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How to deregister a car according to the new rules? Different situations. Documents for deregistration of a car, order, procedure, possible options. What is needed to deregister a car

In today's article I will tell you how to deregister a car if it is not drivable. This procedure is simple. If you plan to sell or donate a car, there is no need to deregister it if there are no contradictions with the law.

Let's look at cases in which it is not necessary to deregister a car.

  • If the new owner of the car lives in a different area, it is enough to write an application to the MREO to have the vehicle registered.
  • The car does not need to be deregistered after the expiration of the temporary registration.
  • There is no need to go through the procedure when a car is given as a gift or inherited.

If you intend to take your car abroad or dispose of it, you cannot do without deregistration. It is recommended to do the same if the new owner of the car has not registered the purchase. Otherwise, you will have to pay the bills. Deregistration will help avoid such a fate.

If the car is not running, prepare a package of documents, including the original and a photocopy of the registration certificate, the original and a photocopy of the passport, license plates, state registration certificate, duty payment receipt and application.

  1. Traffic police representatives will inspect the vehicle. Make sure the car is clean. Otherwise, you will be denied inspection. The procedure may also be refused for other reasons, including painted headlights, a direct-flow muffler, or tinted front windows.
  2. If it is not possible to deliver the vehicle to the inspection site, write a request for specialists to come to the place where the car is located. In this case, indicate the reason for the breakdown in the application.
  3. Upon completion of the inspection, you will receive a certificate that is valid for twenty days. During this time, remove the car from the register.
  4. If the license plates are clean, the car is washed, and the papers are collected, visit the MREO office. After submitting the documents and waiting for inspection, you will receive the papers back with the appropriate notes. The PTS will remain in the traffic police department.

You are convinced that the procedure is simple and does not require financial or time costs. If you decide, get ready for the registration procedure.

How to deregister a car if it was sold by proxy

A person selling or buying a vehicle is faced with a problem in registering the sale. This is due to the lack of desire to waste time deregistering vehicles. There are pitfalls in this issue.

Continuing the topic of the article, I’ll tell you about deregistration of a car when selling by proxy. It is impossible to sell a vehicle by proxy. There is no such thing. As for the power of attorney, this is a form of use of the car that does not provide for a change of owner upon registration.

Sadly, many people make this mistake. Transport taxes are assessed on the person to whom the car is registered. This is one side of the coin. What if there is a serious accident? If the driver disappears from the scene of the accident, the owner of the car will have to answer, since it is very difficult to prove that you were not driving at the time of the accident.

The power of attorney has an expiration date maximum value who is 3 years old. In this case, the person using the car will not be able to deregister the vehicle. But there is a way out of the situation.

  • If you can find a new owner, demand that he pay taxes for the previous period and arrange a deal to sell the car. If they refuse, threaten to scrap the car.
  • If you cannot find the current owner of the car, put it on the wanted list. Sooner or later the car will be stopped by traffic police officers, and then you can apply the scheme described in the first paragraph.

If you want to use the proceeds from the sale of the old one vehicle money, make the deal official. To sell a car based on a contract, deregister it. No matter how hard you try to save time, it will take at least half a day. Collect the papers, write an application, pay the fee and undergo inspection, then they will give you the papers back. After this, put the iron horse up for sale without fear of ending up in an awkward situation.

How to deregister a car for recycling

Every thing has a lifespan, and cars are no exception. Continuing the topic of conversation, let's talk about deregistering a car for recycling. The service life of a vehicle depends on operating conditions. Transport that is unsuitable for further use must be disposed of.

First, I will consider situations that lead to the need to dispose of a vehicle.

  1. The car has fallen into disrepair. A vehicle is scrapped if the owner decides that it cannot be restored.
  2. The car was sold by proxy, but the new owner did not register it within the agreed time frame. As a result, the old owner pays taxes without using the vehicle.
  3. The car has fallen into disrepair, but you plan to sell individual units and units with numbers.

Since the first point is the most common, we will concentrate on it.

