GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

What type of transport is ground transport? Vehicles: classification. Vehicle categories. Automotive vehicles



1.1. General device car

A car is a complex mechanism consisting of various systems and mechanisms. There are many different makes and models of cars, but every car is made up of three main parts: the body, the engine, and the chassis.

Body serves to accommodate transported cargo. In cars and buses, there are usually passengers and a driver in the back. The truck body consists of a cargo platform and a driver's cabin.

Engine- a machine that transforms thermal energy fuel into mechanical work.

Chassis consists of a transmission, supporting system, axles, suspension, wheels and control mechanisms.

In Fig. Figure 1.1 shows the device of the KamAZ-5320 vehicle.

The torque generated by the engine is transmitted through the transmission to the drive wheels of the vehicle.

Included transmissions includes: clutch, gearbox, cardan drive, main gear, which is installed in the drive axle housings, where the differential and axle shafts are located, through which torque from the main gear is supplied to the drive wheels.

On four-wheel drive vehicles, where all wheels are driven, between the gearbox and final drive transfer case is installed.

Support system is the base of the entire car, it includes the frame or body (passenger car).

Rice. 1.1. Structure of the KamAZ-5320 vehicle: 1 - engine; 2 - clutch; 3 - gearbox; 4 - cardan transmission; 5 - middle bridge; 6 - frame; 7- rear suspension; 8 - rear driving axle; 9 - platform with folding sides; 10 - rear drive wheels; 11 - cylinders brake system; 12 - front steered wheels; 13 - steering; 14 - cabin

Wheels are installed on bridges, which through suspension connected to the frame. The combination of these elements is called the chassis.

Control system consists of steering mechanisms and braking systems.

The relative position of the engine, transmission mechanisms, cabin and cargo platform, i.e., the layout of the vehicle, can be very diverse.

Classification of road transport

A combination of a car and a trailer or semi-trailer towed by it is called by road train.

Road transport is divided into freight, passenger and special.

Freight transport includes trucks, tractor-trailers, trailers and semi-trailers.

Passenger vehicles include cars, buses, passenger trailers and semi-trailers.

Cars with a seating capacity of up to eight people (including the driver) are classified as cars, and vehicles with a capacity of up to eight people are classified as buses.

Special vehicles include cars, trailers and semi-trailers for carrying out transport works equipped with appropriate equipment - street cleaning vehicles, fire engines, truck cranes, etc. The use of trailers allows you to increase the productivity of transport work and reduce the cost of transportation. Trailed vehicles include trailers, semi-trailers and trailers.

Single-axle trailers (Fig. 1.2, A) connected to the vehicle using a drawbar. When storing a trailer, front and rear supports are used.

From a two-axle trailer (Fig. 1.2, b) vertical loads are not transferred to the vehicle.

Trailers-dissolution (Fig. 1.2, V) used for transportation of long cargo. They have a swivel horseman 3, which is a supporting rotating beam that ensures correct placement of the load.

Drawbar 2 The dissolution trailer is sliding, which allows you to transport loads of various lengths.

Semi-trailers (Fig. 1.2, G) the front part rests on the fifth wheel of the car, which is located on the frame instead of the body. Such vehicles are called tractor-trailers. Part of the load from the weight of the semi-trailer and the weight of the cargo it transports is distributed onto the frame of the truck tractor. The semi-trailer, disconnected from the tractor, rests on a support support 4.


Rice. 1.2. Types of trailed vehicles: A- single-axle trailer; b- two-axle trailer; V- trailer-dissolution; G - semitrailer; 1 - stand; 2 - drawbar; 3 - turning horseman; 4 - rack

The designation of domestic rolling stock consists of the name of the manufacturer and four-digit numbers, where the first digit indicates the class of the vehicle, the second - the type of vehicle, and the last two - the serial number of the vehicle model.

Types of cars and their designations:

1 - passenger cars;

2 - buses;

3 - cargo;

4 - tractors;

5 - dump trucks;

6 - tanks;

7 - vans;

8 - reserve;

9 - special.

Passenger cars are divided into five classes depending on their working volume engine:

Class Engine displacement, l

Extra small...................................Up to 1,099

Small........................................ 1.1 -1.799

Average................................... 1.8-3.499

Large........................................ 3.5 or more

Higher................................... Not regulated

Buses are divided into five classes depending on length:

Class Length, m

Extra small...................................Up to 5

Small........................................ 6-7 .5

Average........................................ 8.5-10

Large......................................... 11-12

Extra large................................... 16.5-24

Trucks, trailers and semi-trailers, depending on their gross weight (in tons), are divided into the following classes: less than 1.2; 1.2-2; 2-8; 8-14; 14-20; 20-40; more than 40 t.

