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Lada Granta or Ravon Nexia: choose a cheap sedan. Comparative review of two competitors: Daewoo Nexia vs Lada Granta Advantages and disadvantages of the Lada Granta

If you are planning to buy a car from the budget class and are thinking about what is better: Lada Granta or Daewoo Nexia, then this article is for you. Nexia is Granta's main competitor: these two models, in fact, have a lot in common. Both have an engine capacity of 1.6 liters, a gas tank capacity of 50 liters, manual transmission gears, front-wheel drive.

The manufacturers of these cars claim that both cars accelerate in 11-12.5 seconds to 100 km and consume from 6 liters/100 km. In fact, these figures for Daewoo Nexia and Lada Granta are slightly worse. As for the build quality, it is approximately at the same level - both in the first and in the second car.

This is where all the similarities end, now let's take a closer look at each model separately.

Advantages and disadvantages of Lada Granta

Granta is 30% more expensive than Nexia. Regarding appearance, then we must admit that Nexia will be prettier (although this is not for everyone, as they say). But the interior of the Granta cannot but please. It is worth noting the high ceiling, comfortable seats, good ergonomics of the controls and convenient placement of the rear mirrors.

In reality, the car consumes 8 liters instead of the promised 6. In addition, Granta does not have good vibration protection and noise reduction, which is a rather serious drawback for a modern model.

Another disadvantage of this model is the suspension, which is poorly adapted for our roads.

Advantages and disadvantages of Daewoo Nexia

Nexia differs from the previous model by a more powerful engine (108 hp, while Lada Granta - 98 hp) and lower cost, which cannot but attract modern consumers. But very soon it became clear why many users speak less favorably about this car. The fact is that the ceiling in this car is very low, the seats are uncomfortable and there are no airbags.

The Nexia also failed the test drive; it behaved unpredictably on the road. The rear axle performed very poorly when cornering. Another minus also surfaced: the car consumed 11 liters per 100 km instead of the promised 6.

It is also worth noting that the Nexia has a turning radius of 4.9 meters, while the Grant has a turning radius of 5.1. The difference of 20 cm does not seem to be big, but for a driver, especially a city driver, it is very noticeable. It is also worth noting that the Daewoo Nexia has a trunk volume of 530 liters, and the Lada Grant has 480 liters. However, the trunk of the latter is equipped with special brackets for securing cargo, which no other car in this class has.

Another quite significant difference is that the Daewoo Nexia has a coolant temperature sensor, while in the Lada Granta this control is possible only when installed on-board computer. In addition, any configuration of the Daewoo Nexia has headrests, which are present in the Lada Granta only in the luxury and standard configurations.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the main advantage of Nexia is its low cost, and Granta’s ease of use. Moreover, the first car is more attractive externally, the second - internally. If we compare these two models, Granta has more significant advantages than Nexia. A comfortable interior, ease of operation and a high level of driver protection on the road are the main factors that make the Lada the most successful option among economy class cars.

Which car to choose is, of course, up to you. But we hope that our advice will help you make the right choice.

Another topic dedicated to comparing our manufacturer with cheap foreign cars of a similar class. This time I would like to compare and evaluate all the advantages of the Lada Kalina and Daewoo Nexia, and try to understand which car to give preference to. I would like to immediately say about the price: if we compare similar configurations with almost the same set of options, then it will be a luxury Kalina for 381,400 rubles. and Nexia is also in luxury for 367,000 rubles. Many owners think that if Daewoo foreign car, then the build quality will be much higher and reliability will also be more high level. But frankly speaking, this opinion is very erroneous. Let's consider the most important indicators these two cars.


The Kazakh car has a 1.6 liter engine. 16 classes produces 108 horsepower. In our car, the engine according to its passport develops 98 hp. with the same volume, but as tests on stands that were carried out outside the plant show, this figure is slightly underestimated. According to many owners, the maximum power is at least 110 hp, and the underestimation is done specifically so that people do not pay high transport tax. So it’s quite difficult to assess whose power unit will be more powerful.


Even without looking closely, you can understand that the quality of the metal and its thickness on the Nexia leaves much to be desired, and the first traces of corrosion appear earlier than two years after purchase. Moreover, pay attention to a new Daewoo from an official dealer - open the driver's or passenger's door and look at the door lock hinges - yellowness is already breaking through them, which indicates the imminent appearance of rust. Pay attention to the trunk lid, it feels like it was just attached by eye, the gaps are terrible.

You certainly won’t find such problems on Kalina. All body parts fit exactly, moreover, most of them have at least some kind of galvanization. It is unlikely that you will be able to meet two-year-old cars with traces of corrosion. On personal experience operation, a car that sits outside all year round, in rain and snow, does not have a single sign of rust.


When you sit in a Daewoo, you immediately remember the usual body position, such as in the VAZ 2107, a very low seating position and not as much space as we would like. But on the Lada, everything is a little different: the spaciousness is excellent, and the landing position is just like on a crossover, as they say - I sit high, I can see far! As for the quality of plastic in the cabin, there is no fundamental difference in it: in both cars it is not good.

Safety and comfort:

If you look at the set of additional options, there is practically no difference, air conditioning is installed on both vehicles, electric windows are also present, both front and rear. But Kalina has ABS and an audio system, while the Daewoo Nexia will need to pay an additional amount for this.

The newly-made “Kalina” (according to the passport VAZ-11183), the brainchild of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, competes with the “Opel-Kadet”, which already underwent cosmetic surgery in the early 1990s, and now comes to us from Uzbekistan under the name “Daewoo Nexia”. What is not the eternal dispute between fathers and sons?


At a quick glance, both cars are decently assembled, which is commendable for Uzbeks, but gratifying for Russians. The gaps are even, there are no obvious distortions in the outer panels, the doors and trunk close easily and without unpleasant rattling. The coloring also does not cause any particular complaints. “Nexia” withstands Russian weather with dignity - this is confirmed by long-term editorial tests. There is little experience with Kalina yet, but something is already alarming: the bumpers will soon lose their luster, with the paint peeling off in pieces.

The Nexia's salon evokes nostalgic sadness. Plastic dashboard- cheap, but the parts are fitted neatly - you can’t complain. The pale, hard-to-read instruments match the ascetic atmosphere. The tachometer, as well as the power windows and central locking, - only for the rich GLE trim level (which, by the way, is what we are considering). But all Nexia owners are pampered standard radio, four speakers and a telescopic antenna.