  • Look at the MREO. It is not necessary to take a car with you. Collect a package of papers, including your passport, car registration certificate and registration numbers.
  • Fill out the application form, indicate that you are deregistering the vehicle for disposal, enter passport data and information from the registration certificate.
  • Write an explanation on a piece of paper. In it, inform that the machine has been scrapped, indicating the make, model and registration number. Make a note about the documents, put a number and signature.
  • Give the registration plates along with the documents to the representatives of the traffic police department and wait a little. The waiting time depends on the queue, the number of service personnel, the serviceability of communications and equipment, and the speed of information processing by inspectors.
  • At the end, you will be given a certificate or an extract from the register about the registration operation carried out. Receive a document confirming the deregistration of the vehicle for the purpose of further disposal.

I hope that thanks to the instructions you will get rid of an unnecessary vehicle and protect yourself from unpleasant situations.

How to deregister a car and keep the license plates for yourself

How to deregister a car and keep the license plates? Is it possible to remove a license plate from one car and install it on another without violating legal regulations? Answers to these questions await below.

In the spring of 2011, the procedure for registering vehicles changed. According to the updated legislation, a car can be sold without first being deregistered. Owners now have the opportunity to transfer vehicles to other people along with their license plates. At that moment it became possible to keep the numbers for yourself.

  1. When deregistering a vehicle, inform the inspector inspecting the vehicle that you intend to retain the license plates. The inspector will check the numbers for compliance state standards.
  2. The next step involves writing an application, the form of which will be issued on the spot. Remember, keep the license plates if the inspector confirms that the plates meet current standards.
  3. If during the inspection it is established that the plates do not meet the standards, order the production of new ones, having first handed over the old plates. In about an hour they will issue new ones, but you will have to pay several thousand rubles.
  4. The period for legal storage of numbers is one month from the date of writing the application. If the period expires, they are disposed of. The storage period cannot be extended.

Register new car, keeping the previous numbers, is allowed only for a month. Don't forget that only the owner is allowed to keep the license plates. If the car is deregistered by an authorized person, this option is not provided.

It is impossible to pay a fee while maintaining the numbers, since the fee is charged not for the production of numbers, but for carrying out registration operations.

I will devote the final part of the article to a detailed consideration of the need to deregister a car before selling it. The law regarding vehicle registration has received a number of changes that have been in effect since October 2013. The gist is this:

  • When selling, the owner does not have to deregister the car.
  • Deregistration of a vehicle is provided only before sending it outside the state or for disposal.
  • It is allowed to change registration data at any branch of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.
  • The new owner now has the right to choose between new and old rooms.

Initially, it will seem that the amendments have simplified the process of buying and selling cars. There are also disadvantages.

  1. The new owner is given ten days to submit an application to change the registration data. During this period, he may violate the rules, and the former owner will have to pay the fines.
  2. Undoubtedly, no one canceled the trial, and justice can be restored with its help. At the same time, litigation is a costly and troublesome matter. Therefore, we can only hope that the car buyer will be decent and honest.
  3. There are still some unclear aspects when selling a used car through a car dealership. The scheme that many owners have come to love has changed.
  4. Previously, you had to deregister the car, and then the car dealership put it up for sale. Now, despite the fact that the person does not actually own the car, he retains the status of the legal owner. He is forced to pay insurance, fines, transport taxes. The only way to put an end to this is new owner to be found.
  5. After ten days, you can contact the traffic police representatives with a request to stop registration. As a result, the car will be put on the wanted list, which is not good for the car dealership. The solution is to draw up an agreement indicating the obligations of both parties.

I hope that after reading the material, you will gain knowledge that will ease the fate associated with deregistering a car if it is not running or for disposal.

“How to deregister a car with the traffic police, and in what cases is this required?” – a question that interests many car owners. Road legislation is regularly updated, and owners do not have time to keep up with all the changes in regulations and features of the procedure. To ensure that deregistration of a car with the traffic police goes smoothly and requires a minimum of time and effort, it is better to contact specialists. This eliminates the need to understand the procedure, go through its stages independently, waste time standing in lines and communicating with State Traffic Inspectorate employees. If you want to be guaranteed to deregister your car in Moscow at the Maryino State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (St. Pererva 21) at minimal cost and in a short time, call the company’s contact numbers.

Service cost

* Attention: state duty is not included in this price!

When is it necessary to deregister a car with the Moscow traffic police?

IN recent years the legislation was simplified: owners were removed from the obligation to contact the traffic police when selling a vehicle. It is required to deregister a car with the traffic police if:

  • vehicle recycling according to the state program;
  • car theft;
  • exporting equipment abroad.

