GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

How often to change the fuel filter on a VAZ 2110. How to replace the fuel filter correctly. Causes of fuel filter contamination

The fuel filter is used to clean the fuel from impurities and various contaminants that enter the tank when refueling the car. This is a mandatory part on both carburetor and injection VAZ models, so owners of such cars should definitely study their features and replacement methods.

Which fuel filter should I choose?

Modification of filters depends on the car engine size. For VAZ 2114 the engine capacity is 1.5 liters. Because fuel filter in it on hexagonal twists. For VAZ cars with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters, the filter is mounted on plastic rivets and has a spring retainer. Models with this volume are injection, with direct fuel injection.

The VAZ 2114 is a relatively new model, but its fuel system is no different from others. The filter should be replaced once every 10,000 km. At the same time, the VAZ car manufacturer recommends performing this procedure once every 25,000 km. The contamination of the fuel filter depends on the quality of gasoline you use for refueling. The higher octane number in gasoline, the less dirt it contains. Therefore, you should not skimp on quality fuel.

The use of bad gasoline contaminates not only the cleaning devices - poorly purified fuel enters the injector, where deposits appear on the fuel injectors. As a result, you will have to go to a service station and have the injector completely cleaned. There are several signs that indicate that it is time to change the fuel filter in a VAZ 2114. These symptoms are also typical for other passenger cars.

So let's get started:

  1. While driving, there may be a significantly increased fuel consumption; this is due to an uneven supply of fuel to the VAZ 2114 injector.
  2. The car idles intermittently, the speed on the tachometer jumps.
  3. Starting the engine is difficult, and it begins to stall.

All these reasons indicate that the fuel filter needs to be replaced.

How to replace the filter?

You can buy a fuel filter for the VAZ 2114 in almost every car store, but you shouldn’t skimp on the quality of the filter. Before purchasing, look very carefully to see if the selected part fits your VAZ model, because they differ not only in threaded connections, but also in their shape and size. If the filter is larger, it will not fit into the retainer, and the direction of the fuel pipes will not match. If it’s less, it will wobble.

You can replace the purchased part at a specialized car service center or do it yourself, which will not be difficult. To make the replacement yourself, in addition to the filter, you need an inspection hole or a hydraulic lift. During the replacement process, you will need a pair of 10 and 12 keys, as well as a Phillips screwdriver. The fuel filter in the VAZ 2114 is located at the rear of the car in the middle of the fuel tank.

Before starting all work, you need to remove the negative terminal on the battery. Then you need to relieve the pressure in the fuel pipe. There are two options for doing this: you can release the pressure by pressing the nipple in the fuel rail of the injector or by slowly pressing out the lock nut. In both cases there will be a characteristic release of fuel, so do not neglect safety precautions when performing these works.

To further remove the filter, it is best to use the chemical WD-40, because your threaded connections, most likely, have corroded and frozen. The part must be unscrewed carefully so as not to strip the threads on the connections. After this, you can unscrew the lock and remove it completely. When removing parts, it is recommended to place a container to collect leaking fuel (any bottle will do).

Part installation – what do you need to know?

For cars with an engine capacity of 1.5 liters, the arrow will indicate fuel supply from left to right, for cars with a capacity of 1.6 liters, on the contrary, from right to left. If you change the direction, the car will not work and the fuel pump may burn out.

It is worth noting that it is much easier and more convenient to produce in cars with an injector, because they completely lack threaded connections. When replacing the filter on a VAZ 2114, it is necessary to change the rubber gaskets on the fuel supply pipes. They are supplied with the device. After completing all the procedures, you need to turn the ignition key for a few seconds so that the fuel pump has time to pump the required amount of fuel into the system. Next, look at the threaded connections - there should be no traces of fuel on them.

In order to encounter car breakdowns as rarely as possible, vehicle Regular maintenance is required and worn parts should be replaced regularly. This is especially true for parts and spare parts related to the fuel system, since problems in its operation directly affect the operation of the engine.

The fuel filter is one of the key parts of this system; its function is to filter out dirt, rust and other solid impurities contained in the fuel using special filter paper. Thanks to the filter, purified gasoline enters the engine.

