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How to deregister a car with the MREO without providing a vehicle. How to deregister a car: tips and recommendations In what cases is a car deregistered?

For many car owners, deregistration of a car is accompanied by a lot of questions. We will try to analyze this procedure in detail.

First, you need to decide in which department of the MREO you will rent a car. To do this, follow the link and find out the address of the nearest traffic police department.

Due to changes in the rules for registering vehicles, you can now deregister a car at any registration office of the traffic police in your city. Regardless of which department you registered in. To deregister a car, you need to drive your car to the MREO department.

Documents for deregistration

STS - vehicle certificate; PTS - vehicle passport; civil passport or a document replacing it.
If you dispose of the car at general power of attorney, then be sure to make a notarized copy of the power of attorney in advance (a copy will be taken from the traffic police, the original remains with you for further re-registration to the new owner). Of course, you don’t have to issue a notarized power of attorney for registration actions, but just use the handwritten option.
An MTPL policy is not required for deregistration.

Receiving an application

We take a queue to receive an application for deregistration (if there is an electronic queue, then we receive a coupon). Applications are usually issued in a separate window. Make sure that this is the window where the application is issued. You hand over your documents (PTS, STS, passport) and wait for your name to be called.

Examination by a criminologist

We receive in our hands:
— STS;
— PTS;
- civil passport;
- statement;
— receipt for payment of state duty;
- printout from the car search database.

We check the application for errors. Without delay, we get into the car and line up for the car inspection area by a forensic expert. The receipt can be paid after inspection by an expert.
Attention! Be sure to clean any dirt from the vehicle identification plates. Usually there are people with special cleaning equipment at the inspection sites; you can contact them (the prices are set independently).

After the examination, the criminologist stamps the application. Now you need to pay the state fee.
Payment is made at any Sberbank branch, or through terminals.

Submission of documents

We line up at the window to submit an application for deregistration. While there is time, you need to remove the registration plates from the car (hand over the plates only in their pure form).
We hand over a full set of documents with registration plates. Now all that remains is to wait for the call.
Ultimately, you will be given transit numbers and a PTS with a mark of deregistration, and a civil passport. STS - not issued.

The procedure for deregistration for sale (alienation) has been abolished. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of August 7, 2013 No. 605. Came into force on October 15, 2013. Re-register your car without deregistration.

Now it is impossible to perform the following actions in registration departments:

— removal of a car for sale (alienation);
— deregistration upon notification;
— deregistration at the place of registration;
— a certificate is not issued for the released license plate unit;
— it is impossible to obtain a single inspection report.

In what cases is it possible to deregister a car?

— export outside the Russian Federation;
— termination of registration after the sale of the vehicle;
- recycling;
— loss or theft of a vehicle.

From 10/15/13 Russian Federation valid new order car registration, which eliminates the need to deregister a car before selling it. Now deregistration is carried out automatically when the car is a new owner. At the same time, registration of a car to the new owner can be done at any traffic police department, regardless of his place of residence and registration. In other words, you can deregister a car or for disposal in 2018 in any city in the Russian Federation where there is a traffic police department.

The procedure for removing and registering a car

Transit numbers for transportation within the territory of the Russian Federation are not issued, but old ones registration numbers of the car, at the request of the new owner, are preserved and remain on it. Transit numbers are issued to the new owner only if he takes the car abroad. To do this, you need to deregister it.

The changes also affected vehicle registration. Since January 1, 2015, purchasing and registering a car has become significantly more expensive for citizens. All fees related to vehicle registration operations have been increased. So, for the production and receipt state numbers you will have to pay 2,000 rubles for a car, which is 500 rubles more than the previous tariff.

In what cases and for what reasons is a car deregistered?

If a fact is discovered, the owner must write to the traffic police, along with a statement of theft, a request to terminate registration. Subsequently, when the car is found and returned to the owner, it can be registered again. If it is dismantled by the thieves and sold for spare parts, then the owner’s statement is the basis for the complete deregistration of this car in the Register of Vehicles.

2) Vehicle disposal.