Also, the owner has the right to deregister the car if its new owner violates the re-registration deadlines (10 days from the date of signing the purchase and sale agreement).
The procedure is the same for all regions of the country, but we will consider it using Moscow as an example. Deregistration of a car takes place in several stages. The first is collection necessary documents:

  • Russian passport of the owner (a copy may be needed);
  • registration certificate;
  • vehicle passport;
  • an application filled out in the prescribed form and signed personally by the applicant.

It is allowed to apply not from the owner himself, but from his authorized representative - in this case, the package of documents is supplemented by a notarized power of attorney. Before preparing papers, it is recommended to consult with a specialist: in most cases, additional information is required.
The second stage of deregistering a car is contacting the nearest traffic police department. It doesn’t matter at what address you registered: the traffic police works using a single electronic database that combines information throughout Russia. Many owners are faced with the need to inspect their vehicle at the road inspection site. This makes the procedure difficult and delays it: it sometimes takes weeks to deregister a car with the traffic police. To avoid red tape and guarantee a positive result, it is better to seek help from our company. We undertake:

  • preparing documents and checking their correctness;
  • submission of the assembled package to the inspection;
  • communication with traffic police officers to resolve emerging issues;
  • obtaining a certificate of deregistration of the car and handing it over to the client.

While we are busy deregistering the vehicle, you mind your own business!
You can find out more details and order the service by calling contact numbers or leaving a request on the website. The manager will also tell you how much it costs to deregister the car, and in what time frame you will receive a new set of documents.

The question of how to deregister a car after selling it to the traffic police arises among car owners due to unscrupulous buyers. Since the mandatory re-registration with the participation of both parties to the transaction was abolished during a car sale transaction, the removal and registration of the vehicle has been entrusted to the buyer, that is, the new owner of the car.

The buyer is given exactly ten days from the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement to complete the registration procedure. However, not all buyers fulfill this obligation and continue to drive the car without re-registration.

The seller will eventually find out that the new owner of the car did not register the vehicle in his name. How soon the seller finds out that the car remains registered with him depends on the driving style of the new owner of the car, as well as the operation of the car.

Typically, the seller finds out about the situation in several ways:

  • He continues to receive traffic police fines for the cars he sold,
  • Car taxes are coming
  • In the event of an incident involving a car (accident or crime), the police contact him.

If any of the above happened, obviously the car did not go through the deregistration procedure and continues to be registered with the person who sold it. It is easy to guess that this circumstance carries great risks for the former owner of the car.

For a car with more than 250 horsepower, a high tax is charged, which you will have to pay even without owning the car. Even worse, if the vehicle is involved in a fatal accident, the police will ask questions of the person to whom the car is registered.

In order to avoid similar situations, you should find out whether the car is deregistered after the sale.

Having sold a car, you cannot be sure that the new owner will rush to take it off the register and put it on himself. If you suspect that the buyer will not only not register the car within ten days, but that he will not register it in his own name at all, you can conduct your own check.

Even if the concern arose even at the time of selling the car, there is no need to rush - remember that the buyer has ten days. You will have to wait patiently for these days and then begin checking.

You can use the Autocode car history check service - the service report contains information about all registration actions made with a car, as well as data on 12 different databases, including the traffic police, tax and customs services, etc.

If it turns out that the buyer acted incorrectly and continues to drive a car registered in your name, deregistration of the car after the sale will come to the rescue. The procedure is simple: you contact the traffic police with an application to deregister the car, provide documents confirming the sale of the car - DCT.

If the car is not registered by the new owner, its registration will be automatically terminated, and you, as the seller, will be spared the inconvenience caused.

The car has become an integral part of life modern man. Therefore, you need to know how to wield it correctly. In our modern world Everything is done very simply, you don’t have to worry that the process of deregistering your car will take a lot of your time. Motorists think that collecting documents for the purchase, sale or disposal of a car is a troublesome task, but this was the case 10 years ago, when huge queues were created. Now this procedure has been significantly simplified and adapted to modern life requirements.

