GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Categories of self-propelled vehicles. Category for a tractor: Which one is needed and how to open Category e tractor driver driver what can be controlled

In order to be able to legally control a certain species vehicles, you must have a state driver's license of the category that allows you to do this.

That is, if you want to work in the field with agricultural machinery, you must have a special license for a tractor.

A driver's license of any category can be obtained at the traffic police department, having previously completed training and passed exams in a particular driving discipline, in in this case the right to drive self-propelled vehicles.

Let's figure out how you can get a license for a tractor and what features of training in this category exist.

Self-propelled vehicles

Self-propelled vehicles are vehicles with large engines, from fifty cubic centimeters, or electric units with a power of more than four kilowatts. At the same time, a self-propelled vehicle cannot reach a speed of more than fifty kilometers per hour.

According to the law Russian Federation, all transport in our state is divided into several types, to manage which are needed different types driver's licenses:

  1. “A” - technical types of vehicles intended for use on public roads;
  2. “B” - tracked and wheeled vehicles with a power of less than 25 kilowatts;
  3. "C" - vehicles on wheels with a power of up to 110 kilowatts, but more than in category "B";
  4. “D” - vehicles on wheels with a power higher than in category “C”, that is, more than 110 kilowatts;
  5. "E" - tracked vehicles with a power of more than 25 kilowatts, such as bulldozers and excavators;
  6. “F” - wheeled agricultural machinery for harvesting crops;

Self-propelled vehicles can be tracked or wheeled, and they also include equipment for road work.

To drive self-propelled vehicles, special education is required, after which the driver will receive a special certificate of tractor mechanics. This document is issued by state technical supervision after passing the relevant exams.

How to obtain a tractor driver's document?

To ensure road safety, only citizens with certain knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in a specialized educational institution are allowed to drive self-propelled vehicles.

In this case, the citizen gets the opportunity to drive only a certain category of vehicles, depending on the education received:

  1. A1 can be obtained by a citizen over 16 years of age;
  2. A2 and category A3 can only be obtained by citizens over 19 years of age;
  3. A4 can be obtained by a person over 23 years of age;
  4. Types of rights B, C, E, F are available to citizens over 17 years of age;
  5. D can only be obtained by an adult.

But it should be understood that obtaining category A of any type is possible only after the driver has a driving license of category B or C. Moreover, the vehicle must not be involved in an accident for at least a whole year.

This rule applies to all categories of self-propelled vehicles, which can only be driven by persons who have received suitable driving documents. By the way, if you want to have a license to drive a tractor, then you need to pass category C (self-propelled guns with a power of up to 110 kW) or category D (machines more powerful than 110 kW) at an educational institution. At the same time, in specialized institutions, self-propelled agricultural machines, for example, combines, can be obtained through courses in category F.

It should be understood that before signing a training contract or starting classes, be sure to ask the institution for a state license in order to obtain a new type of tractor driver’s license, valid throughout the Russian Federation.

Requirements from Gostekhnadzor

Before receiving a certificate from the state technical supervision that you can perform the role of a tractor driver, you must first prepare a medical certificate form from a medical institution.

You also need a document confirming that you have completed a course to obtain a tractor license. That is, you will need a mark indicating that you have a category of rights C, D or F. Gostekhnadzor will also require a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation from you and you will be provided with a special form to fill out, in which you will indicate personal data and all information both about the educational institution and about what category rights you have.

According to the law, Gostekhnadzor imposes the following requirements on the future owner of a tractor driver’s license:

  1. Legal capacity;
  2. Completed training courses in a specific category;
  3. Passed internal exams in the educational department;
  4. Passed the exam at Gostekhnadzor;
  5. The citizen should not have medical pathologies;
  6. Everyone must be prepared necessary documents: forms, medical certificate, driver's license, passport, photo, supporting certificates and diplomas, receipts.