Every car owner faces the need for replacement, so we will consider in detail the following questions: how to replace the fuel filter in a VAZ 2114 yourself, in what cases it needs to be changed, which filter should be chosen for this car.

During operation, the filter paper cells of the gasoline filter become clogged, and its throughput drops, and this immediately causes interruptions in the operation of the engine. There are a number of signs that may indicate this:

  1. fuel consumption increases sharply;
  2. the car often stalls at idle;
  3. when the speed increases, failures in engine operation occur;
  4. there are problems starting the engine;
  5. during operation, the engine throttles and its power decreases;
  6. while driving, the car brakes without pressing the pedals;
  7. The car jerks when going uphill.

There are many signs that the fuel filter is clogged, and they are quite varied. In addition, you should be careful, since all these signs cannot clearly indicate a filter failure. They may also indicate malfunctions of elements of the engine control system: electronic control unit, position sensors crankshaft(DPKV), mass flow air (mass air flow sensor), position throttle valve(DPS), detonation (DD), as well as spark plugs, wiring or regulator idle speed. In order to make sure that the reason for the poor performance of the car is the fuel filter, you can use the following method. Connect the pressure gauge to the nipple located on the fuel injector frame; Start the car and measure the fuel pressure. If the pressure gauge readings are lower than specified technical documentation on the car, then the cause of malfunctions in its operation is a clogged filter.

Where is the fuel filter of a VAZ 2114 car located?

The fuel filter is mounted in the form of a cartridge into the fuel line of the VAZ 2114 car. It is located on the bottom under the trunk, so you will need an overpass or pit to inspect and replace it. If you cannot find where the fuel filter is located in your car, carefully inspect the visible part fuel system- it is located immediately behind the gas tank, in front of the exhaust pipe.

Today, the fuel equipment of any vehicle cannot operate without a filter due to the risk of serious engine contamination, which can lead to its final breakdown. The functional purpose of the filter element is to protect the fuel system from different types contaminants: foreign impurities, industrial dust, water condensate, fuel resins and clogs in the form of sediment that often accumulate in gas tanks.

Causes of fuel filter contamination

Typically, when gasoline interacts with air or metal through various chemical compounds, an accumulation of dirt and dust is formed. Due to water condensation, corrosion appears, and at low temperatures, the accumulated condensate interferes with the operation of the machine - the pipes of the fuel equipment become clogged with frozen water crystals. The accumulation of tar deposits also negatively affects the vehicle's power supply system.

These and other factors render fuel filters inoperative, which requires subsequent replacement. The frequency of these events is due to various reasons related to the choice of fuel type, its quality characteristics, and vehicle mileage. Regular and timely replacement of the filter will contribute to better engine safety.

Fuel filters can be for the carburetor and injector. In a carburetor engine, the pump pulls fuel under a relatively low vacuum, while in an injection engine it pushes it through under severe excess compression, which means that the filter elements function under fundamentally different conditions. The fuel filter (TF) of the VAZ 2110 injector is more susceptible to contamination, therefore, it requires more frequent replacements.

The duration of use of the filter element depends on such indicators as fuel quality and mileage; the recommended resource is from 15,000 to 20,000 km.

On the modern automotive market you can purchase a fuel filter for a “ten” with in different ways accessions:

  • due to threaded contact;
  • using wire retaining earrings - they are pulled out, which makes it possible to detach the fuel hoses and replace the fuel pump.

Replacing the fuel filter on the "ten"

Replacing the VAZ 2110 fuel filter is usually carried out in an inspection pit or overpass.

The algorithm of actions when replacing a threaded TF includes the following measures:

  1. Disconnecting the negative cable from the battery.
  2. Preliminary reduction of compression of the power supply system by releasing pressure when using a return piston in the engine compartment.
  3. The TF housing must be held with a 19 key, and with a 17 key you should unscrew the thread of the fitting, gradually draining the fuel into a substitute container.
  4. Unfasten the second fitting and use a 10mm wrench to slightly loosen the connecting clamp.
  5. Remove the fuel pump from the clamp and set it aside, remembering the direction of fuel flow.
  6. Remove the seal rings from the hose nozzles. After inspecting them, rings that have lost their elasticity should be replaced.
  7. Mount new filter and fix the negative wire of the car battery.
  8. Check the TF connections for sealant. This must be done after the ignition is turned on and the fuel pump is running, but do not start the engine. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no leakage of gasoline at the fuel connection to the pipeline.

