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What cars were produced with a galvanized body. Which cars are galvanized in russia. Is it difficult to check it yourself

Body materials determine the overall weight, strength, reliability and durability of the vehicle. Manufacturers are looking for new technological solutions; they widely use aluminum alloys, new polymers, composite materials. However, the most widespread products are made from sheet carbon steel.

The production of steel sheet for the automotive industry is well developed, it allows you to obtain a material with the desired properties, has a minimal cost. Automakers are improving designs and technologies (such as spot welding or laser welding) to improve the performance of their production models.

Body protection against corrosion.

The task belongs to the most important group. Various methods are used to solve:

  • Manufactured from corrosion-resistant materials... The method is effective, but polymer structures do not have the specified mechanical characteristics, and aluminum alloys and composites significantly increase the cost of production and the finished car.
  • Protection with mastics, painting... The applied mastics and paints and varnishes do not provide the required level of protection against moisture and aggressive chemicals, for example, road reagents. They do not have sufficient resistance to mechanical stress - they are subject to abrasion, crack over time, and are easily damaged by minor impacts. Damage sites turn into corrosion centers.
  • Application of protective films (layers of various materials)... The method is not new, but it remains the most promising in terms of cost and efficiency. Among the technologies used, zinc coating (galvanizing, galvanizing, galvanizing) is considered optimal.

Zinc as a protection for steel.

Galvanizing is the most widespread method of protecting iron and steel products from corrosion caused by natural (moisture, temperature) and artificial (aggressive chemicals) factors. In fact, more than 40% of the zinc produced annually in the world is used specifically for protective coatings.

This situation is due to the high efficiency of several protection mechanisms characteristic of galvanized steel products:

  • Formation of barriers... Zinc quickly forms films of oxide or other compounds that are chemically passive to the effects of various substances. As a result, the access of reagents provoking corrosion to steel products is limited, Zn compounds perform the functions of a sealant formed on site.
  • Electrochemical protection... Due to the difference in electrochemical potentials (-0.441V - Fe, -0.763V - Zn), the latter, deposited on the surface of iron or steel parts, acts as an electrochemical protector. In fact, corrosion processes take place in the protective layer without affecting the base material. Protection extends even to areas without coverage (within the radius of the tread) - if the integrity of the zinc layer is partially violated, the protective properties are retained.
  • Partial regeneration... The potential difference between the materials also causes the transfer of Zn particles to the unprotected surface of the base material, allowing for the self-healing of minor defects or damage.

Problems of galvanizing technological processes:

  • Ensuring the required level of adhesion - the adhesion of the zinc layer to the surface of the material.
  • Obtaining a given thickness. With an annual rate of destruction of galvanized coating from 0.85 (minimum) to 6 microns, for a 5-15 year warranty on the body, a thickness of 2-5 to 10-20 microns is required.
  • Protection of complex configuration parts.

Technologies, coating properties, advantages, disadvantages.

For galvanized bodies, automakers give a solid warranty - from 5 to 30 years. The characteristics of the protective layer largely depend on the applied method of application.

Several galvanizing technologies are used in the automotive industry:

  • Hot (thermal);
  • Electroplating;
  • Cold;
  • Zincrometal.

Thermal (hot) galvanizing.

Zinc melt technology is the oldest, but provides the most effective protection. It was proposed back in 1742 by Paul Jacques Malouin, a French scientist known for his work in the field of physics and chemistry. The text of the report for the Royal Academy of France contains a description of the method of applying a Zn layer to the immersion surface of steel products in a bath with a melt, and a detailed discussion of the ongoing processes.

Thermal galvanizing is the process of coating a metal (iron, cast iron, steel) with a layer of zinc at a high temperature. The technique consists in immersing the structure in molten metal heated to 450-500 degrees. For uniform deposition of Zn on the surface, rapid filling of cavities in structures of complex shapes, penetration into places of surface defects (cracks, pores, cavities), the protected structure moves in the melt (or a current of molten metal is created relative to the structure) at a constant low speed.

Several processes are going on at the same time:

  • The surface of the steel product is heated, due to which there is an intense diffusion of zinc into the near-surface layers. Provides a high degree of adhesion of the coating, reliable adhesion to the surface.
  • Zinc penetrates into the domain structures of the metal, forming a pseudo-alloy with steel, which has a high mechanical strength.
  • On the surface, pure Zn reacts with oxygen to form an oxide. At high temperatures, the reaction with carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere proceeds intensively. As a result, the surface is covered with a film of zinc carbonate - a solid, chemically inert material with respect to most influences, realizing a barrier protection against corrosion.

Thermal galvanizing has significant advantages:

  • The simplicity of technologies for applying a layer of a given thickness (it is regulated by the temperature of the melt, the residence time of the structure in the bath, the speed of movement of the protected part in the zinc mass).
  • Homogeneity of the protective coating, the possibility of using widespread methods in metallurgy for thickness control (electromagnetic, magnetic and other meters).
  • Special film properties that improve the mechanical properties of the product. The upper soft layers extinguish the impact energy, the internal pseudo-alloy mass increases the mechanical strength. According to the testimony of representatives of concerns - car manufacturers, after processing the finished body in molten zinc, the increase in structural strength can reach 50%.
  • Self-control of the surface of parts. Indeed, if the preparation of the metal surface (workpiece) is not carried out properly, the deposition of Zn in the area does not occur, the defect is detected visually or by instrumental methods.
  • The quality of processing remains constant regardless of the nature of the surface - in open areas, in hidden cavities, even in the presence of invisible structural defects. In the most problematic places - corners and edges, due to the specifics of the process, the thickness of the protective layer increases (unlike other methods).
  • Depending on the composition of the steel (the content of alloying components and impurities, including non-metals - phosphorus, sulfur, etc.), it is possible to change the appearance (due to the formation of various compounds), the thickness of the zinc coating. Protective abilities remain unchanged.

