not required, but desirable.

Attention! Some buyers require that an OSAGO policy be handed over to them, but this is not required, since this document must be purchased by the new owner on their own or it can be reissued in the insurance company in the name of the buyer with the issuance of a new form. In addition, you can for the unused insurance period.

Buyer's package includes:

  • Valid civil passport or a document that can replace it. Providing is mandatory.
  • Documents certifying a stable financial position- only needed when making a private installment plan.

Watch the video in which an experienced vehicle salesman shares his secrets:

What to do if there is no place for entering data in the TCP

The number of fields in the PTS for entering information when changing ownership is limited, and at the time of the decision to sell the car, they are often filled out. This problem should be solved by the seller in advance, and it can be shifted to the buyer only with his full consent to this and confidence that he will solve the problem.

The seller, however, will cope with this task faster and with less hassle - he only needs to visit the traffic police department, provide the operator with the following window:

  • Statement to replace.
  • old PTS.
  • Civil the passport.
  • Certificate on registration (STS), if any.
  • Receipt on payment of state duty.

The operator will check the documents and issue a duplicate of the TCP, which has the same legal force as the original.

Attention! Before replacing the original TCP with a duplicate, make a clear scan of all its pages or a high-quality color photocopy. You will give this photocopy to the buyer because it reflects the history of car ownership. If possible, before replacing the TCP, it is advisable to show the original to the buyer, since many are wary of duplicates.

What to do if PTS is missing

Sometimes it happens that at the time of the sale of the car, the title to it was lost or lost for some reason. This is a solvable problem - the TCP can be restored, acting in much the same way as when replacing the original with a duplicate.

But instead of the missing TCP in the traffic police, along with the rest of the documents listed above, you need to provide:

  • explanatory- indicating the reason for the absence or loss of a passport for a car.
  • Treaty purchase and sale.
  • photocopy PTS, if available.

In hopeless situations, a car can be sold without a title, and the buyer can restore it, but it will be more troublesome. In such cases, the seller must be given a certified explanatory note with the reasons for the loss.

Is an acceptance certificate required?

The presence of an AMS during the sale and purchase is required, but it, in a compressed form, is included in the DCT as a mandatory section and the preparation of a separate act depends on the needs of the transaction and the desire of the parties.

For the sale and purchase with the participation of a legal entity, the AMS is usually always compiled. With a DCT between individuals, one DCT is enough, but if it is an exchange agreement, or an installment agreement, or there is a risk of the transaction being voidable, then the AMS is drawn up with detailed content.

Attention! If an act of acceptance and transfer is drawn up during the purchase and sale, then the transaction is considered concluded from the moment of signing the AMS, and not from the signing of the DCT.

Do I need to issue a new OSAGO policy

The presence of an autocitizen on a car is mandatory. Usually, when selling a vehicle, the buyer acquires a new policy in his name. But you can do it the other way too:

  • Transfer the seller's insurance to the buyer's name.
  • Enter the buyer in the seller's policy and transfer it to him along with the STS for driving to the registration of the previous owner.

What auto documents remain with the seller

After the conclusion of the transaction, the seller may not have a single document left in his hands - the law allows this. But if tax reporting is needed, then the seller is obliged to take the original copy of the DCT.

And the general list of documents that may remain with the seller is as follows:

  • PrEP - 2-3 original copies (for tax purposes, for termination of registration and for keeping at home).
  • A copy of the TCP (copier, scan) - just in case.
  • A standard photocopy of the buyer's passport data - just in case.
  • Original copy of the financial receipt in receipt of money.
  • OSAGO policy - for the possible receipt of the balance of the insurance premium.
  • STS - for safety net in case of suspicion of bad faith of the buyer (usually the STS is transferred to the buyer).
  • Casco policy - you can get the rest of the insurance premium, or you can reissue it to the buyer.

Attention! The technical passport of the vehicle manufacturer, customs documents for the car, as well as title and customs documents for replaced components and assemblies must be transferred to the buyer.

When license plates are replaced

The fate of license plates of the vehicle during its sale can be decided according to several options:

  1. Sale and re-registration of cars on the numbers - the buyer retains the seller's license.
  2. Replacing the seller's license plate - when re-registering, the buyer has the right to replace the state number with others.
  3. Preservation of the GRZ - the seller can reserve his license plates in advance and sell the car to others.

Attention! Today there is no possibility of choosing a GRZ - the numbers are determined by an automatic computerized system. And the code of regional affiliation is now determined in accordance with the registration of the applicant.

Is it possible to sell a car without documents

Many are interested in a similar question, but here it should be clarified that the sale of a vehicle without documents may mean different options. This may be their complete or partial absence, respectively, and the level of problem will be different.

How to sell a car in the complete absence of documents

It implies the complete absence of documents for the car, as well as the lack of an appropriate identity card form 2P from the seller (civil passport or a document replacing it).