You get into the Kalina as if you were in a time machine. Modern interior, lots of air, nice materials and colors. It’s more comfortable behind the wheel than in the Nexia, although I wanted the seats to be more curvaceous. A nice instrument panel with a digital display showing mileage and trip computer readings. An obvious disadvantage: under the large-looking lid there is a very small “glove compartment”. Glasses and a box from a radio tape recorder fit with difficulty.

The “norm” configuration (Kalina has no others yet) includes electric windows in the front doors, athermal glass, an immobilizer, central locking with remote control and even an alarm system. The Lada buyer can save money on it, but will have to shell out several hundred greenbacks for the music and its installation.

In the Nexia you can’t really move around in the second row - there’s not much room in the legs and the ceiling is low, like in a Khrushchev car. But luggage is at ease - the 530-liter trunk is large even by modern standards. True, part of the useful volume is eaten up by the hinges, and loading large items into the narrowed opening is difficult. You will have to completely forget about transporting long items: the rear backrest does not recline.

The back seat of the Kalina is more spacious, although it is almost half a meter shorter than the Nexia. Each passenger has three-point seat belts. Where are the headrests? After all, they are installed even on more modest “Samara” and “tens”. The trunk is rather large, but still smaller than the Uzbek one. The advantage of the Kalina is that the rear seat folds in parts (40:60). But the shelf covering the spare wheel niche is too flimsy - it bends even under a light load.


Let's start the engine... Yes, the model age of the Nexia cannot be hidden by any restyling. True, the slight noise and vibrations penetrating into the cabin are almost not annoying. And remembering the price, you completely forgive the Nexia’s minor shortcomings. The eight-valve engine confidently drives from low speeds, acceleration to hundreds in 14.3 s (measurement data at the test site - ZR, 2001, No. 6) inspires confidence: 75 “horses” are working at full strength.

Now forget what I said about the noise and vibrations of the Nexia! As soon as you turn the key in the ignition switch of the Kalina, you immediately want to turn off the engine. The cabin is filled with an unpleasant loud hum of the engine, and the gearbox sings in unison. The epicenter of vibrations is on the lever, from which a noticeable trembling spreads throughout the entire body. As the speed increases, these sounds intensify and new ones are added - a creaky word inserts into the instrument panel. It's a pity - it all started so well.

Extra “cubes” and “horses” make themselves felt. “Kalina” beats “Nexia” by about a second in acceleration to hundreds, and is also stronger in elasticity: from 80 to 120 km/h in fifth gear it accelerates almost 7 seconds faster (ZR, 2005, No. 10). But driving off in the Kalina is not very pleasant. I dropped the clutch a little, the vibrations and noise disappeared... along with the sound of a stalled engine. Didn't you hear right away? This is the stove fan already on low speed ready to shout over the engine.

The Daewoo swallows small irregularities quietly, and on larger potholes and bumps the suspension begins to make noise. When cornering, the Nexia readily rolls, but on a straight line it does not tire the driver with steering. In general, it’s not an outstanding, moderately flexible and comfortable car. True, you need to get used to the uninformative brake pedal. And remember - in minimum configuration Don't rely on power steering.

The Kalina's suspension deserves praise - even on rough roads it is rarely possible to "break through". At the same time, the car, almost without swaying, floats along the waves of asphalt, confidently passing potholes. WITH ground clearance 185 mm can be safely driven off hard surfaces - just splurge on engine protection ahead of time. Electric power steering is installed on all Viburnum cars. But you will get wet while you make four (!) full turns to move the wheels from lock to lock. You will have to sweat at high speed. “Kalina” reluctantly holds its course, strives to swerve to the side, and reacts thoughtfully and reluctantly to steering movements. And the brakes cannot be called clear and effective (for more details, see ZR, 2005, No. 8).


“Nexia” has become so Russified that spare parts (even not the most popular ones) are available, perhaps, in any city. The simple design does not deter repairmen. In addition, the reliability of the car saves the owner from frequent visits to them. “Daewoo” is recommended to be serviced every 10 thousand km; for “Kalina” the service mileage is one and a half times longer. Prices for maintenance and spare parts are almost the same. At first glance, it is more profitable to maintain a Lada. But…

You have to wait for original Kalina spare parts from several weeks to months, and at prices they are quite competitive with foreign brands (see table). After all, "Kalina" - modern car, and therefore its components are not cheaper than those of most foreign models. Maybe the reliability is not lower than overseas? Alas! The editorial berry has already visited the guarantee station several times in six months and will soon go there again.

Most foreign cars entering our market have always been more advanced Russian cars. Driving is a pleasure! Repair is a bit expensive. New products from the domestic automobile industry are gradually breaking stereotypes. The ease of maintenance that people love so much for is gone. Russian models. The new VAZ did not improve reliability; the design became more complex, and therefore maintainability became worse.

Not so long ago, the prices of our models and available foreign cars differed significantly. For this domestic cars many shortcomings were forgiven. Now "Kalina" and "Nexia" in similar configurations cost almost the same. In addition, there are other foreign cars in this price sector. The new generation of buyers has a choice that their fathers never dreamed of...


Factory warranty - for Nexia 20 thousand km or 1 year and for Kalina 35 thousand km or 2 years, whichever comes first. TO-1 (2 thousand km) in the capital for a Daewoo costs 2,500 rubles, for a Lada - 2,900; the frequency of subsequent maintenance for Nexia is every 10 thousand km, for Kalina - every 15 thousand km. TO-2 will cost 3300 and 2500 rubles, respectively, TO-3 - 5800 and 5400, TO-4 - 4500 and 4200

Daewoo Nexia is not young, but reliable and unpretentious. Acceptable value for money.

We didn't expect a miracle. We just decided to check if it was possible to buy new car for 5 thousand dollars, ride it and not repent of what you have done. Today, the tested machines are perhaps the most affordable offer on the market. Will these two heroes be able to oppose each other and provide something to the driver?

Prices for UZ-Daewoo Nexia in our car catalog start at 102 million rubles, which at the exchange rate as of 02/12/2016 was 4,620 US dollars. Lada Granta is priced at 120 million rubles ($5,600) for the basic version.