The economic advantages of the technology should also be noted - the minimum processing time, the simplicity of the process automation, which makes it possible to achieve high productivity, low cost, the ability to work with structures of any size and shape. At the same time, the finished products do not require additional preparation before painting, and the adhesive ability ensures the quality of the paintwork application.

An additional advantage is the ease of regeneration of zinc protection. The ability to self-repair allows you not to use additional measures to repair minor defects. Large, easily removed by local treatment with zinc-containing primers, paints, repair mixtures (included in Zn is involved in chemical recovery processes).

Another important fact is that the coating does not impair the properties of the base material, for example, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity.

Disadvantages of hot-dip galvanizing.

Despite many important advantages, the use of thermal technology and galvanizing of car bodies has not become widespread. The reason for this is the disadvantages of the method:

  • Providing the productivity required for an automobile conveyor requires significant capital investments from companies to equip galvanizing lines with large baths.
  • Maintaining significant volumes of melt at a given temperature level is a task requiring serious energy consumption. This affects the cost of production, worsens the environmental component. Heavy fines in the light of the current environmental legislation (for example, in Japan and Europe) also have a serious negative economic impact.
  • After the completion of the process, welding, drilling holes, etc., violates the integrity of the protective coating. Accordingly, the design and manufacturing process becomes more complicated (it is required to provide for the maximum number of operations at the stages before galvanizing).
  • Some types of work, for example, welding, require special technologies and equipment.
  • Constructive calculation of parts must be carried out taking into account processing. Otherwise, additional surface loads can lead to mechanical failure.

As a result, despite the recognition of the reliability, quality, economic feasibility of hot-dip galvanizing, only some manufacturers use it to protect car bodies.

Auto with hot-dip galvanized body.

Thermal technology is used by car manufacturers to obtain a protective zinc layer with a thickness of 2-100 microns on body parts (individual or entire structure). This allows:

  • Ensure the corrosion resistance of body structures for 15 years or more (the owner receives appropriate guarantees);
  • Get coverings that are 3-4 times superior to others;
  • Increase the resistance of products to mechanical damage (with minor influences).

Manufacturing difficulties have limited the number of manufacturers using this protective technology in full.

The leader is the VW Group, which widely uses hot-dip galvanizing for cars of its brands. The achievements in the field of tread methods of the Audi company are especially great.

It was the world famous Audi 80 that became the first production car model to receive a fully galvanized body. On the roads today, these cars (or no less high-quality Audi 100) are often found, the bodies of which still remain in perfect condition. Already in 1986, practically the technologies were used for all cars of the brand.

The company is constantly improving technological processes for obtaining protective coatings. The latest developments include a method of double-sided galvanizing not only of metal parts, but also of welded seam structures.

Thermal galvanizing for body elements is also used by Volvo. The complex of aluminum parts and galvanized steel products allows the brand's machines to be in the top reliability ratings for a long time.

Galvanized zinc.

Galvanizing by the galvanic method is the application of a thin zinc layer on the surface of the product due to a special composition of electric current flowing through the electrolytes. The technology is used to obtain layers with a thickness of 2–40 µm.

Technologically, the process is as follows:

  • An electrolyte solution is placed in the electrolysis baths - acidic, containing Zn in the form of hydrating ions (sulfates, chlorides, fluoroborates), complex, in which Zn is part of anions (cyanides, zincates, pyrophosphates) or cations (ammoniaates, ethylenediaminates).
  • The cathode of the installation is a protected metal structure.
  • The anode is a zinc electrode (or made of special zinc-containing compounds).

A direct current with a density of 1-5A / is passed through the solution. Positively charged zinc ions are attracted to the cathode, restore the charge to neutral, forming a metal layer on the surface. The anode provides the supply of Zn ions to the solution, replenishing the losses.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method.

Electrolytic (galvanic) technology is the most widespread, due to the obvious advantages:

  • high performance;
  • the ability to process parts and structures of complex configurations;
  • density and uniformity of the layer, filling of invisible small defects.

The galvanized coatings obtained have all the protective properties inherent in galvanizing. At the same time, the equipment for performing operations and materials can somewhat reduce the production cost, in comparison with the traditional thermal method.

Among the disadvantages of the technology are:

  • The need for careful preparation (special treatment) of the protected surface.
  • Lower adhesion and diffusion depth of zinc into the material in comparison with hot-dip galvanizing.
  • The possibility (with inaccurate adherence to technologies and process parameters) of a significant change in the electrochemical properties of steel, which may result in an increase in the tendency to develop corrosion processes.
  • The manifestation of side effects, such as hydrogen saturation, causing an increase in the fragility of structures and a change in the electrochemical properties of the material.

In terms of capital costs and energy losses, galvanic technology is comparable to thermal technology (volumetric baths, powerful current sources, additional energy costs to eliminate side effects are required). The method is also problematic from the point of view of ecology - most of the solutions used are poisonous, require special measures for processing.

However, ease of implementation, process control, and accurate results have led to wider adoption in the automotive industry.

Auto protected electrolytic zinc plating.

Achieving a high level of protection against deposited galvanic zinc coatings is possible only with the use of a set of protective measures. This path was chosen by the leaders of the European automotive industry - BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Technologies used include:

  • Manufacturing of body parts from high quality alloy steel with precise dosage of impurities;
  • Galvanizing with a galvanic method (layer thickness 9-15 microns) with exact observance of the parameters of the technological process;
  • Use of high-quality paint and varnish materials with special properties (adhesion, resistance to damage, ultraviolet radiation, etc.).

