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What kind of Audi cars are there? The history of the iconic Audi A6. series or A6

Audi is a German company specializing in the production of AW passenger cars. Part of the Volkswagen concern. The headquarters is located in Ingoldstadt.
At the beginning of 1909, after a complex legal dispute with the new owners of the Horch-Werke plant in Zwickau, founded by August Horch, the owner of the name - August Horch - was forced to found a new company - August Horch Automobilwerke GmbН. Horch was faced with the task of coming up with a new name for the company...

One legend says. In the house of one of Horch's companions there was a heated debate about the name. At this time, in the next room, the owner’s son was learning Latin. And when one of the shareholders exclaimed: “Listen to the other side!”, the boy, either jokingly or quite seriously, loudly translated this phrase into Latin: “Audiatur et altera pars!” The surprised debaters realized that "horch" (in German- “listen, listen”) is translated into Latin as “audi”.
Horch's new venture began with fairly solid and powerful machines. Since 1910, the Audi A10/22 has been produced. The cylinders, as was customary in those days, were interlocked in pairs. The four-cylinder engine with a displacement of 2612 cm3 developed 22 hp. The company advertised itself with large posters with the word "Audi" and an image of a huge ear. This is how one of the most famous brands of AW cars appeared to this day.
1920 - Audi Automobil-Werke AG introduced the new Audi trademark. In keeping with the fashionable business style of the time, Lucian Bernhard's flourishes replaced the vignette-adorned Audi emblem. Now a new emblem (golden letters on a blue background in an oval) adorned the AW radiators of Audi cars (when the first post-war Audi entered the market in 1965, it had exactly this trademark).

At this point in the history of Audi, it is necessary to make a small digression: the fact is that in the 30s, Audi entered the Auto-Union concern, uniting four companies (from where the 4 intertwined rings appeared in the emblem). What kind of companies are these? Actually Audi, Horch, DKW and Wanderer. Each of these companies is worthy of its own excursion into history, but... Let's talk about only one - DKW. Its AW torus, father and chief designer was Jogen Skaft Rasmussen.

Jorgen Skaft Rasmussen was born in 1878 in Nakskov, Denmark. He received his engineering education at the technical schools of Mittweid and Chemnitz, in Germany. In fact, the entire life path of this extraordinary personality is connected with her. In 1903, in Chemnitz, he founded his first enterprise - a fittings company, where only ten workers worked. But things were going well, and already in 1906 Rasmussen bought a small textile factory in Zschopau for 55 thousand marks.
Rasmussen was well aware that this kind of orders would decline with the end of the war - and in 1916 he built an experimental steam car. He was prompted to create just such a vehicle by the acute shortage of gasoline in the country and the experience in the production of steam equipment accumulated at the plant. To build the steam car, he hired engineer Matissen, who had previously developed the famous “White” steam cars in the USA. Rasmussen was preparing to produce passenger and cargo steam cars, but his plans were not destined to come true. However, something still remains from them - a registered trademark"DKW" - "steam AW car" (Dampf Kraft Wagen).

At the very end of the war, chance brought Rasmussen together with the then famous German designer Hugo Ruppe. He had been working on small gasoline engines since 1908, when he designed a four-stroke engine for his father's company, which produced AW cars "Piccolo" and "Appolo".

Ruppe was one of the first to create air-cooled engines, and also developed and patented an ignition of his own design. Using this patent, he and G. Riesner, who came with him to Rasmussen, designed in 1919 two stroke engine air cooling with a working volume of 25 cm3. A thousand of these motors, intended for children's AW cars, were produced in Zschopau and the abbreviation "DKW" began to stand for "a boy's dream" (Des Knaben Wunsch).

Rasmussen entrusted the project of the first full-fledged AW car to designer Emil Fischer. The body of the prototype was made of wood; it rested on two semi-elliptical springs at the front and one transverse spring at the rear. The two-cylinder, two-stroke, air-cooled boxer engine had a displacement of 500 cm3. At first, the engine, gearbox and differential were supposed to be combined into one unit, which would increase the cost of the car - so this solution was soon abandoned.

The start of production of the AW car was delayed, and Fisher moved to another company, S.B.Avtomobil, where electric cars were made in 1921. But experiments with AW vehicles "DKW" continued. At the Berlin AW Motor Show, a prototype with a rear-mounted motor and a V-belt drive was shown, and in 1926, a lightweight machine with an electric motor "DEW", developed by Professor Kligenberg, was presented - the fruit of a joint effort between DKW, AEG and AFA. . Its body was made of plywood, transverse springs were used. A total of 500 of these electric vehicles were sold.