Take a look at the UZ-Daewoo Nexia. No facelift can hide the fact that Nexia is based on a design from the 80s, albeit German and quite advanced at that time, but still morally obsolete, surviving into the 21st century. Apparently, it was Nexia that inspired Belarusian officials when they started talking about raising the retirement age. At the UZ-Daewoo plant they know well what it is. What about Grant? Whatever one may say, the fact that it was born in 2011, even though it is a reborn Kalina, makes it more modern. Even visually, the Lada Granta is a child of the present century, but not of the past. Someone will notice that these are cars of different classes, but in in this case it's not that important. Moreover, the Granta has a significant loss only in length - 4246 mm versus 4516 mm. And in the length of the wheelbase it loses only 2.5 centimeters.

We liked the Nexia's interior better. This is if you choose the lesser of two evils. The design of the front panel is, of course, outdated, but still the “aluminum-like” plastic somehow dilutes the melancholy. And the instrument panel looks more fun. A simple and cheap, but effective way to make the interior more comfortable is fabric inserts on the door cards. Nexia has them, and it greatly enlivens the interior. Although the ergonomics and ease of fit, of course, do not cause delight. The chair is flat and lacks lateral support. And the back is strangely tilted to the left.

The Granta trunk lacks compartments for small items and rigging loops. However, this also applies to Nexia.

“Lada Granta” is a liftback, and this immediately puts the Nexia’s trunk on both shoulder blades. The sedan is not able to resist anything; it doesn’t even have a back seat that folds down, so long items will have to be carried in your hands, hanging out the window. But “Grant” is great. Initially, its trunk volume is only slightly smaller, 480 liters versus 530 liters, but as soon as you fold down the rear seatbacks, everything becomes clear. True, the folding process itself is somewhat confusing. By the way, the finishing of the Granta trunk is extremely neat. Regarding Nexia, of course.

Although the Granta is wider than the Nexia, there is nothing for the third passenger to do here.

As for the comfort of rear passengers, both cars are quite cramped by modern standards. In Nexia, the rear seat cushion is set too low; your knees rest against the back of the front seat. Granta offers a higher, almost vertical landing, and this option turns out to be more convenient. In addition, Granta has comfortable internal door handles for a natural grip.

Nexia rides well in a straight line, but rolls in corners. And compared to Granta, she is a real quiet one.

And Nexia turned out to be with a spark! And all this light went into the engine. The 1.6-liter 16-valve engine develops 109 hp. With. and passion as he loves high revs. A very easy to lift unit, the capabilities of which exceed the capabilities of the chassis. The Nexia's body does not have enough torsional rigidity; it rolls into corners, but then it stands up well on the arc. And the main thing is that an honest hydraulic booster gives no less honest feedback, although noticeable efforts have to be made. But you need to brake carefully, because in the 21st century this car does not have ABS. And airbags. Nexia also wins in acoustic comfort. Its engine rustles at idle, the gearbox doesn’t howl, and the suspension handles bumps without unnecessary noise. “Grant” sorely lacks normal electric amplifier settings. It is absolutely impossible to understand at what angle the front wheels are turned. In the zero position, the steering wheel is stable, but when turning there is a dip in force, and the already delicate connection with the car is lost. The “Grants” suspension works less intelligently, but its energy reserve is higher than that of the Nexia, although the “Uzbek” tries to protect those sitting inside from holes and potholes.

What's the result? Both of these cars will fail miserably comparison test Volkswagen Golf IV. But they are new. They are new, with a guarantee and are not without meaning: if you need a car for trips to the country, both of these cars will do. Nexia is tighter, but it has an “honest” power steering, a powerful engine and better sound insulation. But the general feeling is that the roots of the car go back to the 80s. But even in the most expensive configuration, Nexia is not equipped with either ABS or airbags. The Lada Granta loses in comfort, annoying with the howling of the transmission and the snorting of the engine, but still, no matter how you look at the steering wheel, which lacks information content, the Granta is a more modern car.

We remember

"Lada Granta"

The interior of "Grant" looks as if you were looking into a tarpaulin boot. This gloom is only slightly diluted by silver plastic inserts on the gearshift lever and the ventilation system deflectors.
This strange mechanism is the Lada Granta jack. You need to turn the “gear” with a wheel wrench. We didn't figure it out right away.
The angle of inclination of the backrest and rear seat cushion of the Lada Granta is chosen better.
The Granta steering column is tilt adjustable, but this only partially compensates for the awkward fit.
The Granta gearshift mechanism works without hesitation, although the drive lacks information content.
The instrument panel of the Lada Granta is an example of information content and readability.
When turning the steering wheel, the Granta does not have a hint of reactive force.

UZ-Daewoo Nexia

Long-legged rear passengers will find it uncomfortable - there is simply not enough legroom. But this is provided that there are also tall riders in front.
The Nexia's steering wheel seems to be stuck to the front panel and has no adjustments. This creates certain inconveniences - you have to sit with your arms outstretched.
Jimmy's motor is good! Character is cheerful, assertive. It's a pity the chassis is missing.

Why is Zaporozhets the most expensive car in the world? Because you save for it all your life! No supercar test causes as much heated debate as a comparison of “people's” cars. Last year, when visitors to the Autoreview website discussed a comparative test around the Lada Priora, they wrote up seven long Internet pages! And opinions on testing the Ferrari F430 and four other supercars fit into just five.

And now there is a serious debate ahead: which is better - the “new” Daewoo Nexia or the even newer “Chinese” Geely MK? Or maybe Lada Priora? After all, people have been saving up for Nexia priors for years. That’s why they protect them like family. But the main thing is that many, if not most, of us drive such cars: in just eight months of this year, 82,610 Priors and 36,265 Nexias were sold! The engine of trade does not stall: “Nexia New - for everyone official dealers", "Geely MK - your choice will be appreciated", " Lada Priora- make a decision"… And what decision should we make, based, for example, on the fact that we need a car with power steering, air conditioning and a more or less powerful sixteen-valve engine?

With all of the above, the most affordable of the trio is Nexia: 309 thousand rubles. For the Priora they are asking 313 thousand rubles. And the most expensive of all is the Geely MK: from 319 thousand rubles.