In this case, the TS can be implemented in the following ways:

  • Sell ​​to a buyer in a remote countryside- This is the best option in terms of hassle and price.
  • Spare parts independently- what can be sold separately, illiquid items are rented in bulk, the rest are rented for. This may be the most profitable option in terms of the proceeds.
  • Hand over for scrapping- there will be significantly less money, but there will be even less hassle, which can be quite acceptable.
  • Sell ​​outbid- if the car is good, then many outbidders will take it at a favorable price for them, and they will solve problems with documents themselves.

Attention! In the absence of all documents, the possibility of checking it for the corresponding markings has a great influence on the price of the machine. Therefore, before implementation, you need to clean all the nameplates from dirt, rewrite from them, and also conduct a test check on the services yourself. It is desirable to print the results in order to immediately show them to customers.

If you have only a civil passport

The presence of an effective civil passport, in addition to greater confidence on the part of buyers, makes it possible to conclude a DCT that has full legal force.

Such a sale involves solving the problems of restoring documents by the buyer. To do this, the seller must give him an explanatory note (preferably certified by some responsible persons or witnesses) indicating the source of the car in the possession of the seller and the circumstances of the loss of documentation.

Also, with a civil passport, you can sell the vehicle through a general power of attorney. But in this case, the car must have valid registration numbers. Then the new owner will need to conduct a scheme for the formal reverse resale of the vehicle.

It consists in the conclusion of one DCT for any reliable person, and then the second DCT back to himself, since the trusted person does not have the right to sell vehicles to himself. After that, you can start restoring the rest of the documents.

If there is only a contract of sale and a civil passport

The presence of the DCT on the car being sold is a key aspect - this document certifies the seller's ownership, which he can transfer to another person.

If the seller has a DCT, then he himself can restore the TCP and STS. This will require:

  • visit traffic police.
  • Write statement.
  • Attach explanatory.
  • Provide passport.
  • pay duties.

Approximately the same way, in the presence of DKP, the buyer can restore the documents. But two explanatory notes (from the seller and from the buyer) and two DCTs (old and new) may be required from him. With such a set of documents, there should be no problems with restoring the rest.

Attention! Such a restoration will not be possible if the machine has legal problems - damage to markings, etc.

How to quickly sell a car

Quick sale of a car is a special type of sale, such as the sale of cars or their sale.

Attention! A quick sale and a full market price are only rarely compatible.

If the car needs to be sold immediately, then this means some kind of quick buyback option. Similar businesses are:

  • Car dealerships.
  • Specialized car buying companies
  • Auto pawnshops.
  • Autocommissions.
  • Outbid.

If he buys a car dealership

It is important to keep in mind that there are different car dealerships and you can rent a used car there both at an affordable price and with unreasonable discounts up to a third of the average market price and even lower.

This is mainly done by small establishments, which, as a rule, are owned by former outbidders who have taken the status of an LLC. In such places, you can even deliberately spoil something during the examination, so that there is an argument for discounts.

Therefore, it is better not to contact such salons with an urgent sale. But it is quite safe to rent a car to large car centers, where they usually take no more than 10-15% of the market price, making a deal quickly and in accordance with all the rules.

What does it mean to exchange a car by Trade-in

This is a program for exchanging an old car for a new one at a car dealership with a surcharge. On the face of it, this service, which combines buying and selling, looks quite attractive: you bring an old car into the salon and leave it on a new one. The salon takes care of all the paperwork.

But in fact, by trade-in, you can not change any car, but only a decent condition and a popular model / brand. And the saddest thing is that losses in the market price start from 20% (!) for an almost new car and end with half the cost for "seven-year-olds" (older ones are not accepted).

This system works well in Western countries, where consumers have been taught to think that a car needs to be changed every 3-5 years. In our country, far from all people agree with this, and the exchange on such conditions takes root slowly, although the well-to-do urban stratum Trade-in is actively using it.

Redemption by car buying companies - what is it?

Today, companies specializing in the purchase of cars and other vehicles, including urgent ones, have appeared on the market. Such companies conduct their main work through their websites, where you can find out the terms of the buyback by contacting the manager. There are also online application forms with the input of vehicle data for its preliminary assessment.

In large cities, through such companies, you can sell a car in just a couple of hours. Buying prices here are also quite good and can reach 90% of the market value of a car. In the future, companies such as will become the main players in the buying niche, offering the best conditions.

If he buys a car pawnshop

Car pawnshops are not specialized in buying cars, but many offer this as an additional service (loan + sale). Auto pawnshops issue loans secured by a car. But unlike bank loans, a mortgaged car is left at the pawnshop site, from which it is sold in case of non-payment of the loan by the borrower.