If the owner of a car decides to change the car under the old car recycling program, then he must deregister the car before handing it over to a recycling organization. Thus, the accrual of transport tax on him stops. There are two types of vehicle recycling: partial or complete. Complete recycling is carried out when the car is completely disabled and can no longer be used. Partial recycling occurs when part of the car is scrapped - the body, chassis or engine, and the remaining serviceable part is used by the owner for further operation or sale.

3) Driving a car abroad for the purpose of sale or permanent use.

The vehicle is deregistered in the Russian Federation and registered in the host country. The owner must return the old plates and receive a transit number.

4) When the sold car is not registered by the new owner within 10 days after the sale.

In this case, the reason for deregistration is to avoid continuing to pay transport tax and penalty receipts for the sold car, which will have to be done until new owner no, the former owner can submit an application to the traffic police for complete disposal 10 days after the sale of the car.

5) Deregistration of a vehicle can be carried out forcibly by the following persons:

  • the plaintiff, to whom, by court order, the car is returned or transferred, on the basis of a court decision;
  • a bailiff of the bailiff service on the basis of a resolution of the bailiffs to reclaim the debtor's property;
  • an official of the organization in whose favor there is a court decision on the alienation of the vehicle, based on this decision;
  • an authorized representative of the department of social protection of the population, executing the decision of this body to transfer a specialized vehicle to another person, on the basis of this decision.

How to deregister a car

In order to deregister a car, you must prepare the following documents:

  • application for deregistration of a vehicle;
  • original and copy technical passport motor vehicles (PTS);
  • front and rear license plates of the car;
  • passport of the vehicle owner;
  • registration certificate (STS);
  • a canceled receipt for payment of the duty.

In case of complete disposal of the car or due to loss of documents, one application for deregistration and an explanatory note is sufficient.

Not only the owner of the car, but also his authorized representative can deregister a car. If for some reason the owner of the car does not have the opportunity or time to visit the traffic police department to deregister the car, then he can transfer his powers by proxy to another person with instructions to perform this action. In this case, it must be notarized.

When submitting an application for deregistration, the applicant must indicate the reason why this action is being taken and the necessary information:

  • when leaving the country, write down: “in connection with departure to such and such a country”;
  • when submitting for complete recycling, it must be noted that the application is accompanied by license plates and a registration certificate; a certificate for the vehicle’s components is not required;
  • when handing over for partial recycling, you must indicate that a certificate is required for the abandoned unit or part (engine, chassis or body);
  • In order to punish a careless buyer who is in no hurry to register the purchased car within the prescribed period, the former owner may act not entirely honestly: submit an application for disposal of the car, indicating that the documents and license plates have been lost. Although this is a wrong act, according to the law, he is formally the owner of the car and can dispose of it at his own discretion. Then the new owner of the car will have big problems with registration and its legal operation.

Video: How to deregister a car through the government services website

To save time, you can pre-register for an appointment at any nearest traffic police department by phone or via the Internet. To deregister a car online you need . After registering on the portal, an application is filled out electronically. Then you need to come to the chosen location with all the necessary documents and a printed application and hand in the documents to the reception window. The advantage of deregistering a car through government services is that you do not need to stand in line and you can choose a convenient time to visit the traffic police, which simplifies the procedure.

Examination by the traffic police when deregistering a car

After reading and signing the application for deregistration and receiving the documents back, you need to take the car to the observation deck for inspection. In order for him to have any complaints about the condition of the car, it should first be washed at a car wash, including the engine compartment, since the inspector will check the numbers and VIN code of the engine, chassis and body.

After checking whether the car has been stolen or seized and checking the unit numbers with the data in the registration certificate, the inspector makes a note on the application form about permission to deregister. After this, the application with the expert’s mark, along with other documents and license plates, is submitted again to the same window where you received the application form. After a certain period of time, the owner of the car will be given a personal passport, a vehicle registration certificate with a mark on deregistration, and a transit number. The registration certificate is not returned.

Features of deregistration of a car

In connection with traveling abroad

When leaving with a permanent stay abroad, old numbers are surrendered, and “Transit” signs are issued in return. The corresponding entries and marks are made in the registration certificate or a new registration certificate is issued. Transit signs are valid for 20 days. For driving with expired signs, a fine of 500-800 rubles is provided.