Table 1.1 illustrates the digital classification of domestic cars.

The fifth digit in the designation is a modification of the base model. A sixth character is added to the designation of export-version machines: the number 6 is assigned to the export version, and 7 to the tropical version.

For trailers, semi-trailers and dissolutions the following classes are provided: 8 - trailers; 9 - semi-trailers and dissolutions. The type is indicated by the second number, which corresponds to the type of vehicle, for example, 1 - trailer or semi-trailer for cars, 2 - for buses, etc.

Table 1.1. Indices of automobile rolling stock depending on class

Passenger cars Buses Trucks
Engine displacement, l Index Length, m Index Gross weight, t with flatbed tractor units dump trucks tanks vans special
Up to 1,099 Up to 5 Up to 1.2
1,1-1,799 6-7,5 1,2-2
1,8-3,499 8-10 2-8
Over 3.5 11-12 8-14
16,5-24 14-20
Over 40

The third and fourth digits of the designation of trailers and semi-trailers determine the model depending on their total weight and represent a series of numbers (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2. Digital designation of trailers, semi-trailers, dissolutions depending on their total weight

Examples of car designations:

KamAZ-5320 - truck, produced by the Kama Automobile Plant, gross weight 15,305 kg, model 20;

KamAZ-5511 - dump truck, gross weight 19,000 kg, model 11;

VAZ-21036 - a passenger car, engine displacement 1.3 liters, produced by the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, with controls located on the right;

OdAZ-99871 - semi-trailer van of the Odessa Automobile Assembly Plant with an all-metal body, gross weight 29.2 tons.

Any enterprise interacts with external environment. This interaction is especially important when organizing and managing material flows. The successful operation of a company that produces any goods comes down to the following scheme: purchase of raw materials - shipment finished products intermediary - sale of goods to the buyer. Each stage of this link is accompanied by transport logistics.

This type of logistics contributes to the high-quality and safe movement of goods. In this case, it is necessary to use resources sparingly and choose the most optimal route.

Logistics companies will help you comply with all the nuances. Thanks to experienced and qualified personnel Each stage of transportation is thought out to the smallest detail, the cargo arrives at its destination intact and at the right time.

Transport logistics is a complex science that requires special knowledge.

Transport logistics - what is it in simple words, its goals

The concept of transport logistics is in many ways similar to the concept of simple logistics. If we define in simple words, then this is the organization of the delivery and movement of material objects and cargo along the optimal route using vehicles.

This subsection is extremely important. When an entrepreneur is just starting his business, with a small sales volume he can independently engage in transportation. But as your business grows, so do your sales volumes. Now it is problematic to move raw materials and finished products. In this case, it is rational to use the services of a transport logistics company.

Such an organization will ensure the safety of the cargo and select the optimal route to save money on transportation.

The main goal of transport logistics is to deliver goods to the appointed place and time with high quality indicators and in the required quantity. This means that punctuality must be observed, the goods must not be damaged and arrive in the same quantity as indicated in the documents.

Transportation costs occupy one of the main positions among other types of costs. For the purpose of the enterprise management, it is to make this figure smaller. That is why transport logistics is considered as:

  • an effective way to influence costs thanks to the right choice of transport;
  • rational organization of the entire transportation process from the point of departure to the point of destination;
  • possibility of high-quality storage and handling of cargo.

Manufacturers and intermediaries are willing to pay transport and logistics companies for the fact that they:

  1. They will select the optimal mode of transport for a specific cargo.
  2. If necessary, they can combine several types of transport in one circuit.
  3. They will choose the optimal route.
  4. They will use resources economically and reduce transportation costs.
  5. Ensure cargo safety.

It is in the interests of a logistics company to perform its duties efficiently, because competition in this industry is high.

To reduce the company's transportation costs, it is necessary to select the optimal transport and logistics scheme.

History of the industry

Transport logistics dates back to the European Congress in Berlin in 1974. This term was uttered for the first time and its full definition, goals, objectives and development prospects were given.

Impressive spheres of influence of such logistics were outlined. The need for such a concept arose due to the development of the world economy. There was a need to systematize these processes, create a competent scheme for moving goods and ensure their safety.

Transport logistics quickly found a response in the West, and the market for such services formed there back in 1990. Its capacity increases annually by 20%. Even during times of crisis and economic downturn, transport and logistics services are in demand.