At the same time, a tractor license will be issued only after completing all courses and passing all exams. It is advisable to look neat when taking the test and thoroughly prepare for every possible question. It is also necessary to pay the state fee and present the entire package of documents mentioned above. It should be understood that in the Russian Federation only Gostekhnadzor has the authority to grant rights to this category.

To operate self-propelled equipment, you must obtain a tractor driver’s license, which, depending on the type of machine, has nine categories:

  • AI - for driving all-terrain vehicles, snow and swamp-going vehicles, snowmobiles (motor vehicles not intended for driving on highways for general use or having a maximum design speed of 50 kilometers per hour or less);
  • AII - for driving all-terrain vehicles (off-road vehicles whose permissible maximum weight does not exceed 3.5 tons and the number of seats in which, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed 8);
  • AIII - for driving special-purpose all-terrain vehicles, mining dump trucks (off-road vehicles whose permissible maximum weight exceeds 3.5 tons, with the exception of those belonging to category AIV);
  • AIV - for driving shift and platform buses (off-road vehicles intended for transporting passengers and having, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than 8 seats);
  • B - for controlling mini-excavators, tractors, municipal harvesting vehicles (tracked and wheeled vehicles with engines up to 25.7 kilowatts).
  • C - for controlling tractors, backhoe loaders (wheeled vehicles with engines with power from 25.7 to 110.3 kilowatts);
  • D - for controlling tractors, pneumatic wheeled tractors (wheeled vehicles with engines with a power of over 110.3 kilowatts);
  • E - for controlling bulldozers and excavators (tracked vehicles with engines with a power of over 25.7 kilowatts);
  • F - for controlling agricultural machinery (self-propelled agricultural machines).

The right to drive equipment of one category does not allow you to drive self-propelled equipment of another category. Having a regular driver's license also cannot drive self-propelled equipment, but without it you will not receive some categories of tractor driver's licenses. The certificate may also include In the certificate for the right to drive self-propelled equipment, in the column for special marks, a restrictive or permissive entry is made about the availability of qualifications based on documents on education and qualifications.

Additional entries may be made.

If the certificate contains permitting marks in columns B, C, D and E for performing work that corresponds to the qualifications of the tractor driver (for example, plowing, harrowing the soil, sowing crops), no additional entries are required.

To work on a category C backhoe loader, even if there is a permit mark in columns B, C, D, E in the tractor operator’s (tractor driver’s) certificate, an additional entry is required about the qualifications “excavator driver C” and “loader driver C”.

">additional notes on qualifications. There are restrictions in obtaining a license depending on the category: you can only get a license to drive a self-propelled vehicle of category AI from 16 years old, categories B, C, E, F - from 17 years old, category D - from 18 years old , categories AII and AIII - from 19 years old, category AIV - from 22 years old.

2. What do you need to get a tractor driver's license?

To obtain a certificate you need:

1. Be registered at the place of residence or stay in Moscow or undergo professional training in programs related to the management of self-propelled vehicles of established categories in Moscow.

2. Undergo training or retraining.

3. Get What should a medical certificate be like?

The document granting permission to drive self-propelled vehicles is a medical certificate issued by a medical organization. This conclusion must contain a description of the examination performed, the results and reasonable conclusions about the presence of medical indications or contraindications.

The list of doctors conducting medical examinations of drivers of self-propelled vehicles (candidate drivers of self-propelled vehicles) should include the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychiatrist-narcologist;
  • neurologist (if necessary);
  • surgeon (if necessary).

To submit your application you will need scanned copies of:

  • identification document (foreign citizens must also provide a notarized translation);
  • a document confirming registration at the place of stay in Moscow (for foreign citizens);
  • medical certificate on admission to drive self-propelled vehicles. If you have undergone a medical examination within last year, you don’t have to do it again, if not, get examined by doctors. The certificate is valid for 12 months;
  • a tractor driver's (tractor operator) certificate or another type of certificate for the right to drive self-propelled machines (foreign citizens must also submit a notarized translation);
  • an individual tractor driver card or other document confirming the issuance of a license for the right to drive self-propelled machines;
  • document on education and (or) qualifications if the document was not submitted to the State Technical Supervision Authority of Moscow when issuing a replacement certificate;
  • driver's license (for categories AII, AIII, AIV), foreign citizens also need to provide a notarized translation of it;

After submitting your application, come to the Gostekhnadzor department with the original documents and a 3x4 centimeter photograph on matte paper.

