GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

How to raise the front suspension. How to increase the vehicle's ground clearance: options and advice. Do you need a lot of ground clearance

One of the characteristics of a vehicle is ground clearance (or ground clearance), that is, the distance from the surface of the carriageway to the element of the car located below all others. Its size largely determines which obstacles (in the form of irregularities or holes) you can overcome without damaging (to one degree or another) the parts of the machine. Is it possible to make the clearance more (compared to its original design value)? The answer is unequivocal - yes! There are several main ways to accomplish this task. We will talk about the pros and cons of such a modification in our review article.

Fitting wheels with the largest possible diameter

A fairly simple way to increase the ground clearance is to install wheels with a large diameter (compared to the standard ones that the car was equipped with at the time of purchase). Naturally, it is not worthwhile to immediately replace it with a new rubber. But when the time comes to change it (for example, due to wear or mechanical damage), then you can think about a slight increase in ground clearance. How do you make this upgrade? Very simple. The fact is that the wheel arches are designed in such a way that in the future it is possible to install chains on the tires that prevent the vehicle from sliding (basically, this is used when driving on mountainous terrain). If you do not plan to use such devices, you can "painlessly" increase the wheel diameter by 24 mm (that is, 12 mm on each side). It is this stock that the manufacturer leaves for the installation of chains.

Consider this tuning option with a specific example. Let's say that your car has tires 185/65 / R15 ( Renault logan, Kia rio, Hyundai solaris, Lada Largus and many other popular models), where:

  • 185 - width in mm (B);
  • 65 is the percentage value by which the width must be multiplied to obtain the profile height (H), that is, H = B × 65% = 185 × 0.65 = 120.25 mm;
  • R15 is the size of the wheel rim in inches.

If we install rubber 185/70 / R15 on the same disks, then we get H = B × 70% = 185 × 0.7 = 129.5 mm. That is, by simply replacing the rubber, we "raise" the car, practically by 1 cm. Sometimes such a slight increase in ground clearance is quite enough in order not to "scratch" the bottom when overcoming a long familiar and annoying pothole in the roadway.

Of the advantages of the above method, it should be noted that:

  • for such a modernization, it is not necessary to make any changes in the design of the car;
  • the ground clearance, albeit insignificantly, increases.
  • an increase in the total mass of the wheels will lead to a slight increase in fuel consumption;
  • the speedometer readings will be slightly distorted (2 ÷ 3% down).

Interturn inserts in springs

Another way to increase the ground clearance is the installation of inserts (or as they are also called autobuffers) between the coils of the car's springs. Using this method, it is possible to increase the ground clearance by an average of 2 ÷ 3 cm. For the manufacture of inserts, special rubber or urethane is used. Depending on the material used and the manufacturer, prices for such kits (based on installation on one axis) vary over a very wide range (from 300 to 4000 rubles). Structurally, they are:

  • solid;
  • with internal cavities;
  • with holes around the circumference.

The installation procedure is pretty simple:

  • we hang the wheel with a jack so that the spring stretches as much as possible and clean it of dirt;
  • grease the insert with soapy water (or machine oil) and install it between the coils in the middle of the spring.

The only advantage of the above method is the ease of installation of autobuffers. The main disadvantage is that the central coil of the spring is "excluded" from normal operation, since the insert does not allow it to be fully compressed. After installing such devices, individual coils of the spring work under different loads, and this, in turn, can lead to a reduction in its service life. Therefore, this method of increasing the ground clearance can be recommended only as a temporary measure, when the springs have already “sagged” enough (as a result of which the clearance has significantly decreased), and there is simply no time (or money) for a thorough repair of the suspension. Assertions of the same manufacturers (in particular the German Power Guard or the South Korean TTC) that the installation of autobuffers significantly increases ride comfort; prolongs the "life" of the entire suspension as a whole, significantly reducing the cost of its maintenance; and also shortens the braking distance and improves vehicle handling, are most likely a publicity stunt. Painfully many "wonderful" transformations they promise after installing four "rubber bands" inserted into the springs of the car. Although each motorist naturally decides on the appropriateness of their use independently.