Rasmussen's activities have already gone beyond the boundaries of one, albeit expanded, company. In 1928 he acquired controlling stake shares of the AUDI plant, which at that time found itself in a difficult situation, and at the same time bought a license and technological equipment in Detroit for the production of six- and eight-cylinder Rickenbacker engines. At first it was planned to sell these engines to third-party manufacturers, but there were no buyers and they began to be installed on Audi. At the same time, the eight-cylinder "AUDi SS Zvikkau" turned out to be as much as 5,000 marks cheaper than its predecessor, the six-cylinder "P Imperator".
In October 1930, the AUDI design bureau began work on a front-wheel drive AW vehicle with a DKW motorcycle engine (350 cm3) and the use of Tracta hinges, transverse springs, and a narrow frame. In six months, three prototypes were built - one with a 350 cm3 engine, and the other two with 500 cm3 engines. But in order to get AUDI out of the crisis, Rasmussen found a faster way - he bought a license for the Peugeot-5/25CV engine. This engine was installed on the newly appeared front-wheel drive "DKW", called it "AUDI-P 5/30" and put on the market in 1931.
The cheapest AW car at the Berlin AW dealership in 1931 was the new front-wheel drive “DKW Front”. The two-stroke two-cylinder engine (600 cm3) developed 18 hp. With. It was combined into one unit with the gearbox and differential. True, the frame turned out to be very simple in design weak point The vehicle's AW continued to be strengthened several times in the future. Since 1932, a modernized "DKW-F2" with a reinforced frame and larger brakes was built. From the very beginning, cars were assembled not only in Zschopau, but also at the AUDI plant. In 1932, Rasmussen was in active negotiations with the director of the Saxon State Bank, Dr. Bruhn.

Their result was the birth on January 1, 1933 of the famous Auto Union concern, which included the Horch, Wanderer, AUDI and DKW factories. Two years later, on Rasmussen’s initiative, the production of AW AUDI vehicles was transferred to the Horch plant, and at the AUDI plant itself only front-wheel drive DKWs were made. Beginning in 1934, with the introduction of the AW distribution system in Germany, the factories of the Third Reich began to experience an acute shortage of metal, rubber, and other materials. The DKW plant could easily produce 5,500 AW vehicles per month and, in principle, was able to increase this figure to 10,000, but only produced 5,200 cars.
The shortage of metal led the management of Auto Union to the idea of ​​a plastic body. The concerns IG Farbengruppe and Dynamite AG joined the work. The first plastic parts were the trunk lid and doors. The success of the front-wheel drive DKW was enormous. Simple, inexpensive, but quite durable and durable cars in 1938 were paid for by buyers six months in advance. These AW vehicles - among other captured ones - were well known in our country in the post-war period. The merciless humor of the winners was deciphered by "DKW" in its own way: "the fool who made it up." The design of the machines was indeed too unusual for us.
The Auto Union empire was destroyed by the war and the post-war division of Germany. It remains to say a few words about her legacy. In Germany, in Ingolstadt, the company "Auto Union" was re-founded in 1949, where they built AW cars under the brands "DKW" and "Auto Union" of the pre-war model "F9" with two- and four-door bodies.

1950 - production of the first post-war AW passenger car Auto Union began. We were talking about the DKW model: the master class F 89 P in the form of a sedan and a four-seater Karmann convertible. Since there was not enough production space for the production of AW passenger cars in Ingolstadt, Auto Union took former territory Rheinmetall-B or sing AG in Düsseldorf, where DKW passenger cars were produced until the end of 1961.

1970 - Audi began exporting widely to the United States. At first, exports to the USA were limited to the Audi Super 90 (sedan and station wagon), as well as the new Audi 100. Since 1973, they were joined by the Audi 80, which, unlike the European version, also existed as the Audi 80 station wagon (in fact, a VW Passat Variant with more high level of equipment). Later Audi models received their own designations on the US market: Audi 4000 for Audi 80, Audi 5000 for Audi 100. However, repeated cases of violations of manufacturer responsibility for their products since the mid-80s led to a decline in Audi supplies to the USA.
1977 - with the completion of the NSU production line, the Audi typeface in a red-brown oval was additionally introduced as a corporate logo (since 1982, the corporate oval also adorned side surfaces wings of AW vehicles).
1980 - the all-wheel drive sports coupe attracted great attention at the Audi stand at the Geneva AW Automobile Salon. For the first time, a passenger all-wheel drive high-power AW vehicle was offered in the form Audi quattro with a drive concept previously used only in AW trucks and SUVs. The idea of ​​such a passenger AW car arose in the winter of 1976/77 during test runs on the VW Iltis SUV being developed for the Bundeswehr. The excellent behavior of this AW vehicle when driving on ice and snow led to the idea of ​​introducing four-wheel drive VW Iltis into the production Audi 80. A higher power version was also developed - a 2.2 liter five-cylinder turbo engine with 147 kW / 200 hp was introduced in the autumn of 1979. With.
1981 - Audi quattro made its motorsport debut at the January rally in Austria. From then on, the all-wheel drive power package from Ingolstadt revolutionized the international rally and racing scene.