Well, let's argue?

Just not about design. If you endure it, you will fall in love with it: this credo unites all three cars. We've already gotten used to the Priora. The multifaceted appearance of the Geely MK, which claims to be original, does not scare us either. One can even be glad that it is no longer easy to recognize in it the secret source of inspiration and almost all engineering solutions - the “Thai” Toyota Vios sedan (and this, in turn, is a redesigned Yaris sedan of the first generation). But the new gloomy Nexia still hurts the eyes. Nothing, for 309 thousand rubles he will endure it and fall in love.

“Empty” steering wheel, lazy reactions... Nexia seems to be sleeping on the go. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

When closing the driver's door of the Nexia, you have to twist your hand, as if swimming the crawl, but, having looked around in the cabin, you no longer pay attention to the ergonomic miscalculations in the form of a non-adjustable steering wheel, a sunken back of a hard chair and a pedal assembly shifted to the right. Where is the quality or at least the feeling of quality? Where are you, the Opel Kadett or even the Daewoo Nexia we knew? The front panel is rigid to the point of ringing, with a curved edge and a protruding windshield seal, a skewed instrument panel, which is why it is already crooked standing steering wheel seems even crooked. Who needs such a restyling? The old microclimate unit “breathes” in the new center console, not only figuratively, but also in the literal sense: when the direction of air flow changes, something hisses underneath it. The panel joints are awry, the seams of the seat upholstery are with ties. And black scratches are visible on the silver-plated center console... I no longer feel like starting the engine.

The interior of the Geely MK does not shine with its finishing either: a hard front panel that looks like it’s stained black, a “bubble” of the center console that glitters with pseudocarbon, and a tacky assortment of materials for the gearbox lever - there’s metal, leather, and “like wood.” But the Chinese interior is assembled much more neatly than the Uzbek one, with smooth panel joints and no distortions. Compared to the Otaka model (aka SK), Priora’s rival in last year’s test, this is a step forward! The Chinese are gaining, gaining momentum...

Restyling Daewoo salon in the style of “Euro-plate on the dashboard”. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

But the convenience behind the wheel of a Geely is slightly greater than in Nexia. The driver's seat is soft and amorphous: the sagging body is held in place only by the "friction" upholstery. The steering wheel is comfortable, with height adjustment, but when you sit on the pedals, you want to pull the steering wheel towards you. You also have to put up with the Yaris-style instruments placed in the center of the panel. Fortunately, their poisonous green glow can be dimmed.

Is Priora changing? The doors are now opened with handles for a “natural” grip instead of the previous “tenth” ones, and from the inside with strong, metal-like handles. Flimsy "openers" are a thing of the past! But everything else remains.

Daewoo Nexia. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

In appearance, the interior is the best of the trio. But no matter how hard you try, the driver’s seat barely moves along the guides and does not move further than for a person 175 cm tall. If last time Divakov, with a height of 184 cm, fit comfortably behind the wheel of the Priora, now he sits with his arms and legs crossed. Is something stuck? Has the supplier changed? After the sluggish Chinese seat, the Priora's chair seems tough, and in this company it is the most comfortable. Plus - tenacious, like burdock, upholstery and the only smooth adjustment of the backrest in the trio. It's a pity that it's not easy to reach the rotating handle.

No car can boast of rear seat comfort. The cramped one is Nexia: the sofa pleases only with headrests and a human profile of the backrest. Geely passengers have more freedom, but they sit as if in a hammock: their backs rest only on the upholstery, behind which there seems to be nothing. The Priora has less headroom than the Chinese car, but more room in the knees, plus - only the Tolyatti car can boast a central armrest, behind which a hatch for transporting long items is hidden. True, the hatch, like last time, is tightly screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws, and the armrest has to be driven into place.

But against the backdrop of the torment that accompanies every folding and unfolding of the Priora’s rear seat, all these are flowers. Berries are when the pillow cannot be removed without outside help, and the backrest does not go back into place even after the tenth time!

After this, folding the Geely rear sofa is a well-deserved joy, and the opening is not blocked by anything.

Geely MK. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

And yet it is better to struggle with the Priora seat, risking cutting your hands on the sharp edges of the fittings, than to bump into the blank, rigidly fixed back of the Daewoo. To compensate, New Nexia offers a trunk volume of 530 liters, which is 100 liters more than each of its competitors. But in terms of “dacha” cross-country ability, it is in the rearguard: Priora is in the lead here with a ground clearance of 168 mm versus 145 mm for Geely and only 119 mm for New Nexia.

The only truly “new” thing in Nexia is the 109-horsepower 1.6 DOHC engine from the Chevrolet Lacetti. A funny detail: if you turn off the ignition during the test “scrolling” of the instruments to maximum and back, then the arrow electronic speedometer will freeze in the last position, for example at 180 km/h. Isn’t it a godsend for disputes in online forums? The “donts”, as it is called at the Uzbek plant, pulls confidently and smoothly, coming to life slightly after 4000 rpm. The noise in the cabin is moderate (the only annoying thing is the rattling glove compartment lid), and the elasticity is not bad: fifth gear is “lucky” already from 60 km/h. Plus - a sensitive accelerator. There are no delights, no complaints. Another thing would be to “tighten” the loose gear shift mechanism.

The source of inspiration for the Chinese was the Toyota Yaris. The selection of finishing materials is depressing, but the build quality is not bad. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

Acceleration of the Geely MK with a 1.5 engine (94 hp) is calmer only according to the stopwatch: 12.9 s to a hundred versus 12.2 s for the Nexia. But my nerves are on edge, like when a forty-year-old “carcass” of the Rayaviaservice company takes off. A hum is heard from under the driver’s feet, a squealing sound is heard from the passenger side of the front panel, the gas pedal feels like it’s being drilled with a dull drill. And in transient modes, the transmission whistle is also added. And what is this torment for? The engine wakes up only after 3500 rpm, and to prevent it from falling asleep again, you have to switch frequently - there is no elasticity compared to the Nexia. And the gears are switched on, although more clearly, but there is a problem with selectivity: instead of fourth, you can easily end up in second, and instead of fifth, in third.

