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What animals to breed? The most profitable business in agriculture - the most risky and stable areas of activity What is profitable to keep on the farm for sale

Refers to agricultural activity.

Since ancient times it has brought great profits.

This industry is considered one of the most promising.

Even in ancient times, people raised livestock to provide for their families and to sell.

Of course, the sphere is large. The main thing here is to choose the right direction. And for this it is necessary to determine which direction is in demand in the region of residence.

But, even having decided on an animal, an entrepreneur should take into account that in order to open a business, he will have to have quite a bit of money that will have to be invested. If set up correctly, livestock farming as a business from scratch will quickly pay for itself.

In Russia, livestock farming is becoming increasingly popular not only among ordinary people, but also among entrepreneurs. This is due to some indicators:

  • Our country has special programs that support farming. Entrepreneurs are provided with various subsidies and benefits, and are also given land for running a farming business.
  • A noticeable increase in the cost of products, which provides greater profits.
  • The product line obtained from this type of activity is always in demand. Entrepreneurs, as a rule, have their own distribution channels.
  • Restrictions have now been introduced on the import of products from abroad.
  • A large number of directions. Introduction of new varieties, for example, ostrich breeding.
  • Russian products inspire confidence and are therefore in demand.

Therefore, farming activity is considered profitable and shows great promise. It is growing rapidly and brings great profits. Just to organize it you will have to make a lot of effort and invest money. At the same time, profit can be made very soon.

How to start an activity

The first thing an entrepreneur needs to determine is what goal he will pursue when raising livestock. It is possible to combine several in one direction. Now there are many directions. For example, they breed:

  • for the purpose of selling meat
  • for milk production
  • generalized method
  • marketing of juveniles

Farming activities are affected by two types of factors: external and internal. The first include:

  • degree of specialization
  • security
  • availability of performance

External factors include:

  • presence of demand
  • economy
  • policy

This type of activity is an integral part modern world. By abandoning it, you can return to primitive times. Therefore, livestock farming needs to be supported and developed. Only in this case will the entrepreneur succeed.

Before raising livestock, a beginner in the business should think about several questions:

  • choice of direction
  • business plan preparation
  • registration of activities
  • seeking help from the state
  • purchase of livestock, feed and necessary equipment

Setting up this business correctly involves some difficulties. It is recommended to start in a more familiar direction. It is necessary to adhere to ideas that allow you to quickly recover costs. This will help you reach new level activities with greater profit.

Many farmers simultaneously purchase several types of livestock to determine which one will be more profitable and to their liking. After all, each region may have its own level of sales, connections with the needs of people.

Having studied in practice the technology of raising and feeding livestock on a small scale, you can proceed to a large scale. Simply because you need to learn from small things.

Possible areas of livestock farming

Before drawing up a business plan, an entrepreneur needs to carefully understand all sectors of livestock farming. This includes breeding:

  • birds
  • cows
  • deer
  • camels
  • fur animals

Quite often, entrepreneurs are tormented by the question of livestock farming as a business from scratch, which is more profitable.

It is worth noting that the most profitable area is cow breeding.

Entrepreneurs engaged in such business provide the population not only with meat, but also with dairy products.

In addition, young individuals can be sold.

Of course, this direction is labor-intensive. After all, you will have to look for a barn, and for cows it should not be small.

Therefore, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, starting a business with something simpler is possible. Two more equally profitable industries are:

  • pig farming
  • poultry breeding

This is due to the fact that the resulting products are among the most in demand. But to achieve good result, you need to spend a lot of effort and money.

A stable option would be a large farm with various specializations.

But creating such a business from scratch and right away is quite difficult.

Yes, and it will require a lot of investment.

If we consider the direction of cow breeding separately, then with a number of twenty heads one should not expect big profits.

It is necessary to constantly increase the number of animals, and then you can achieve excellent results. However, if you have no experience in this direction, it is better to start with a small amount. To begin with, it is enough to have five heads of cattle. This will make it possible to understand whether this direction is worth pursuing and whether it was chosen correctly.