The period during which the ID must be replaced when changing the full name is not regulated, but corrections must be made.

Please note: if you

">You have been deprived of your right to drive vehicles; you will not be given a license to drive self-propelled vehicles.

8. How to recover a stolen or lost ID?

Step 1. Contact the police. There they will register a report of the incident, and in return they will issue a notification coupon necessary to restore the ID.

Step 2. Prepare a medical report on admission. If you have passed a medical examination within the last year, you don’t have to do it again; if not, get examined by doctors and get a medical certificate about your permission to drive self-propelled vehicles. The certificate is valid for 12 months.

Step 3. Prepare the following documents:

  • identification document (foreign citizens must also provide a notarized translation);
  • a document confirming registration at the place of stay in Moscow (for foreign citizens);
  • one photo 3x4 centimeters on matte paper;
  • coupon notification of registration of a message about the loss of a tractor driver’s license;
  • an individual tractor driver card or other document confirming the issuance of a license for the right to drive self-propelled equipment;
  • driver's license (for categories AII, AIII, AIV), foreign citizens also need to provide a notarized translation of it;
  • about payment (the fee must be paid, information is provided upon request).

Step 4. Contact in person. You won't have to take any exams. If everything is in order with the documents, a new certificate will be issued on the day of application.

Please note: if you The right to drive a self-propelled vehicle can be revoked on the same grounds as the right to drive a car or motorcycle. If you are deprived of the right to drive a car, you will also lose the right to drive self-propelled equipment.

The certificate for the right to drive self-propelled equipment at the time of committing an administrative offense is not confiscated.

If the court makes a decision to deprive the right to drive vehicles, it is necessary to submit the certificate to Gostekhnadzor within 3 working days from the date the decision on imposing an administrative penalty comes into force.

After the expiration of the period of deprivation of the right to operate self-propelled equipment, you must contact Gostekhnadzor with the same package of documents that is necessary to replace the certificate due to the expiration date (with the exception of the certificate itself).

">deprived of the right
  • medical certificate confirming permission to drive self-propelled vehicles;
  • two photographs 3x4 centimeters on matte paper;
  • driver's license and its notarized translation (for categories AII, AIII, AIV);
  • tractor driver's license or another type of certificate for the right to drive self-propelled machines and its notarized translation;
  • about payment (the fee must be paid, information is provided upon request).
  • Step 2. Contact in person. If everything is in order with the documents, you will be given a date for taking the theoretical exam. There is no need to take the practical exam.

    Step 3. Pass the exam. If you do not pass the exam the first time, you can retake it no earlier than after 7 days. After 4 unsuccessful attempts, the application will have to be resubmitted.

    Step 4. Receive the document. If the exam is passed, you will be informed when to come for your certificate, which must be issued no later than 5 days after the exam.

    Please note: after the Russian ID is issued, the foreign one will remain with you.

    If you want to master a new profession and learn how to drive a tractor, then it is very important to choose the right educational institution where you will undergo training and receive the coveted rights. There are a large number of courses on the Internet that offer quick training in the theory and practice required when passing the tractor license exam. Don't rush to go to the first training center you come across! After all, not all of them even have permission to issue tractor licenses. In this article we will try to talk in detail about the difference between the rights issued to drive a car and the rights to drive special-purpose equipment. We will tell you how you can find educational institutions that have been licensed by Gostekhnadzor. We will also introduce you to what a real ID should look like.

    How are tractor licenses different from automobile licenses?

    So, what is the difference between the rights to drive special-purpose equipment and the rights to drive a car?