The very terms of the loan in large pawnshops can be quite attractive: they give a loan of 50 - 80% of the market value of the car. Pawnshop margin usually does not exceed 3-5%.

This is exactly what you can use. Arriving at the pawnshop, you can do two ways:

  • Just take the maximum possible loan, leave the car and never return - this is quite normal there, your vehicle will be sold, and no one will look for you.
  • To say directly that you urgently need to sell the car and agree on the terms - then it can be valued somewhat more expensive than the maximum loan amount. You will take the loan itself immediately, and after the sale of the car, you will still be paid the rest of the total contractual amount, minus the part due to the pawnshop.

Large pawnshops are visited by many people and cars are often sold there. Also, some pawnshops have their own websites where you can find out about everything that they sell.

If commission sales are used

Attention! Repurchases, having issued a full DCT at the request of the seller, are often asked to “just in case” sign several blank forms of the DCT - in no case do this! According to such forms, the outbid will then rewrite the DCT on its own terms, and if the buyer of the outbid makes claims against you, then it will be more difficult to challenge this document.

How to profitably sell a car

It is profitable to sell a used car realistically and the easiest option is just a good deal, when the buyer hardly or did not bargain at all, despite the bargaining allowance included in the price. But the expectation of luck is an unpredictable factor.

It is another matter to profitably implement the TS by calculation - after all, in this case, you acquire a certain useful skill that you can apply to other transactions.

With such a ride, it will be difficult to sell a car

Here are the indicative aspects that you should focus on if you plan to receive from the transaction not only a fair market price, but also a certain gesheft (benefit):

  1. Be sure to conduct a full pre-sale preparation(cleaning the interior, external cosmetics, technical component) - the car should have a pleasant appearance. If possible, it is necessary to eliminate all visible or audible malfunctions that can affect either the price or the overall impression of the vehicle.
  2. Solve legal problems as far as possible in your case.
  3. Pay close attention to the structure and content of your ads- they should contain detailed information about the vehicle that inspires confidence in the buyer. High-quality photos by which you can pre-evaluate the car are required. The artistic component of the photo is also very desirable, as well as the presence of a video. Both text and media should give a complete picture of the product, but the emphasis should be on the positive aspects.
  4. Choose your ad placement wisely- you do not need to cover all available online or offline - you need to choose them taking into account efficiency: both general and specific to your offer.
  5. Negotiate Responsibly- both preliminary via remote communication, and at an offline meeting. Pay attention to your appearance as well.
  6. Consider sales and the corresponding fluctuations in the average market prices for the vehicle.
  7. Consider- for example, if a seller from Moscow is not too lazy to place his offer on regional sites, then this may be enough to find a profitable buyer.
  8. Trade smartly This is the basic component of profitable sales.

These criteria are used by auto dealers in their business, which gives them a stable and high income. True, outbidders have a number of other specific techniques in their professional arsenal that allow them to get the maximum possible benefit from the transaction.

A case from one's life

At the end I will tell you a story.

My friend (Irina, department head of a consulting company) decided to sell her car. The car was five years old, according to her passport she was the only owner and used the car only on asphalt, mainly for driving to and from work. And since the work was not very far away, a little more than fifty thousand “burned up” on the speedometer for all the time.

So, the girl, having incorrectly oriented herself and not taking into account the mileage, set the same price tag as other similar models, but with a mileage of 130-160 thousand. So, no one called her for a month!

Turning to one of her acquaintances with the service station for help, she received an answer that her car was being bypassed because, according to the ad, it clearly looks like it has a “twisted speedometer”. The guy suggested twisting the speedometer in the opposite direction to "decent condition".

I advised her to raise the price in the ad and specifically state that the speedometer is not twisted, with a detailed description of why this is so. Women's intuition worked correctly and Irina chose my option. As a result, she sold the car on the second day after updating the ad.


At the end of the article, I will give a number of key results on the material presented:

  • A serious and balanced decision selling a car will save you from possible subsequent regrets and losses.
  • The presence of an adequately chosen public cause sales of the vehicle neutralizes the possible biased opinion of buyers.
  • Well-calculated cost TS and bargaining framework will give confidence and advantage in negotiations.
  • Pre-sale preparation can significantly increase the cost of the vehicle and reduce the intensity of bargaining.
  • Solving legal problems will not only give a plus to the price, but also protect against possible subsequent claims.
  • From a balanced selection of sales sites depends on the speed of sale and the profitability of the transaction.
  • You can sell the vehicle through a general power of attorney, but it is better to use the standard scheme under the contract of sale.
  • If there is no place in the PTS to enter data, then before the transaction you need to get a duplicate of the TCP in the traffic police.
  • If there is no PTS, then before the deal it needs to be restored to the traffic police.
  • If there are no documents for the car, it can still be implemented in one way or another. Missing documentation can almost always be restored by both the old and the new owner.
  • If you are selling a car, then make a full-fledged PrEP with him and do not give empty forms with your signature. Otherwise, in the future, claims may appear against you from an unknown end buyer of your vehicle.
  • If the new owner has not re-registered the vehicle in due time (10 days), then stop the registration yourself.
  • A car can be sold not only successfully, but also profitably. And if you master some of the techniques of professionals, then the possibility of decent earnings in this area will open.
  • If the next buyer insists on checking the vehicle by a specialist from the service station, then do not pay anything - this is not your problem.

