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Model of a person surviving accidents. Passive safety: what causes people to die in road accidents and what protects them from this in the car. Vehicle passive safety system - there are chances

Meet Graham and he is capable of surviving the worst car accident. Graham was created as part of a new Australian safety campaign traffic. Leading surgeons, traumatologists, and road safety engineers took part in the creation of Graham. The result is clearly not a handsome man, but this is what a person should look like in order to survive a serious accident.

1. Meet Graham.

Meet Graham.


Thanks to his unusual body, Graham is able to survive car accidents.



Traumatologists, surgeons and road safety engineers took part in the project.


Graham's body has multiple nipples that protect his ribs like natural airbags.


Graham's brain is the same as ours, but his skull is larger and has more fluid and ligaments to support the brain in a collision.


Graham has a fairly flat face and plenty of fatty tissue to absorb the energy of an impact.


Graham's ribs are protected by special fabric bags that act as airbags.


Graham's skull is much larger than ours. In fact, it acts as a helmet and has crumple zones that absorb energy upon impact.


Graham's knees can move in all directions, reducing the chance of injury.


Graham's neck has a brace-like structure that protects against injury.


Graham's skin is thicker and tougher than ours. This will reduce not only abrasions, but also serious damage to the skin.

Australian scientists have created a mutant man who could survive a road accident.

Thus, scientists decided to show how imperfect human bodies are in the event of an accident.

The mutant was named Graham. At first glance, he may seem very strange, perhaps even scary, but his body is perfect to survive an accident. The mutant shows what humans might look like if they were built to survive on busy roads.

After months of research with leading surgeons and traumatologists, Graham was created by artist Piccinini.

Scientists have created a person who is invulnerable to road accidents.
Photo: Australian Road Accident Commission

The mutant's head is designed to absorb and absorb all blows, it is a kind of helmet. The structure of his skull is designed so that in the event of an accident he will not be damaged by hitting the windshield. Graham's brain is also much better protected. The large skull contains a lot of cerebrospinal fluid and ligaments, this holds the brain together when a collision occurs. To help avoid injury, his nose is smaller and his ears are protected. There is also much more fatty tissue, which will help absorb energy during impact and preserve bones.

His chest is designed like an armored vest. The "pacifier bags" act as airbags and are placed between each of Graham's ribs. When an impact occurs, these cushions absorb the force and reduce forward momentum. Strong, hoof-shaped legs with additional joints allow it to jump and spring quickly.

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Australian scientists set out to create an ideal model of a person who could survive even the worst car accident. To remain unharmed, a person will need a large head with no neck and a wide chest. In addition, the model has thick skin and powerful legs with knees that bend in both directions. For an ordinary person, even a speed of 25 - 30 km/h is enough to cause serious injuries, and the head and brain are most at risk.

“Meet Graham” - this is what Australian researchers called their outlandish special project passive safety transport.
Over the creation of Graham, so it was named this model, worked by sculptor Patricia Piccinini, trauma surgeon Christian Kinfield and car accident investigation expert David Logan.

Based on statistical data on road accidents, with the help of doctors and scientists from Monash University, they created a monstrous modification of a person with a body that is not afraid of any types of accidents, with the exception of very exotic and destructive ones.

The huge head hides a standard brain, floating in a thick fishbowl skull with cerebrospinal fluid that absorbs shock. The flat snout, like that of exotic cats, makes it almost impossible to damage the eyes and nose, the ears are also pressed into the skull, and the entire skin is densely packed with fat.

The neck is one of the most vulnerable areas of the human skeleton, so Graham’s creators completely eliminated this detail; the head literally grows into the shoulders and is equipped with annular ribs that provide additional protection.

Graham's carcass is also surrounded by a dense layer of fat, and the nipple-like bulges are nothing more than drainage valves that work like an airbag and release part of the stuffing out upon impact.