The Lada Priora with its 98-horsepower 1.6 engine simply rushes - even faster than the Nexia with the Korean “donets”. It's a pity, it makes only a little less noise than the Geely. The engine has a smooth character and the widest active zone: it flourishes from 3000 rpm, reviving the response to the accelerator. When accelerating to the floor, the Priora is “lucky” for everyone (11.7 s to 100 km/h), although it is inferior to the Nexia in terms of elasticity. But the beauty of a powerful engine is lost in the “voice acting”. It hums underfoot, mumbles and gurgles behind the glove compartment, and an annoying ringing squeak is bothering your head. And with every gear change, these “orchestra members” rush around, as if in search of a rehearsal room. In this case, you have to reach for the gearbox lever and, as if squeezing cotton wool, forcefully engage the gears.

Everyone's brakes are in order. But Priora stops before others (after 44.4 m) from 100 km/h. Behind it is Geely (45.1 m), and next is Nexia, the only car without ABS: 46 m. ​​Moreover, thanks to the informative drive, it is easiest to control the Daewoo deceleration; Geely has too much pedal effort and the lowest stability of braking results (the spread reached 1 .5 m - three times more than that of the Priora with Nexia), and the Priora is confused by the blurred line between the free and working stroke of the pedal and the low-frequency operation of the ABS: the car slows down jerkily.

Controllability? Priora's is tolerable, Nexia's is skidding, and Geely's is passable.

Geely MK pleases with accurate and fast reactions - until it comes to really active maneuvers. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

Chinese sedan It stands well in a straight line, reacts quickly and accurately to steering turns, and only during sudden lane changes do delays in reactions become noticeable. The Geely takes sharp turns more readily than anyone else and confidently sticks to the given trajectory, but the desire to play around disappears in the very first “alternating” sequence: due to strong lags, the steering wheel has to be rotated at very large angles. And “at the limit” Geely first slides briefly with its front wheels, then suddenly, as if running into spilled oil, it falls into a skid. The grip properties of the Chinese Champiro 128 GT Radial tires do not seem to be very grippy.

And to rule Nexia is like dragging your feet. The steering wheel in the near-zero zone is empty, this zone itself is too wide, and the reactions are too lazy. A straight car keeps you “by eye” and the driver in suspense. It takes turns reluctantly and leans heavily. The laterally flexible Continental ContiEcoContact CP tires make handling even more rubbery. The only joy is the absence of swinging and precise following of the arc. The main thing is to get to this arc in time. And if there is too much speed in a turn, then when you release the gas, the Nexia will begin to smoothly slide with the rear axle.

Even on a flat road, the Priora constantly shakes and handles just as sluggishly as the Nexia. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

Priora in such a situation drives its nose out. A skid can only be caused intentionally, but then - just catch it! In normal modes, the VAZ sedan handles no better than the Uzbek, and even more so the Chinese: delayed reactions, “empty” steering wheel. Even during smooth lane changes, the steering wheel has to be turned further, compensating for the increasing slip of the front wheels, and here the steering wheel suddenly becomes too heavy. It’s good that road irregularities are practically not reflected on the steering wheel, but it’s bad that even on a flat surface it constantly shakes.

Priora finds irregularities even where they seem to be absent - in any case, neither Nexia nor Geely notice them. The car copes well with waves and hard uneven surfaces, does not sway, but collects all the “trifles” from the road and annoys with vibrations even on more or less even surfaces - as if you are rolling down an ice slide on plywood.

The Nexia's suspension is softer and more tolerant of small irregularities. And Geely has the best ride smoothness: the suspension absorbs both surface waves and various irregularities. But the picture is spoiled by the slap of the tires at the joints and the loud knocking on larger potholes.

The design is in order, the quality of materials is better than that of its rivals. If only the seats could move and recline as they should... Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

Well, what truth was born in the dispute?

Disappointing. Buying any of these cars is a lottery. For example, Priora. Last year the driver's seat moved as far back as possible, but this year it jams halfway. Previously, we were happy with the control over the car even at top speeds, but this time we are upset by the “empty” steering wheel and late reactions. Having driven the Priora to the stand, we were convinced that its wheel alignment angles were abnormal from birth. But the Geely MK pulls to the right when braking, although the tire pressure and wheel angles are normal. And finally, it is unlikely that Uzbek craftsmen will be able to put together another salon in such an ugly manner. In the sense that the interior can be assembled ugly, but somehow in a new way, with variations. A creative approach, so to speak.

Yes, Priora scored the most points. But it somehow doesn’t feel right to salute with champagne. After all, based on a number of parameters, it was necessary to choose from three evils. The Chinese sedan Geely MK gave way to the Priora quite a bit. And the large gap in scores of the “new” Nexia is explained by the non-transformable interior.

Lada Priora Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

AvtoVAZ, Geely, and UzDaewoo have already learned how to make cars. There’s just a little bit left to do: make them so that from the first minute they don’t seem second-hand. And here, whether we like it or not, the Chinese still have a better chance: even in a year, progress is obvious. But neither we nor our Uzbek brothers will lose heart. The Renault-Nissan alliance is now behind AvtoVAZ, General Motors is about to take seriously UzDaewoo... And for those who can’t bear it, go to the store, and then it’s like going fishing. Look, we'll be luckier than we are. Happy biting!

Illustration from the site

|Expert assessments by Autoreview|||||| |Estimated parameters|Max. score|Cars|||Why?| |Daewoo Nexia|Geely MK|Lada Priora| | Ergonomics |200|145|155|160 |Nexia is inferior to its rivals both in terms of seating comfort and visibility. The amorphous Geely chair is a little more comfortable, and the Priorov one is still half a step ahead. It would have moved back normally| | Workplace driver|100|70|75|75| |Visibility|100|75|80|85| | Dynamics|300|220|225|230 |Priora is the fastest, and Nexia has the most flexible engine. Geely MK is noticeably inferior to both in dynamics, but is more pleasant to drive in normal modes | |Accelerating dynamics|90|70|65|70| |Brake dynamics|110|75|80|85| |Manageability|100|75|80|75| | Ride comfort|260|185 |180|180|Geely MK is the leader in terms of smoothness, but the acoustics are a problem. The Priora is only a little quieter, and in addition it shakes. And Nexia is average in terms of smoothness, but there is less noise in it. Priora’s “climate” leadership is explained by the presence automatic mode fan inaccessible to other machines| |Smooth running, vibration protection|90|65|70|60| |Acoustic comfort |90|60|50|55| |Microclimate |80|60|60|65| | Interior comfort |240|135|180 |180 |There is not enough space in the back for three in all cars, but for two it is preferable to have a Priora. It’s cramped in Nexia, and the seating in Geely is uncomfortable. Only the Nexia has a non-folding rear sofa, and the Priora’s seat folds, but only in half | |Passenger seats|90|70|70|75| |Trunk |80|65|55|60| |Interior transformation|70|0|55|45| | Total score |1000|685|740|750 | |

Passively dangerous?