Spacers for struts and springs

The most popular method for increasing ground clearance is the installation of special "thick" spacers between the mounting cup and the very front strut, as well as between the body and the top of the rear springs. Today, sets of such devices can be purchased for almost all common car brands. Moreover, the increase in clearance can vary from 1 to 5 cm: it depends on both personal preferences and design features specific vehicle. For those who are "friends" with wrenches and are used to tuning themselves, it will not be difficult to install spacers. If you do not have sufficient experience in carrying out repair work, then this operation can be performed by specialists from the nearest car service.

The essence of the revision:

  • the front pillars are dismantled (in whole or in part, depending on the car model);
  • remove the standard (upper) gaskets;
  • instead of them we install thickened spacers (in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions);
  • we assemble the front suspension in reverse order using longer bolts (or studs), which are included in the delivery set of devices for increasing the ground clearance;
  • we install gaskets between the upper part of the rear springs and the body (often you have to use a special puller).

This retrofit method is a very effective way to increase ground clearance. However, before using it, you should consider the consequences of this modernization:

  • The angle of connection of the axle to the CV joint will increase. Consequently, it will "work" under increased loads. And this will inevitably lead to a reduction in its service life. In addition, the protective boot will wear out faster.
  • If you try to increase the ground clearance by a significant amount (for example, by the maximum recommended 5 cm), this can lead to the fact that the brake hoses are always in a taut state and on a strong bump (that is, with the maximum free wheel travel) they can simply break ... And this is already fraught with very serious consequences.

On a note! Currently, spacers are made of polyurethane, high-strength rubber, polymer plastics and aluminum. The price of the kit depends on both the material and the car brand.

Replacing springs and shock absorbers

Such a method of increasing ground clearance, such as replacing standard springs (for products with a greater length) and shock absorbers (for "long-stroke" ones), is quite expensive. The fact is that manufacturers do not offer tuning masters ready-made sets of such spare parts. Knowing the installation dimensions, you can independently select the necessary parts for a specific car brand. It will not be superfluous to consult with professionals who have experience in such upgrades. Naturally, this will require not only time, but also significant financial costs.

Another method of increasing ground clearance is to install so-called air bellows (or, as they are also called, air bags or pneumohelpers) into the inner part of the spring. Structurally, they are sealed cylindrical containers with an air connection. How quickly, and most importantly, it is quite simple to install such devices in the rear suspension of a car, you will learn from the video below:

According to the manufacturers, such a modernization of the car not only allows you to increase the ground clearance (as well as adjust it depending on the load), but also does not change the design of the vehicle (this allows you to preserve the official warranty).

For information! Air bellows are currently available for both rear springs and MacPherson strut front struts.

Adjustable air suspension

The most expensive way, which allows not only to increase the ground clearance, but also to adjust it depending on the road conditions and driving style, is complete replacement standard suspension for the pneumatic system. More recently, only executive class cars were equipped with such devices. Currently, air suspension can be equipped with a variety of (even the so-called budget vehicles). A complete kit, ready to install, usually consists of:

  • two front struts (assembled);
  • two rear shock absorbers;
  • compressor;
  • receiver;
  • a manometer (or several, depending on the variety);
  • valve block;
  • control keys;
  • dehumidifier;
  • pneumatic line tubes;
  • connecting fittings;
  • bypass valves;
  • installation wires and necessary fasteners.

The main "working" elastic element in the air suspension is compressed air. Hence all the ensuing advantages (in comparison with traditional types). This is primarily:

  • an increase in the smoothness of the ride, and as a result of the comfort of movement;
  • the ability to adjust the ground clearance (including automatic, if the installation of a special controller is provided);
  • significant reduction in driving noise.

The only drawback of such modernization, in our opinion, is the high cost of both the kit itself and the work on its installation (if you do not have sufficient skills to carry out the installation yourself).