    The license that allows a person to drive a car is a plastic card standard size, which contains information about the category of the vehicle that is permitted to be driven, brief information about the owner of the license, as well as information about government agency in which these rights were obtained.

    Construction equipment, by law, is not classified as a motor vehicle, so these rights will not be enough. To operate a tractor, you must graduate from a specialized educational institution, pass an exam and receive a special tractor operator’s license.

    I would like to immediately make a reservation: by passing the exam at a regular driving school, you receive a driver’s license, giving you the right to drive a car, both in Russia and abroad. With special equipment everything is completely different. Once you have received your license to drive a tractor, you will be able to drive it exclusively in your home country, Russia. Outside its borders, tractor licenses will not be valid.

    The form of rights was approved by Gostekhnadzor, it is for this reason that wherever you receive the rights to operate special-purpose equipment, they must be of the same type. The rights card is filled out on both sides. On one side there should be a photograph and signature of the owner, as well as basic information about him. The reverse side contains information about the categories of special equipment that the owner of the license is allowed to operate. The basis for issuing rights allowing you to drive any class of special equipment is a Certificate that you have passed full course special training.

    According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 351, self-propelled machines in these Rules mean tractors, self-propelled road construction machines and other ground trackless mechanical vehicles with independent drive and having an engine internal combustion with a volume of more than 50 cc or an electric motor with a maximum power of more than 4 kW (with the exception of motor vehicles intended for movement on public roads with a maximum design speed of more than 50 km/h, self-propelled combat equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies performing tasks in the field of defense and state security).

    We would like to immediately warn you that this Certificate does not give you any right to operate the equipment. It only allows you to pass exams at Gostekhnadzor. Naturally, if training center, where you were trained as a tractor driver, is not accredited by Gostekhnadzor, the Certificate issued to you has no force. In fact, it will not provide you with access to take the exam, and you will not be able to obtain a license for a tractor or other special-purpose equipment.

    True, there is an exception. If the engine power of the special equipment you are going to work on is less than four kW, then to control it, a “crust” obtained at the training center is enough. There is no need to contact Gostekhnadzor.

    If an employee operates special equipment without a license, his employer faces a large fine. Therefore, the person who hired him is no less interested in the availability of full rights for the employee than the employee himself.

    If you want to get a working specialty, the first thing you need to do is decide what equipment you want to work on. Based on your requests, the educational institution you contacted will select courses that suit your interests. Training should take place on exactly the type of equipment for which you want to obtain rights. After successfully graduating from an educational institution and passing the appropriate exam, you will receive a certificate with the appropriate mark. For example, that you have been trained as a tractor driver. If you come to learn how to work on a different type and class of special equipment, then you will have to undergo training again.

    Rights to tractors and other self-propelled equipment are divided into categories:

    Category A (I-IV) opens for driving off-road vehicles that are not intended for public roads. This category includes ATVs, snowmobiles, warehouse equipment light weight and power up to 4 kW.

    If you have completed training courses corresponding to the specialty "tractor driver", you will be issued a tractor driver's license. The category and rank will be indicated on the back of the document issued to you.

    The rank is assigned in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), determined by the inspector taking the exam, and indicated on the certificate of completion next to the name of the profession. For example, “grade 4 forklift driver.”

    So, rank 2 means that the driver has the right to operate forklifts and other equipment under the guidance of a more experienced specialist, and is also allowed to repair “unloading and loading devices and mechanisms,” says ETKS.

    Rank 3 allows the driver to operate battery-powered forklifts and other load-handling mechanisms, engage in loading, laying out and stacking cargo, and participate in the repair and maintenance of loader mechanisms.

    Rank 4 means that the driver can operate loaders with a power of up to 73.5 kW (100 hp), as well as with any mechanisms that are used to move various loads and place them in a dump and in a stack. A 4th category forklift driver is required to independently carry out maintenance and proper repair of the forklift and all its mechanisms.

    Rank 5 allows for driving loaders with an engine power of over 100 horsepower, as well as loaders of lesser power if they are used “as bulldozers, scrapers, excavators and other machines” (quote from ETKS).