The result is tread performance just as impressive as Audi's while keeping production costs down.

Cold galvanized.

The essence of the technology lies in the application of zinc-containing compositions with pre-selected characteristics to the surface of the parts to be protected. The result of using the compositions is the formation of a protective coating with anticorrosive properties approaching those obtained by other methods.

The advantages of cold technology include:

  • Ease of performing operations, low cost - the compositions are applied as paintwork, do not require special equipment, additional chemicals, or energy consumption.
  • Minimum restrictions on use - it is allowed to work in a wide temperature range (-20 .. + 40 degrees), indoors and outdoors, in industrial or domestic conditions.
  • High level of adhesion to metals and paintwork.
  • Ability to work with structures of any geometric shapes;
  • Ease of restoring damaged protective layers.
  • Minimal environmental impact.

Such a set contributes to the spread of the cold galvanizing method in the automotive industry, allowing it to be used even in the production of budget cars.

However, the quality of the product obtained can be significantly inferior to the results of the use of thermal or galvanic technologies.

  • An acceptable degree of protection is achieved only with the use of high quality compounds and careful preparation of parts;
  • The resistance of the layer to mechanical stress is much lower;
  • Processing hidden areas and areas with limited access is difficult.


The technology differs from those described radically - it is not the finished product that is coated, but the metal (steel) at the manufacturing (rolled) stage. For this, inorganic compounds and organic polymers are used, with a high content of zinc and its oxides (soils).

The material, like most sheet steels, has excellent structural properties. It is easily supplied to forming, stamping, does not impose additional conditions during welding, is compatible with traditional primers, adhesives, varnishes and paints. The protective properties are not violated during the listed operations.

In the main - in terms of the degree of protection against corrosion, the material is significantly inferior to hot and galvanized galvanizing. Therefore, as a rule, it finds application only in inexpensive car brands, the manufacturers of which, trying to stay in trend, declare about the "galvanized body".

A video about the types of galvanizing, simple and clear.

More about the types of galvanizing.

In addition to various galvanizing technologies, galvanized car bodies differ in the degree of processing:

  • Full- a protective coating is applied to all parts, hidden and hard-to-reach areas, cavities, etc. are covered. One- and two-sided are used.
  • Partial- the areas in the most unfavorable conditions are processed, it is obligatory - the nodal joints.
  • Nodal connections- only critical areas are protected - welded seams, mounting parts of fasteners and the like.

As a partial, zinc-plated anti-corrosion protection of the bottom has become widespread. From the point of view of operation and cost, this method is fully justified. Full galvanizing of the body is another matter. First of all, you should consider the cost and price of a car. In addition, environmental problems arise - during processing, environmentally unsafe chemicals are widely used, the release of which into the atmosphere and water is almost impossible to prevent. The tightening of environmental legislation is becoming the reason for the refusal of European, American, Japanese car manufacturers from full galvanizing.

Is galvanizing effective?

A lot of car owners are asking this question. Of course, the argument "for" is a guarantee against perforating corrosion of the body for 7-15 (often more) years.

However, messages on forums from car owners, opinions of service centers specialists give rise to doubts. Often there are stories showing that any type of galvanizing, under certain conditions, ceases to protect structural parts. Moreover, the acceleration of the corrosion process is often observed.

Audi 80 and 100, Volkswagen are cited as examples. Passat B3 and B5. These models come from the 80s, 90s, 2000s, respectively, serve as an example of high-quality processing, reliable protection. That is why their owners today cannot make claims - in most cases, despite their advanced age and, often, the difficult operating conditions of the car body remain in perfect condition.

There are also "anti-heroes" of the process. These include, for example, Peugeot 307 (2004-2006). The galvanized bodywork of these cars rusts faster than the untreated metal of other automakers. Poor quality composition violation of technology, other reasons - to understand the experts. The conclusion for an ordinary motorist is simple - often the word "galvanized" is a good marketing ploy. To avoid the catch SHOULD REMEMBER:

  • Only cars with full galvanized bodywork can be considered really protected.
  • In addition to the manufacturer's statements, one can judge the degree of reliability of the coating by the warranty period - at least 5-7, ideally 15 or more years.
  • Even with full galvanizing, a violation of technology can serve as a source of problems and lead to accelerated development of corrosion.
  • Processes under the protective layer can develop secretly.

In a word, when buying a car, information about the type and technology of zinc coating will not be superfluous. Some details are shown in the lists below.

Galvanized car bodies (lists).

The most popular brands and models of cars on the Russian market are included in the lists by galvanizing technologies. In addition, the years of manufacture of the car, the degree of processing are indicated.

Hot dip galvanized.

  • Audi all models from 2001;
  • Cadillac ATS (since 2012), BTS (since 2006), Catera, DeVille, Escalade, Seville (all since 2001), CTS, DTS, SRX, STS, XLR;
  • Ford Escape, Expedition, Explorer, Fiesta, Focus, Galaxy, Maverick, Mustang, Mondeo, Taurus (all since 2001), C-Max, Fusion, Kuga, Ranger, S-Max, Tourneo Connect:
  • Jaguar F-Type;
  • Peugeot 307 - one-way;
  • Porsche - the entire model range;
  • Volvo - all models use thermal technology.

Partial, one-sided (unless otherwise noted):

  • Audi A1, A2, A4 Allroad, TT (up to 2001);
  • Cadillac Catera, DeVille, Escalade, Seville (all up to 2001);
  • Ford Escape, Expedition, Explorer, Fiesta, Focus, Galaxy, Maverick, Mustang, Mondeo, Taurus (all up to 2001).

Galvanized zinc plating.

