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What effect do lambda decoys give? The lambda probe is electronic. Car ECU firmware

Lambda probe allows you to reduce harmful influence exhaust gas and reduce vehicle fuel consumption. However, why do many drivers create devices that emit or deceive this sensor? In this article you will learn what a lambda probe is and what ways to bypass it exist.

A lambda probe is a small battery that produces a low voltage sufficient to transmit the necessary information to the control unit. One sensor electrode is located inside the exhaust system, and the other is located outside. Electrifying thanks to the composition exhaust gases, the first electrode, together with the second, creates a voltage of a certain value and sends a signal to the electronic engine control unit.

Depending on the content of unburned fuel in the exhaust, a certain EMF arises, on the basis of which the ECU makes a decision on the amount of air and gasoline supplied to the engine cylinders. This property makes it the most optimal.

Any lambda probe helps to obtain an ideal 1:1 mixture. However, such values ​​almost never arise, since the engine operates in various modes, where the ratio of gasoline and air changes quite quickly.

Why is deception needed?

Unfortunately, not all sensors have an accurate operating algorithm. Many of them are simply defective or even fail at the wrong time. If the lambda probe fails, the ECU stops receiving a signal from it and switches the engine to emergency mode. The amount of fuel and air ceases to be regulated and is displayed at one set value. At the same time, fuel consumption increases noticeably, and the cylinders become contaminated with unburned excess. This mode is designed to get to the station maintenance and long-term operation of the vehicle during sensor failure is not recommended.

Many modern cars are equipped with two sensors that are installed on opposite sides of the catalyst. This solution makes it possible to evaluate the correct operation of the exhaust, since the data from the sensors must necessarily differ. If they work the same or one of them simply fails, the familiar Check Engine icon will light up on the instrument panel.

It would seem that everything is simple - you just need to replace the faulty element and return the engine to normal operation. Many drivers do not do this due to the high price of the sensor. If domestic low-quality spare parts have much more affordable price, then good foreign analogues are very expensive. Devices that allow you to bypass the sensor and save the engine come to the rescue. All these devices are used in cases where there are two lambda probes on the exhaust and one of them begins to operate with large errors or fails. These tricks are also relevant in case of catalyst malfunctions.

What kind of decoys are used on the lambda probe?

There are quite a few ways to bypass this sensor. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories: mechanical and electronic.

Mechanical snag

The first category involves intervention in design features exhaust To do this, the catalyst is removed and a special spacer is installed in its place. It should be exactly the same size and repeat its original counterpart. Ceramic chips covered with a catalytic layer are scattered inside the spacer. Naturally, this part must have holes for exhaust gases.

As a result of chemical interactions between ceramic chips and exhaust gases, harmful gases begin to oxidize, and at the end of the spacer, purified gas is obtained, which has a smaller amount of harmful substances. Thus, two sensors placed on different sides this spacer, they take completely different readings. The engine control unit “thinks” that the sensors are operating correctly and does not put the engine into emergency mode.

The mechanical method of bypassing the lambda probe is the cheapest and does not require the driver to have extensive knowledge in the field of automotive electronics.

Electronic snag

There are several types of electronic method. The first involves not just deceiving the ECU, but also setting up the most correct operation of the engine. The second method involves interfering with the controller and disabling a special function that controls the amount of gasoline in the exhaust.

The ECU is deceived by connecting a special emulator. When one of the sensors stops working, a special device is configured to the required mode and simulates the operation of the faulty sensor. Thus, the controller receives a signal from both sensors, as well as serviceable ones. In addition, the processor of such a decoy has a more advanced function in the field of information transmission, because it not only reads the amount of gasoline, but also selects the most optimal mixture for a given operating mode and “tells” the ECU how to properly supply gasoline and air.

Such a device is most often made independently from a single resistor or capacitor. However, ready-made solutions with a small processor have now appeared on store shelves. However, sometimes there are those whose price exceeds the cost of a new sensor, which is very unprofitable.