How to deregister a car for recycling

When disposing of a vehicle, you must deregister it. To do this, you need to prepare the same package of documents listed above. The application indicates the purpose of deregistration, as complete or partial disposal. The procedure is also similar to the example above. The differences are that if the car is completely scrapped, it is not necessary to provide it for inspection by the traffic police. Upon completion of the procedure, the owner is issued a personal passport, technical passport, certificate of disposal and a register extract from deregistration.

In case of partial recycling (serviceable and marked components and assemblies are released), the vehicle is presented for inspection and verification of unit numbers. If he is not on the move, then an expert is called to the house. In this case, the inspector must issue a certificate for the remaining unit of the car. The cost of deregistration during disposal is 350 rubles of state duty, which is paid for issued certificates for released license units.

Deregistration if a car is stolen

After the owner of the stolen car contacted the police with a complaint about the theft and initiation of a criminal case, he should write an application to the traffic police about deregistration. However, this must be done after receiving notification from the police that the criminal case has been suspended or terminated. To deregister a car if it is stolen, the following documents are required:

  • personal passport of the car owner;
  • vehicle registration certificate (if available);
  • notification from the police;
  • application for deregistration.

Since the beginning of 2014, the life of car owners has been significantly simplified - car license plates are assigned to the vehicle itself. In this regard, citizens have a lot of questions during the process. Changes were mainly reflected in withdrawals by the owner or other person.

Is it possible

In practice, we can analyze a huge number of cases that are suitable for discussing our topic, but each of them will differ from the other in small details. However, in most cases, it is possible without requiring a car. Moreover, it is the buyer who is in charge afterward, not the former owner.

This video will tell you exactly what documents you will need when deregistering a car with the traffic police:

Without numbers

In 2016, deregistering a vehicle became as easy as possible. In some cases, you can only present a passport so that the car is no longer listed as valid in the traffic police database. The absence of a state license on a car also does not become an obstacle to re-registration and deregistration of a car.

To carry out this procedure, you will need to attach an explanatory note describing the reasons for the lack of numbers to a regular application to the MREO department. Try to describe the circumstances of the loss of the license plates as plausibly as possible, otherwise, after finding out the real reasons, the traffic police may require you to provide them. Otherwise, there should be no obstacles.

This video will tell you whether it is possible to deregister a car without license plates:

Gleb, Hello.

IN in this case There is only the option of deregistering a car due to its loss.

Good luck on the roads!



Over the course of a couple of decades, I sold several cars by proxy.

You have to pay taxes.

How to stop this, given that there are no documents for the car?


Hello, I have the same problem; I purchased a car, but it is registered under the old owner's title. the owner of the car died and the car was deregistered upon the death of the owner. when we came to re-register the car at the traffic police, they took the documents and sent them to the police. what should I do now?

Alexander, Hello.

The best option is to contact the buyers and draw up purchase and sale agreements for each of the cars.

If this is not possible, then the car can be deregistered due to loss, because You do not know his current location.

Good luck on the roads!

Alexey, Hello.


Maxim, good evening.

next point:

I sold a car under a contract with a point of registration within 10 days, not certified by a notary, they made 3 copies (I have one)

5-7 days passed and I received 5 fines for 2500 rubles (at a discount for now)

New owner won't contact me

Is it possible to withdraw without paying someone else’s fines?

What does this procedure mean?

What awaits the car after this and its new and previous owner (me)

What is the best way to deal with this situation?


Who did you buy the car from? And why were you sent to the police?

We bought the car from a guy, the previous owner even kept the old contract. And the police were sent to find out the circumstances of the sale of the car when the owner died


But the guy didn’t register the car in his name. Two years passed, the owner of the car died, the car was deregistered after the death of the owner, the guy didn’t say either or he didn’t know. However, this situation happened: the documents were confiscated, the car is worthless and there is no money.

Nikolay, Hello.

1. After 10 days, contact the traffic police to terminate the registration of the car in connection with the sale. This does not threaten anything bad for you or the buyer. The license plates will be removed from the car, but upon registration the buyer will receive new ones.