1982 - The Audi 80 quattro launched large-scale production of permanent all-wheel drive. Gradually, the quattro concept was also offered for other Audi model series.
1990 - Audi AG participated for the first time in the German AW Touring Car Championship (DTM). The winner this season was Hans-Joachim Stuck, driving an Audi V8. The following year, Audi, with Frank Beale driving the same model, was able to successfully defend this title. In December 1990 it was introduced new Audi 100 (internal designation C 4), which for the first time in the history of the company was also offered with a six-cylinder V-engine. The compact (128 kW, 174 hp) powerful unit with an engine displacement of 2.8 liters was the shortest and lightest in its class.

At the Geneva AW Motor Show in March 1990, Audi AG presented the Audi duo, the production Audi 100 Avant quattro, in which, in addition to the conventional gasoline engine, an electric motor was also installed to drive the rear axle. If necessary, the drive could be switched from a gasoline engine to an electric one. This AW hybrid vehicle was developed in particular for use in the public utilities sector.

Today's brand image is based on four principles: the use of high technology, emotionality, sportiness and global claims. Each performs a specific task, and all together pursue the main goal: in the next five to six years, to at least double sales, to equal global sales volumes and perceptions with the main competitors - BMW and Mercedes-Benz.
However, at the headquarters of Audi AG these principles are also called tools with the help of which very specific tasks of capturing markets are solved. Thus, the company was the first to make all-wheel drive in a sedan, and this attracted new customers: if in 1995 about 50 thousand of such models were sold, then in 2002 - four times more. For almost seven years, Audi was the only one to use direct fuel injection on diesel engines. This made it possible to reduce engine noise and increase the environmental friendliness and speed of AW vehicles. As a result, sales of such cars over the same seven years increased from 100 thousand to 300 thousand per year. And the production of large series of AW vehicles with aluminum bodies generally influenced the development of the entire global AW industry.

They made a bet on the emotionality of the brand when they moved away from the image of a mass car. “In the premium segment, the atmosphere surrounding the client is very important,” says Graham Liesl, head of the department of global communication strategies at Audi AG. “When purchasing an expensive model, a person first of all buys emotions. He wants to feel the exclusivity of the AW car and the attitude towards himself, therefore Everything must be done to the highest standard."
First of all, the product itself must correspond to this level: its quality, technical specifications, design. How seriously the company takes this can be judged by the current development of the model range. Since 1995, one or two new models began to appear every year. Starting with the A4, the Germans within three years produced the A3 and A4 Avant, the A6 business model, the A6 Avant station wagon and the TT Coupe. Over the next four years, the TT Roadster and the all-terrain Audi allroad quattro, the compact A2 and the new A4, the A8 limousine and the new A4 Avant, the A4 convertible and the second generation A8 appeared on the market. Finally, in 2003, a new version of the A3 model appeared and three completely innovative concepts - Pikes Peak, Nuvolari and Le Mans, presented between January and September. This “rate of fire” is especially impressive considering that the creation of each model takes about five years and up to two billion euros.

Following the general concept of the brand, the company gives all new products a sporty character. This is expressed in excellent dynamic characteristics, powerful engines, suspensions, the appearance of cars and interior design. Moreover, in addition to the basic models, sports modifications with the S index and super sports RS are available. The RS6, for example, is impressive: its 450 horsepower literally provoke rapid rushes and lane changes, and on the AW Toban only the electronic speed limiter did not allow it to jump beyond the 250 km/h mark. But marketing policy requires even more aggressive fueling of the sporting spirit, and Audi actively sponsors competitions alpine skiing, golf, sailing, supports two famous football clubs in Europe.
All this works on the fourth postulate of the company, which sounds like this: Audi is one of the largest players in the world market. To achieve this, dealer networks are expanding in different regions planet, joint ventures are being created to work in the promising Chinese market, the share is expanding in Europe, where the German brand now owns 3.6% of the market. Business and finance specialist Jürgen De Graeve tried to explain the general level of the company's claims using a specific example: “In the USA, we sell eighty-five thousand AW vehicles a year, and BMW - a quarter of a million. We intend to first equalize our sales figures, and then displace competitors."
To realize such ambitious plans, the company's business must be fine-tuned like clockwork. Audi AG believes that this is the case and boldly introduces various divisions and production facilities. First of all, this is the plant itself, or rather, one of the plants, since the company produces AW cars at three European enterprises. One is located in Hungary, where the TT model is partially manufactured. The company’s engine plant also operates in Hungary, where 1.3 million engines are produced annually, of which one half goes to Audi, and the other half to other brands, including Skoda and Seat. In the German city of Neckarsulm they produce solid models with aluminum bodies - A8, A6, Allroad, as well as the “baby” A2. The Audi Security division is also based there, where the armored A6 business sedans and A8 limousines are assembled. But the company's largest plant is located in the town of Ingolstadt, an hour's drive from Munich. Working in three shifts, it produces up to 780 A3s, almost as many A4s and about two hundred more TT models every day.