In Russia, this type of service appeared only during the transition to a market economy. This industry is still actively developing and gaining momentum.

The following factors have a negative impact on this direction:

  • instability of economic processes;
  • slow production growth;
  • poor condition of transport routes;
  • low technical base indicators.

Two factors provide hope for process optimization:

  • high level of training of specialists and personnel in this industry;
  • the emergence of new organizations, sales and supply schemes.

Transport logistics- a very young direction that is undergoing transformation under the influence of external economic factors. No one doubts that this is an important industry. Especially positive traits Large enterprises with large turnover will be noted.

Main types of transport, their definition

Transport logistics differs from simple logistics in that the movement of goods occurs using transport. Its wide variety allows you to optimally create a route and use several types at the same time, if this will reduce costs and save delivery time.

Transport should not be confused with a vehicle. This is a broader concept.

Transport- this is a set of vehicles, communication routes, various buildings and structures on these routes for the purpose of moving goods and people.

There are several types of transport. By purpose it is divided into:

  1. Public transport (passenger, for moving goods, etc.).
  2. Special purpose (military, medical).
  3. Individual use (personal cars, airplanes).

Based on energy consumption, transport can be:

  • driven by its own engine (thermal, electric, hybrid);
  • propelled by wind (sailboats and various vessels based on this principle);
  • powered by human power (bicycles);
  • transport powered by animals.

There is also a gradation of transport according to the travel environment.

Ground transport is divided into:

  • railway - transports goods and passengers by wheeled vehicles using rail tracks (trains, trams, subways);
  • road transport- transports goods and people on trackless roads roads motor vehicles that have at least 3 wheels (motorcycles and similar vehicles do not include this);
  • pipeline - a type of transport that moves liquid and gaseous substances through a pipe;
  • air transport - consists of aircraft and the infrastructure adjacent to them (hangars, airports, control rooms);
  • water - transports goods and passengers along natural or artificial waterways (sometimes sea and river).

You can also highlight specific types of transport:

  • underwater;
  • space;
  • elevators and funiculars;
  • elevators.

All these types are extremely important for the efficient transportation of goods. It is important to know their features, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in order to be able to choose the best option and correctly combine them to obtain maximum benefits.

Types of transport

Types of transport- this is a narrower concept. But knowing what types of transport help to move around, it will not be difficult to define them.

The following types of railway transport can be distinguished:

  • locomotive;
  • electric locomotive;
  • electric train;
  • locomotive;
  • track machine;
  • diesel train;
  • passenger and baggage carriage;
  • isothermal carriage;
  • tank;
  • gondola car;
  • platform.

Types of road transport:

  • passenger cars for general and special purposes;
  • general and special purpose truck;
  • utility vehicle;
  • car - tractor;
  • tractor unit;
  • passenger trailer with different technical characteristics;
  • special and general purpose cargo trailer;
  • caravan;
  • passenger semi-trailer with various technical characteristics;
  • cargo semi-trailer;
  • general and special purpose bus;
  • articulated bus.

Water and air modes of transport distinguish between watercraft and aircraft, respectively.

There is also a type of transport called a container. It is also often used in the transport of goods.

Each type of transport has its own precise definition, technical specifications and purposes of use. Using a broad classification of types, you can get a more holistic and comprehensive concept of modes of transport.

Types of transport transportation

Transport transportation- a complex process consisting of many links. An enterprise can cope with this task on its own or use the services of a logistics company. It all depends on the amount of work and the budget that the company has.

In the transport system there are two concepts: carrier and forwarder. They represent two sides of the same coin; without them, an effective process of moving goods is impossible.

Carriers physically move cargo from the point of departure to the point of arrival. At the same time, forwarders carry out a number of auxiliary functions: draw up documentation, help the cargo cross customs, control loading and unloading, insurance, and cargo storage.

Large companies that have the necessary funds always use the services of a forwarder. There is also the concept of a logistics partner. This is the person who specifies auxiliary services. These include: insurance and security companies, customs brokers, cargo packaging companies, and other important facilities.

There are the following types of transportation:

  1. One-type- involves the use of one type of transport. Most often used when you need to deliver cargo from point to point without warehousing and processing.
  2. Combined- when several modes of transport are used. This improves transport efficiency and reduces costs.

If we're talking about about international trade relations, the second type of transportation is most often used. For example, cargo is transported to the point of departure by rail, then it is reloaded onto trucks and taken to the airport, and then loaded onto an aircraft. Upon arrival, the goods are unloaded onto a vehicle and transported to their destination.