2. Every fine received should be appealed. To do this, an application should be sent to each traffic police department and a copy of the sales agreement should be attached to it. There must be as many applications as there are fines.

Good luck on the roads!

Alexey, if the situation is exactly as you write, then in the end there should be no problems. You have all the interim agreements on the transfer of ownership of the car and you can confirm that the car was sold before the death of the owner.

What documents did the traffic police give you? And what did the police say?

Hello! I am the owner of a vehicle, registered as a legal entity and am the director of an LLC. Due to its poor condition, the car has not been used for 10 years. I want to deregister it and sell it for parts or scrap it. The traffic police require a certificate of disposal - only after that they will deregister it. How can you bypass this procedure and deregister it, and then decide what to do with the vehicle - scrap it or use it for spare parts?

Ivan, Hello.

You can stop registering a car due to its loss (loss). A recycling certificate is not required for this.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon. I bought a car, all the necessary documents were filled out (i.e. purchase and sale, the purchase and sale field was also filled out in the title in my name.) I did not have time to register the car within the given period of 10 days, the previous owner wrote an application for termination and they took away the license plates from me passport. Now the question is: can I sell this car to another person? After all, I am included in the purchase and sale title, that is, the car belongs to me. And if so, will he have problems with the traffic police if he is stopped? After all, the car has no license plate. Same with the design.

Renat, Hello.

You can sell the car. In this case, the buyer will need to hand over the contract under which you bought the car (1 copy).

The buyer must register the car within 10 days from the date of purchase from you. There should be no problems during this period.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon, please tell me how to solve the problem! In 2016, the car was sold, the contract purchase and sale lost, no contact with the new owner. The tax on this car comes to the previous owner for 2 years, the traffic police said that this car registered to the previous owner. In this case, what is the best way to deregister a car: due to loss or disposal? Or is there another way to solve the problem?

I sold the car, the new owner did not register it in his name, he lost the DCP when moving, and there is no way to contact him either. How can I deregister a car?

I bought a car in 2003. Registered in the city N.

In 2007, she moved to live in city 2 and put it on temporary registration (there was no other way to get through it). At the same time, a new STS was issued, and the old one was put in a safe at the traffic police. I didn't change my numbers. No entries were made in the PTS.

In 2014 I came to change everything back. They took it out of the safe and gave it the old STS.

2019 decided to sell the car. And it turns out that he was deregistered. The solution to the problem is to register with the issuance of new numbers.

For 5 years I paid taxes, fines, official registration, and insurance. They stopped us many times and hit the bases. Nobody said anything.

Isn't this a traffic police mistake?

Elena, in this case, you need to find out why the registration of the car was terminated. To do this, you need to contact the traffic police for clarification.

It is possible that this is a mistake.

Good luck on the roads!

hello, please tell me:

at my dad's once (in the 90s)

there was a caterpillar tractor, and he donated it to the military unit at his place of residence (Far East, Jewish Autonomous Region) without any documentation. And now, after so much time (and he has been living and registered in Bashkiria since 2002), the amount of the outstanding debt for this tractor was withdrawn from him. Questions: 1. Can he deregister this agricultural transport at his place of residence? (due to its loss)

2. where to submit this application? and 3. Do they have the right to remove debt from a pensioner?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Halite, Hello.

1, 2. Rules for state registration of tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines and trailers for them by state supervision bodies technical condition self-propelled machines do not say that you can deregister a tractor in any department. That is, you need to contact exactly the department where the tractor was registered.

3. In general, the legislation does not prohibit the collection of debts from pensioners.

Good luck on the roads!


I sold the car on 10/08/18 under a purchase and sale agreement, the tax office removed it on 02/09/19, due to a request from the traffic police. How to remove 4 months of tax?

No way. It was necessary to go to the traffic police 10 days after the DCP and deregister the car in connection with the sale.