The hands of the injury-resistant freak are quite human, but they are covered, like the rest of the body, with thicker skin, but the lower limbs are modified: knee joints New “details” have appeared that allow the legs to bend in different directions and not be afraid of dislocations. The feet are elongated to give Graham the jumping ability of a kangaroo - as a pedestrian, he will almost always have time to jump away from a car approaching him, if, of course, he notices it at all.

One of the goals of this project is to show how vulnerable the real human body is and to encourage automakers to pay more attention to the active and passive safety of their products.

The design of security systems reflects this principle.

Everything between the driver and the impact - bumper, crumple zone, pillar, seat belt - is designed to transmit the impact impulse for as long as possible.

In other words - in the event of a collision in a car accident It's not speed that kills people, it's sudden stopping. And the more smoothly you can stop near the bodies of people in the cabin, the greater the chances of survival.

Another problem is that at the moment of a collision, everything inside the car becomes a potential murder weapon.

  • The engine, flying into the cabin, will leave the driver crippled or dead.
  • The pedal assembly will break your legs.
  • The steering column can break ribs.
  • The seat belt breaks the collarbone, crushes the spleen and bladder.
  • The A-pillar and B-pillar will hit your body like a baseball bat.
  • A deployed airbag can break arms, cause alkaline burns to the eyes, and if defective, even kill the driver, as was the case with Takata airbags.

Therefore, the passive safety system in the car is designed so that, on the one hand, reduce speed in the event of a collision, and on the other - leave space for people to survive and do not injure them with components and structures of the car itself.

Passive safety system of a car - are there any chances?

Let's imagine a head-on collision between two cars at high speed. The car gets hit, crumples and stops. People in the cabin fly forward by inertia, towards the head-on one.

The acceleration of their “flight” is determined mainly by the speed at which the collision occurred, and can reach tens of g: this is equivalent to jumping from a multi-story building.

The principle of salvation is also similar: you need to reduce the speed, and do it in such a way that there is enough living space inside the car. That is, so that the components and parts of the machine deformed during the impact do not crush people to death.

To absorb impact energy, modern cars are designed so that in the event of an accident the front and rear of the car crumpled along programmed deformation zones.

The salon, the “living area,” should remain intact. He and the people inside are protected by a rigid frame - it is made of heavy-duty steel, the doors are reinforced with beams. The frame is the last to be deformed in an accident.

You can focus on marketing and the bias of crash tests for a long time Euro NCAP, but super durable Volgas, Audis and BMWs from the 1980s will remain “death capsules” precisely because their body, made of thick steel, remained intact during an accident and did not wrinkle, read - did not dampen the force of the impact, which led to the death of people.

The modern auto industry chooses to sacrifice the car. Manufacturers make the body frame rigid, and the remaining zones are specifically crushed to reduce speed in a collision - this is the most important and complex element of passive safety.

Therefore, photographs in accident reports often show that the front of the body has been torn apart, or the trunk has become half a meter shorter - but the interior has survived.

But simply folding the body like an accordion is not enough for the survival of people inside the car.

The biggest threat in a frontal collision is the engine. To prevent it from flying into the cabin during an accident, its supports make it go down or even fall out of the car. This leaves the uprights, front panel and pedal assembly in place to leave room for people to move around.

Steering column in the event of a collision, it absorbs part of the impact energy and collapses, pedal assembly bracket breaks so that the driver does not receive injuries to his arms and legs.

In the event of a rear impact, the most common life-threatening injury is damage to the cervical spine. Invented to protect the neck in a car headrests and even active head restraints that engage at the moment of impact, preventing the head from moving. Head restraints are also an element of the passive safety of a car.

Automotive glass, even if they crash, should not injure people. Therefore, the triplex windshield remains on the retaining film, and the tempered side windows fall out in fragments with non-sharp edges.

Airbag It works as it should only in conjunction with a seat belt: if the seated person is not fastened, an airbag flying out at a speed of 270-300 km/h will injure the driver instead of effectively slowing down the body.