Types of transport logistics and its basics

Transport logistics is divided into internal and external.

Internal involves the movement of goods within the company and between its branches. External transport logistics allows you to transport cargo from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Also, this type of logistics differs according to the principle of process organization:

  1. Logistic the principle assumes that there is only one transportation operator. This makes the process systematic and consistent. Thus, general transportation tariffs gradually appear.
  2. Traditional- there is no single operator, but all participants interact with each other. The costs for certain services within the transport chain are known only to adjacent participants. Therefore, there are no uniform tariffs.

The first option is considered more universal and reliable. The company does not need to worry that some link will fail and the transportation will not take place. This is fraught with major losses for the enterprise, and the transport and logistics company will suffer damage to its reputation.

Tasks and functions of transport logistics

A complex system that forms transport logistics must perform the following basic functions:

  • cargo delivery and forecast of the optimal process;
  • preparation of documentation that accompanies the cargo;
  • compliance with legal rules and regulations;
  • payment for transportation services to individual participants in the process;
  • loading and unloading work;
  • proper packaging and storage;
  • process optimization through automation and the introduction of technical innovations;
  • information support of cargo;
  • customs and insurance services.

The main task of transport logistics is to transport cargo on time with high quality and at minimal cost.

To do this, you need to complete a number of subtasks.

First, you should analyze the delivery points. The manager must take into account the characteristics of the cargo, terrain, landscape, type of transport, special transportation conditions (fire safety, cargo dimensions, etc.). Having summarized the information, he can decide to use several modes of transport, making intermediate points for unloading and loading.

Then the cargo itself should be analyzed. All characteristics are taken into account - fragility, weight, condition, influence of temperatures and other factors. For example, toxic substances cannot be transported through populated areas.

Now it's time to decide on transport. It is important to take into account its characteristics, tariffs and transportation time. All types of transport have their pros and cons. It is important to choose the best option for a specific cargo.

Building a route is also an important task in transport logistics. An experienced manager always selects several route options in order to have a backup option. You should also calculate the risks and costs in case of damage and delay of cargo.

Monitoring the implementation of the process allows you to inform the customer about the location of the cargo and its safety. For this purpose, navigation technology, mobile communications and the Internet are used.

Documentation accompanying the process

This industry is fully regulated by laws different types and content. The main document that is immediately drawn up between the customer and the contractor is the contract. It states that the logistics company undertakes to complete the task within the time period specified in the document, and the customer undertakes to pay for these services in full.

To transport cargo, the following documents must be drawn up:

  • power of attorney for transportation;
  • consignment note;
  • cargo invoices;
  • summary statements;
  • invoices.

Depending on the type of transport that was chosen, the documentary base can be supplemented.


Transport logistics- an integral part of the functioning of enterprises of different forms of ownership, scale and profitability. Without this system, cargo delivery would be incomplete. Companies would constantly lose their income, lose goods and customers.

A positive feature in the development of transport logistics is that the field is being improved, automated and reaching new high levels.

Question No. 1. Transport. Purpose and components.

Transport is a set of means of communication, communication routes and structures, service devices. Often the term “transport” refers to the entire set of infrastructure, management, vehicles and transport enterprises that make up the transport system or sector of the economy.

Transport is divided into three categories:

1) public transport,

2) special-use transport and personal or individual transport. Transport for special use - intra-production and intra-departmental transport. Finally, personal transport includes cars, bicycles, yachts, and private planes.

3) Personal automatic transport forms a new category, as it combines the features of urban public transport and personal vehicles.

All transport can be divided into a number of groups according to certain characteristics.

By number of wheels: Monocycle, Bicycle, Tricycle, Quad bike

By wheel type: Rail transport, Light rail transport, Tracked transport

By engine type: Self-propelled transport, Motorized transport, Muscle-driven, Trailers

By moving environment: Water transport, Air transport, Ground and underground

By type of property and number of passengers: Individual transport, Public transport

By load capacity: Truck, Car

Question No. 2. Transport system. External, urban, suburban and local (exotic) transport.

Transport system - transport infrastructure, transport enterprises, vehicles and management together. A unified transport system ensures the coordinated development and operation of all types of transport in order to maximally satisfy transport needs at minimal costs.

Transport means are usually cars, bicycles, buses, trains, and airplanes.

Management refers to control over a system, e.g. traffic lights, railroad switches, flight control, etc., as well as rules (among other things, rules for financing the system: toll roads, fuel tax, etc.). Transport system management is a set of measures aimed at the effective functioning of this system through coordination, organization, and streamlining of the elements of this system, both among themselves and with the external environment. Broadly speaking, network design is a task of civil engineering and urban planning, vehicle design is a task of mechanical engineering and specialized branches of applied science, and control is usually specialized within a particular network or related to control research or systems engineering.