However, Audi's holdings in Ingolstadt are not limited to production alone: ​​they occupy almost 2 million hectares here, and this is more than the territory of the Principality of Monaco. It is here that the headquarters of Audi AG is based, designers and constructors work, the main marketing department, large tool production and the company’s technical center are located. By the way, the latter is considered one of the most advanced in the world: its aerodynamic complex allows it to “develop” speeds of up to 320 km/h and drop temperatures to -60C. Other members of the parent concern use this for free - Volkswagen brand and Seat, German bobsledders receive the complex as sponsorship for training, but it is rented out to other customers for 2,700 euros per hour.
The plant is also crammed with all kinds of electronics. For example, the AW tomatization coefficient of the workshop for the production of the A4 model was increased to 83% back in 2000. To do this, we had to solve many problems, including controlling robots. They move along the conveyor one after another various modifications AW vehicles, and each requires its own set of technological operations. Therefore, a sensor with a task is attached to the body, and the electronics reads the data and controls the equipment without human intervention.
But the final assembly area is crowded: it’s impossible to do without human eyes and hands. Moreover, each employee also becomes a kind of controller, checking the quality of previous operations. If he notices a colleague’s mistake, he sends a signal, and the defect is instantly corrected. Every second counts - in case full stop conveyor, a minute of downtime will cost the company 13 thousand euros.

However, the company also cares about its workers. Let's say, not so long ago, bodies were hung above the assembly line at an angle of 45 degrees - it was believed that it was more convenient for assemblers. However, the company commissioned a study, and it turned out that working with a horizontally hanging body is less harmful to the spine, after which all the lines were redone at the factories. Another example: an excellent parquet floor is laid under the entire assembly line. Noticing my surprised look, the attendant explained: “Wood is not as hard and cold as concrete, and this is very important for people’s health.”

The work of Audi designers is scheduled literally week by week for years to come. Until recently, Audi had 60 months to create a new model, but due to fierce competition it has now had to switch to a shorter cycle of 50 months (a little over four years). This cycle outlines the work schedule of all departments, including designers.

Work on a machine begins with a document prepared by the product planning team. In accordance with market prospects, it issues technical specifications, which indicate the dimensions of the future AW vehicle, body type, number of seats, main dynamic parameters, and cost level. After that, for eight months, artists can offer almost anything they want. But with a condition: firstly, it must meet the basic principles of the brand (innovation, sportiness, emotionality), and secondly, it must comply with the centuries-old traditions and style of the brand. The fact is that Audi firmly adheres to the principle that the design of the model range should be evolution, not revolution.

Subsequently, only two projects will be selected from the mass of ideas, and work on them will proceed at the next stage. Here three divisions should present their sketches - for the exterior, interior and color solutions. Moreover, they have their own specialization: designers of seats, upholstery, instrument panels, and controls. And approximately 25 months after the start, the final one is selected from two options, and somewhere in the 33rd month a plasticine model is made on a scale of 1:1.

At this point, designers should prepare accurate images of all details, including small ones such as buttons, instrument arrows, joints and seams. Moreover, each stroke must carry a semantic or functional load. Florian Gulden, one of Audi's designers, explains how decisions can influence people's associations. Some lines and details emphasize the stability and power of the AW car, others - its swiftness, and others give a feeling of security and peace.

If everything is done correctly, then 15-18 months before the start of production, an almost final version is created, which is agreed upon with the technologists and exhibited at one of the international AW showrooms. This version is so close to the production model that they even make stamps for many components and tools using it. However, some amendments can be made after the exhibition: responses from the press, dealers, and the public play a big role.

The huge Audi AG complex in Ingolstadt is an excellent example of business development in accordance with the intended strategy. Having decided to promote a prestigious brand, the company did its best to ensure that customers “buy” those very positive emotions here. And next to the factory workshops, an Audi-Forum was erected - a special customer center. In 1992, it was opened by the legendary Ferdinand Piech, who then headed Volkswagen concern, but well remembered the beginning of his AW car career at Audi AG.