For information! A completely ready-to-install air suspension kit (for front-wheel drive VAZ vehicles) currently costs about 53,000 ÷ 55,000 rubles. The installation of such a device at the service station will have to spend another 20,000 ÷ 30,000 rubles.

The ground clearance is perhaps one of the most popular vehicle characteristics at the request of motorists. The car is interested in the value of ground clearance immediately after they find out the volume and power of the engine, consumption and dynamic characteristics. And this is correct, because in our Russian conditions, a high ground clearance of a car is sometimes more important than the presence of rear windows or even an air conditioner. How to increase ground clearance in order to make driving a car on domestic roads more comfortable, we will tell you in this material.

Before embarking on an operation to increase the vehicle's ground clearance, there are several aspects to consider. First: to accurately calculate your car (since its value may differ from the passport, especially if it is a foreign-made car). Second: decide what height of ground clearance you want to achieve. The fact is that simply increasing the ground clearance is still half the battle, but you need to take into account such parameters as the angles of exit / entry and the angle of longitudinal cross-country ability of the car. They are different for all cars, and even if you increase your sedan's ground clearance, it will not, it will not be better to climb hills - and all because of its own, set by the factory designers. And, finally, you will have to decide on the budget for this operation, since there are several ways to increase the clearance, and the labor costs for their application are different.

Cheap options for increasing ground clearance

1. The easiest way to make your car a few millimeters taller is to install wheels and tires with larger diameters than standard ones. This is a sparing option, since when installing non-standard wheels and tires, you do not make any changes to the design of the chassis. When increasing ground clearance in this way, you need to remember that it is better to install on a car wheel disks and tires of those parameters that the manufacturer recommends. Usually, these parameters are indicated in the owner's manual for the car, if they do not appear there, you can find this information on the Internet or contact the nearest brand car dealership. Having found out these parameters, you can buy tires and wheels, and then install them at any tire service.

The advantage of this option is one - the actual increase in ground clearance. But there are several disadvantages: an increase in fuel consumption, incorrect speedometer readings, and if tires and wheels are installed whose parameters are not recommended by the manufacturer, then the tires can touch the wheel arches when turning, which will eventually lead to early tire wear.

2. The second method is more effective, as it gives a greater increase in ground clearance. This is the installation of special spacers between the shock absorber springs and the car body. Before starting to implement this method, remember that by installing spacers, you are already making changes to the design of the car's chassis, therefore, violating the factory parameters. And this can affect both the change in the suspension operation and the safety of the car.

If you nevertheless decide on this option, then you have to choose from several types of spacers - aluminum, polyurethane or plastic. The service life of aluminum is an order of magnitude higher than that of polyurethane and plastic, in this component the most quickly wearing out are plastic spacers. So if you are going to increase the ground clearance seriously and for a long time - look at the aluminum parts. Also, keep in mind that the spacers differ depending on which suspension, front or rear, you put them on. Here it is important to clearly follow the marking and not to confuse the parts in places. Spacers are installed between the body cup and the shock absorber spring. There is one more type of spacers - interturn spacers, which are installed between the coils of the springs. They are also made of various materials, but they serve to tighten the suspension, which helps to avoid the drawbacks that arise when installing conventional spacers (one of the advantages of inter-turn spacers is to reduce the roll of the car in corners).

Ford fusion- increased ground clearance thanks to spacers.

Advantages of spacers - increased ground clearance, no sagging of the rear of the car under heavy load. Disadvantages - changes in the angles of the suspension (can affect the handling of the car), an increase in shock absorber travel (the risk of suspension breakdown increases when it enters a deep hole) and vibration loads on the body and on the suspension itself.

3. The third method is to replace the factory shock absorber springs with non-standard ones with a large number of turns. This option is more expensive than the previous two, since it involves the purchase of reinforced springs with an increased number of turns and long-stroke shock absorbers for them (the price of these components and the cost of their installation are different, but it is much higher than that of the first two options).