Quantitative indicators of the transport system are:

1) the length of communication routes,

2) number of employees,

3) cargo and passenger turnover.

Transport system levels:

1) External: railway. air car, water (sea and river)

A settlement cannot live without transport. The components of external transport depend on the size and geographic location of the city.

2) Urban: necessary when increasing pedestrian accessibility (15 min). The components of external transport depend on the size and population of the locality. It happens: passenger (mass, local), cargo, special.

3) Suburban: buses. railway, water, auto. Increased intensity during the day and evening (=pendulum)

4) Local (exotic)

Transport corridors- this is a set of main transport communications of various types of transport with the necessary facilities that ensure the transportation of passengers and goods between different countries in the directions of their concentration. The system of international transport corridors also includes export and transit trunk pipelines.

Transport hub is a complex of transport devices at the junction of several modes of transport, jointly performing operations to service transit, local and urban transportation of goods and passengers. A transport hub as a system is a set of transport processes and means for their implementation at the junction of two or more main modes of transport. In a transport system, nodes have the function of control valves. Failure of one such valve can lead to problems for the entire system.

Question No. 3. Urban transport. Purpose and main characteristics.

Transport– a set of means of communication, communication routes, structures and service devices

Species: passenger, cargo, special (police, ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) Beginning:

1. Cargo transportation (more predictable)

2.transportation of people

Freight transport is divided into

1. Industrial (depends on the size and profile of the business)

2. Construction (depending on the size of the city)

3. Consumer (from size and development trend)

4. Cleansing


1. Citywide (mass: metro, trolleybuses, buses, trams; individual)

2. Local (traffic in a limited space - factory, fuel dispenser)

Carrying capacity- this is the number of passengers who can be transported along one line, in one direction, per unit of time. 80-90 thousand passengers per hour - metro 15 - 30-35 thousand passengers per hour - tram 10-23 thousand passengers per hour - trolleybus

Depends on capacity, stopping points

The largest is near the metro, train, tram, trolleybus, bus

Capacity is the number of passengers allowed to be transported according to the standards per 1m2. During rush hour there are 8 people per 1 square meter.

Speedmessages is the speed of movement on public transport, taking into account planned and unscheduled stops.




4 Public passenger transport

Buses- the most common type of transport. The network of bus lines, as a rule, is characterized by the greatest length. Depending on their destination, bus lines are divided into two types:

    the main ones, providing direct transport links between individual areas and the passage's prototypical points;

    carriers providing delivery of passengers To stopping points of more powerful modes of transport (tram, metro, railway lines).

The main bus lines according to their position in the city plan are divided into:

    internal, both ends of which are within the city;

    Departures connecting the city with the suburban area and having one destination outside it.

The main internal lines have a length corresponding to the linear dimensions of the city; departure lines reach greater lengths (50 km or more). The supply lines are usually short in length.

To create best conditions operation, bus routes are laid along streets with improved surfaces (cement-concrete, asphalt concrete, paving stones and mosaics), which ensure high speeds with low fuel consumption and minimal wear chassis and rubber. However, buses can be temporarily operated on routes with transitional types of surface (cobblestone pavement, crushed stone highway, etc.).

Compared to other types of mass transport, buses have the greatest maneuverability, but in terms of carrying capacity they are inferior to trams. The disadvantage of buses, like all road transport, is the pollution of urban air with exhaust gases.

Bus traffic plays a significant role in serving developing areas of the city, for which the installation of more powerful modes of transport in the early stages may not be economically feasible. In addition, the bus is successfully used on city routes in central areas, especially in old cities with winding and insufficiently wide streets.

Bus transportation can be divided into: urban, suburban, local (with a route length of up to 100 km), short-distance intercity (100-300 km), long-distance intercity (over 300 km), service, etc. The carrying capacity of a bus line with good organization is 4500-5000 pass/h in one direction. The trend towards increasing the carrying capacity of bus lines is expressed in increasing the capacity of buses through the use of articulated bodies and double-decker buses.

Buses local service used for intra-district and inter-district passenger transportation. Their distinctive features- reliability and high cross-country ability, allowing the use of buses on unimproved roads, as well as the possibility of transporting non-bulky hand luggage.

Intercity buses are used to transport passengers along highways over long distances. Their increased comfort and design features allow for safe movement at high speeds.