Hello, on March 1, I sold my car using a policy. On March 7, the buyer was involved in an accident and is now waiting for the results. The car has not yet been registered. On the RSA website I found out that two policies were registered on my car registration number. Mine (I live in the Altai region) and someone else’s (Chelyabinsk region). It turns out that in Russia there are two identical license plates. Reg number (my car is a Nissan Primera), someone else's Honda SRV. Please tell me what to do. Thank you

Victor, Hello.

What exactly do you want to achieve in this situation?

It is unlikely that the same number plates were issued for 2 cars. Most likely there was an error in the database.

Good luck on the roads!


Good day everyone! Tell me please.

The car (Gazelle) was previously sold under insurance so that the new owner could pick it up and drive it. In the future they were going to deregister with the traffic police, but!

1-The person to whom the vehicle is registered, due to the prevailing circumstances, ended up in prison and received a decent sentence.

2- The one who purchased the car through insurance almost immediately got into an accident and sold the car to a salvage yard for spare parts. Well, what's left of her? And he simply destroyed the documents.

Now the owner (to whom the vehicle is registered) receives transport tax. His presence in the MLS naturally does not exempt him from transport tax.

How to deregister a vehicle if there is neither the vehicle nor the documents from it. He doesn't even remember the license plate number of the car.

You probably need to write some kind of explanatory note to the traffic police indicating the reasons? Can they deregister the car?

interesting question, I would like to hear a competent answer

Michael, Hello.

The rules governing the state registration of cars, including the removal of vehicles from it, remain unknown to many car owners until the question of carrying out this necessary procedure arises. Every year, the rules regarding the registration of vehicles become more lenient and advanced. In this material we will describe in detail how to deregister a car, in what situations car owners may need to carry out the procedure, and also consider other nuances.

There are several most common situations in which the owner of the car must initiate the procedure for deregistering the vehicle. These include the following.

Most often, deregistration of a car is carried out when purchasing a car. Thus, in the State Security Inspectorate traffic information appears that a particular car no longer belongs to the old owner, but has become the property of the new owner.

In this situation, the buyer of the vehicle is required by law to carry out the procedure for removing the car and re-registering it, however, if within 10 days from the date of purchasing the “wheels” he does not do this, responsibility for the first element of the procedure (deregistration) falls on the shoulders of the seller .

The required procedure, first of all, should be of interest to the old owner of the car, since if the car is not re-registered to the new owner in the traffic police database, then if the new owner commits, for example, a crime on the road, questions will first of all be addressed to to the former owner.

The second common case in which it is necessary to remove a car from state registration is to transfer the car for recycling. Typically, recycling of old vehicles is carried out within the framework of state program. In order not to continue to pay the transport tax, which is mandatory for car owners in almost every region of the Russian Federation, you must contact the State Road Safety Inspectorate and deregister the car.

One of the reasons for deregistration of a car is the failure of the “iron horse”

Drivers of new and relatively new vehicles may not think about carrying out such a procedure for a long time; most likely, after some time they will exchange the car for a newer and more powerful one. However, citizens who initially purchased an old car or received it, for example, by inheritance, may well encounter such a situation and dispose of the vehicle before deregistration. Although, in this case, not all is lost, since it is possible to cancel the state registration of a car.

If your car has been stolen, you will also need to suspend its registration until it is found. In this case, going through the bureaucratic withdrawal procedure is in the interests of the car owner himself, since without it, taxes will continue to be collected on the car. It’s good if the vehicle is eventually found, but it also happens that the owners never see their own car again. However, they pay transport tax fees on it, the amount of which, among other things, has a very unpleasant effect on the wallets of ordinary Russian citizens.

As soon as you discover that your car has been stolen, immediately contact law enforcement and file a theft report. When the fact of the crime is confirmed, demand an official document indicating your unpleasant situation. Only on the basis of this certificate will the State Road Safety Inspectorate give you a positive response to your request to deregister your vehicle.

If you leave for permanent residence or temporary, but long-term, residence in another country, and take the car with you, you will have to deregister the car on the territory of the Russian Federation. Ultimately, this is necessary to:

  • do not pay transport tax;
  • be able to register a vehicle in another country.