There are several advantages to this method of increasing the vehicle's ground clearance: a long service life and service life, less subsidence of the stern (compared to spacers) when the vehicle is fully loaded. Among the disadvantages - a change in the angles of the front and rear suspension, an increase in its rigidity, vibrations that will be transmitted to undercarriage and car body.

An expensive option to increase ground clearance

There is a more expensive way to increase the vehicle's ground clearance - installing air suspension. It involves the purchase of front and rear airbags, air pressure sensors, a compressor, a receiver and a control panel. This method is described in detail in our material about. Its main advantage is the ability to change the vehicle's ground clearance, depending on the speed of movement or the quality of the road on which the vehicle is moving, in a fairly wide parameter. That is, the car can get both a lower (for high-speed driving) and increased (for off-road driving) ground clearance. However, there are also enough disadvantages: in addition to the high cost of installation, repair and maintenance, the air suspension has a relatively small operational resource (this is especially true for residents of Russian regions where the quality of the road surface leaves much to be desired).

As you can see, any of the selected ways to increase the vehicle's ground clearance has its pros and cons. Therefore, before deciding on such an operation, carefully calculate its budget and think about the consequences that can occur as a result of changing the standard clearance of your "iron horse".

In Russia, difficult conditions for car operation. In a number of regions, winters are accompanied not only by cold weather, but also by abundant rainfall. A large amount of snow on the roads makes it difficult to move vehicles, the ground clearance of which is not designed for this. That is why when the car is officially delivered to our market, it undergoes the so-called Russian adaptation. Simply put, some of the characteristics of the car change, and the greatest attention is paid to the ground clearance.

You can see that identical cars of the same model, produced for European countries and Russia, have differences in terms of a number of details. Into cars for Russian market other struts and springs are most often installed, due to which in the "stock" version it is possible to increase the ground clearance.

If the car is brought to Russia from abroad or modified, its ground clearance may not be enough in winter conditions, which will make the car owner think about the question of how to increase the ground clearance. The best option is to install new struts and springs that are suitable for this car model, for example, from the Russian version. But this method requires large financial costs, which is why it is not suitable for everyone. There is an option to install an air suspension, but not everyone needs it, and its cost is even greater.

Below we will look at two main ways to increase the vehicle's ground clearance inexpensively and safely for other suspension elements.

Replacing discs and tires

The easiest way to increase the ride height is to install new rims and tires, the radius of which is larger than the original. In the manual maintenance vehicle, you can find the minimum and maximum parameters of the diameter of the tires, which you need to familiarize yourself with before buying a new rubber. Choosing tires with a larger diameter than the manufacturer advises, there is a great risk that they will not be able to be installed due to arches or other parts that will interfere with the free movement of the wheel to the left or right when turning.

The obvious advantages of increasing ground clearance by replacing disks and tires include a low price, but there are also a number of disadvantages:

Fitting larger rims and tires for the winter is a convenient option, since in the summer it will be enough to return the standard wheels to lower the car again.

Installing the spacer

The procedure for installing special spacers to increase the vehicle's ground clearance is much more costly in terms of finance than choosing large diameter tires. At the same time, the installation of spacers is not provided for by the car manufacturer, respectively, it is carried out at the risk of the driver. There is no guarantee that the machine's suspension will behave properly after the spacers have been installed. They can not only accelerate the process of wear of the suspension elements, but also reduce driving safety, especially if they are incorrectly selected.

There are 2 types of spacers to increase the ground clearance on the car:

On sale you can find spacers for car suspension, made of plastic, aluminum or polyurethane. The most durable and durable option is aluminum, but plastic spacers are much cheaper. If you need to increase the vehicle's ground clearance for the season, then they will become a more reasonable purchase.