Sightseeing buses differ in their interior layout, seat design, and have good visibility. They are used on urban and suburban lines.

Service buses are intended for official trips of employees of enterprises and institutions, sanatorium and resort services, as well as for urban, local transportation and transportation of tourists. By capacity and size, buses are distinguished: especially low capacity, up to 5.5 m long (10-12 seats);

small capacity up to 7.5 m long (45-48 seats); medium capacity up to 9.5 m long (60-65 seats); large capacity up to 11 m long (70-80 seats); especially large capacity up to 12 m long (100-120 seats).

Trolleybuses in terms of basic operational indicators they differ little from buses, however, their movement requires the installation of traction substations and equipment of lines with a two-wire contact network. Trolleybuses are used on intracity (sometimes also on outbound) lines with average passenger flows.

When designing a trolleybus network, they strive to reduce to a minimum the number of intersections of lines with each other and with tram lines, since intersections and overhead switches reduce the speed of the trolleybus, and sometimes cause it to stop due to the slippage of the current collector. The capacity of the trolleybus rolling stock is 74-139 passengers. Due to the reliability of current collection, trolleybus line routes are laid only along streets with improved permanent pavements. The longitudinal slope of the trolleybus line should not exceed 0.07.

In terms of maneuverability, trolleybuses are inferior to buses, which is especially noticeable in old cities with streets of insufficient width. The main advantage of a trolleybus compared to a tram is that passengers board and disembark directly from the sidewalk. In addition, when moving, the trolleybus can deviate in both directions from the axis of the contact wire up to 4.2 m, which allows it to be used on streets with heavy traffic.

Tram lines have a higher equipment cost than buses and trolleybuses. Therefore, the tram network is characterized by a relatively lower density.

The largest carrying capacity of a tram, compared to other types of street transport, is determined by the placement of tram lines along routes with large, stable passenger flows. Outbound tram lines are designed if a bus does not provide transportation in a given direction and the demand for transportation cannot be satisfied by the existing electric railway line, as well as if it is necessary to provide a direct tram connection between the city and the suburbs.

Tram lines are currently designed primarily as double-track lines with a central (relative to the axis of the street) or lateral tracks. On peripheral lines with small passenger flows, single-track lines are sometimes built with sidings every 0.5-2 km.

The concentration of passengers at tram stops located in the middle of the roadway forces the trackless transport to stop or reduce speed. In addition, the presence of a tram line reduces the possibility of overtaking. Thus, the overall efficiency of road transport operation is reduced. Because of this, there is a peculiar process of moving tram traffic from the central areas of old cities to the peripheral ones, where the traffic intensity is much lower.

Removing tram tracks from main streets improves traffic conditions in general and increases traffic safety. However, the removal of tram lines should be accompanied either by their transfer to parallel duplicate directions, or by the construction of a metro line in directions with high passenger flows. Sometimes the elimination of a tram line can be compensated by strengthening the work of trolleybus and bus transport.

Transport (from the Latin “I carry”, “I move”, “I transfer”) is the circulatory system of the world economy. Not a single sector of the economy can exist without transport, since it is it that unites them into a single complex and transports goods and passengers.

We are so used to transport that we don’t notice it. But even minor interruptions in its work disrupt our comfort, and sometimes paralyze all parts of the economy.

It is no coincidence that transport in general or its individual types are developed in every country in the world. It connects countries and continents thousands of kilometers apart. All vehicles, enterprises and communications form the global transport system.

Ground transport includes primarily road and rail transport, as well as pipelines. water transport.

Road transport is rightly called the transport of the 20th century. Maneuverability, the ability to deliver passengers and cargo “door to door,” and insignificant dependence on weather conditions determined its rapid development.

In the early 90s, the global automobile fleet consisted of almost 500 million vehicles. About 80% of this number of vehicles were in developed countries. In terms of the total length of highways, the United States ranks first in the world (about 5 million kilometers); Western European countries and Japan stand out in terms of the density of the road network.

Road transport is a leader in intracity and suburban transportation. Modernization of vehicles in recent years promoted motor transport to leading positions in transportation to long distances. Thus, tourists feel comfortable in double-decker buses even on long transcontinental routes. More and more heavy freight tractors are appearing on international routes.

In the “car capital” of the world, Los Angeles, 2/3 of the streets and squares are occupied by car parking. On average, there are two cars for every resident here. In Germany, the vehicle fleet density is 100 units per 1 km2.

In the world, approximately 4/5 of passengers are transported by road. Unfortunately, on highways more than 200 thousand people die every year around the world.