Full, double-sided (unless otherwise noted):

  • BMW - all body models since 1998;
  • Chevrolet Astro, Blazer, Cruze, Express, Impala, Malibu, Nivam Suburban, Tracker (all since 2003), Camaro of the latest generation (since 2013), Corvette (since 2000), Tahoe (since 2006), Aveo, Captiva, Cobalt, Epica, Evanda, Lacetti, Lanos, Orlando, Rezzo, Sparkm TrailBlazer;
  • Chrysler 300m, Concorde Grand Voyager, Neon, Sebring (all -c 2000), Aspen, Crossfire, Pacifica, PT Cruiser;
  • Citroen Berlingo, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C8, Jumper, Xantia, Xsara Picasso (all since 2007), C3 Picasso, C4 Aircross and Picasso, C-Crosse, C-Elysee, DS3, DS4, DS5, Jumpy;
  • Daewoo Evanda, Gentra, Lacetti, Matiz, Nexia, Rezzo, Sens, Winstorm (all since 2007);
  • Dodge Avenger, Caliber, Caravan, Challenger, Charger, Dakota, Durango, Magnum, Neon, Ram (all since 2007), Viper (since 2000), Journey, Nitro;
  • Honda Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, Elysion, Fit, FR-V, HR-V, Insight, Inspire, Jazz, Legend, Mobilio, Odyssey, Partner, Stepwgn, Stream (all since 2005), Airwave, Crosstour , Pilot, Ridgeline;
  • Infiniti EX Series, G Series, M Series (all since 2007), FX Series, JX Series, Q50, Q60, Q70, QX50, QC60, QX70, QX80;
  • Jaguar S-Type, X-Type, XJ, XK (all since 2007), XE, XF;
  • Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, Commander, Liberty, Wrangler (all since 2007), Compass, Patriot, Renegade;
  • Land Rover Discovery, Freelander, Range Rover (all since 2007), Defender, Discovery Sport, Range Rover Evoque and Sport;
  • Lexus - all models from 2007:
  • Mazda - auto production since 2007;
  • Mitsubishi - since 2001 all cars;
  • Nissan - since 2007 all cars produced.
  • Mercedes-Benz - bodies of all models since 1999
  • Mini - everything:
  • Opel - in 2008, the partial gave way to the complete.
  • Saab 9-2x, 9-3, 9-5, 9-7x (all since 2007);
  • Since 1999, Seat has been producing cars only with full galvanized galvanization;
  • Skoda - from 1999 to the current moment, production cars receive full two-sided electroplated protection;
  • Subaru Forester, Impreza. Justy, Traviq (all since 2002), Baja, Brz, Legacy, R1, R2, Tribeca, WRX, XV;
  • Suzuki - in 2007, the manufacturer abandoned cold galvanizing on all manufactured models in favor of a full galvanized one.
  • Toyota - since 2000, cars are produced only in galvanized galvanized bodies. The company uses only full double-sided galvanizing for all production models.


  • Chevrolet Astro, Blazer, Cruze, Express, Impala, Malibu, Niva, Suburban, Tracker (all up to 2003), Camaro (up to 4th generation inclusive), Corvette (up to 2000);
  • Fiat 500, 500L, Albea, Barchetta, Bravo, Doblo, Ducato, Freemont, Linea, Palio, Panda, Punto, Scudo, Siena, Stilo, Ulysse;
  • Honda Accord, Civic, CR-V, Element, Elysion, Fit, FR-V, HR-V, Insight, Inspire, Jazz, Legend, Mobilio, Odyssey, Partner, Stepwgn, Stream (all up to 2005);
  • Opel up to 2008 - all models;
  • Peugeot 107, 2008, 206, 207, 208, 3008, 308, 4007, 4008, 406, 407, 408, 508, 607, 807, Boxer, Expert, Partner - two-sided;
  • Subaru Forester, Impreza. Justy, Traviq (all before 2002) - bilateral;

Cold galvanized.


  • Chery Amulet, Arrizo7, Bonus, Cross Eastar, Eastar , For a, Indis, Karry, Kimo, M11, QQ, QQ6, Tiggo, Very - one-sided;
  • Citroen Berlingo, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C8, Jumper, Xantia, Xsara Picasso (all up to 2007), Xsara;
  • Daewoo Evanda, Gentra, Lacetti, Matiz, Nexia, Rezzo, Sens, Winstorm (all up to 2007), Kalo, Lanos, Leganza, Magnus, Nubira;
  • Dodge Avenger, Caliber, Caravan, Challenger, Charger, Dakota, Durango, Magnum, Neon, Ram (all up to 2007), Viper (up to 2000);
  • GreatWall, Haval - all models:
  • Hyundai Accent (since 2001), Avante, Elantra, Getz, Grandeur, Matrix, Santa Fe, Sonata, Terracan, Tiburon, Tucson (all since 2005), Genesis, i20, i30, i40, ix35, ix55, Solaris;
  • Infiniti EX Series, G Series, M Series (all up to 2007), I Series, Q45;
  • Jaguar S Type. X Type, XJ, XK (all up to 2007);
  • Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, Commander, Liberty, Wrangler (all up to 2007);
  • Land Rover Discovery, Freelander, Range Rover (all up to 2007);
  • Lexus - all models up to 2007;.
  • Lifan (all cars);
  • Mazda - until 2007;
  • Nissan - everything from 2000 to 2007
  • Saab 9-2x, 9-3, 9-5, 9-7x (all up to 2007);
  • Ssang Yong - a manufacturer applies zinc-containing compounds to parts of body structures of all auto model range;
  • Suzuki - auto, manufactured before 2007;
  • VAZ, GAZ - in 2009 they switched to partial cold galvanizing of all body structures;
  • UAZ has been applying protective zinc-containing compounds since 1998.