09 September 2017

Products of the domestic automotive industry are inferior to foreign cars in terms of reliability, comfort and a number of other indicators. Therefore, most people lean towards imported models. But since foreign passenger cars designed for the most even surfaces, they provide a small ground clearance of 13 to 16 cm. On the territory of the CIS countries, especially in the outback, this value is not enough. So it will be useful for owners of cars with a low landing to know how to increase the vehicle's clearance with their own hands, using different methods.

How is ground clearance measured?

Ground clearance is considered to be the distance from the top of a flat surface to the most protruding body part or car engine. If you want to measure this gap in real conditions, then you need to put the car on a level surface and visually determine the lowest point. As a rule, in foreign cars, the front overhang of the bumper or the oil pan is located close to the ground (as an option, its protection). Measure from this point with a regular ruler.

Reference Information. VAZ cars, adapted for operation on the roads of Russia and the CIS countries, are made with a clearance of 17 cm between the engine sump and the roadway. This figure should be taken into account if you decide to raise the car body.

Other elements protrude below the bottom of the car:

  • exhaust system parts;
  • rear continuous beam;
  • cardan shaft;
  • suspension arms and rods.

When measuring ground clearance, these elements are not taken into account, but when driving on uneven or unpaved roads, they often suffer from impacts. And if an increase in ground clearance under the exhaust pipe or cardan occurs simultaneously with the lifting of the body, then the rear beam and levers will remain in place. It is necessary to use different ways building up clearance to achieve the result.

The rear and front springs of any car "sit down" over time. Perhaps you got just such a car. Measure the distance to the ground and check the readings with technical characteristics in passport. If a "drawdown" is detected, it is enough to change the springs for new ones and continue driving without tuning the car.

Ways to increase clearance

To get rid of too low a car landing, owners use the following methods:

  • installation of rubber, whose profile is 10-15 mm higher than the standard one;
  • replacement wheel rims 1–2 standard sizes upward;
  • use of higher springs with one additional coil;
  • the addition of special pads and spacers in the attachment points of the struts and springs.

An important point! Regardless of which option you choose, observe one rule: all parts of the car rise at the same time and to the same height. Otherwise, the "weight distribution" of the body will be disturbed, which will affect the controllability and stability of the machine.

What does wheel replacement give?

Installing new rims and rubber will increase the vehicle's ground clearance from 10 to 30 mm. What are the advantages of this option:

  • the method is simple to implement, there is no need to disassemble the suspension, it is enough to contact the nearest tire workshop;
  • all elements of the car rise to the specified height, including suspension arms, various rods and a rear beam;
  • tires with a high profile are softer than standard tires and better absorb minor irregularities;
  • it is always possible to quickly return the stock (factory) ground clearance.

The main disadvantage of the method is the inconsistency of financial costs with the lifting height... In case of replacing disks, you will have to buy 4 pieces, and tires - as many as 2 sets - summer and winter. Not every car enthusiast decides on such expenses in order to increase the clearance by 3 cm. big wheels other disadvantages are hidden:

  • oversized slopes and discs are characterized by increased weight and additionally load the motor;
  • fuel costs increase;
  • speedometer and odometer readings become inaccurate;
  • the transmission life is reduced.

In some cars, the design of the wheel arches and fenders will not allow you to put discs on 2 standard sizes, at most one (for example, replace 13 "with 14"). You get just 12.5mm lift for a decent price.

Tuning front and rear suspension

Replacing the springs and installing pads will cost several times less than buying new wheels, but will increase the clearance by 3-5 cm. Consider 2 points: the beam and suspension elements will not rise, and disassembly will be required to implement this option.

Before lifting the car body with spacers, you should select and purchase new parts. Take the springs 1 turn larger than the factory ones, and choose the size of the pads so that the total lifting height does not exceed 5 cm.The following types of spacers are sold in retail outlets:

  1. Rubber. They wear out rather quickly and need to be replaced frequently.
  2. Aluminum products practically do not wear out, but they are distinguished by a high price.
  3. Polyurethane inserts are a compromise solution. They serve for a rather long time and are cheaper than aluminum ones.