The most profitable business

As mentioned above, cow breeding is considered the most profitable activity. This is connected, first of all, with providing people not only with meat, but also with dairy products. Before starting such a business, an entrepreneur needs to draw up a business plan. It should include:

  • volumes that the farmer plans to receive
  • expenses for the purchase of livestock, feed and equipment
  • marketing advertising costs
  • designation of sale price
  • information about sales channels
  • employee salary expenses
  • costs for water, consecration and heat
  • expenses for regular medical care of animals, usually related to vaccinations
  • analysis of possible risk
  • planned income
  • business start-up costs
  • taxes
  • rent or cost of purchased premises

It is very important to determine the premises in advance. It should be located away from the city. Then you can get an environmentally friendly product.

It is important to determine the purpose of raising livestock:

  • for sale of young animals
  • for slaughter
  • dairy production
  • skin dressing
  • production meat products

Once a business plan has been drawn up and premises have been found, you can begin to formalize your activities. To do this, you will have to obtain a number of permits and collect the necessary documentation.

A dairy cow must have:

  • barrel belly
  • small horns
  • good muscles
  • elastic udder

A narrow butt and a sagging back can be considered disadvantages.

Be sure to check the documents before purchasing livestock.

Must be vaccinated.

The cattle must first be provided with feed.

Ideally, there will be good pasture nearby.

It is imperative to disinfect the barn and vaccinate the cattle. It is imperative to provide additional space for the slaughterhouse.

Beef is an expensive and high-quality meat. It is in high demand. In order to obtain greater profits, farmers purchase livestock of different breeds. This helps to make a profit not only from meat, but also from milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and the like.

What is more profitable for the purpose of selling

Let's take a closer look at how profitable each area of ​​livestock farming is:

  • Raising rabbits does not involve large investments and hassle. People who have not previously engaged in livestock farming are recommended to start a business with this type of activity. The main advantage of these animals is their early maturity. Within a month, their weight increases twelvefold. By purchasing five females, you can annually receive two hundred skins and about three hundred kilograms of meat.
  • Breeding nutria, if the business is set up correctly, can lead to good profits. After all, one carcass of this animal costs twenty-five conventional units. With proper organization of activities, one family will bring in up to twenty thousand rubles per month. To get good skins, they must be kept for at least nine months.
  • Quite often people get scammed. You can get fluff and healthy milk from this animal. For beginners in the field of livestock farming, this is quite a profitable business.
  • When breeding turkeys, it is worth considering that they are difficult to maintain. But after ten months such a business pays off. By this time the bird weighs about twenty-five kilograms. The demand for it is very good, so there are no problems with implementation.
  • Pigs are classified as precocious livestock. If you provide them with good care, at the age of six months the animal reaches one hundred kilograms of weight. One female can give birth to two offspring per year. Therefore, in addition to meat, you can trade young animals. Little piglets don't come cheap.
  • Beef has always been and will be in price. Therefore, raising this animal for sale can easily be called one of the most profitable. At proper nutrition and after leaving this beast, within a year and a half, it gains weight up to three hundred and fifty kilograms.

Due to the fact that the main types of livestock products are always in demand, problems with their sale usually do not arise. Entrepreneurs can sell products on the market or rent them out to small retail outlets.

As for large farms, they enter into deals with retail chains, as well as enterprises that process products. Some farmers additionally set up their own production facilities for processing products, which helps increase profitability from their activities.

What is needed for a successful business

Pig farming – profitable business

Every beginning farmer must understand that this type of business does not allow you to generate income instantly.

Livestock farming is one of the most risky activities.

Since there is always a possibility of diseases or natural disasters that contribute to losses and lead to bankruptcy.

Plus, it takes time to make a profit.