A car cannot be registered with the state at the same time in several countries. To obtain the right to drive your own car in another country legally, while living there, and at the same time not to become a malicious tax evader in your home country, you will have to go through this procedure before moving.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons for removing the “iron horse” from state registration. Now let's take a closer look at the procedure that interests us in the context of each of them.

How to deregister a car for recycling

Vehicles that have served their allotted time (and sometimes much more) are sent for recycling. In order not to create “cemeteries” of completely intact machines, they undergo special processing under a press and so-called scissors, the size of which exceeds the size of the machine itself.

To carry out this procedure with a vehicle that has served you well, first of all, you need to revoke its state registration. To do this, you need to collect and submit to the traffic police the following package of necessary documents:

  • basic identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • technical passport related to the vehicle;
  • certificate of the vehicle passing the state registration procedure;
  • it is also necessary to remove (preferably also wash) the plastic plates with numbers attached next to the bumper on the front and rear of the car;
  • it is necessary to fill out an application for disposal.

In addition, it will be necessary to provide the service specialists with a paid receipt for the state fee for car license plates.

As soon as you collect all the documents listed above, you will have the opportunity to dispose of your vehicle along with all the units built into it. After submitting the papers for verification and receiving confirmation that the data in them corresponds to reality, you will receive a certificate from the automobile inspector working in the traffic police about the possibility of recycling.

If you decide to hand over the car for recycling, while removing the units from it, you will need to carry out the following procedures:

  • verify the numbers of the required units;
  • order a visit from an expert, whose tasks will be to conduct an inspection of the vehicle and subsequently issue an appropriate conclusion;
  • during the disposal procedure, pay a certain amount for those units that will remain in your possession and will not be destroyed;
  • hand over all received official papers to the automobile inspector, who in return will give you a certificate of ownership of the required unit;
  • pay the state fee for disposal and issuance of a certificate of its implementation, the amount of which is only 200 Russian rubles.

Let's look again in the table at what actions will need to be performed when saving aggregates and without them.

Table 1. Auto recycling

If the car is destroyed with unitsIf you have saved some parts of the car
  • it is necessary to collect a package of documents;
  • remove and provide license plates to the traffic police;
  • pay the state fee;
  • obtain a certificate of destruction of the car.

  • rewrite the numbers of saved technical elements;
  • call an expert for inspection;
  • submit all the above documents for verification to the traffic police;
  • remove and provide license plates;
  • pay the state fee for the recycling certificate, and also give money for the stored technical equipment;
  • obtain a certificate of destruction and a certificate of ownership of the units.
  • How to deregister a car if it is stolen

    If your car was recently stolen, do not rush to apply to deregister the car. The fact is that without real evidence that the car owner does not know where his actually stolen vehicle is, the traffic police will not carry out the procedure for canceling state registration. Only another official government body can provide such evidence; your words will not be enough.

    If you discover that you don’t know anything about the real location of your car, the first thing you should do is go to the police and file a report of vehicle theft. After its consideration, a criminal case will be initiated against the criminal who stole your car. The basis for its initiation will be the theft of a car.

    When it is determined that the vehicle is temporarily or permanently unable to be found, you will receive a letter from law enforcement notifying you of the situation. Take the letter you are looking for and go to the State Road Safety Inspectorate. Present the document you have in your hands and declare your desire to carry out the procedure for removing the car from state registration.

    To carry out the procedure, in addition to a police certificate, you will need the following documents:

    • passport of the owner of the vehicle;
    • technical passport of the mobility device;
    • written statement.

    Selling a car and removing it from state registration

    To stop payments tax collections for transport when selling a car, the owner must come to the traffic police department and submit the relevant documents for inspection, as in all other situations. After contacting the government agency, your car and the papers offered for it will be viewed and analyzed by competent system employees. If you apply for new license plates, he will issue a permit and give the go-ahead to deregister the car.

    In order for everything to work out as planned, you need to contact the same branch of the State Road Safety Inspectorate where the car was originally registered. You must take the following documents with you:

    • owner's passport;
    • the same document for the technical device (your car);
    • an agreement concluded between the former and current owner of the car;
    • a receipt from a paid receipt issued in the form of a document for state duty, the amount of which will vary depending on many different factors.