    Rank 6 needed to work with a tractor loader with an engine power of over 200 hp, if it is used as a bulldozer or excavator.

    Tractor driver's license valid for 10 years from the date of issue. At the end of this period, the tractor driver's license will have to be exchanged for a new one.

    What documents are required to obtain a tractor driver's license?

    Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of eighteen can obtain a tractor driver's license. In order to enroll in courses, you need to have a photograph measuring 3x4 centimeters, an identity document (passport), and a medical certificate about your health status. In most educational institutions, the duration of training does not exceed one and a half months, regardless of the chosen specialty.

    The tractor driver training program is approved by Gostekhnadzor, as well as the Ministry of Education. The entire training program can be divided into two parts: theory and practice.

    Theoretical preparation includes studying design features installation of special equipment, as well as studying the rules of working with cargo. If the student does not have driver's license, the theoretical part will also include studying the rules traffic. To know the theoretical part, the student must pass an exam.

    The practical part of the training takes place at the training ground, where students learn to drive, maneuver, and work with loads. Training in practical work skills necessarily includes work both on an asphalt site and on the ground.

    The exam is also carried out in two stages. First, students must pass the theory, either by tickets orally, or by computer testing. After successfully passing the theoretical exam, students are allowed to take driving practice and special vehicle control skills. If a student does not pass the exam the first time, he may be assigned to retake it. You cannot retake the exam immediately; at least seven days must pass. Exams are taken by a state engineer-inspector of Gostekhnadzor.

    When passing the practical part, the skills of operating special equipment are assessed. The exam is divided into two stages. At the first stage, the examinee demonstrates his skills in ideal conditions, on the training ground. At the second stage, delivery takes place at a real object. Exams are taken at the training grounds of the educational institution where the examinee was trained. The Gostekhnadzor inspector is required to attend the exam, and it is he who makes the decision about which of the students passed and who did not. Those who pass the exam receive a corresponding certificate. Those who were unable to pass the exam are assigned a retake. If a student has tried three times but still fails to pass the exam, he is sent back to re-training.

    Let us note once again that, unlike a driver’s license, a tractor driver’s license can only be obtained at a specialized educational institution. Any large city must have specialized training centers.

    The rights to issue certificates to students by educational centers have territorial restrictions. A training center can issue a certificate to a student only if he is registered (resides) in the same region where the training center is located. For example, if you live in the Nizhny Novgorod region, then you should study there. Of course there are exceptions to general rule. A number of training centers have received the right to provide tractor driver training not only to nonresident Russian citizens, but also to citizens of other states. An example of such an institution is the “Specialist” training center, which is geographically located in the city of Mytishchi near Moscow.

    So, before submitting documents to an educational institution for study, check whether it has the right to issue you an appropriate certificate. This information can be found by visiting the website of the organization where you want to receive training, or by calling.

    Isn't it easier to buy a tractor license?

    You can buy a fake tractor driver's license without undergoing training. There are a lot of such offers on the Internet. However, remember that it will be fake. And the actions that you take in this case violate the Law!

    Let us repeat once again that a certificate obtained at a training center that is not accredited by Gostekhnadzor will not give you the right to take the exam for obtaining a tractor driver’s license at Gostekhnadzor. In fact, unaccredited centers simply scam you out of money by issuing a Training Certificate. Therefore, having decided to train as a tractor driver or a similar specialty, be sure to find out whether the training center is accredited or not.

    Synchronizing its own legislation with world law, several years ago in Russia a large number of categories were introduced into the driver’s license. The main changes were the introduction of additional subcategories that differentiate vehicles differently.

    New concepts of some vehicles have appeared that now correspond to reality. There have also been changes regarding how to obtain a tractor driver's license.

    Tractors that are used in various fields industry, according to traffic regulations they are classified as types of self-propelled vehicles. The new edition of the rules attempted to expand and clarify this concept. Now these include trackless vehicles equipped with either a fuel engine with a volume exceeding 50 cm 3, or an electric motor from 4 kW with minor exceptions such as military equipment.