Don't forget, production is only the initial stage of business. The second includes successful implementation. Some farmers find permanent distribution channels.

Some of them open their own sales points. With the latter option you can make a big profit. This is expressed in the difference in prices between products sold wholesale and retail. But when deciding to sell food yourself, you need to take into account the costs associated with rent, equipment and staff salaries.

How to organize profitable livestock farming as a business from scratch video:

The main guarantee of any business is the constant control and presence of the manager. An entrepreneur who independently carries out all stages of activity is likely to receive more income than one who entrusts management to strangers.

But, with large volumes, it is impossible for one person to do everything and in any case you will have to hire people. However, the whole process should not be left to chance. There must be control in any business.

Currently, farms in our country receive assistance from the state. This is due to the purpose of supporting Russian production. Livestock farming requires a large investment of money, time and effort, but it is worth it. A person who started and set up a business correctly will very soon make a good profit. After all, food products from this type of activity have always been and will be in demand.

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Livestock farming is considered one of the most profitable areas of business activity. Meat is a product that has long been considered an indicator of abundance and wealth, so such a product is always in great demand. You will learn from this article how to organize work so that livestock farming as a business at home brings good income.

Business Features

Livestock farms produce not only meat, but also dairy products.

Main industries:

  • Pig breeding;
  • Sheep breeding;
  • Poultry breeding;
  • Rabbit breeding;
  • Breeding cattle.

This is a fairly popular area of ​​activity, since meat, milk, wool and other products are always in great demand in the domestic market. If you decide to get into this business, you need to draw up a competent livestock farming business plan to eliminate all the risks that exist in this field of activity.

Some novice entrepreneurs believe that this type of business requires constant investment. But if you correctly draw up a plan of your actions and adhere to all its points, you can achieve a rapid increase in the number of livestock, due to which production volumes will significantly increase without additional capital investments. High-quality goods are always in demand by consumers, so there are usually no problems with the sale of the main types of livestock products.

Recently, the number of farms has begun to decrease. In this regard, you can easily take your place in the market and achieve great success in this field. Experts believe that at the moment, livestock farming as a small business is one of the most promising and profitable areas of activity.

Types of animals

As mentioned above, livestock farms raise more than just pigs and cows. Sheep, rams and goats also bring good income to farmers. Before you decide what products your farm will produce, you need to set goals that you want to achieve.

If you want to enter into a contract for the supply of products with a dairy plant, you should raise cows or goats. This is a very profitable option, since a large enterprise will buy all your products in bulk. In addition, you can sell livestock products yourself or sell them to intermediaries.

Experienced farmers believe that the most profitable business in livestock farming is raising bulls for meat. Its profitability reaches 45–55%. This area of ​​activity is especially relevant for the southern regions of our country, where the herd can be kept under open air all year round. Thanks to this, farmers are able to save a decent amount on equipment for livestock housing and make a good profit.

Another available option is . With a skillful approach, such a business brings a decent, stable income. Anyone living in a rural area can open a goat farm. This business does not require large capital investments, but is highly profitable.

Business registration

If you are interested in livestock farming as a business, before you start working, you need to officially register your activity. To do this, it is enough to register as a private entrepreneur, as well as register with the pension and insurance fund.

In addition, you need to prepare project documentation and obtain the appropriate permits from the following authorities:

  • Fire inspection;
  • Labor Inspectorate.

After you have completed all the documents, they should be submitted to the district administration, which will issue a resolution on opening a livestock farm.

Market research and planning

Like any other business venture, a livestock farm requires careful planning. It is advisable to involve a specialist who is well versed in this area in developing a business plan for the development of livestock farming. He will conduct thorough market research to determine the financial capabilities of consumers and the level of competition.

In addition, the best livestock business ideas can be borrowed from other entrepreneurs who have managed to achieve success in this area of ​​activity. Do not forget that any mistakes made at the planning stage of your business can lead you to bankruptcy.