The second type of electronic deception is not the most correct, but quite effective. To do this, the electronic control unit is “reflashed” and it stops taking into account the signals transmitted from the sensors. Reprogramming is carried out by connecting the ECU to computers and installing a new one software. Many technicians can not only reinstall software, but also make adjustments to existing ones.

This intervention in the on-board network should be carried out with the help of specially trained personnel. Since incorrect settings of the controller can cause serious damage to the engine.

Despite all the charms and advantages of these methods, it is still recommended to replace the faulty part as soon as possible. After all, such devices not only affect the proper operation of the controller, but also perform their main function - getting rid of harmful substances in the atmosphere. And this, first of all, is the air we breathe.

Video - Lambda-sleep device

Modern requirements for vehicle operation require the implementation of environmental safety measures. To achieve this, car manufacturers were required to install special devices when producing cars that could reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals released into the natural environment.

Most cars have catalysts that minimize the concentration of nitrogen and carbon in the exhaust gases by changing them chemical composition and burning. A mandatory element of the catalyst is a lambda probe or, as car enthusiasts like to call it, an oxygen sensor.

Thanks to its data, the car’s electronic control unit has completely taken control of the amount of fuel and air in the outgoing mixture, because the amount of harmful emissions depends on the degree of its combustion.

Today, the oxygen sensor is an integral part of the car. During long-term use vehicle The performance of the catalyst may deteriorate, resulting in the need to replace it with more expensive models. The most profitable solution in in this case is to make a lambda probe snag.

  • Open the engine compartment, find the catalyst and probe. Inspect its surface. If it is covered with soot or a light coating, this indicates poor quality work fuel system. In this case, the part must be completely replaced with diagnostics of important components of the vehicle.
  • If the part is clean, check the accuracy of the oxygen sensor readings. Start the car with a gradual increase in speed up to 2500/min and lower it to 200. In operating condition, the sensor readings should fluctuate between 0.8-0.9 W. The absence of any response or incorrect data is evidence of a malfunction of the probe.

Reliable information about a malfunction of the catalyst or lambda probe can only be provided by diagnostics in a specialized center.

In order to save on the purchase of new equipment, we will consider the main options for emulators to make and install lambda snags yourself. Today there are a great many Internet resources that reflect emulator schemes. Car enthusiasts will only need knowledge and patience.

Types of decoys

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Reflashing sensors.
  3. Electronic.

Mechanical blende option

The part is made of high-quality heat-resistant steel or bronze. The dimensions of the part must be observed with extreme precision. Shapes and sizes are indicated in the diagram. According to the drawing, a hole is drilled in the inner part, which should be very thin. It is necessary for gases to escape through it.

Operating principle

As a result of the oxidation of gases with ceramic chips, there is a decrease in the levels of harmful substances that cause fluctuations in the sinusoids of the passing signal. Thanks to this, the control unit perceives the operation of the device as normal. This indicates that the emulator has fully confirmed its functionality.


Any car enthusiast can install the sensor. To do this, you need to find the lambda, unscrew it and screw the blende probe into this place. After approximately 30 minutes, remove the negative terminal from the battery, which will allow you to reset the system and turn off CheckEngine on the dashboard. After these manipulations, reconnect all contacts. Installation is complete.

Flashing the oxygen sensor

This involves completely removing the oxygen sensor and making the necessary changes to the control program. In order to perform a flashing, certain knowledge and qualifications will be required, since doing it incorrectly can cause irreparable harm to the entire system.

The danger is that if the actions are performed incorrectly, it will be very difficult to restore the previous operation of the control unit. The original factory firmware is very expensive, and it will be very difficult to obtain. Therefore, it is better to immediately entrust this work to specialists.

Electronic lambda snag

One of the complex devices that is characterized by increased performance. Indications electronic sensor are the most accurate. This emulator, unlike others, is small in size and contains a microprocessor that converts incoming signals into a catalyst similar to the original working one.