    The updated text indicates all equipment that can be driven with a tractor license. In addition to the classic tractor, this description includes various types loaders, excavators, snowmobiles and similar special equipment.

    Who has the right to operate such devices?

    In order to be allowed to drive such machines, you must have documentary permission. There are two types of documents:

    • current on an ongoing basis tractor driver's license;
    • temporary ID.

    In the earlier version there was also a temporary permit, but from November 28, 2015, such a clause was removed from the traffic rules. Now a temporary permit is not issued, but the license is not taken away. After a positive decision on deprivation of rights by the court, their owner is obliged to hand them over to the state technical supervision authorities. At the same time, there is a clear instruction according to which it is prohibited to drive a tractor, excavator or other similar equipment without one of these documents.

    New subcategories

    There are six categories and four subcategories that delimit tractor categories of rights. In category “A”, vehicles are either not intended for driving on roads or are structurally limited to 50 km/h. It also has subcategories. In points “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” the main difference in power is up to 25.7 kW in “B” and up to more than 110.3 kW in “D”. Category “F” is defined for agricultural machinery.

    In the section indicating special marks, when issuing a certificate, information of a permissive or restrictive nature may be indicated. It is also allowed to enter information notes regarding, for example, driving with glasses, blood type, any restrictions on categories, and overall driving experience.

    Training and passing exams for a tractor driver's license

    Since November 2015, independent training for all these categories of tractor driver’s rights is unacceptable. Drivers of these vehicles must be trained and have their knowledge confirmed by Gostekhnadzor.

    Training is conducted according to approved programs vocational education or additional professional education. Neither self-study nor self-study According to the law, there is no need to submit it to the traffic police.

    A regular driver's license can be obtained in any region in Russia, and the same applies to exchanges. There are restrictions on tractor licenses. They are issued only at the place of registration of the owner, and is also allowed to be issued at the place of study. The latest innovation came into force in November 2015.

    If the license has been withdrawn, it can only be obtained after passing a mandatory theoretical exam.

    They are allowed to see him only after at least half of the period of deprivation of the certificate has passed. When the seizure was carried out on the basis of drunk driving, then before training it is required to provide a medical certificate to Gostekhnadzor. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to take the exams.

    The category of tractor license also does not depend on the manufacturer (Volvo, JCB, Belarus) of the self-propelled transport equipment and on its external dimensions. But only on the power and type of work performed on specific special equipment.

    Nowadays, as a rule, engine power is written in kilowatts. But we remember that 1 kW (kilowatt) = 1.36 hp. (horsepower).

    A license for a tractor, and correctly, a “Tractor Driver (Tractor Driver)” license is required to drive special equipment (self-propelled machines) with an engine power of 4 kW or more or an internal combustion engine with a volume of over 50 cubic centimeters.

    Step 1 - Determine the type of special equipment and the categories corresponding to it

    Self-propelled vehicles, tractors, road construction equipment can be tracked or wheeled:

    • category “B” includes tracked and wheeled self-propelled vehicles with an engine power from 4 kW to 25.7 kW, they are diesel and battery-powered,
    • Category “C” includes special wheeled equipment with an engine power from 25.7 to 110.3 (kW) or from 34.95 to 150 hp,
    • Category “D” corresponds to wheeled vehicles with an engine power exceeding 110.3 kW.,
    • Category “E” is tracked vehicles with an engine power of over 25.7 kW,
    • agricultural self-propelled machines /for example, combines/ belong to category “F”.

    Step 2 - Determine the engine power

    First, we determine the engine power of the equipment we would like to work on. It is indicated in the technical passport and on a metal plate on the body (of a loader, tractor, excavator, bulldozer, etc.).

    The sign says POWER (Power) 29.8 kW (kW) - this means category “C” diesel equipment.

    On the plate we see 34.2 kW, we immediately understand that this is also a self-propelled vehicle of category “C” diesel.