Revenues and profits

Before that, you should perform preliminary financial calculations:
  1. Rent land plot– 500–700 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of livestock – 4–5 million rubles (200 heads);
  3. Farm maintenance – 500 thousand rubles;
  4. Purchase of feed – 50 thousand rubles (monthly);
  5. A veterinarian’s salary is 25–30 thousand rubles;
  6. Salary to workers – from 15 thousand rubles (monthly for 1 person);
  7. If you constantly develop your enterprise, it will pay off in literally 2-3 years.

For those who are interested, but do not have large starting capital, here is approximate calculations for keeping a small herd of 20 bulls:

  • Purchase of young animals – 8 thousand rubles 1 head;
  • Hay and feed – 10 thousand rubles (for 11 months).

The total costs for 20 animals will be 360 ​​thousand rubles. If you opened a business using credit funds, you will have to pay approximately 30 thousand rubles in interest for 11 months.

At proper care One bull gains up to 200 kg in 11 months. It can be sold wholesale to resellers for 200 rubles. per 1 kg of live weight. Accordingly, for 20 heads you will receive 720 thousand rubles. If you subtract all expenses, the net profit will be 320 thousand rubles. This is the most profitable business in livestock farming, which brings in decent income.

Farm profitability can be increased by increasing the number of livestock. If you use modern means of small-scale mechanization, you can independently service a herd of 40–60 animals, without the involvement of hired employees.

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To make a good profit you need to raise 250–350 heads of cattle. Of these, 120 units are females that bear offspring. Thanks to this, you can significantly save on the purchase of young animals. When choosing a male, pay attention to his pedigree. If you follow these rules, the farm will generate a decent income.

If you stick to traditional livestock production technology and find reliable markets, all initial investments will pay off in 2-3 years.


Those involved in livestock farming in Russia have one big trump card - this is a huge undeveloped space. Such a business can be opened in any region of our country. A responsible approach to work and creative planning will help you achieve great success in this matter.

Abroad, farming is considered a profitable and promising activity. In our country, this type of small business is just beginning to develop, so the state provides comprehensive support to entrepreneurs who open their own businesses in the agricultural industry. Farming as a business idea for beginners attracts not only beginners, but also experienced businessmen. We will discuss how to organize your own farm in this article.

Where to begin?

Many novice entrepreneurs often ask the question, where to start farming in Russia in order to quickly promote their business and achieve net profit? In addition, many doubt whether it is worth farming in difficult economic conditions?

Risk is present in all types of business. No one can guarantee that your business will turn into a highly profitable enterprise. Therefore, before doing so, it is necessary to carefully calculate all costs, determine the level of competition and find markets. Thanks to this, you can understand how profitable and promising this or that business is. After this, you should draw up a farming business plan and include all expense items in it.

Since the agricultural business requires not only financial but also labor costs, be prepared for the fact that you will have to work a lot physically. If you are not afraid of this, feel free to open your own farm.

What is profitable to breed and grow?

So, you have firmly decided that I want to start farming, where to start? First of all, you need to choose a direction of activity. According to experts, mixed farms that engage in livestock farming, crop production and product processing work most efficiently.

If you are interested, consider the following options:

  • A pig farm with a population of 100 pigs will bring a good profit. To open such an enterprise, you will need from 2 to 5 million rubles;
  • Poultry farming does not require large financial investments. In addition, hired labor may not be involved in this area. This great option for those who are interested in how to open their own farm from scratch;
  • Fishing, when approached skillfully, brings excellent income from the sale of fish and the organization of paid fishing;
  • Beekeeping is very popular in our country, since there is always a high demand for fresh natural honey. Investments in such a business pay off in the shortest possible time.