Node connections:

  • Fiat - almost all models produced at the end of the 20th century (until 2000);
  • Hyundai - until 2005;
  • VAZ, GAZ - they began to use the protection of critical junctions since 1999.
  • TagAZ - all currently produced models.

Zinc metal body.

  • Kia Bongo, Carens, Carnival, Ceed, Cerato, Forte, Magentis, Mohave, Opirus, Optima. Picanto, Pride, Quoris, Rio, Shuma, Sorento, Soul, Spectra, Sportage, Venga;
  • Renault has been producing zinc metal bodies for production vehicles from 2000 to the present.

Any car is repairable. Not only standard consumables are subject to replacement, but also key components designed for long-term operation. Therefore, sometimes not only the oil and filters are changed on the car, but also the motors and gearboxes.

There are a number of items that are not difficult to replace as needed. But the same cannot be said for the body parts. Conventionally, the easiest to replace are the doors, the hood and the trunk lid. It is quite another matter when you have to change the bottom or racks. This is almost impossible to do.

At the same time, the body is exposed to the strongest influence of various provoking factors, including mechanical damage, contact with aggressive chemical substances, water, moisture, snow, sand, etc. The formation of even a small focus of corrosion over time can lead to a significant growth of rust throughout the car. It is imperative to provide the body with a high level of protection. The paintwork does not cope well with such tasks.

The most effective way to combat corrosion is rightly considered to be the coating of the metal with a layer of zinc. This procedure is called galvanizing. Moreover, the highest quality zinc plating takes place in a factory industrial environment. The level of galvanizing is largely reflected in the durability of the machines. Some rust in literally 5-10 years, others are quietly operated for 30-40 years, without forcing their owner to invest a lot of money in the fight against corrosion and body repair.

What zinc is used for

It is also a thermal treatment method, but it already requires less resources and financial costs for implementation. Therefore, the method has become the most widespread, and it is much easier to find cars with such a body.

Mostly Japanese and American automakers have switched to electroplating. They are much less common among European companies. Given the low efficiency compared to hot-dip galvanizing, leading car manufacturers are developing improved methods for applying zinc, thereby modernizing the galvanic principle. In particular, these are companies such as Mercedes and BMW.

In order to improve the quality and efficiency of galvanizing, the following steps are used:

  • In the production of the body parts themselves, it is high-alloy steel grades that are used. Their advantage is that the amount of impurities in such steel is minimal.
  • A thicker layer of zinc itself is applied. The thickness can be from 9 to 15 microns.
  • In addition to galvanizing, the body is additionally primed with a thick layer and the layer of paintwork applied on top of the zinc is made thicker.
  • The adhesion properties of surfaces are increased, providing a stronger and more durable bond between all layers.

Before publishing, which have a galvanized galvanized car body, it is worth noting one regularity. Japanese cars were initially inferior to European ones in terms of the quality of galvanizing and durability of the body. But then the situation began to change, and they went to about the same level. This was due to the fact that the Japanese began to use zinc for the production of machines somewhat later.

The highest quality cars are considered Toyota and Lexus. They exhibit excellent corrosion resistance properties. Largely due to a fairly thick layer of protective coating.

The galvanic method of galvanizing car bodies was used in the production of such vehicles:

  • Alfa Romeo (after 1993 only).
  • Audi A4.
  • Mitsubishi Lancer 9.
  • Mercedes W124.
  • Mercedes W201.
  • Lexus (all models).
  • Volkswagen (all cars after 2000).
  • Toyota lineup (after 1991).
  • Skoda Fabia.
  • Skoda Octavia.
  • Peugeot.
  • Honda Legend.
  • Renault Espace 3 generations.
  • Renaul Logan.
  • Chrysler 300M.

The same Renault Logan has far from exemplary paintwork quality. But due to a good level of protection by galvanic galvanizing, their body can be under attack of moisture and chemical reagents for a long time, preventing the appearance of foci of corrosion.

The situation with the domestic auto industry

Many motorists are naturally interested in domestic cars that come with a galvanized body. Some even question whether they even exist.

The overall picture with the galvanizing of domestic machines looks pretty bad. Previously, cars of the AvtoVAZ family were assembled on the basis of ready-made elements that were imported from other countries. At the same time, some of the components, it is likely, were made by preliminary galvanizing of the metal, but this was not mass production.

Even in the absence of anti-corrosion factory coating, it turned out to be unprofitable to order parts from foreign suppliers, the cost of production of machines was high. In order to reduce prices for Russian cars, it was decided to switch to domestic steel.

If we return to the question of what kind of cars in Russia are available with a body galvanized from the factory, then we can say the following. Galvanizing began to be used everywhere. The only question is which method was used. And the technique was used cold. As you already know, in terms of efficiency, this is the weakest option for galvanizing. Plus, only individual components were galvanized. This is the answer to which cars in Russia were processed completely. There are virtually no fully galvanized cars among the Russian car industry. There is simply nothing to make a list of them.

Currently, in the manufacture of machines, the so-called cataphoresis method of anti-corrosion treatment can also be used, in which zinc is not used at all.

Galvanizing Machine at Factory

Alas, it is impossible to say exactly where there is or where there is no zinc layer. This information is usually hidden or partially disclosed. This also does not allow us to say which Chinese cars can have a galvanized body. Surely all machines have partial processing. If we talk about, then here we can cite the following facts:

  • On cars VAZ 2110 and its family (VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112), about 30% of body elements were galvanized.
  • Niva or Lada 4 × 4 has an exclusively cataphoresis primer layer. Zinc compounds are not used here.
  • Lada Kalina in the first generation used about 52% of galvanized elements.
  • On the second generation Lada Kalina, conditionally full galvanization is used, since there is no corresponding layer on the hood, side members and on the roof.
  • Lada Priora initially had 29% galvanized body parts, and since 2009 zinc has been applied to all metal elements.
  • Lada Granta in a liftback body boasts galvanized doors and fenders. In the sedan body, galvanizing is not provided at all.
  • Lada Vesta was conditionally completely galvanized. After all, a special protective compound was not applied to the bottom and sills. Plus, for some reason, the sedan did not protect the roof.
  • Lada Xray, like Xray Cross, is almost completely galvanized. The only exception was the roof.