Now the Audi-Forum includes a company museum, a restaurant, offices, shops for AW accessories and company paraphernalia. However, its main part is a huge, stadium-sized corporate hangar, which became the prototype of modern Audi dealerships. It was there that the standards of the brand’s showrooms were laid down, such as a large amount of light and air, the use of special anti-glare mirrors and spotlights, and the creation of comfortable areas for customers. “All this has one goal - to create an atmosphere of celebration, a memorable event,” says center employee Gunther Gerlich. “Each client should feel their importance and exclusivity. Every day from this center we release up to two hundred and eighty new AW vehicles of all models of the company. And they come for They are not only Germans, but also residents of other European countries."

The most curious thing is that Audi-Forum does not sell cars - orders for them and payments are accepted by dealers. And in Ingolstadt you can only get the AW car itself. But how is it done? On the appointed day, buyers arrive at the company. And while the car is being prepared for delivery, clients get acquainted with the museum, are taken around the factory floors, and are fed at the company’s expense in a restaurant. Here you can buy souvenirs, accessories and even order additional equipment- sports seats, exclusive steering wheel or alloy wheels.

And when the time comes to receive the keys, the client will be informed about this by speakerphone and they will also display information on a light display. It shows that every quarter of an hour another five to ten people or companies become owners of a brand new AW, who also often want to turn the purchasing process into pleasure. After which - a short briefing from the consultant, a ceremonial start of the engine, a photo for memory - and off we go. Obviously, all this is actually attractive: according to the center’s employees, many clients come here for the second or even third time, taking their wives, children, and friends with them. In general, almost a quarter of all AW vehicles of this brand sold in Germany are sold annually from Audi-Forum.

It was modernized and the model name was changed to A6. Sedans and station wagons were equipped with 1.8 and 2.0 petrol fours (125–140 hp), a 2.5 in-line five-cylinder engine (133 hp) and V-shaped sixes with a volume of 2.6 and 2.8 liters (150 -193 hp) There were also 1.9 TDI and 2.5 TDI turbodiesels. Buyers were offered versions with sedan and station wagon bodies; the drive could be front or rear. The most powerful version of the car was called .

2nd generation (C5), 1997–2004

The second generation Audi A6, which still had sedan and station wagon versions, began production in 1997. A wide range of power units was offered for this model. Gasoline engines had a volume of 1.8 to 3.0 liters (125–250 hp), including turbocharged engines. There were two turbodiesels - 1.9 TDI and 2.5 TDI, with different power options. In addition to the “charged” version (335 hp), a super-powerful one with an engine developing 444 hp also appeared. With.

In 1999, a continuously variable variator began to be offered for front-wheel drive A-sixes, and an off-road station wagon also appeared at the same time. In 2001, the Audi A6 was updated: the car’s suspension and gearbox were modernized, and the range of engines was updated. In total, more than 1.2 million A6 models were produced at factories in Germany and China.

3rd generation (C6), 2004–2011

The third generation car, which debuted in 2004, became even larger, more comfortable and received richer equipment (for example, the MMI multimedia interface). A long-wheelbase version of the sedan was prepared especially for the Chinese market. In 2008, the Audi A6 was restyled.

4th generation (C7), 2011–2018

The fourth generation of the Audi A6 sedan began production at the Neckarsulm plant in December 2010, European sales started in April 2011. In the fall of the same year, the Avant station wagon version debuted, and in 2012, the Allroad “off-road” station wagon.

The wheelbase of the car has become larger compared to its predecessor, instead of power steering, the car received an electric booster, and all-wheel drive versions have a new transmission (asymmetrical differential with a multi-plate clutch). Some of the car's body panels were made of aluminum.

In the list of options appeared, for example, completely LED headlights, active cruise control, lane keeping system.

The range of power units consisted of 2.0 TFSI and 3.0 TFSI petrol turbo engines, a 2.8 FSI naturally aspirated engine, as well as two- and three-liter turbodiesels. Front-wheel drive cars were equipped with CVTs, all-wheel drive cars were equipped with a seven-speed robotic box gears, although for basic versions it was possible to choose a six-speed manual.

In 2012, a charged version of the Audi S6 appeared, and a year later - an even more powerful Audi RS6. A hybrid version of the model was produced in 2012–2014.

Audi A6 sedans and station wagons were officially sold on the Russian market. In 2011, prices started at 1,660,000 rubles for a car with a 2.0 TFSI engine (180 hp), front-wheel drive and manual transmission. For several years, large-scale assembly of machines for Russia was carried out at a plant in Kaluga.

The first generation Audi A4 was produced from 1994 to 2001. Four-cylinder engines 1.6 and 1.8 developed power from 101 to 170 forces. Two years after its release, a station wagon and an all-wheel drive version of the A4 quattro appeared; the version with a 2.7 twin-turbo six with a power of 265 hp was at the top of the range. With. More than 30 thousand of these cars were sold.

The model was equipped with a five- and six-speed manual transmission or a four- or five-speed automatic transmission.