    Let's give an example. If the car was originally purchased on credit at a dealership, it is important that at the time it is deregistered, all outstanding loan payments have been repaid. In the event that there are late payments, the car is not considered to fully belong to the previous owner, and therefore cannot be deregistered and registered in the name of a new person.

    After the verification is fully completed, representatives state system They will give the car owner a list of payments that he will need to make. Without transferring the required funds, it will not be possible to deregister the car. There is a 100% chance that you will have to pay for changes made to the technical equipment passport.

    After all the procedures have been completed, the car is inspected by representatives of the traffic police for the last time, all the parameters of interest to it are checked by them, and an inspection report is issued to you. Along with it you will receive:

    • technical passport of the car;
    • a card with registration information;
    • various payment receipts;
    • if the numbers have changed, you will be given new samples.

    All the procedures described above are carried out quite quickly; if you hurry, most of them will be completed in one day.

    We would like to draw your attention to the very important fact: since 2013, the procedure for selling a car related to deregistration and re-registration has been simplified. Now the car can not be confiscated from the databases of the state system, but can be immediately re-registered to the new owner. This allows you to avoid a lot of time and also reduces the number of payments made during the re-registration process.

    Video - How to deregister a car with the traffic police

    Deregistration when moving

    If you have changed your place of residence, according to the letter of the law, you are responsible for re-registering the car at the new permanent registration address. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

    Bring the following set of documents to the place of current registration of the vehicle (traffic police department at your new place of residence):

    • main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • vehicle registration certificate;
    • certificate of assignment of a taxpayer identification number to the owner of the car and of his tax registration;
    • a statement written by you, which states that you want to make some changes regarding the registration of the car;
    • car insurance document;
    • receipts of payment made for state duties.

    At the previous place of registration, they carry out the necessary procedures related to the cancellation of the registration of your car, and then send you a notice with the relevant content, which must be delivered to the local office of the State Road Safety Inspectorate. This will allow the car to be re-registered at the new location.

    If you are individual entrepreneur or a representative of any legal entity who has decided to move abroad with his faithful iron friend, it will be important to obtain transit numbers on the territory of Russia when deregistering, having paid a certain amount for them in the form of a state fee.

    Deregister a car without a car

    Many car owners are wondering whether they can go through the procedure of deregistering a car without being able to submit the car itself for inspection. We hasten to answer this question in the presented section of the article.

    To remove a car from state registration, you must contact directly the employees of the State Road Safety Inspectorate, just like all previous times. In this case, it does not matter which branch the car was registered in; in any case, you cannot present it.

    In what situations such a procedure may be necessary, we have already mentioned earlier. These include:

    • disposal of an obsolete vehicle that has lost the ability to perform its technical task;
    • car theft committed by third parties, confirmed by the police;
    • premature transportation of the car to other countries;
    • if the buyer of the car has not re-registered the vehicle in his name.

    In all the presented cases, circumstances may arise such that, despite all the desires, the owner will not be able to provide the car. In a situation with theft, this will happen with one hundred percent probability, since the car will be missing through no fault of its owner, who himself would passionately want to return it.

    The same applies to the last situation, when the previous owner of the car is forced to independently initiate the procedure for deregistering the car; even by agreement with the new owner, they did not carry out re-registration, and he also did not go through this procedure on his own within ten days after purchase. The previous owner will be forced to do this on his own, otherwise, no longer being the person responsible for the car, he will continue to pay:

    • transport taxes;
    • fines earned by the new owner.

    When disposing of a car, as we have already said, two options are possible: complete and partial, without units. In any case, if the car is no longer moving, the driver will not drag it along with him to his destination (traffic police department) like a barge hauler. You will have to carry out bureaucratic procedures without the participation of the “iron horse”, however, in the case when you are saving the units, an expert specially invited by you will still have to inspect them and the entire “body” of the machine. We would like to remind you right away that there is an additional charge for this.