Methods for carrying out the procedure

  1. You can contact the traffic police directly
  2. To the multifunctional center (MFC)
  3. Carry out the operation through State Services

Documents you can’t do without when deregistering a car

These documents are:

  • Statement of the established form indicating the reason for termination of registration
  • PTS (if available). This is the Sami's main document. It contains the main characteristics of the car, data about the current and previous owners.
  • Passport
  • Receipt confirming payment of the state fee in the specified amount
  • If the procedure is not carried out by the owner, then a notarized power of attorney from the owner of the car is required.
  • Document confirming the sale of the vehicle
  • State registration plates (if available)

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Traffic police fines for speeding, what types are provided

It is better to play it safe and make several copies of these documents. If the vehicle is faulty, then a statement is written to the traffic police MREO indicating the reason. In this case, a traffic police representative will inspect the vehicle on site and issue a conclusion valid for 20 days. During this period, you need to have time to deregister the car.

If it turns out that the owner of the car has unpaid fines, they must be paid off, otherwise your vehicle will not be deregistered.

Is it possible to deregister a vehicle without a car?

Sometimes the question arises: is it possible to deregister a car without the car itself?
As an exception, this is possible:

  • When a car is stolen (when the search remains unsuccessful)
  • If the machine has not been used for a long time due to a malfunction.

Documents in case of car disposal

All equipment has a service life, and a car is no exception. If your vehicle is beyond repair, has been stolen, or you simply don't need the vehicle, you can recycle it.

But this doesn’t mean just taking the car to a landfill. Everything is done documented, only if the necessary documents are available and within the framework of the law. New program is of interest to citizens of the Russian Federation, as it helps not only to get rid of unnecessary iron, but also to make money by selling “scrap metal”. Sometimes it happens that it is more profitable to scrap a car than to sell or restore it. Most often, very old cars, over 20-30 years old, after an accident, when there is no point in investing money in repairs, fall under this program.

To send a car for recycling, you must complete the following steps:

  • A corresponding application is submitted to the traffic police.
  • Pay existing fines and taxes.
  • Notify the tax service of your desire to dispose of the car so that no tax is charged on it.
  • You can remove the license plate units separately from the car body (keeping them for yourself for future use)
  • Conduct an examination and obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the numbers.
  • Pay a certain amount for individual parts of the car that remain with the owner.
  • Provide a certificate to the inspector in exchange for permission to keep individual numbered spare parts.
  • Payment of state duty for disposal. Don't worry, it's quite inexpensive, 200 rubles.

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New law on compulsory motor liability insurance: what awaits drivers and when the changes will come into force

The recycling process is simple, the main thing is to prepare the documents. Disposal is carried out by organizations with a special permit (license) for dismantling cars.

Where are cars accepted for recycling?

There are special recycling points or scrap metal collection points where such cars are accepted. In such places, when handing over a car, a certificate of a certain type must be issued regarding the disposal of the car.

Be vigilant and attentive! There is no way to deregister a vehicle if there are no documents for its disposal.

If the vehicle is stolen

If your car is stolen, you must file a police report as soon as possible. If the search does not produce results (you will receive a corresponding notification that the case is closed), you must contact the traffic police with this letter in hand to deregister the vehicle.

Relevant documents in this case:

  • Car owner's passport
  • Vehicle passport
  • Report of theft

What to do if you change your place of residence

If you have changed your place of residence, you need to register your car at your new place of residence. Bring the following documents to your local traffic police department:

  • Passport
  • Vehicle registration certificate
  • TIN (taxpayer identification number)
  • Statement indicating the reason for termination of registration
  • Insurance document
  • Receipt for payment of state duty

The inspector himself will send a notification to your previous place of residence that you are deregistering the vehicle and registering it at a different address. After all the manipulations, you will receive a letter that must be delivered to the local traffic police department, where the car will be re-registered.

If you decide to move to another country, but are not ready to part with your “iron horse”, the steps are the same, deregister the car, get transit numbers and pay the state fee.

How much does it cost to deregister a vehicle?

As such, the procedure itself does not cost money. You will need to pay for paperwork when deregistering.

  • Changes occur in the technical equipment passport, therefore, in order to make amendments you need to pay. Cost – 350 rubles.
  • If the reason for deregistration is the disposal of the car, then you will need to pay an additional 350 rubles.
  • If the reason for deregistering a car is a move, then you will need to pay from 1,600 rubles. up to 2100 rub.

However, when selling a car, payment for these operations belongs to the buyer. If the new owner keeps the same license plates, he must pay 850 rubles. If he wants to get new numbers, he will have to pay 2000 rubles.