When choosing the lesser of three evils, from a safety point of view, you should prefer the Lada Priora. Why? Firstly, it, like the Geely MK, already has a driver's airbag in the base, and in more expensive versions - a passenger airbag and ABS. Moreover, Priors with two airbags are also equipped with front seat belt pretensioners.

Lada Priora phase I, one airbag. Crash test Autoreview, 2007, 5.7 points. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

In a frontal crash test using the EuroNCAP method (at a speed of 64 km/h), we tested a Priora with a so-called phase I body - like a “ten”. The result is 5.7 points out of 16 possible. The steering wheel shifted strongly up and to the right from the impact, the “driver’s” head slipped off the airbag and hit the dashboard visor. The “passenger” pressed his head harder. The protection for the legs of the front riders is also weak. If we add the score for the side crash test to the “front” scores, the Priora scores 14.7 points out of 32 possible - this is only two stars out of five according to the EuroNCAP rating. But VAZ workers claim that this summer Phase II Priors with reinforced bodies began to roll off the assembly line, which, with two airbags and pretensioners, should earn 10.6 points out of 16, reaching three Euroencap stars.

One can only guess how the Geely MK will behave in an impact - this car has not yet passed independent crash tests. But the result of its “relative”, the Otaka model, does not inspire optimism - the car simply fell apart in our crash test...

We tested the pre-styling Nexia for safety using the EuroNCAP method six years ago. During a frontal impact, the Daewoo body almost did not resist deformation: the left pillar of the windshield flew up, the roof folded into a “house”, the body sill broke, and the bottom went in waves. In such conditions, the dummy driver had virtually no chance of “surviving”: his head hit the dashboard visor, his chest collided with the steering wheel that had moved towards him, and the living space under the panel on the left was reduced threefold. The “passenger” also suffered, who suffered a significant neck strain. The metal of the floor was too soft to blame, because of which Nexia earned only one point out of 16 possible. The “new” Nexia has neither ABS, nor even one airbag, nor pretensioners.

|Passport details|||| |Settings|Cars||| |Daewoo Nexia|Geely MK|Lada Priora| |Body type|four-door sedan|four-door sedan|four-door sedan| |Number of places|5|5|5| |Trunk volume, l|530|430|430| |Curb weight, kg|1025|1040|1088| | Gross weight, kg|1530|1460|1578| |Engine|gasoline, with distributed injection|gasoline, with distributed injection|gasoline, with distributed injection| |Location|front, transverse|front, transverse|front, transverse| |Number and arrangement of cylinders|4, in a row|4, in a row|4, in a row| |Working volume, cm³|1598|1498|1596| |Cylinder diameter/piston stroke, mm|79.0/81.5|78.7/77.0|82.0/75.6| |Compression ratio|9.5:1|9.6:1|10.3:1| |Number of valves|16|16|16| |Max. power, hp/kW/rpm|109/80/5800|94/69/6000|98/72/5600| |Max. torque, Nm/rpm|150/4000|128/3400|145/4000| |Gearbox|manual, 5-speed|manual, 5-speed|manual, 5-speed| | Gear ratios| ||| |

|3.82|3.18|3.64| |> II

|2.16|1.90|1.95| |> III

|1.48|1.25|1.36| |> IV

|1.12|0.91|0.94| |>V

|0.89|0.70|0.78| |> reverse

|3.33|3.08|3.50| |> final drive

|3.55|4.31|3.70| |Drive|front|front|front| |Front suspension|independent, spring, McPherson|independent, spring, McPherson|independent, spring, McPherson| |Rear suspension|semi-independent, spring|semi-independent, spring|semi-independent, spring| |Front brakes|disc|disc|disc, ventilated| |Rear brakes|drum|drum|drum| |Tires|185/60 R14|185/60 R15|185/65 R14| |Maximum speed, km/h|185|165|183| |Acceleration time 0 - 100 km/h, s|11.0|10.5|11.5| |Fuel consumption, l/100 km| | | | |> urban cycle

|9.3|7.8|9.8| |> suburban cycle

|8.5|6.3|5.6| |> mixed cycle

|n.d.*|6.8|7.2| |Capacity fuel tank, l|50|45|43| |Fuel|gasoline AI-92|gasoline AI-92|gasoline AI-95| |* N.d. - no data||||

|Car turning circle|||| |Car|Daewoo Nexia|Geely MK|Lada Priora| |On the track of the outer front wheel, m|10.15|10.26|10.40| |According to the external front dimension, m|10.97|10.95|11.14| |Number of steering wheel revolutions from lock to lock|3.5|3.6|3.9|

|Speedometer accuracy||||||||| |Cars|Speedometer readings, km/h|||||||| |40|60|80|100|120|140|160|180| |True speed, km/h|||||||| |Daewoo Nexia|35|55|75|94|114|134|153|172| |Geely MK|37|58|78|97|117|137|157| - | |Lada Priora|38|57|77|96|115|134|153|172|

|Some measurement results Autoreview||||| |Options||Cars||| |Daewoo Nexia|Geely MK|Lada Priora| |Maximum speed, km/h||180.0|171.2|182.2| |Acceleration time, s|0 - 50 km/h |3.5|3.7|3.2| |0 - 100 km/h|12.2|12.9|11.7| |0 - 150 km/h|30.0|34.4|28.6| |on the path 400 m|18.0|18.5|17.8| |on the way 1000 m|33.4|34.4|33.0| |60 - 100 km/h (III)|7.3|9.1|7.6| |60 - 100 km/h (IV)|10.5|13.5|12.8| |80 - 120 km/h (V)|16.6|23.7|19.8| |Rundown, m|s 50 km/h|544|675|595| |130 - 80 km/h|931|1003|956| |160 - 80 km/h|1389|1489|1416| |Braking from a speed of 100 km/h|distance, m|46.0|45.1|44.4| |deceleration, m/s²|8.4|8.6|8.7|