To disassemble the suspension, you cannot do without two special devices - a puller for pushing out the ball pins and a spring tie. This is a very common tool and it is not necessary to buy it; pullers will certainly be found at neighbors in garages.

Dismantling the MacPherson strut front suspension springs is carried out in the following order:

  1. Open the hood and unscrew the nuts for the upper strut mounting (not completely). Unscrew the stem holding nut.
  2. Take off the wheel and disconnect steering rod from the strut arm by unscrewing the nut and pressing the ball pin out of the lug with a puller.
  3. Remove the bolts connecting the strut to the steering knuckle. To pull it out when assembled, completely unscrew the 3 upper cup fastening nuts.

When the unit is removed from the car, it remains to compress the spring with ties and finally disassemble it. Then a new spring with pads is put in and assembled in the reverse order. Repeat the operation on the other side and move to the back.

In the case of a multi-link suspension, it is necessary to unscrew and pull out the shock absorber, tighten the spring, and then separate rounded fist from the lower ball joint. In order to lower the lower arm as much as possible and remove the spring, you will probably have to unscrew the end of the anti-roll bar from it.

Disassembly of the rear suspension is carried out according to the same algorithm, but with some differences:

  1. The glass with the rack mount is hidden under the luggage compartment trim or under the seat back (depending on the car brand).
  2. It is not necessary to press out the ball pin (it is not here), and the spring is pulled together directly on the car. To do this, place a block under the hub and lower the jack, then apply ties.
  3. Unscrew the bottom rack mount and slide the assembly out. Further disassembly and replacement of the spring is performed as described above in the instructions.

Install the damper extensions when reassembling the multi-link suspension. They are fastened last, when the rest of the parts are already screwed on.

Important! At the end of the work, be sure to visit a car service in order to correct the camber angles - toe-in of the front wheels.

On the consequences of increasing clearance

When deciding to increase the ground clearance, you must understand that the car's behavior on the road will change. The reason lies in raising the center of gravity along with the bulk of the machine. How the changes will manifest:

  • in sharp turns, the car will start to roll more;
  • at high speed, the deterioration of handling will become noticeable;
  • the braking distance will be lengthened;
  • fuel consumption will increase by 5-10% depending on driving style.

Controllability will become worse not only due to the displacement of the center of mass. The air flow under the bottom of the car will increase, as a result, the adhesion of the tires to the road will decrease. To minimize the listed effects, it is not recommended to raise the body more than 5 cm from the normal position.

Roads are not perfect everywhere. Often the driver is faced with the problem of driving on uneven roads. Sometimes these are small bumps, and sometimes deep holes. The problem of cross-country ability is especially relevant in winter. The car can easily sit on its belly. Therefore, owners often wonder how to increase the vehicle's ground clearance. Let's consider several options.

Higher rubber

The first and easiest way to increase the ground clearance is to replace the tires with "higher" ones. This term refers to tires with an increased profile. Thus, the disc diameter remains the same, but the car will receive a higher ground clearance.

As for the price, then the cost of such tires does not differ much from the standard ones... But you don't have to endlessly chase the profile increase. For example, if 195/55 R15 tires are installed on the car from the factory, then they can be replaced with 195/65 R15. In this situation, the car will be a couple of centimeters higher, and it will not lose significantly in handling.

Another plus from "high" tires Is their softness. Due to the increased sidewall, when hitting a pit, the impact is almost completely absorbed. And the risk of damaging the disc or getting a hernia on the wheel is minimized.

Note! When choosing the height of the profile, you need to know in advance how this tire will look on the car. It is important that there are no imbalances.

You can install a wider rubber with a high profile, if the width of the rim allows it. Also, when buying, you need to know the features of the labeling. Rubber 185/65 will have a lower height than 205/60. The last figure is not the sidewall height in millimeters. This is the height as a percentage of the width of the given tire.