For car enthusiasts with limited knowledge of mechanics, the best option is to purchase a ready-made structure and independently install it in place of the original one. When a signal arrives at the microprocessor, the device carries out an analysis by processing the signal from the first lambda probe. After the measures have been completed, an output signal is generated, which should be similar to a working catalyst.

Installing a lambda probe decoy

To do this you will need a soldering kit and a capacitor. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. Find the signal wires to which the capacitor will be soldered (there is no voltage current in the signal wires).
  3. Cut the blue wire, and strip the white wire, but leave it intact.
  4. Solder the capacitor between the blue wires and the stripped white wires according to the drawing.
  5. Connect the terminal to the battery and start the car.

The details of the installation of the electronic blende are described in the drawing.

Making a lambda probe with your own hands allows you to save the car owner from many unpleasant problems with the catalyst and save your budget. The choice of probe type depends entirely on your capabilities and desires.

Before installing any type of blende, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the possible consequences, since all work involves a certain risk.

Main types of possible malfunctions

  • malfunctions power unit resulting from incorrect injection adjustment of the on-board computer
  • Damage to electrical wiring resulting from improper soldering
  • malfunctions of the on-board computer leading to incorrect data display
  • sensor damage

Any inaccuracies in working with electronics can lead to the operation of the entire equipment. Therefore, you should not experiment and save on your car by buying lambda decoys through dubious Internet sites. Try to do everything yourself, strictly following the recommendations, and the device will thank you for it.

Automakers are required to install special control devices in cars to reduce the level of harmful compounds in exhaust gases in order to comply with environmental safety standards. Catalytic convectors are found in almost every car; they convert and burn carbon and nitrogen oxides in the exhaust, thereby reducing their percentage. The lambda probe in the design of such a device is a permanent part. In what cases is a lambda probe decoy useful, how to install it and what consequences to expect?

The oxygen sensor sends information to on-board computer, which monitors the composition of the mixture, since the concentration harmful emissions directly depends on the completeness of fuel combustion. Since the operating conditions for cars in our country are quite harsh due to the condition of the roads and the low quality of gasoline, the catalyst often breaks along with the lambda probe.

Broken parts must either be replaced or a lambda probe installed; repairs are irrelevant.

The oxygen sensor is presented as electronic device, the key purpose of which is to accumulate information about the amount of oxygen in the exhaust of a car. The information received is sent to computer unit, which analyzes them and forms the optimal composition of the combustible mixture, regulating the balance of oxygen in it. The installation location of the lambda probe is in front of the catalyst on the exhaust pipe or immediately on the output manifold.

The galvanic cell acts as a working device for the oxygen sensor; it has a solid electrolyte made of ceramic based on zirconium dioxide. It has sponge platinum electrodes and is doped with yttrium oxide. Each electrode has its own purpose: one measures the oxygen content in the exhaust gases, the other in the environment. Due to this difference, when the sensor heats up to +300 degrees Celsius, an output voltage is formed on it.

Failure of the element in question leads to a lack of incoming information for the controller; it is possible to receive false data, therefore, the fuel mixture is formed incorrectly.


  • critical error message;
  • increasing the concentration of harmful impurities in exhaust;
  • loss of power from the engine;
  • excessive fuel consumption.

Second lambda probe

For some cars, two oxygen sensors are the norm. The first is traditionally mounted on the exhaust pipe or in the manifold, the installation location of the second is exclusively the catalytic converter. The main task of the additional sensor is to determine the level of oxygen percentage in the gases leaving the catalyst.

Since if the lambda probe breaks down, the driver experiences discomfort while driving, and purchasing a new element is not always possible, it is permissible to make the oxygen sensor yourself.

Types of homemade decoys

To understand the principle of operation of the emulator, it is worth considering each type separately, since the lambda probe trick works differently in each case. The key goal of the emulator is to “fuss the brains” of the car’s ECU if the catalytic converter is broken. The decoy gives a signal about the optimal operation of the catalyst and acceptable content oxygen in the exhaust. So, let's look at three ways to deceive the electronics of a modern car.