Among domestic automakers, until 1999, such a concept as galvanizing in the manufacture of cars did not exist at all. Only since 2009 have companies switched to the zinc cold working method. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, only some of the components were covered. The partial processing method is used not only by AvtoVAZ factories, but also at UAZ, GAZ, etc. Therefore, on domestic cars, when damage to the paintwork appears, the oxidative process starts rather quickly, followed by the formation of rust, if this is not noticed in a timely manner and nothing is done.

Is it possible to find out about the presence of galvanized on the body

Car enthusiasts are rightly interested in buying a car with a high-quality and corrosion-resistant body. Be prepared to overpay right away for such an advantage, since a processed machine with the same characteristics and equipment will cost more.

There is no major obstacle to knowing if a new or used car was covered and what method was used. You definitely cannot trust the sellers, even if they assure you of and exclusively in the use of hot-dip galvanizing. Everything needs to be checked.

The simplest and at the same time available method is to study the technical characteristics. Information can be found in the owner's manual, or simply study the history of a particular model in a particular body. If the concept of galvanizing is not mentioned anywhere, there are probably no processed elements, or their minimum amount. Others write that the body is galvanized, but do not say which specific components were processed. You need to look for a car where they claim it is full galvanization. This makes it possible to assume that such a car was processed at the factory as a whole, and not partially.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, you will come across a partial galvanized body. Moreover, most often it is a galvanic method.

There are no tools or methods that allow you to determine the degree and type of factory anti-corrosion coating with your own hands. Some car services, which have the appropriate expensive equipment, offer the service of examining a car for galvanizing. But meeting such service stations is quite problematic, especially in Russia. Plus, the service is too expensive, and few people are interested in buying it.


From all that has been said earlier, we can say that most often on the market there will be cars with a galvanic method of anti-corrosion body treatment. The thermal or hot method is much less common. Although the German auto giants are actively working to reduce the cost of hot-dip galvanizing. It really is gradually approaching the price of high-quality electroplating.

Nothing was said about one method of protection. This is the zinc-metal method. But there is no need to talk about high characteristics and properties. Only a few manufacturers use this method. The most famous of these is the South Korean brand Kia.

Advice for those buying a relatively new car. Each car manufacturer issues a warranty card, which specifies the warranty period for the appearance of through holes in the body caused by oxidative processes (corrosion). If such defects appeared earlier than the manufacturer foresaw, you can officially demand compensation from him in the form of free repairs. Sometimes companies take more serious steps by replacing a defective car with a new one. After all, a factory defect cannot be ruled out either, and not all cars of the same model and even release dates have a completely identical level of anti-corrosion protection.

The car body is mainly made of steel. And steel is such a thing that rusts pretty quickly. To slow down this process, the body is painted and varnished. But paint is an unreliable thing: a minor accident, dry branches of bushes or chips, and now there is no paint, and the body is not protected by anything. Therefore, they came up with galvanizing.

Panacea in a thin layer

Galvanizing is when steel is coated with a thin layer of zinc. This can be done in different ways. Some methods are better, others are worse - more on that in a couple of paragraphs.

The fact is that when the body is left without paint and varnish (for example, in the place of a chip), corrosion begins to destroy zinc, and not steel, rust does not appear. But this is only for the time being, because when zinc collapses - and sooner or later it collapses - corrosion begins to destroy steel.

How long the chip will remain rust-free depends on many factors, not just the quality and thickness of the zinc layer. For example, from humidity and temperature. On average, the rate of destruction of the active zinc layer is from 1 to 6 microns per year, and the thickness of the zinc coating on different machines ranges from 2 to 15 microns. Corrosion occurs faster where it is humid. Or, for example, under adhered dirt.

Hot dipped galvanized

Now about the types of anti-corrosion treatment. The best zinc plating is hot dip galvanized. With this method, the body is lowered into a bathroom with hot (from 500 to 4000 degrees Celsius) zinc. The zinc layer is usually about 10-15 microns. Basically, expensive cars are galvanized in this way, and that's not all, because this is a rather complicated and expensive process. The guarantee for bodies galvanized in this way is usually 15 years or more. And since only such a guarantee, the body can be considered almost eternal. Examples of hot-dip galvanized cars: most modern models of Porsche, Audi, Ford, Volvo.


The second method of galvanizing is galvanized galvanizing. It is cheaper and more common. Most galvanized machines are galvanized in this way. The body is lowered into a zinc-containing electrolyte through which a current is passed. The result is a very uniform zinc plating with a layer of 2 to 10 µm. The guarantee against corrosion for such a body is usually in the region of 10-12 years. Almost all manufacturers of non-budget cars use this method of galvanizing: Opel, Toyota, Mazda, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Nissan *

Cold galvanized

This type of galvanizing has become widespread not so long ago. Around the same period, when not engineers, but marketers began to rule the ball.

The technology consists in mixing highly dispersed zinc powder into the soil. Galvanized body in this case can be considered only formally, because zinc, in fact, is not on the body, but in the ground. No primer (if scratched to metal) - no protection. The anti-corrosion protection of such "zinc plating" is very small. In this case, the manufacturer does not give a large guarantee for the body, it is usually limited by the general guarantee of the paintwork. Most of the budget cars are galvanized in this way: Renault Logan, Lifan, Chery, Great Wall, Hyundai, Renault Logan, UAZ, VAZ.