2nd generation, 2000–2006

The second generation Audi A4 model with the B6 index was produced from 2000 to 2006. The car was equipped with a three-liter engine developing a power of 220 hp. With. The car was offered with five- and six-speed manual and automatic transmissions. The car was produced in several versions: a four-door sedan, a five-door station wagon, and a two-door convertible.

3rd generation, 2004–2008

The “third” Audi A4 with the index B7, produced from 2004 to 2008, can be called the result of restyling of the previous model. Five gasoline engines (the most powerful “six” 3.2 developed 255 hp) accounted for the same amount diesel engines. At the top of the range was a 420-horsepower modification, equipped with a naturally aspirated 4.2 V8 with direct injection.

The car was offered with a five- and six-speed manual transmission, a six-speed ZF tiptronic gearbox and a seven-speed multitronic gearbox.

In 2008, a sedan and station wagon were created based on this model.

4th generation, 2008–2015

Audi A4 car fourth generation produced since 2008 in Germany. At the end of 2011, the model underwent restyling. In 2009–2010, “screwdriver” assembly of machines for Russian market was carried out at the plant in Kaluga. Charged versions of the car were called and.

The cars were equipped with turbocharged engines, gasoline and diesel, with a volume of 1.8, 2.0 and 3.0 liters. Drive - front or full. Transmission - “mechanics”, CVT or robotic preselective gearbox.

Prices for the model in the most affordable version in Russia started at 1,480,000 rubles. In 2015, a generational change occurred.

The Audi company is best known as a manufacturer of executive business sedans or charged cars. But Audi station wagons also have their audience. Charged Avant, S7 and other models are very expensive and combine family roomy car and athletic power. Where did the history of the Audi station wagon range begin? Read about this in this article.

"Audi 80"

The Audi 80 model was produced by the company from 1966 to 1996. The station wagon body began to be produced from the second generation, starting with B1. In 1973, the model appeared in Europe in coupe, sedan and 5-door station wagon versions.

The car was equipped with three engine options - 1.3-liter, 1.5-liter and 1.6-liter. In 1976, the company restyled the model and released a modified body. Restyling affected the headlights and the front of the car. The optics became square and acquired a more modern look, which was vaguely similar to the current generations of Audi. The model also became more powerful: the 1.5-liter engine was replaced with a 1.6-liter engine with a power of 85 horsepower.

In 1984, the model was transferred to the B2 platform. In this generation, there were no Audi station wagons. The 80 was produced in sedan and coupe versions.

"Audi 100"

This model was the flagship model for Audi from 1968 to 1994, until the model line was changed.

The car had the features of more modern models. Since 1985, all bodies for the 100 Audi began to be made of galvanized metal, in contrast to the Audi 80 station wagon model. This car had the best aerodynamic coefficient at that time in its class. The car was equipped with the following units: a 1.8-liter engine with 90 horses under the hood, a 2-liter engine with 136 horsepower, a 2.5-liter engine with 120 horsepower.

Production of the Audi 100 station wagon (Avant) was discontinued in 1994. From that moment on, Audi reconsidered its view of the model range and introduced a new line.

New model range

Since 1994, a new era began for the Audi company. The first car was the A6 line, which was previously called the “Audi C4” station wagon.

From that moment on, all Audi cars received an index with the letter A and a number (A3, A4, A6, and so on). Station wagon cars still appeared in only two versions - A4 and A6 with the Avant prefix.

The first generation can be called a regular restyling of the Audi 100. Model A4 appeared a little later. The bodies of this car received the index B. These are all station wagons in model range German concern. Next we will talk about the latest generations of the two station wagons.

"Audi A4 B9"

In 2016, the A4 series received an update. The fifth generation in the B9 body is planned to be produced until 2017. Let's take a closer look at the appearance and characteristics of the station wagon. The Audi A4 station wagon began to be produced simultaneously with the sedan. The new body has changed not so much in appearance as in terms of technology. The optics remained almost the same; the creators changed the usual lighting to LED headlights. Overall, the Avant looks even sportier and more aggressive. Especially in red. A front bumper with “evil” air intakes on the sides, an aggressive line of headlights and a squat roof - all these details are characteristic only of Audi station wagons.

Inside the car is the realm of modern technology. The company has added all the developments that Audi has today to this car. Here you will find virtual devices, wireless charging. The multimedia system display has been replaced with a new 8-inch screen with a rich picture. It is stupid to focus on the quality of materials and workmanship - the German auto industry has always been distinguished by great attention to detail and comfort.

After all, we are considering a family car, which means we need to talk about dimensions and roominess. The Audi A4 station wagon has become larger than its predecessor. The length of the model reaches 4725 mm, its width is 1842 mm, and its height is 1840 mm. Despite the fact that the car looks too squat and fast in appearance, in terms of dimensions it is quite tall.