Enlarged disks

Many young car owners do not want to change tires for higher ones, as this spoils appearance... If you want the car to look nice and not sit on its "belly", you can consider installing discs with an increased diameter. In this case, the car will receive an extra 3-4 centimeters of ground clearance, and in addition, the appearance and handling will improve.

But it is worth noting the disadvantages of this idea:

  • The car will behave roughly in the pits. Don't expect a smooth ride from these wheels.
  • Large spending on rubber. The larger the diameter, the more expensive the tire will be. This must be taken into account, since it is necessary to have two sets of such tires - for winter and summer.
  • Consumption. If we talk about stamped discs, the car will definitely consume more fuel after replacement. The engine will need more energy to propel such a car. Alternatively, you can install alloy wheels. They will be lighter, but also more expensive. And along with the low profile, there is a risk of rim damage.

Spacers between springs and body

Perhaps this is the most a budget option increase in clearance. On cars, there is always a rubber gasket between the springs and the body. From the factory, it is very thin. It is possible to purchase oversized spacers. They will just as well adhere between the body and the springs, but this will increase the clearance. The good thing about this method is that it does not change the stiffness of the suspension. On the contrary, the shock absorber travel when hitting a pit will be greater. The risk of shock absorber penetration is significantly reduced.

You can install such a spacer both at the bottom of the spring (at the back, where the coils lie on the beam), and at the top. To do this, you only need to have two spring ties and a jack. The installation process is pretty straightforward:

  • The car is driven into a hole.
  • Ties are installed on both sides and tightened.
  • The car is lifted on a jack.
  • Remove the spring from the seat.
  • Take out the old spacer.
  • Install a new one.
  • The assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Spacers between coil springs

Their second name is autobuffers... The essence of autobuffers is simple. This element is installed between the coils of the springs (front, back, or on two sides) and prevents them from being compressed in a certain place. Thus, the spring becomes more rigid. But the clearance increases only slightly.

This option is good for those who prioritize improving handling characteristics, rather than increasing ground clearance. The suspension of such a car will be stiffer, rolls will decrease when entering corners.

The cost of such spacers is much higher. Therefore, if you want to increase the ground clearance and keep the suspension soft, it is better to choose a spacer that is installed between the body and the spring.

Can these spacers fall out? As practice shows, even at the maximum suspension travel, they remain in place. The spacers have grooves on both sides, due to which they are tightly held between the turns. In addition, the spring itself presses on them. To install autobuffers, you must unclench the spring. Without this, it will not work to install the spacers.

About autobuffers Power Guard

These are strong polyurethane turn-to-turn spacers from a German manufacturer. Power Guard autobuffers have the following properties:

  • Reduces the roll of the car.
  • Do not change rigidity under load.
  • They have a long service life (more than five years).

It is possible to increase the vehicle's clearance with these autobuffers, but not significantly. These spacers are purchased mainly in order to improve the vehicle's maneuverability.

Where are they installed? Autobuffers are mainly placed on the front shock absorbers. But there are also models for the rear springs.

Replacing the springs

Another option for increasing the ground clearance is replacing the springs with tuned ones, with a large number of turns. But they can not always work together with standard shock absorbers. There is a risk that the latter will not work completely due to the short stem. This point needs to be clarified when purchasing and, if necessary, purchase shock absorbers with an increased stroke.

Basically, this option for increasing the clearance is chosen by the owners of SUVs, along with the installation of mud tires. On the passenger cars this option is rarely practiced.

Summing up

As we can see, there are several ways to increase the vehicle's ground clearance. Which one should you choose? When it comes to saving money and keeping the suspension soft, consider buying spacers between the springs and the body. To improve handling, the choice is unambiguous - the installation of autobuffers. But still, most choose the old, proven method - change the rubber to a higher one. In addition to increasing ground clearance, this gives a smoother ride. This is not only comfort, but also the preservation of suspension parts. After all, this way all the shocks will be absorbed by the tires, and not by the silent blocks. In addition, the condition of the ball, journal and wheel bearings is maintained.