Reflashing the controller

The only requirement in this case is to use the services of a specialist if you are not strong in electronics. The use of the method is advisable in case of failure of both the sensor and the catalyst. It is necessary to electronically disable the oxygen sensor by entering the appropriate program. Next, the appropriate changes are made and, if everything is done correctly, a message about critical faults will no longer be displayed on the dashboard. The engine will operate as usual without a lambda probe. The main problem with this method is that if done incorrectly, the computer will no longer operate at its optimal level. This can only be corrected by factory firmware, which is expensive and generally not so easy to obtain.

Making a lambda probe with your own hands in the mechanical version is much easier. Essentially, it’s just a spacer called a bushing; it is installed in the area between the probe itself and the place where the sensor is fixed. We are talking about the surface of the collector or exhaust pipe. Bronze or high-quality heat-resistant steel is used to make the bushing. Visually, it is a hollow cylinder containing crushed ceramic chips inside. A thin axial hole and thread are located on the side of the spacer to which the exhaust system element is fixed.

As for the implementation of this method, it is necessary to change the position of the sensor so that it is further from the exhaust pipe or manifold. After passing through a thin hole, the exhaust gases will fall to a small extent on the ceramic chips, where they will enter into an oxidation reaction under the influence of the temperature factor. Of course, the content of harmful substances will be significantly reduced. Considering the fact that this method involves to some extent deceiving the sensor, the advisability of its use is observed only in the event of a catalyst failure. The latter must be replaced with a flame arrester or completely removed from the exhaust system.

You can make a mechanical overlay yourself without any extra effort if you have the skills of a lathe. Prepare a bronze or steel blank, a lathe and a diagram of the part with the necessary parameters. If turning skills are not your thing, just buy a finished part or order it with the specified parameters. The cost of the finished version can range from 200 to 800 rubles - it all depends on the complexity of the product and its variety.

As for the further installation of a part purchased or made by yourself, there will be no problems in this case, even if you do not have special skills. Find where the oxygen sensor is located, unplug it, remove it and install the bushing in its place. Next, simply screw the sensor into the spacer and connect the modified structure to the network.

A more complex device from a technological point of view is the electronic decoy of the lambda probe. The feasibility of its use is also observed in similar cases of failure of factory parts. The secret of functionality lies in converting the signal from the sensor into a signal with characteristics corresponding to optimal operation of the catalyst.

The snag should be connected directly to the wires going from the probe to the controller.

A programmable microprocessor often acts as the basis for this kind of deception, but you can assemble a basic interpretation yourself if you know how to use a soldering iron. The relevance of using the emulator described below is observed when the second sensor, located in the area after the catalyst, fails. This option is extremely primitive at first glance, but in practice its performance has been repeatedly proven. Prepare the following materials:

  • soldering kit, including everything you need;
  • resistor with a resistance of 1 Mohm;
  • a non-polar capacitor with a capacity of 1 µF.

Traditionally, the electronic snag of the second lambda probe has two black, white and blue wires.

The sequence of installing the blende is as follows:

  1. On initial stage work, the ground wire must be completely disconnected from the battery.
  2. We don't need black ones, just break the blue conductor and install a resistor at the break site.
  3. The blue and white wires should be connected through the capacitor.
  4. The area under the connector is the most suitable place to install such a homemade emulator. This could be the engine compartment, the area under dashboard or between the front seats.

As mentioned earlier, if you can’t make the decoy yourself, buy a ready-made one. Their variety is quite large, the range and prices in Moscow are as follows:

  1. An electronic version or catalyst emulator will cost 1,500 rubles, while an additional 500 rubles will have to be paid for the installation of the part in question.
  2. A corner blende costs around 1,400 rubles.
  3. The second sensor decoy, equipped with a metal minicatalyst, costs about 1,150 rubles and is suitable for cars with Euro-4 standards.
  4. A classic mechanical bushing from FortLuft will cost 500 rubles. This part is not equipped with a minicatalyst and is suitable for cars produced before 2001.