The car is the main polluter of the environment. It accounts for most of the pollutants that are released into the atmosphere every day.

Rail differs from other land modes of transport in its significant volume and variety of transportation, absolute independence from weather and relative cheapness. Therefore, for quite a long time it was a leader among other types of transport.

Total length railways in the world is about 1.2 million kilometers. Half of them are in six huge states: the USA, Russia, Canada, India, China, Commonwealth of Australia. In terms of the amount of cargo transported, Russia ranks first in the world (almost half of global transport).

In many developed countries, the railway network is currently being reduced. The main reason for this is fierce competition from road transport. Some developing countries have no rail network at all.

The current trend in the development of this type of transport is the electrification of railways, the introduction of high-speed lines, as well as super-heavy trains.

Pipeline transport carries out long-distance transmission of liquid, gaseous and solid (mainly bulk) cargo. Pipelines transport mainly oil and gas. This type of transport stands out among others due to the relative cheapness of transportation, and in terms of productivity it is second only to sea transport. The longest pipelines in the world are laid in the USA and Russia.

Recently, product pipelines have appeared in the world, through which gasoline, ammonia, coal chips, and cement are transferred.


Transport is the third important sector of the world economy.

All vehicles, enterprises and communication routes form the world's transport system.

Ground transport includes: road, rail, pipeline, as well as horse-drawn and pack types.

Road transport is the leader in the transportation of passengers and cargo. At the same time, it is a major environmental pollutant.

Read in the section

The vehicle is technical device, the purpose of which is to transport people or cargo over long distances. Today there are more than tens of thousands of such devices in the world. Therefore, in order to distinguish one transport from another, people came up with a standard classification, thanks to which all types of vehicles can be divided according to their purpose, energy used and travel environment.

Main types of vehicles

As mentioned above, depending on certain characteristics, all types of vehicles can be divided into three main groups:

  • by appointment;
  • by energy used;
  • according to the moving environment.

Since the above types of vehicles have their own classification, features and differ from each other according to certain characteristics, they can be considered in more detail.

Types of transport by destination

By purpose we mean the area in which a particular type of transport is used most often. That is, these can be vehicles:

  • Special use. These include military (armored vehicles, tanks) and technological transport (track vehicles).
  • General use. This category includes all types of water, air and land transport used in trade and services. For example, a truck that transports goods is already a vehicle that fits into the general use category.
  • Individual use, i.e. those vehicles that a person uses personally. The most common individual transport is a personal car or motorcycle.

In addition, there is a separate subcategory of public transport. This includes urban (public) transport, i.e. one that transports passengers along certain routes, according to a schedule and for a certain fee. These can be buses, trams, trolleybuses, etc.

Types of transport by energy used

Depending on the energy used, there are vehicles:

  • Propelled by wind power, for example, sailing ships (sailboats).
  • Moved by muscular force (moved by a person or animal). The most common human-powered vehicle is the bicycle, which is powered by foot pedals. In addition, there are small rowing boats and velomobiles, less commonly used in everyday life, which are also propelled by human power. Vehicles driven by animals are discussed in more detail below under the appropriate heading.
  • With a personal engine. This type, in turn, is divided into vehicles with thermal and electronic engines.

A heat engine vehicle is a mechanical vehicle that operates by converting heat into energy needed for movement. The heat source in such engines can be, for example, organic fuel. One of the most famous representatives of thermal engine transport is a steam locomotive, which is driven by processing (kindling) coal.

An electronic vehicle is one whose engine is powered by electricity. The main vehicles of this type are trams, funiculars, monorails, electric cars and electric ships.

Types of transport by travel environment

Depending on the travel environment, transport can be:

  • land (road, rail, bicycle, pipeline, as well as transport driven by animals);
  • air (aviation and aeronautics);
  • water (surface and underwater vessels);
  • space (devices and machines moving along airless paths);
  • of a different type.

Other types of transport include stationary lifts (elevators), elevators, cable cars, etc.

Ground transportation

There are various land vehicles, which are divided according to a number of characteristics:

  • By type of propulsion, there are caterpillar (some types of tanks, tractors and cranes), wheeled (cars, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles), as well as ground vehicles that are driven by animals.
  • Based on the number of wheels, there are: unicycles (one-wheeled vehicles), bicycles (two-wheeled vehicles), tricycles (three-wheeled vehicles) and ATVs (four-wheeled vehicles).
  • According to the type of roads, there are railway and trackless vehicles. Rail transport refers to any vehicle that transports cargo and passengers along rail tracks. That is, these can be locomotives, carriages, trams, monorails and overpass transport. Trackless includes any ground transport, including vehicles that travel on land.