If you think that before selling you need to deregister the car and get transit numbers, then the last time you bought or sold a car was 5 years ago, since then, as they say, “a lot of water has flown under the bridge.” We have collected the most up-to-date information, enjoy reading. The most popular deregistration of a car in 2019 due to a sale (trade-in) without a car is when the new owner (buyer) has not registered the car. Let us consider in detail all cases of deregistration of cars.

Popular reasons for deregistering a car

  • Sale
  • Disposal
  • Loss or theft
  • Export outside the Russian Federation

There are two ways to sign up for deregistration: take a ticket in the morning from the traffic police, or use the government services website. If these methods do not suit you, you can contact a commercial company and order assistance in deregistering your car; in this case, you can deregister the car without leaving your home. If you are a foreign citizen and deregister your car due to going abroad, you can do this only with a coupon + an inspection of the car is required if it is still in Russia.

How to deregister due to a sale or trade-in?

You can deregister a car after sale on the basis of only 2 documents: a passport and a sales contract. A car is deregistered based on an application and presentation of documents on sale, trade-in, etc. As for the deadlines for deregistration, the traffic police usually interpret them as follows: you can apply for deregistration after 10 days from the date of sale (transfer) of the car.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 08/07/2013 N 605 (as amended on 06/26/2018)

Clause 60. Vehicle registration is terminated on the following grounds:

Subclause 60.4. An application from the previous owner of the vehicle and the presentation of documents by him on the conclusion of transactions aimed at alienating the vehicle, after 10 days from the date of conclusion of such a transaction, provided that there is no confirmation of registration for the new owner.

When calculating 10 days after which a car can be deregistered, some traffic police count the day of sale, and then deregistration will happen on the 11th day (starting the calculation from the day of sale), other traffic police, referring to the civil code, consider the first day following the date sale day. (For example, you sold your car on November 10, then you can withdraw it starting from November 21). Therefore, it is optimal, in order not to guess, to count 10 days, preferably from the day following the date of sale.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 191. Beginning of the period determined by the period of time

The course of a period defined by a period of time begins the day after the calendar date or occurrence of the event that determines its beginning.

To deregister, register with the traffic police of any region, regardless of where you registered the car, take with you your passport and the original purchase and sale agreement. A car sold as a trade-in is also removed on the basis of the purchase and sale agreement under which you sold the car to a car dealership. The inspector will check whether the car is registered in your name, prepare an application and cancel the registration. You can deregister a car from the traffic police in 2019 without a car in any city in Russia; in connection with the sale, an inspection is not required, there is no duty, and it is done free of charge.

Deregistration for disposal

Deregistration from the traffic police in connection with disposal is carried out only with the help of a document - a certificate of disposal of the car. If such a document is not provided, it will not be possible to remove it from the recycling register. Just a couple of years ago, it was possible to de-register for recycling without any certificates, which created a number of problems, people did not actually recycle cars, but sold them, received discounts in salons for car recycling, then buyers came to register, confusion arose . With such deregistration, all documents are canceled: PTS, registration certificate, license plates. It will not be possible to restore the account in the future. This government service is free.

Deregistration due to loss

This option is suitable if you do not intend to recycle the car, do not plan to drive on public roads, or you really lost it. In this case, the PTS, registration certificate, and state signs will be disposed of. This government service is free. If you once sold this car, then the new owner will not be able to register it under the old sales contract, since the title and STS will be considered lost. We will have to restore accounting and redo the purchase and sale agreement.

Withdrawal due to export outside the Russian Federation

If you are a foreign citizen, then having bought a car in Russia for export to Belarus, Kazakhstan or any other country, to simplify further registration, you can deregister the car in Russia and receive transit numbers. Also, if you are a citizen of Russia and are exporting a car for use in another country where you can confirm your official residence, you can also deregister it. When this procedure is carried out, the PTS is canceled and transit signs are issued, valid for 21 calendar days, during which you must remove the car from the territory of Russia. This procedure is done with an inspection of the car. Deregistration with receipt of transits will cost approximately 1500-2000 rubles. paid duty + transit compulsory motor liability insurance. You can also deregister a car in Russia without inspection if you confirm with documents from a foreign state that it is registered in another country. But usually traffic police officers, making their lives easier, remove the car due to sale or loss, if it is already in another country.