Negative consequences

Remember that when choosing to install an emulator, you are always taking a risk. Incorrect installation can lead to various types of malfunctions:

  • sensors are irreparably damaged;
  • numerous errors appear in the operation of the on-board computer;
  • improperly soldered circuitry leads to problems with the controller and electrical wiring;
  • If the on-board computer does not regulate injection correctly, the engine may operate with significant disturbances.

Be careful and clean when working with electronics. Breakage can occur even due to minimal inaccuracy, so flawless adherence to the instructions is, in this case, the key to success. As for purchasing, you should not trust dubious sites, since the parts purchased there either do not bring the expected result or work poorly.

The ecology of our planet does not respond well to such tricks, so it is better to purchase and install new parts if they fail. Think of the emulator as a temporary solution and try to avoid catalytic converter failure.

  • give preference only to high-quality fuel;
  • avoid deep puddles so that the heated catalyst is not subjected to sudden cooling;
  • refuse questionable fuel additives from unknown manufacturers;
  • undergo regular maintenance;
  • Avoid mechanical damage to the housing.

The catalytic unit is part of the exhaust gas removal system. Its operation is controlled by a second oxygen sensor. When removing or replacing the catalyst with an oxygen probe, you need to install a blende. It will transmit a signal with the necessary parameters to the car’s ECU, and the control unit will not notice the absence of a catalytic converter unit.

Catalyst, lambda probe, blende

On vehicles that meet the requirements of environmental standards Euro-3 and higher, two oxygen controllers are installed: manifold and main.

The collector sensor is designed to monitor the oxygen concentration in exhaust gases. It is used to regulate the supply of the air-fuel mixture to the combustion chambers. The sensor transmits a signal about the amount of oxygen contained in the exhaust gases to the vehicle's ECU, and the control unit increases or decreases the duration of injection of the air-fuel mixture depending on the received signal.

The main sensor is designed to monitor the operation of the catalyst and monitor the content of toxic substances in the exhaust gases. The controller transmits a signal to the ECU. The control unit compares the received signal with the reference signal, which is stored in its memory. If the received signal does not match the standard, the ECU switches the vehicle to emergency mode. The “check” indicator lights up on the instrument panel, fuel consumption increases, and technical specifications car.

That is why when replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester or completely removing it, it is necessary to install a blende on the oxygen controller. Thanks to it, the ECU will receive the correct signal, and the car will operate as normal.

Electronic or mechanical snag for a lambda probe

Lambda probe decoys are divided into two main types:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Let's take a closer look at each type of deception.

Mechanical snag of the lambda probe

A small metal spacer that is made from a piece of pipe. The pipe must be made of heat-resistant material (copper or special steel). The spacer is screwed into place of the oxygen controller, and it is screwed into it.

At the other end of the tube there is a hole of rather small diameter. Through it, exhaust gases enter the active part of the controller. Due to the small diameter of the hole, the concentration of harmful substances in the exhaust gases that reach the active surface of the probe will be significantly lower than the real one, and the sensor will transmit a signal with the required parameters to the ECU.

Catalytic oxygen sensor blende

The principle of manufacturing this type of blende is the same as in the first version, only a small piece of honeycomb is inserted into the inner part of the spacer - exactly the same as in the catalytic block, which has a special catalytic coating. Exhaust gases, passing through them, reach the active element of the lambda probe. Since the concentration of toxic substances is within the required limits, the ECU does not notice the substitution. The car runs smoothly.

Electronic lambda probe decoy

An emulator is a kind of microcomputer, if you do not take into account the simplest resistor + capacitor circuits, which can be assembled using circuit diagrams found on the Internet. Result of use homemade device can be deplorable.

So, the emulator is a small block that has its own chip. Electronic blende generates voltage, brings it to the average readings of the second oxygen probe or synchronizes readings with the first oxygen controller. In this case, the ECU does not generate an error.

In fact, this is a means of combating the activation of the check lamp. This deception can cause the air-fuel mixture to become over-rich. Most often this happens when the wrong decoy is selected for a particular car.