Automotive vehicles

Road transport is considered the most popular and widespread type of land transport. Automotive includes all types of means by which cargo and passengers are transported on trackless tracks. Many vehicles are intended not only for short-distance transportation, but also long-distance transportation, especially in cases where it is impossible to deliver passengers, products or materials in any other way.

All road transport is divided:

  • For racing cars, which are most often used in car and sprint races (drag racing, auto slalom, etc.). These include, for example, monoposts - single-seater cars with open wheels, used in Formula 1 racing.
  • On transport vehicles, which serve only to transport cargo and passengers. Depending on the purpose of use, they can be passenger cars (personal cars), cargo (vans, tractors, etc.) and transport (buses, minibuses etc.).
  • On special machines, which, among other things, are equipped additional equipment intended for one purpose or another. These include, for example, ambulances or fire trucks.

Vehicles driven by animals

People learned to use animals as means of transportation when other types of land transport did not yet exist. Although years have passed and modern vehicles have appeared, many still prefer to ride a horse or harness an animal to a cart in order to transport any cargo.

Vehicles driven by animals include:

  • Horse-drawn transport. People mainly use horses, dogs, camels, buffaloes, elephants and other mammals that can be tamed and trained for transportation as vehicles for moving cargo and passengers on carts, carts.
  • Pack transport. The very name of pack transport comes from the packing baggage (pack), which is attached to the back of the animal. Such a vehicle is used in cases where horse-drawn transport is impractical, for example, in mountainous areas where the slopes are too steep and the roads are narrow, which makes the movement of carts and carts much more difficult. In addition to mountainous areas, pack animals are used in rural and swampy areas, as well as in deserts or in northern regions where there are poor or virtually no roads.
  • Horse transport, which is intended both for transporting passengers and for participation in special sports competitions and competitions. Horse-mounted transport mainly includes horses, camels and elephants.

Pipeline vehicles

The main purpose of pipeline vehicles is only to transport goods ( chemicals, liquid and gaseous products) through special channels (pipes). This type of ground transport is the cheapest and most popular, which has no analogues in the world. For example, in the Russian Federation, pipelines are used to transport more than 95% of the oil produced.

In addition to being cheap, pipeline transport has other advantages:

  • fast shipping;
  • low cost of transportation;
  • no loss of cargo during delivery;
  • pipelines can be laid anywhere and any way (not counting air routes).

The main types of pipeline vehicles: sewerage, water supply, garbage chute and pneumatic transport (pneumatic mail).

Air transport

Airplanes appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity throughout the world. This type of transport also includes helicopters, airships, airbuses, and airplanes. This is one of the fastest but most expensive types of vehicles, which is intended for passenger and freight transport over long distances (more than 1 thousand km) by air. In addition, there are planes and helicopters that perform service functions (for example, putting out fires, spraying insecticides over fields, air ambulances, etc.). Usually by air used by tourists and businessmen who want to quickly get to another country or even another continent. These vehicles transport large and heavy items, products with a short shelf life, as well as valuable items.

Although this type of transport is noisy and expensive, it is indispensable for scientific expeditions that go to distant continents or other hard to reach places, where it is difficult or impossible to reach in any other way.

Water transport

This is one of the classic types of vehicles. Such transport is intended for transportation along artificial (reservoirs, canals) and natural (lakes, rivers, seas, etc.) waterways.

Unlike air, water transport is one of the cheapest after pipeline transport. That is why almost everything is transported by such vehicles: from building materials to minerals. And such watercraft, such as ferries, are even capable of transporting other vehicles.

But passenger traffic has recently become significantly less. This is justified by the rather low speed at which ships move from one seaport to another.

The main types of vehicles moving along waterways: surface (boats, boats, liners, ships) and underwater vessels.

Space transport (spacecraft)

Space transport (spacecraft) is a mechanical vehicle designed to transport goods and passengers through airless space (in space). Of course, when talking about transporting people, it means that they are both passengers and the crew operating the spacecraft. Basically, such transport is intended for more specific purposes. For example, space stations are designed for various studies of terrain, oceans and the atmosphere that cannot be done on Earth, and satellites allow people to watch international television programs and make weather forecasts to meteorologists. In addition, some spacecraft used for military purposes (surveillance of combat zones, reconnaissance of the activities of other countries, detection of approaching space objects, etc.).

The main space transport can be distinguished: satellites, spaceships, orbital and interplanetary stations, planetary rovers.