This type of galvanizing is rare and only among a small number of inexpensive models. The essence of the method is that steel is coated with zinc soil at the rolling stage. The protective properties of this method of galvanizing cannot be called outstanding. Particularly poor protection will be in places where it is humid and after accidents and damage. In this way, mainly Kia and Renault cars are galvanized.

It is also important what kind of treatment the body had: full, partial, or only nodal connections. Naturally, it is best when the whole body is galvanized. But for a manufacturer of budget cars and models, this is expensive, so they are often partially galvanized. For example, only wings, sills.

Quite very economical car manufacturers, who cut every penny, zinc only nodal joints (welds and fasteners, for example).

As you can see, galvanizing galvanized strife, and for each specific model requires clarification. On the Internet, you can find information about how and in what years of release this or that model was galvanized (and whether it was galvanized at all). Sometimes, for example, in the case of "Logan", in the early years the galvanization was partial, and then complete.

In general, two conclusions should be drawn from all this. First, even galvanized cars rust. Moreover, they rust at different rates depending on the weather, the care of the owner, temperature, external influences such as reagents and dirt, and so on.

The second conclusion - do not believe the statement of marketers that the body is galvanized. It can be galvanized purely formally, and one must look at the facts - the method of galvanizing and the manufacturer's warranty on the body. The longer the warranty, the better the body is likely to be galvanized.

* Information collected from open sources and may contain inaccuracies. The method of galvanizing can vary from year to year, from plant to plant, from model to model. To obtain accurate information, you need to look for information on a specific model, year of manufacture and plant.

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The body of a vehicle is practically the most expensive element of a car. In our climatic zone, he constantly has to be exposed to temperature extremes and suffer from precipitation. Tired of constantly treating the car body with anti-corrosion agents, when replacing a car, motorists want the body of a new "wheelbarrow" to be galvanized. Many automakers indicate that their vehicles are zinc plated. There seems to be no reason to worry: a car with such a coating does not corrode. But, unfortunately, with the zinc layer on the elements of the car, everything is not so simple, since a cheap "Chinese" in this case would not be any different from or.

How to choose a car with a galvanized body

Those who decide to buy such a car should be able to choose the model of the car correctly, because galvanized vehicles are coated with zinc in different ways: some models can be completely protected from rust, others have only individual elements protected, and still others are only covered with a primer containing a scanty amount in its composition zinc.

The following brands of cars are covered with very high quality galvanizing: Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, Skoda, Volvo, Opel, Ford, Mercedes, BMW. At the Honda Legends, Pilot, only the bottom, fenders and sills are galvanized. Car manufacturers of the brands Lada, Jill, Huntoy use zinc in the primer. The quality of the vehicle's galvanizing and, of course, its price depends on the type of galvanizing.

Galvanizing types

The galvanized layer will perfectly protect the metal from rust and prolong the life of the car for a long time. The types of zinc plating are as follows:

Hot dipped galvanized

Its advantages:

metal subjected to this galvanizing method perfectly resists corrosion for about 15-30 years.

This is 3-4 times more reliable than electroplated coatings.

Hot-dip galvanized steel is resistant to mechanical damage.

The disadvantage of this type of galvanizing is the high cost. This, in fact, is the reason for the high cost of such vehicles.

The VW Group auto concern produces such car brands as: Volkswagen, Audi, Seat. Motor vehicles from the Volkswagen Group concern are tested for corrosion resistance in salt chambers. But these cars are protected from rust in different ways.

Audi is considered more resistant to rust. Since the mid-80s of the last century, the metal from which Audi bodies are made. Galvanizing is applied on both sides, even on the seams.

Hot dip galvanized is applied to Volvo, Chevrolet, Opel and Ford. In many parts made of aluminum, and when protecting elements made of steel, zinc is not spared.


This method of applying zinc has been known for a very long time. Each of the automakers has their own secrets. A successful galvanizing compound was invented by the car manufacturers Mercedes and BMW. The thickness of the galvanized layer on the car body is 9-15 microns. Galvanized metal in this way can rival Audi's in terms of resistance to rust. After the galvanization, the metal becomes smooth and the paint adheres perfectly to it.

Cars from Japan are not the best in terms of anti-corrosion. On cars from, Pilot, CR-V, only some galvanized elements are installed: these are, as a rule, bottoms, sills and fenders.


The Kia carmaker went its own way. The body elements of the cars of this auto concern are made of zinc-metal, reminiscent of "puff pastry":

Bottom - steel;

Medium - oxides mixed with zinc;

The top one is organics with a high zinc content.

Cold galvanized

This type of galvanizing is a marketing ploy that was invented by manufacturers of budget cars. Cold galvanizing is the coating of elements with a cattophoresis primer containing zinc. Thus, galvanized: Lada, Chery, Hyundai and some Kia models.

Determination of the type of galvanized

There is special equipment with which you can find out whether the selected car is galvanized or not. But such devices are expensive, and you will not see them in every car service.

With a careful study of the documents on the car, you can find out if the body is galvanized.

1. Cheap cars are neither hot nor, moreover, not galvanized by a galvanic method.

2. If the instruction indicates that the car is galvanized, then this means:

Its individual elements are treated with a zinc-containing primer.