Trunk when in use rear seats small - 505 liters. If you fold the back row, you can get 1000 liters more. The interior is not cramped, but big family or it’s better not to travel with a group long distances. For this purpose, the older model, which will be discussed later, is better suited.

Under the hood of a station wagon there may be one of the following engines: 1.4 liters for 150 horsepower, 2 liters for 190 horsepower and two similar units for diesel fuel. Audi A4 station wagons are available in two trim levels - Design and Sport. The cheapest option with a 1.4-liter engine and the Design package will cost its owner approximately 1 million 950 thousand rubles. For the richest package with a powerful 2-liter engine you will have to pay more than 2 million 300 thousand rubles.

Verdict on the A4 station wagon

This car is perfect for a small family. In addition, it can be used as a business car and for work. The car also performs perfectly as a weekend transport. The driver can enjoy the ride thanks to the powerful engine and precise handling of the station wagon.

"Audi A6" station wagon

A6 is an adult and serious car. This is proven to everyone appearance cars. The model is available in sedan and station wagon body styles. Anyone who is little familiar with Audi products is unlikely to distinguish between the A4 and A6 station wagons. However, there are differences here.

Firstly, A6 is business class. Accordingly, everything in it is done at a higher quality and more expensive level. Each owner has the opportunity to create a unique package that will meet all the necessary needs. The car was restyled in 2014. The car is still produced in this form to this day.

Since each client can supply his own package with the options he needs, the Audi A6 station wagon does not have fixed sets of options.

The car is sold with one of three engines to choose from: a 1.8-liter with a capacity of 190 horsepower, a 2-liter with a capacity of 250 horses and a charged 3-liter with 333 “horses” under the hood. All variants are petrol. The 1.8 liter engine is equipped with either a manual or automatic transmission gear shift. More powerful options are paired with an automatic transmission.

The latest generation has received accolades and high ratings in terms of safety. Even without additional options, the car cannot be called poor in terms of equipment. The trunk of the car is slightly larger than in the A4 station wagon - 565 liters with the rear seats folded down and 1680 liters with the rear seats folded.

The cheapest version of a station wagon with a 1.8-liter engine and a manual transmission will cost 2 million 600 thousand rubles. The richest configuration with a powerful 3-liter engine will cost a little more than 3 million 600 thousand rubles.

Bottom line

Audi station wagons are a combination of an executive class and a family car. At the same time, the Germans make this combination extremely balanced, so it is difficult to evaluate cars in one specific category. Both cars can be used for daily business trips and family vacations. At the same time, "Audi" can "light up" on the asphalt and bring a lot of emotions and driving pleasure.

Models from the Ingolstadt automobile industry have always been famous for their durable bodywork. German cars have been imported into our country since the times of the USSR. The legendary 100 series Audi won the hearts of many, and even now some models of those times run along the roads of our country along with new versions of this popular automaker from the “German Big Three”.

Family 100

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Audi 100 debuted in 1969 with a 100 hp engine. Thanks to this engine, the first car of the family received this name.

Initially, the 100 body included a 2- or 4-door sedan version, but later other versions were released, including a coupe.

The next 100 appears initially in the USA, sold there as the Audi 5000. In 1977, the American version was discontinued and replaced by a 5-door hatchback.

Second generation of Ingolstadt 100 cars, these are new power units. Of course, the 2.2-liter “five” occupied a special place among them.

Episode 44

The new model of the 100th series comes out in body number 44. This is already the third generation of the 100 model, which has become incredibly popular in class B.

Avant station wagon from the same series. It was released in 1983, and two years later the all-wheel drive Quattro came out.

Episode 45

The fourth generation of the 100 model is better known as the C4. IN in this case All characteristics of the car have been improved.

The newest exterior style has become a hallmark of the entire Audi family of this time. The galvanized body and its parts deserved praise for their design. The design is so good that even today it cannot be called outdated. The stylish molding, roof rails, door shape, stylish coloring and much more make you believe this.

Conveyor assembly of body number 45 was set at more high level, the interior decoration deserved only praise, equipment with modern electronics at that time was introduced, the frame and its parts were modernized and tuned.

The indicator of spaciousness, efficiency and excellently executed shvi is the calling card of the entire 100 family. Predecessors and competitors clearly limped in front of the hundredth Audi model in this regard, the galvanized body of which aroused envy and admiration.

Here are just a few main ones distinctive characteristics, highlighting new car among analogues in the class:

  • Excellent performance in terms of AED, ergonomics and spaciousness;
  • The exterior was striking in its originality: molding, a new type of paint, reinforced body parts, galvanized frame - all this was only a plus;
  • Powerful power plants;
  • Good handling;
  • Comfortable interior and spaciousness, which was facilitated not only by an improved body type, but also by other innovative solutions.