    Attention! The Belarus tractor has the model number on the metal plate, not the engine power. For this tractor, the engine power must be looked at technical passport. The most common engine power of this tractor falls under category “C”.

    Step 3 - Let's see what the car is equipped with

    If it is a seeder, winnower, cart, plow, harrow, broom(mechanized tow hitch for cleaning the territory), then they come on a tractor. That is, the tractor performs draft work, then You really need the profession of “tractor driver”.

    If your equipment has a variety of buckets or shovels, forks, and a loading broom for cleaning the road, then you need the professions of “forklift driver” or “excavator operator.”

    If the equipment is equipped with a “blade”, then you need the profession of a bulldozer operator, or in scientific terms, “Bulldozer driver”.

    Let's consider different options for self-propelled vehicles:

    Step 3, subparagraph A, special equipment performing “loading and unloading operations”

    "Self-propelled vehicle STILL-60" - this is an electric wheel loader with an engine power of 15 kW; to operate it you need to be trained in the profession of “Loader Driver” of category “B”.

    "Self-propelled vehicle LOCUST I 753" is a wheeled front-end diesel loader with an engine power of 34.2 kW; to operate it you need to be trained as a “Loader Driver” category “C”. The numbers "753" are not the engine horsepower, they are the model number.

    "Self-propelled vehicle HELI" a diesel fork wheel loader with an engine power of only 27.2 kW, to operate it you need to be trained as a “Forklift Driver” category “C”.

    Slightly larger in size "Self-propelled vehicle AUSA C500HI" a diesel fork wheel loader with an engine power of only 63.2 kW, to operate it you need to be trained as a “Forklift Driver” category “C”.

    "Self-propelled vehicle Amkodor 361" single-bucket front wheel diesel loader with an engine power of 173 kW; to operate it you need to be trained as a “Loader Driver” category “D”.

    Step 3, subparagraph B, special vehicles performing “combined types of work”

    “Combined self-propelled machine (loader and excavator) JCB-4СХ”
    To manage, you need to be trained in two professions:
    *Excavator operator
    *Forklift driver.
    This means that after completing the training and passing the exam to the Gostekhnadzor inspector, you will receive a “Tractor Driver (Tractor Driver)” certificate for the right to drive wheeled vehicles of category “C” or “D”, depending on the engine power.

    Step 3, subparagraph B, special vehicles performing “various types of land work”

    “Combined self-propelled vehicle KUBOTA U48-4” -This crawler excavator with bucket and blade

    To manage, you need to be trained in the following profession:
    *"Excavator driver";
    Accordingly, after passing the exam, you will receive a “Tractor Driver (Tractor Driver)” certificate for the right to drive category “E” tracked vehicles.

    “Self-propelled machine - single-bucket crawler excavator – in the photo you see CX210B” . To operate such equipment, you must be trained in the profession of “Excavator driver” and after successfully passing the exam, obtain a certificate from Gostekhnadzor “Tractor driver (tractor driver)” for the right to operate tracked vehicles of category “E” in the special marks section of your license, it will be written excavator driver, and not a tractor-excavator driver.

    “Self-propelled machine - diesel crawler single-bucket excavator – HITACHI ZX330LC” with engine power 202 kW. To perform all types of excavator work, it is necessary to train in the profession of “Excavator driver” and, after successfully passing the exam, obtain a certificate from Gostekhnadzor “Tractor driver (tractor operator)” for the right to operate tracked vehicles of category “E”.

    Right on the body of the special vehicle you can see a warning sign about bringing documents into compliance with the legislation of the countries where such an excavator is used.

    Step 3 subparagraph B tractor equipment performing “ various types draft, municipal and household works"

    Wheeled tractor Belarus "MTZ 82.1" with a utility brush and a blade, we are trained in the profession of “Tractor Driver” and after successfully passing the exam, receive a certificate from the State Technical Supervision Authority “Tractor Driver (Tractor Driver)” for the right to drive wheeled vehicles of category “C”.