Manufacturers now produce a whole range of airbags - from the classic one inside the steering wheel to the central one, which prevents collisions with people sitting next to them in the event of a car rollover or a side impact. The airbags are built directly into the seat belts; they are used to produce various curtains that will protect the heads of rear passengers in the event of a collision. The pillows are inflated with nitrogen.

The inflation pressure and deployment level of the adaptive airbags are adjustable. These airbags can be opened for up to 10 seconds to protect the driver and passengers from injury in the event of a rollover or secondary collision.

  • Modern airbags are triggered by a crash sensor and fully inflate in 20-50 milliseconds, which is about 2-4 times faster than a person blinks.

Seat belts They are designed to “catch” a person in time who begins to move due to inertia from an impact, and smoothly reduce his speed.

  • The three-point design of the belt, due to its sufficient area of ​​interaction with the body, safely absorbs the impact and keeps the person in the cabin.
  • In motorsports, 5- and 6-point harnesses are used to keep the driver firmly in the seat.

The belt tightly presses a rider of any size to the seat and does not hinder his movements, and if the shock sensor or electronics detecting critical acceleration (skidding, emergency braking) are triggered, the belt pretensioners are triggered and press the driver and passenger into the seat.

A seat belt is a simple but effective remedy in case of an accident, which reduces the risk of death in an accident by 45-60%. For comparison, the airbag is only 12%.

  • In addition, those remaining inside the car during an accident have a greater chance of survival than those who fly through the glass. In three out of four cases, being thrown out of a car during an accident means death.

A New Zealand Transport Agency project is dedicated to how seat belts save lives. In the photo, drivers who miraculously survived the accidents tried on makeup based on real situations and told their stories.


The passive safety system in a car is laid out at the design stage. These include body materials, programmable crushable deformation zones that absorb the force of an impact, and many design solutions - from a downward engine to sensor-triggered airbags and belt pretensioners.

But despite the fact that the passive safety system in cars of all classes is constantly being improved, and crash tests are increasingly closer to real conditions, modern cars there is virtually no reserve stock left to improve survival rates. 80 km/h is the maximum speed at which passive safety systems still give a chance to survive in an accident.

Remember this when you want to “sink” along the highway.

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“Meet Graham” - this is what Australian researchers of passive transport safety called their outlandish special project. Based on statistical data on road accidents, with the help of doctors and scientists from Monash University, they created a monstrous modification of a person with a body that is not afraid of any types of accidents, with the exception of very exotic and destructive ones.

The huge head hides a standard brain, floating in a thick fishbowl skull with cerebrospinal fluid that absorbs shock. The flat snout, like that of exotic cats, makes it almost impossible to damage the eyes and nose, the ears are also pressed into the skull, and the entire skin is densely packed with fat.

The neck is one of the most vulnerable areas of the human skeleton, so Graham’s creators completely eliminated this detail; the head literally grows into the shoulders and is equipped with annular ribs that provide additional protection.

Graham's carcass is also surrounded by a dense layer of fat, and the nipple-like bulges are nothing more than drainage valves that work like an airbag and release part of the stuffing out upon impact.

The hands of the injury-resistant freak are quite human, but they are covered, like the rest of the body, with thicker skin, but the lower limbs are modified: new “parts” have appeared in the knee joints that allow the legs to bend in different directions and not be afraid of dislocations. The feet are elongated to give Graham the jumping ability of a kangaroo - as a pedestrian, he will almost always have time to jump away from a car approaching him, if, of course, he notices it at all.

One of the goals of this project is to show how vulnerable the real human body is and to encourage automakers to pay more attention to the active and passive safety of their products.

You can get to know Graham in more detail and delve into his guts on the project’s official website.

  • In May, Google patented a unique system for protecting pedestrians from cars. In case of accidents they will stick to the hood!

Photo, video: Transport Accident Commission