The signal from the second lambda probe will always be correct even if a significantly larger amount is supplied to the combustion chambers fuel mixture. However, the operation of the power unit in this case cannot be called proper. The vehicle will drive quite normally, even fuel consumption will not increase much. At the same time, on some car models, when installing such an emulator, error P0133 will appear, indicating a low reaction rate of the oxygen probe.

But the emulator will be useful for cars that have problems with the oxygen sensor (except for problems with the catalytic converter unit). If the lambda probe is faulty, it must be replaced with a new part.

When installing a new probe, fuel economy will increase, the operation of the power unit will be stabilized, timely notification of a malfunction of the catalytic chamber will occur, and the concentration of toxic substances will decrease. But, unfortunately, the price of the issue is too high and to solve this problem, car owners very often resort to installing an electronic emulator on the oxygen controller.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing an oxygen sensor blende

When installing the blende, the “check” indicator will go off. The installation procedure has a relatively low cost and is the most popular.

The decoy of the oxygen controller, unlike replacing it or flashing it, does not take into account various operating conditions and parameters power plant vehicle. In this regard, after some time, error P0140 will appear again, and the “check” will light up on the instrument panel.

Reflashing the car control unit

This is another way to deceive the control unit. After removing or replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester, you can reprogram the vehicle's control unit, which will remove the faulty catalyst or controller error. At the same time, environmental standards will be reduced to Euro-2; with these environmental requirements, only one oxygen sensor was installed, located on the exhaust manifold.

But at the same time:

  • engine power will increase;
  • gear shifting will become smoother;
  • there will be a reduction in fuel consumption;
  • traction performance will improve;
  • the overall dynamics of the car will improve;
  • the car owner will be able to forget forever about the existence of the second oxygen sensor.

Installing a lambda probe decoy

If the exhaust system of your car needs to install a blende on the oxygen sensor, you need to contact a specialized auto center. Qualified workers with help special equipment They will carry out diagnostic measures to identify the causes of malfunction of the oxygen sensor, advise on the installation of a lambda probe, and if necessary, they will install it or replace the oxygen controller. If it is not possible to find a factory-made decoy for your car, the masters of our auto repair shop will make a decoy to your individual order.

Our auto center provides a guarantee for all work performed.

IMPORTANT! The oxygen sensor fake is installed only on a fully functional probe!

Owners of used cars often face the problem of catalytic converter failure. New part It is expensive, so rarely does anyone replace a faulty catalyst with a working one. Usually a flame arrester is installed instead. We have already discussed the nuances of such a replacement.

Lambda probe and snag. Photo – drive2

In this case, the question remains, what to do with the lambda probe (oxygen sensor)? On machines that meet environmental standards Euro-3 and higher, at least two of them are installed, and the second one “checks” the operation of the catalyst - its values ​​are compared with the reading of the first sensor. If the ECU is designed to work with two lambdas, then it will not have a normal mixture without signals from both sensors. So we have to somehow solve this problem. One option is to install a decoy - in one way or another we force the sensor to transmit to the ECU not real data, but those that are needed for normal operation.

How does a lambda probe work?

Before talking about methods of deception, it would be useful to understand the principle of operation of the oxygen sensor. In the manufacture of the sensor, zirconium dioxide and yttrium oxide are used, and the sensor itself has two electrodes, one of which “breathes” car exhaust gases, and the second with ordinary air. Due to the difference in the amount of oxygen, a signal arises, which is transmitted to the ECU. When the composition of the mixture changes, the lambda probes change the voltage, and the range can vary from 0.1 to 0.9 V. 0.1-0.3 V means lean, and 0.7-0.9 V means rich. The optimal value is considered to be 0.4-0.6 V, this is exactly what the ECU strives for in its adjustment.