|Equipment of the cars participating in the test|||| |Equipment|Cars||| |Daewoo Nexia|Geely MK|Lada Priora| |Price of the basic version, rub.|261000|319000|289440| |Driver's front airbag| - |+|+| |Front passenger airbag| - |P|P| |ABS| - |P|P| |Power steering|P|+|+| |Tilt-adjustable steering column| - |+|+| |Leather steering wheel| - |+| - | |Central lock|P|+*|+*| |Anti-theft alarm|O**|+| - | |Electric drive and heated exterior mirrors| - |P|+| |Front electric windows|P|P|+| |Rear electric windows|R|R|R| |Heated driver's seat| - |+|P| |Heated front passenger seat| - | - |P| |Folding rear headrests|+|+|+| |Air conditioning|P|+|P| | Trip computer| - | - |+| |Folding rear seat| - |+|+| |Hatch for long items| - | - |+| |Rear center armrest| - | - |+| |Remote trunk lock|+|+|+| |Remote fuel filler door lock|+|+| - | |CD receiver|+| - | - | |Fog lights|P|+|P| |Alloy wheels| - | - |+| |Full-size spare tire|+|+|+| |Rear parking radar| - | - |P| |Metal protection of the engine compartment| - | - |+| |Metallic paint|+| - |+| |Tires|Continental ContiEcoContact CP 185/60 R14|Champiro 128 GT Radial 185/60 R15|Cordiant Standard 185/65 R14| |Price of the tested car, rub.|311900|349000|325360| |*Remote|||| |**Dealer Installed|||| |(+) Basic version equipment|||| |(-) Not included in the basic configuration|||| |(O) Options installed on the car participating in the test|||| |(P) Equipment included in the package package of the tested car||||


The best visibility is in the Priora: the A-pillars with massive mirror mounting triangles do not interfere much with the view, the exterior mirrors are good, and the rear window opening is only slightly blocked by the headrests. Geely's visibility problems include lazy wipers that leave the widest unwiped area, and severely distort the side mirrors. Nexia's mirrors are also “crooked”, and all in different ways. If the driver's mirror can still be adjusted from the passenger compartment, then the passenger's mirror is already within reach: all you have to do is press on the reflective element itself, behind which all the cables are visible. Daewoo has the best forward visibility, but the rear window is blocked by headrests.

How much?

Daewoo Nexia is more affordable than other test participants, but its equipment is the most modest, and there are no airbags or ABS at all. The basic version with an eight-valve engine (1.5 l, 80 hp) and a CD receiver costs 254 thousand rubles. The modification with a 1.6 twin-shaft engine (109 hp) is only 7,000 rubles more expensive - from 261 thousand rubles. The same Nexia in the GLE configuration with power steering, electric windows, central locking and fog lights is offered for 292 thousand rubles, and an additional payment for air conditioning is another 17 thousand rubles. By the way, you can still buy a pre-restyling Nexia at the same base prices.

The warranty is two years or 50,000 km, but some dealers offer to extend it to five years or 150,000 km, subject to service only at their stations. Sales Daewoo cars operates 131 dealerships in 60 cities of Russia.

Lada Priora with a basic eight-valve engine (1.6 liters, 81 hp) will go on sale at the end of October and will cost 272,860 rubles. Equipment: driver's airbag, central locking and front electric windows. The sedan in the Norma configuration with a sixteen-valve engine (98 hp) additionally has power steering, electric and heated mirrors and alloy wheels. Price - 289,440 rubles, which is 2,560 rubles cheaper than the Daewoo Nexia 1.6 with music, but without an airbag and on stamped wheels. Priora Lux with two airbags, seat belt pretensioners, ABS, heated front seats and fog lights is offered for 307,620 rubles, and an additional payment for air conditioning and rear parking sensors is 17,740 rubles. In addition, by winter, dealers will have top versions with light and rain sensors for 327,680 rubles. Priora hatchback costs more expensive than a sedan for 3200 - 5200 rubles depending on the configuration.

The warranty is three years or 50,000 km, but some dealers offer to extend it to six years or 100,000 km, subject to service only at their stations. Lada cars are sold by 459 dealership centers in 230 cities of Russia.

Geely MK (1.5 l, 94 hp) in the basic configuration is 10 thousand rubles more expensive than the Nexia with maximum equipment - prices start from 319 thousand rubles for the version with a driver airbag, air conditioning, heated front seats, power steering, fog lights headlights, central locking and alarm. A Priora with ABS, electric mirrors and front windows, but without heated seats and foglights is 6,670 rubles cheaper. A Geely MK with two airbags, ABS and power accessories costs 349 thousand rubles, and with a leather interior, alloy wheels and a sunroof - 379 thousand rubles.

Warranty - two years or 60,000 km. Car sales Geely Chinese assembly is carried out by 29 dealer centers in 25 cities of Russia.

|Prices for routine maintenance from consumables and spare parts, rub.|||| |Routine Maintenance|Cars||| |Daewoo Nexia|Geely MK|Lada Priora| |Price per hour|750|1000|650| |Mileage, km| | | | |2000|4670|3500|4500| |10000|6500|3000| - | |15000| - | - |3300| |20000|8380|4200| - | |30000|8380|3700|7400| |40000|15700|5100| - | |45000| - | - |5400| |50000|8380|3000| - | |60000|8600|8900|9500| |70000|8380|3000| - | |75000| - | - |5900| |80000|15700|5100| - | |90000|8380|3700|9600| |Total|93070|43200|45600|

|Estimated prices of spare parts from dealers in Moscow, rub.|||| |Spare parts|Cars||| |Daewoo Nexia|Geely MK|Lada Priora| |Oil filter|140|258|160| |Fuel filter|380|701|450| |Air filter|340|493|220| |Cabin filter| - |708|460| |Spark plug|150|164|115| |Front pads|1300|1707|800| |Rear pads|800|1123|800| |Front shock absorber|1700|2075|1600| |Rear shock absorber|1900|1950|1300| |Clutch disc|1100|1292|750| |Headlight|n.d.*|5629|4050| |Rear lamp|n.d.|2568|1200| |Front fender|3840|5524|2100| |Front bumper|n.d.|8085|2200| |Hood|7300|11282|7000| |Windshield|3700|5311|2200| |* N.d. - no data due to the lack of these spare parts in retail sales in Moscow||||

Resource duel: Lada Priora vs Geely MK

Geely MK and Lada Priora. Photo by Stepan Schumacher from the site

How reliable are these cars? Of course, the most reliable answer can be obtained only after several years of actual operation. But this will be an answer "in hindsight." And for those who are faced with a choice new car Today, we need more “up-to-date” information. To get it, we decided to resume the so-called accelerated life tests, as is customary - must be accepted! - in the automotive industry.