3. The vehicle is properly zinc coated only if the instructions indicate that the vehicle is fully galvanized.

The appearance of the car plays a key role when choosing a car. If the body is covered with foci of corrosion, then no one pays attention to what is under the hood and what equipment the car has. Not everyone can afford to change a car every few years, and even fewer motorists know how to choose a car that does not immediately start rusting on the street. Knowing the list of popular domestic and foreign models with a galvanized body will not hurt. Their advantage is in resistance to corrosion, metal with a protective galvanized coating is protected for at least 5 years, and depending on the method of application and the thickness of zinc that the manufacturer uses, this period can increase by several decades. After processing, the body acquires resistance to minor mechanical damage, self-healing properties are manifested at the local level (for expensive techniques).

Popular Russian cars with a galvanized body: a list

The list of Russian-made cars with a body covered with a layer of zinc is not rich. Of the manufacturers, only the Volzhsky Automobile Plant (VAZ) and the automaker from Ulyanovsk (UAZ) are engaged in this. To reduce the cost, some models are only partially galvanized, that is, only individual parts are protected. For complete treatment, an inexpensive cataphoresis priming of the body with the addition of zinc particles is used. The protection is effective, but it is not capable of protecting the metal for more than 5 years. Moreover, one-sided galvanizing is used, when only the outer side is processed, the inner one is primed and painted.

The first VAZ model with partial corrosion treatment with zinc

On the 10th family, the protection of the body against corrosion by cold galvanizing began to be used since 1999. The nodal joints, that is, the places of welds, fasteners and other elements, were subjected to processing. Corrosion of the body began quickly, because there was practically no metal protection.

Lada Kalina 1st generation

The first generation of cars of the Kalina family in a station wagon

The first Kalina were partially galvanized, the total percentage of treated surfaces is about 50%. These include all attachments (doors, boot lid and bonnet), underbody and front wheel arches.

Lada Kalina 2nd generation

The second generation of the Kalina family in the back of a hatchback

The first releases of Kalina 2 in terms of galvanized area did not differ from the first "berry" VAZ family. Later models have a fully galvanized body, the side members at the front and rear, the roof and the hood were left untreated. It should be borne in mind that the selected processing method does not provide a 100% guarantee of corrosion protection.

Lada Largus

New model Lada Largus with veneer from Vesta

The Renault Logan clone in the station wagon from the VAZ is also only partially galvanized. The front fenders, sills, trunk lid and doors have been processed.

Lada Granta

Granta sedan, cars with high-quality galvanized

Lada Granta sedan is 30% made of galvanized steel. In this case, part of the metal is additionally treated with hot zinc on both sides. Grant in the liftback body is additionally protected from the bottom side.

Lada Vesta

VAZ flagship with galvanized body

The flagship of the Russian car industry became the first VAZ car with double-sided galvanized body, with the exception of the sedan roof (the station wagon is completely processed). Bottom and sills without zinc protection.

Lada X-ray

X-ray crossover based on Vesta

The crossover from AvtoVAZ is galvanized on both sides, only the roof and bottom are not processed.


Domestic SUV UAZ Patriot with the best galvanized

At the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, UAZ Patriot vehicles manufactured since 2013 were subjected to partial cold galvanizing. Since 2014, the Patriot has been electroplated (the body is completely immersed in a zinc bath), which gives excellent protection against corrosion.

All models, without exception, are cold galvanized and cataphoretic primed, which allows you to give a guarantee of up to 6 years. Technologies are being improved every day, the thickness of the protective coating is increasing. So far, the UAZ Patriot (from domestic manufacturers) remains the most protected car from the appearance of rust, but AvtoVAZ does not lag behind.

Popular models and brands of foreign cars with galvanized

Not all budget class foreign cars can boast of a high-quality zinc coating. Let's start with the Korean car industry.

Kia Rio

The latest generation of KIA RIO

The Rio family began partially zinc-coated bodywork in 2005. In this case, the most substandard method of applying zinc particles during steel rolling (zinc metal) was used. Since 2011, the bottom and hidden cavities are additionally treated with anti-corrosion compounds. Other popular models (Cerato, Ceed, Picanto) undergo the same processing.

Hyundai Solaris sedan

The body of the popular model is partially cold-galvanized, that is, only the wings, body (excluding the bottom, roof) and attachments.

Ford focus

Ford Focus 4 hatchback

Ford Focus has been protected against corrosion by one-sided hot-dip galvanizing since 1998. Later models from the 2nd generation are machined on both sides. The 3rd and 4th generation additionally have a certain proportion of aluminum parts.


The modern look of the legendary Corolla

The legendary Corolla from 1991 to this day has a double-sided zinc coating. The manufacturer uses an electroplating method, the thickness of the protective layer is up to 15 microns. Other models have also been refined (Avensis, Auris, Camry, etc.). Modern models include some of the aluminum parts.


The Volkswagen Polo model, popular in Russia, has been electroplated since 1995 to this day. Other models are also protected in this way with full immersion in a zinc bath.

The most popular in Russia Volkswagen Polo sedan


All Renault cars are for the most part protected from corrosion in part by zinc metal (Duster, Sandero, Fluence, Megane, etc.). The only exception is the latest generation Logan, whose body is completely galvanized.

New Logan with improved rust protection


The popular budget model Almera since 2012 has a double-sided galvanized zinc coating. The equally popular Qashqai is handled the same way.

New generation Nissan Almera


All popular modern Chevrolet models (Lacetti, Cobalt, Aveo, Spark, Cruze) are fully galvanized with a guarantee of up to 10 years from the manufacturer.

Almost all modern car manufacturers, without exception, protect the body from rust by using galvanizing. For some it is an expensive but high-quality procedure, for some it is a partial inexpensive treatment. Today it is no longer possible to find a modern car that has no zinc coating in any form. Another question is, for how long the machine's resource is calculated, usually manufacturers give a 5-year warranty, after which they are not responsible for the performance of components and assemblies. Therefore, five years of corrosion protection is considered normal. Better processing is found on premium cars, but their cost is much higher than that of all the above models.