An important nuance: the oxygen sensor starts working only after it warms up to 300 degrees (which even in exhaust pipe does not happen instantly). This is not a whim of the developers, but a necessary condition, because it is at this temperature that the zirconium electrolyte begins to conduct current. The ECU firmware takes into account this feature of the oxygen sensor, so after a cold start, for the first time it can adjust the mixture without its participation. In many modern cars They are used with heating; an additional electrical wire is laid on them, which allows the oxygen sensor to reach operating temperature faster.

This is exactly the sensor we will have to deceive. Globally, all decoys are divided into two types - mechanical and electronic.

Mechanical tricks

This type of deception has two subspecies, but they are based on one thing - metal sleeve(it is also called a spacer or “screw in”) between the exhaust system and the oxygen sensor. The bushing can be from 40 to 100 mm in length, but in any case, it has the same principle of operation - the lambda probe is moved away from the system to the side, through the small cross-section of the spacer, a small amount of exhaust gases enter it, they are averaged in the volume of the bushing and then to the oxygen the sensor is enough to transmit the information that is needed to the ECU.

This is the simplest and cheapest option, but for some cars it is enough to prevent the ECU from producing a normal fuel-air mixture. However, it does not always work, because even that small portion of the exhaust that “flies” into the bushing is not cleaned. Therefore, we came up with another version of mechanical decoys. The same sleeve is used, only the inside is not empty, but filled with ceramic chips. In essence, it turns out to be a small catalyst, but not designed for the entire exhaust system, but only for the sensor. This is a more reliable type of deception, because here even that small part of the exhaust that is supplied to the lambda probe is “filtered”, excess oxygen is oxidized, and the sensor displays optimal values.

The advantages of mechanical blende are obvious– it is very cheap, you can make a spacer yourself, or buy it for 500-1000 rubles (empty version) or 1500-2000 rubles (with ceramic chips). There were no problems with the installation either - I unscrewed the lambda, screwed in the bushing, and already screwed the oxygen sensor into it - even a schoolboy could do it.

Cons are also available. The bushing noticeably increases the length of the structure; the layout of the bottom elements does not always allow for an extension of the lambda probe - an elongated structure may simply not fit. Then you will have to move the location of the sensor, and this extra work grinder and welding, which negates the simplicity of this method.

Electronic decoys

As we have already seen, the lambda probe converts the amount of oxygen in the exhaust into an electrical signal that the ECU needs. In this case, it is not necessary to create conditions for the sensor so that it shows correctly, you can simply simulate the desired signal without real measurement. This is precisely the principle on which electronic decoys work.

Electronic lambda probe decoy. Photo – drive2

The coolest of them are equipped with a microprocessor, can take into account the operation of the first oxygen sensor and very accurately simulate the output signal, but even simple options that can be assembled by any car owner familiar with a soldering iron work. For ready-made samples in the store they will ask for 1500-3000 rubles, but if you do it yourself, you can spend several hundred rubles on materials.

Installing an electronic decoy is, in theory, simple; you need to “cut” into the wires that go from the deceived sensor to the ECU. The difficulty may lie in where these wires run. In some car models it is easy to get to them, in others it is difficult. Information about where exactly the wiring runs and where it is better to “cut into” it (it is not necessary to do this in the area where the sensor is installed, you can do it anywhere) must be looked for separately for each car model.

In addition to the relatively high cost of ready-made simulators of other cons there are no electronic tricks, but pros There is. For example, with electronic snag A working lambda probe is not needed. It may break during operation, but this will not affect the stability of the system. Sometimes, in general, they install fakes only because they don’t want to buy a new oxygen sensor, because it will cost more.


Of course, when replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester, you can do without snag altogether, and simply reflash the ECU for Euro-2, in which the indicators of the second oxygen sensor are not taken into account. This good option, but it is not suitable for everyone - some machines do not have firmware, and there may not be a specialist nearby high level and so on. In addition, reflashing can be noticeably more expensive. In such situations, decoys of the lambda probe will also give the desired effect. Which one to choose, mechanical or electronic, must be decided in each case individually, depending on the car model, the availability of spare parts and the owner’s predisposition - what he likes more to solder or work with a lathe.