46 series or A6

The 100 model received the finishing touch in body number 45 (90-94). Almost perfect passenger cars of its time, more than 600 thousand Audi 45 were produced. Replaced the 100 model Audi A6 in the 46 series.

The second generation A6 46, which debuted in 1997, was assembled on the latest C5 platform. The serial number of the body is 4B. Type – Avant station wagon, on the basis of which it was developed new SUV Quattro and sedan.

The strength of the body against external influences was at its best even in the older versions of the 45 series. Galvanized metal A6 46 also did not succumb to rust. It was able to last unchanged for 10 years. As for the manufacturer’s warranty on the paintwork, it was 3 years. There is nothing surprising in this, because the body was subjected to the latest and most advanced galvanizing technologies, and painting was carried out using innovative equipment.

The new body color of the 46 series, well-decorated molding on individual sections of the metal frame, modernized parts of the chassis - all this was fully applied by the engineers and designers on the A6.

Modernization of the hundredth Audi model

As mentioned above, today there are many used Audi 100 models running on our roads. Many resort to tuning in order to rejuvenate their favorite “horse”. In particular, tuning studios offer a lot of interesting solutions for models number 44 and 45.

Traditionally, stylish moldings are applied to various areas of the body, a new bumper, grille and wing are installed. By reupholstering the interior, updating the color, and changing the optics, you can beautifully complete the modernization stage.

The A6 is no exception in terms of modernization. Again, you can update the body color so that the color meets the fashion needs of our time. You can also use moldings to install stylish trims on the hood, doors or trunk.

Note. A good and correctly installed molding has a positive effect not only on the aesthetic component, but also significantly increases resistance to oncoming air flows.

Audi 80

This modification of the Ingolstadt car was produced from 1966 to 1996. It is a mid-size car vehicle, reminiscent of the Volkswagen Passat (no surprise, because they have the same platform).

It will be useful to know that the 80 replaced the Audi F103 or simply 60. This old Audi could be distinguished from the hundredth model C1 by its external features. The 60's body parts were smaller and the turn signals were located on the front fenders. Color and color were limited to a couple of shades.

80 debuted in 1973. In the States the car was called the Audi Fox.

The front suspension 80 deserves special attention. This is MacPherson. As for the rear axle, it is stationary and supported by several structural elements.

It was decided to change the appearance of the 80 in 1976. The optics received square shapes instead of round ones, and the modernized body began to be called Tour 82.

In 1978, 80 was transferred to the B2 platform. Klaus Lute became responsible for the design of the body, who was soon replaced by the Italian Giugiaro.

The body type of the new 80 B2 was a 2- and 4-door sedan.

B2 has proven to be an incredibly flexible and cost-effective platform. Many elements, color and design of the molding components were borrowed from the Coupe.

1986 was marked by a new platform 80 called B3, which was no longer associated with the Volkswagen B-series. New version The car had an innovative AED shape, a fully galvanized frame and several reinforcement options.

The galvanized body allowed the manufacturer to easily provide a guarantee for several years of trouble-free operation.

The 1988 coupe was assembled on the same B3 platform. True, the number 80 was omitted from the car's name, and it was better known as the Audi Coupe.

Another new body Tour 8A appears in 1989. It is not much different from its predecessor Tour 89, although the rubber molding running along the side has become much narrower. The pendant also underwent metamorphosis. In particular, the stabilizer struts in front received hinges that connected the SPU with the shock absorber strut.

A sports version of the 80 called S2 was also developed on the B3 platform.

The year 1993 was marked by the release of the new platform v4. The Audi S2 immediately receives a 6-speed transmission and new body types: sedan and station wagon.

The B4 platform was also used as the basis for the Audi RS2 Avant, which is a sports station wagon.

The V4 platform is rightly called a radical modernization of the V3. Tour 8C or B4 used a number of innovative solutions that had only a positive impact on the line.

As you know, since 1995, 80 was renamed a4. The modern A4 has undergone a full restyling. The designers have improved and modernized many of the car's external panels. For example, they lowered the sedan's trunk lid by as much as 20 cm and improved the luggage compartment, turning it into a practical cargo compartment.

Thanks to the consistent lightweighting of the structures on the A4, carried out with the help of computer technology, it was possible to reduce the risk of skidding even on a wet road.

Other versions: subcompact "Ingolstadt"

In 1999, the world saw a small hatchback from the Ingolstadt manufacturer. Its length was only 382 cm, width – 167 cm, and height – 155 cm.

It was a subcompact A2, designed as a family car, ultra-efficient and meeting the parameters of current economic standards.

Used Ingolstadt 80 and 100 models can be completely transformed if the body paint is updated. You can learn more about how body painting is carried out from useful articles and publications on our website. This article provided a classification of Ingolstadt car bodies. We hope you found it useful.