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Until then, good luck and smooth roads!

08 Nov 2017
There are many circumstances that require the sale of a mortgage car. One of the most common is the lack of funds to pay off debt. We have already written about the consequences of non-payment of debt, and now we will consider whether it is possible to sell a car that is on credit.

Possibility of selling a mortgaged car

After the conclusion of the transaction, the buyer is obliged to register the car and within 15 days to provide the title to the bank for storage, the return of which is made after the full payment of the loan. The borrower, although he becomes the owner of the car, cannot fully dispose of it (sale, exchange and donation) without the consent of the financial institution.

Some financial institutions offer loans in which the title remains with the borrower. But this is only a marketing ploy, because the sale of a car requires permission from the bank, and interest rates for such conditions are higher than market ones.

How to legally sell

There are ways to legally sell mortgage cars

self sale

The seller independently places ads and is looking for a buyer. This is the most profitable way, because it is possible to sell the car at the best price. The difficulty arises in the fact that, having learned that the car is on credit, not all potential buyers will want to deal with additional risks and difficulties when buying a car. For a successful transaction, it is necessary to put the value of the car below the market value.

The procedure for the sale, if the TCP is in the bank:

  1. The borrower finds the buyer and informs him that the vehicle is a loan
  2. Notification of the bank manager about the desire to sell the car and early repayment of the loan
  3. The buyer repays the balance of the debt (or reissues the loan to himself), the loan is closed and the title is returned (up to 1 month)
  4. Conclusion of a contract of sale, transfer of documents and keys to the new owner

It will be possible to sell a car on credit with full closure when more than 25% of the cost of the car has been paid (advance payment + principal debt).

If the deposited amount is lower, then most likely the borrower will have to pay extra. This is due to the fact that in the first year the car loses 15-20% of its value, and insurance (hull insurance, life insurance) and commissions for the transaction are also paid when applying for a loan.

If the buyer wants to reissue the loan for himself, he needs to provide the bank with a complete package of documents, after which a decision is made on the possibility or refusal to transfer the debt to a new borrower.

Through a bank

The design process looks like this:

  • The borrower notifies the bank that he is unable to pay the loan. Hands over keys, documents and vehicle to an employee of a financial institution
  • The car gets to the site of the bank and put up for auction. The buyer with the highest bid wins.
  • A tripartite agreement is drawn up between the borrower bank and the buyer
  • Loan repaid and deregistered

The main advantage of this method is the speed of the transaction, and the disadvantage is that the cost of the car is estimated at 10-15% below the market value and 15% income tax is paid.

If the bank has financial difficulties in issuing deposits, it may offer the depositor a collateral vehicle instead. Or it can be an alternative when the seller finds a contributor on his own.

With a consumer loan

In this case, the process will take place in stages:

  • The borrower takes a consumer loan from another financial institution and with the help of these funds will pay off the debt for the car.
  • The bank gives the title to the borrower, and he sells the car
  • Repayment of a consumer loan from the proceeds from the sale of the car

With this method, the price of the car will be the market price, the minus is the interest and commissions on the loan.

Through a car dealership

Car dealerships buy back credit cars according to the trade-in scheme:

  • The seller brings the car and documents for it to the car dealership
  • Performs diagnostics and evaluation at the dealership
  • The borrower draws up a power of attorney for the salon, which pays the balance of the debt
  • Registration of a tripartite agreement in a bank
  • The car is taken out of the mortgage

Such a sale process is quick, but the value of the car is slightly below market value.

It is also a good option for people who want to trade in their vehicle for a different model. The replacement process is only one day.

Through firms that offer urgent buyouts

The registration procedure is similar to selling a car on your own. Before concluding a transaction, the seller is asked to provide documents:

  • A copy of the vehicle owner's passport
  • Loan agreement
  • CASCO and OSAGO insurance contract
  • Copy of TCP

In order to reduce the time of the transaction before its conclusion, such firms ask the seller to write an application to the bank for the temporary issuance of the title (up to 10 days) under any pretext (replacement of the STS, numbers, etc.). In this case, the execution of the entire transaction will occur in one day.

Thus, the owner has many options on how to sell a credit car. And it would be better to sell the mortgage car before the delinquency occurs than after the court decision to be left without money, without a car and with a damaged credit history.

Olga Shcherba