The choice of activity largely depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

In plant growing you can do:

  • Growing grain crops. There are no problems with the sale of such products in our country. It is used in the textile, food and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, grain is the main food for birds and animals;
  • Growing vegetables and berries. This is a promising line of business that allows you to make a good profit during the season. To reduce the seasonality factor, you can grow vegetables, flowers or berries in greenhouses;
  • Gardening. This type of business is highly profitable. Investments in this type of activity are considered long-term, since the initial investment pays off only after 3-4 years. Over time, you will have a business that requires virtually no maintenance costs.

Registration of activities

If you decide to start farming, where to start? Of course, with the registration of the enterprise. With large production volumes it is impossible to do without this.

There are different forms of conducting this type of business activity:

  1. Own subsidiary plot. In this case, the types and scale of products produced are limited, but sanitary inspections are not carried out at such an enterprise;
  2. Farming. This type of business requires a larger scale. It does not have any restrictions regarding the volume of product sales. Private farms are periodically inspected by various regulatory authorities.

After you decide on the registration form, proceed with the registration, and also register with the tax office. If you plan to open a processing enterprise on the basis of your farm in the future, it is better to register it immediately entity.

So, how to register farming in Russia?

To do this you need to obtain the following documents:

  • Fire inspection permit;
  • SES permission;
  • Permission from local authorities.

After you go through all these steps, you can start working.

What is needed to create a farm?

Let's figure out what you need to start farming? First of all, you need to choose a location for the future farm. If your farm is located close to big city, this will allow significant savings on the transportation of products to customers. It is also desirable that this be an ecologically clean area. After you decide where to start farming, you should deal with financial issues.

Many people have probably heard that farming as a business is supported by the state, so they hope to receive such help. In fact, applying for a subsidy is not so simple. To do this, you will have to fulfill many conditions, which not all beginning farmers can do. Of course, you can take part in one of these programs, but you should not rely solely on this help. Therefore, if you are interested in how to start farming without money, first carefully study the legislation, and only after that start implementing your business idea.

Choosing a direction of activity

Let's figure out what kind of farming is profitable to do? According to experts, the following areas of activity are most suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs:

Geese breeding

In order to do this kind of work, you need to have certain skills. In addition, for raising geese, a room and special areas for poultry walking should be equipped. It should be noted that with the right approach it can bring excellent profits. Even beginners can do this kind of work, but to do this they need to study special literature in order to gain the necessary knowledge.

Geese quickly gain weight. At two months of age it can reach 4 kilograms. This is an unpretentious bird that does not require special conditions. For one adult goose you can earn 600–1200 rubles at the market. In addition, you can sell the fluff. It's not cheap. From one bird you can collect 600 g of fluff. Resellers give 200 rubles for 100 g of such raw materials. If you perform simple calculations, you can understand whether it is profitable to engage in farming, and in particular, breeding geese.

Goat breeding

Modern people are concerned about their health, so organic food has recently become very popular. Many consumers began to prefer goat milk, which is completely absorbed by the body and has medicinal properties. This product is also often purchased for children who are allergic to cow's milk. According to experts, in a few years it will become one of the most profitable areas of activity.

Pheasant breeding

It has not yet become widespread in our country. Few farms are engaged in this business, so you can easily take your place in this market. If you follow all the rules for breeding these exotic birds and invest decent money in your business, over time it will begin to bring excellent profits.

Pheasant meat and eggs can be sold to restaurants, individuals, and large supermarkets. If you find a few regular customers, the business will flourish.

Breeding partridges

Many residents of small towns and villages need additional income. Most often they are engaged in poultry farming, for example.

Since the development of farming in Russia is at an early stage, few entrepreneurs are engaged in this business, so there are no problems with the sale of such products. This is a low-cost and quite promising business that can be organized in a country house or in a private house.

Laying hen breeding

For beginning entrepreneurs, this is the simplest and most accessible idea for organizing your own farm. This does not require large labor or financial costs and at the same time allows you to quickly get a good result.

Experienced businessmen usually specialize in breeding breeding birds that are highly productive. This allows them to receive a stable high income all year round. The main advantage of such a business idea is the minimum financial investments, high demand for products and excellent development prospects. With time household can turn into a large enterprise bringing excellent profits.