Autoreview already has experience in accelerated “resource” - about ten years ago we conducted two such duel tests: Volga GAZ-3110 against Moskvich-2141 and Skoda Felicia against Ford hatchback Escort of Belarusian assembly. Now, for the same purpose, we purchased a Lada Priora and a Geely MK: in tough conditions they will have to drive 35,000 km on different roads of the test site, and this - taking into account the coefficient of 2.9 - is equivalent to one hundred thousand kilometers of “ordinary life”.

Why wasn’t the “new” Nexia included here? Because these tests are very complex and expensive, and we still have to look for qualified testers who are ready to “live” at the test site for weeks! In addition, after a long break, we decided to slightly adjust the methodology and fine-tune it, minimizing the risks.

The test program includes acceleration and braking cycles, driving at maximum speed, driving on cobblestone roads and mountain roads, doors will be opened and closed hundreds of times, windows lowered and raised...

But first, run-in in the modes prescribed in the operating instructions: only the driver in the cabin, maximum speed- 100 km/h, smooth asphalt under the wheels. And the first problems arose already at this stage! With a mileage of 640 km, the Geely MK unexpectedly ran out of gas due to a burnt-out fuel gauge bulb. But Priora alarmed me because in cool weather (+5°C) it started starting the third or fourth time.

If possible, we will perform vehicle maintenance and repair on our own at the Autoreview technical center, and therefore we have purchased consumables from official dealers for future use. And then a surprise awaited us. Filters, oils and brake pads for the Priora cost only 2,844 rubles (based on 35,000 km), and for the Geely MK - more than 20 thousand rubles! And not only because of the shorter service intervals - 10,000 km versus 15,000 for the Priora (during accelerated tests, we reduce the service mileage by 20%, so we service the Geely MK once every 8,000 km, and the Priora once every 12,000 km). The matter was aggravated by the fact that Geely requires more service operations: already during the “break-in” maintenance (2000 km), it is necessary, among other things, to change the gearbox oil and power steering fluid. But the main thing is that under the guise of some spare parts for the “Chinese”, dealers sell non-original spare parts for... old Toyotas!

We had barely driven the Geely 3,000 km when on the cobblestone road a “bad” knock began to be heard from under the driver’s feet, which became stronger over time - the jet engine mount had failed. After 5000 km, there was a knocking noise from the rear - the loose muffler began to touch the suspension beam. Soon the rear left shock absorber leaked. Then, at a speed of about 170 km/h, the rear tire burst, and a day later another one. The only good thing is that the Red Dragon branch of the Rolf holding, the distributor of Geely in Russia, is lively: after the start of our test, contracts with dealers were tightened, and now instead of two service centers in Moscow there is only one left - it has rear shock absorbers.

Priora is not a good girl either. At the “two thousandth” maintenance, it turned out that the fastening of the left steering knuckle, - they pulled it up, simultaneously adjusting the wheel alignment angles. At the same time, the steering wheel stood straight. At 6,000 km, the engine started acting up: at maximum speed, the “Check engine” light came on, idle speed become unstable. This effect can be “treated” by turning off the ignition for a couple of minutes. The Priora tires did not “explode”, but quickly died “of natural causes” - by 6100 km the tread wear became critical. And during the next ten times slamming the doors and lowering the windows (we carry out such tests every 2000 km), the rear electric windows on the Priora failed.

|| |Car|Speed| |Daewoo Nexia|68.5| |Geely MK|67.3| |Lada Priora|70.3|


Choice budget sedans class B+ with a price of about 300 thousand rubles - the widest. Let's list the options:

Lada Kalina- from 230,300 rubles for a car with a 1.6 engine (81 hp);

ZAZ Sens with an engine from Tavria (1.3 l, 70 hp) - 231,500 rubles;

Chevrolet Lanos with a 1.5 engine (86 hp) - from 256 thousand rubles;

Chevrolet Aveo- from 321,130 rubles for a sedan with a 1.2 engine (72 hp);

Lifan Breez Circassian assembly - at least 275 thousand rubles for the version with a 1.3 engine (89 hp). The basic Maple C32 (1.3 l, 85 hp) costs the same;

Renault Logan 1.4 (75 hp) Moscow assembly - from 277,300 rubles;

Geely Otaka(1.5 l, 94 hp) costs 291,500 rubles;

Hyundai Accent(1.5 l, 102 hp) from Taganrog - minimum 299,700 rubles;

BYD F3 with a 1.5 engine (99 hp) for 320 thousand rubles will go on sale in January, but for now dealers only have sedans with 1.6 engines (100 hp) at a price of 354,900 rubles;

Iran Khodro Samand with an eight-valve engine with a volume of 1.8 liters (100 hp) costs from 324 thousand rubles;

Fiat Albea(1.4 l, 77 hp) is assembled in Naberezhnye Chelny and sells for at least 329 thousand rubles;

Hafei Principle(1.6 l, 101 hp) - from 333,900 rubles;

Peugeot 206 Sedan- from 339 thousand rubles for the version with a 1.4 engine (75 hp);

Kia Spectra(1.6 l, 101 hp) Izhevsk assembly - at least 342 thousand rubles;

Chinese sedan FAW Vita(1.5 l, 102 hp) is offered for 340 thousand rubles.

In addition, there is a new Renault Symbol And Nissan Almera Classic, but they are even in basic configurations are more expensive than the Geely MK we tested for 349 thousand rubles.

Scriptio: Alexander Divakov, Pavel Karin.