    The same applies to taking a car abroad. Every citizen can do this independently; there are no legislative obstacles to this, especially since today in Russia only those persons who are:

    In order to go through the deregistration procedure without a car, you must submit the following documents to the employees of the State Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

    • application to terminate the vehicle's state registration;
    • the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation belonging to the owner of the car;
    • certificate issued upon registration of the car;
    • technical passport relating to the vehicle being deregistered;
    • receipts or bank checks paid for the relevant government fees;
    • if the car is sold, then it is also necessary to provide the agreement concluded between the first and second owner;
    • if the owner of the car cannot appear on his own, an authorized person is sent instead, presenting confirmation legal basis own participation in the procedure - a notarized power of attorney.

    Nuances when drawing up an application

    Depending on what served as the circumstances for writing the required application, it is necessary to take into account specific features.

    1. So, if the car is exported to another country, it is necessary to indicate this nuance in the application for deregistration of the car. The wording may be as follows: in connection with the movement of a vehicle outside the borders of the Russian Federation.”
    2. If you are sending your car for complete recycling, you must indicate this in the application. However, if it is decided to release some of the units, the following points must be included in the application:
      1. “deregistration is carried out in connection with the disposal of the vehicle”;
      2. “it is necessary to obtain a certificate for such and such a part (for example, an engine).”
    3. If you sold a car, and the new owner did not deregister it within ten days, and you doubt that you will remain safe in this regard, indicating in the application that the car was sold, so you remove it from state registration, do not being more of its owner.

    Remote deregistration of a car

    Today, many citizens of the Russian Federation are accustomed to carrying out all official procedures related to government bodies via the Internet. The fact is that government structures have united in a single electronic Internet space, creating a service for public services of the Russian Federation.

    A citizen can access it from absolutely any computer connected to the World Wide Web. On the platform you are looking for, you can find out everything that interests the car owner:

    • the number of fines available;
    • is it registered vehicle, that is, whether it is registered;
    • other very important nuances.

    The site can be used not only by motorists, but also by people who do not know how to drive, since in addition to the State Automobile Inspectorate, all government bodies providing any services to citizens.

    Through “” you can not only find out any details about your own car, but also deregister the car, and you won’t even need to get up from the table, let alone leave the walls of your apartment.

    You can do this as follows.

    1. In the services category on the State Services website, you must select the “deregistration” item.
    2. Among the reasons for deregistration of a car indicated on the page, you must select the one that suits you and click on the link.
    3. You will be taken to a page containing specific columns specifically created for entering information from specific documents, such as:
    • main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • vehicle passport;
    • insurance certificate;
    • other papers.

    When all the information is entered into specially existing columns for them, the system will begin to process the request and send it directly to the traffic police. You will learn that the service specialists have received your official “message” from the electronic notification that appears in your personal account on the portal. If all parts of the questionnaire are filled out with information that corresponds to reality, most likely you will immediately receive a positive result. Soon, government officials will contact you personally, no longer via the World Wide Web, but via telephone, home or mobile, depending on which one you indicated in the electronic application form.

    If you are refused to deregister your vehicle, you will also receive an oral and/or written notification from employees of the State Motor Transport Inspectorate; the reasons for the refusal will also be explained to you in detail.

    Why is it beneficial to use the remote method of transmitting information? It's very simple:

    • you save time by not standing in a queue directly at the traffic police, but are at home at the computer, or even at work, while at the same time doing your own business remotely;
    • through a computer the procedure can be completed in less than an hour, but in real life sometimes a full working day is not enough, this greatly affects the psyche and keeps it calm;
    • through the government services website you can get a substantial discount of 30%;
    • If you can’t be in your city on the day you need, don’t worry, interacting with all the necessary authorities is now as easy as shelling pears, and this is done remotely.

    Let's sum it up

    Deregistering a car is not at all as tedious and complicated a procedure as a large number of modern drivers think. Of course, if you haven't taken it before, everything may seem a little more problematic than it actually is. Be sure that everything will work out for you, do not hesitate to consult with representatives of the State Road Safety Inspectorate; in each department they have specialized personnel who provide free consultations.

    Your main task when undergoing the required procedure is to remain calm and attentive. Collect required package documents and prepare it in advance so as not to frantically look for missing paper at the last moment.