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Advantages and disadvantages

To understand whether farming is profitable in Russia, you should first become familiar with all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business activity.

Despite the problems of farming in Russia, many entrepreneurs move from the city to the countryside to organize such a business. And this is not surprising, since in cities almost all niches in the market have been occupied for a long time, so achieving success in such conditions is not so easy. The absence of much competition is one of the main advantages of a farming business. If you have little capital, you can start with vegetable growing and gradually develop your business. You can create your own form literally from scratch, and this is another important advantage.

Among the disadvantages of such a business, I would like to highlight the long payback period and the high risks that are present in all areas of agricultural activity.

Decide for yourself where to start farming and in what direction to develop your business. Love your business, and it will definitely please you with good profits.


Now you know how to become a farmer from scratch. Before choosing a business idea, thoroughly research the market and identify possible distribution channels finished products. In addition, you need to draw up a competent plan in order to correctly distribute cash flows. Remember that this type of activity involves long-term investments, so be prepared to work hard to achieve a positive result.

It’s even more difficult with plans: for now only THOUGHTS OUT LOUD: rent a 200-300 hectare of agricultural land for 3 years.
prepare the land - at the expense of the future harvest
fertilizers - from grain
no equipment - rent for grain
There are no warehouses - rent for grain or sell from the field.
There are no people - but how many are needed? I don’t know, at least an agronomist and a technical engineer + a couple of workers.
allocate up to 20 hectares for growing vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, etc.),
up to 20 hectares for animals (cows, chickens, quails, pigs, lambs, etc.)
There are also thoughts about a mini slaughterhouse, a greenhouse, a refrigerator, grain and sunflower oil processing and much more... even producing biofuel) and pallets

Oh, that’s a lot to write, but I’ll try to keep it short:

1. Lease for 3 years is not enough, the risks are huge, weather, force majeure, ruble exchange rate, grain prices, etc. You won’t get anything back in 3 years;
2. The future harvest must be insured - this is also money;
3. Fuel and lubricants will cost you a pretty penny, and so will renting equipment;
4. Selling from the field is not an option for large volumes; a warehouse is needed. In the case of grain, there is also a current; trading from the field is not an option at all;
5. For 20 hectares of vegetables you need a couple of dozen people, not four, as you wrote;
6. 20 hectares of vegetables - it is necessary to establish sales so that they can be distributed to retail outlets immediately after harvest;
7. 20 hectares for animals - except for sheep, it’s cheaper there to build a pen for them. For the rest - ancillary buildings, winter maintenance premises, etc. - a pretty penny;
8. Providing animals with feed - with 20 hectares you will feed a very small livestock on an industrial scale, plus the feed must be stored somewhere, therefore - again premises;
9. A mini-slaughterhouse is a good thing, but it makes sense in conjunction with the production of meat products on site. Now the realities are such that in many places they simply do not allow small businesses to organize slaughterhouses; instead, they are sent to a slaughterhouse;
10. Greenhouses are a good thing, on a scale of at least 20 acres of covered surface. But the costs here are also high, plus mechanization is needed - at least to renew the inside of the earthen soil every few years;
11. Biofuel - I can’t say anything here;
12. Pallets or pellets? If pellets and there is a source of suitable raw materials nearby, it’s quite a small business. If pallets, that is, Euro pallets, are also normal, but there you will have to buy equipment worth one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand: a good compressor, drum nailers, nails, hoses. Again - the premises and the sales market.

You can do anything, the question is the exhaust. You were absolutely rightly advised - start with a dozen chickens. Just keep accurate calculations of the costs of feed, bedding, fertilizing, etc. I think you will be very surprised when you understand what’s what. Now, in order to compete with agricultural holdings, you need to have similar volumes and also be able to hide your conscience in your pocket. Well, or go towards “eco” products.