To change the VAZ 2110 fuel filter with clamp mounting, you need to perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. Using a screwdriver, pull the clips in the direction of the wire bend to a distance of about 5 mm to the stopper. This will make it possible to remove the pipeline from the filter elements.
  2. Take the 10mm wrench and unscrew the clamp that holds the TF and put it aside. The case may be made of plastic, which will add additional hassle during repairs. It is necessary to carefully monitor the installation process - the clamp must not be overtightened due to possible cracks in the housing.
  3. Having installed the TF taking into account the direction of gasoline flow, you should attach the gas line and tighten the clips, first pressing the bend of the radius to the stopper.
  4. Also, you should not neglect checking the tightness, following the steps in accordance with a similar algorithm when replacing a threaded fuel filter: leakage of gasoline is unacceptable.

So, having replaced the filter and put the entire system back together, drivers change the clamp that fixes the location of the TF. Although, while maintaining all performance qualities, you can leave it and change it only in case of an obvious defect or malfunction. Also, by replacing the TF, you can check the car's oxygen sensor.

Having basic knowledge of how to replace a VAZ 2110 fuel filter, you can begin practical actions, from purchase to direct installation operations.

When purchasing a VAZ 2110 fuel filter, the price differs insignificantly from different manufacturers. Their price range depends not so much on the quality of the products, but on the brand. The cost from European manufacturers is slightly higher due to delivery costs; domestic products in this category are much cheaper due to the lack of markups.

When replacing the fuel filter, you must take the following basic precautions:

  • do not smoke while repairing the fuel system;
  • have a fire extinguisher available;
  • use safety glasses;
  • the repair site must have sufficient air flow and be well ventilated;
  • If fuel gets on your skin, wash it immediately with soap and water.

Also, you should not allow gasoline to leak onto the ground or into a body of water to avoid a negative impact on nature and living organisms.

On a VAZ 2112, replacing the fuel filter is always a responsible procedure. First of all, this is explained by the fact that the car owner does not know which filter is best to install.
The quick replacement of the fuel filter in the 2112 VAZ is, of course, also due to the quality of today’s gasoline. But still, if the filter is the best, its service life is much longer.

General overview

This same filter must be changed on time, because if this is not done, the negative consequences will directly affect the reliability of the entire car. Let’s first find out what the features are and which one is better to choose.
Today there are many types of fuel filters: for carburetor and injection engines:

  • If the filter is intended for a carburetor system, then its location is between the tank and the carburetor itself. Thus, the successful location of this element prevents the carburetor jets from clogging with various debris that is present in modern fuel in large quantities.
  • IN in this case, as on the VAZ 2112, the filter will be located under the car. As for injection systems, which are much more sensitive to contamination, compared to carburetor systems, the filter here needs to be changed faster.

Note. It is recommended to change this very element every 30 thousand km of the car. But this applies only to those cases when it is used high quality gasoline. Due to the fact that today you cannot be 100 percent sure of the quality of Russian fuel, the filter must be changed every 20, or even 10 thousand kilometers.

It's no secret that some motorists, mostly newbies, have no idea that this filter needs to be replaced. They continue to drive and with one fuel system protection they reach up to 100 thousand km, or even more.
And in the end, they constantly complain that the car doesn’t work, it’s not the same as before, the VAZ 2112 is not a car, and so on. But it was only necessary to replace the filter when it was necessary and such problems would not have arisen.

Here is an incomplete list of problems that arise if the filter is not replaced in a timely manner:

  • loss;
  • bad plant, both in winter and in summer;
  • extra load on the fuel pump, which starts working at double speed, etc.

Know how to choose good filter, akin to art. There are many parameters to consider here, but one thing is certain: the quality of the paper is of no small importance.

Note. Experts advise disassembling the old filter, sawing it and examining the contents. This way it will be possible to create the correct idea of ​​what and how is inside.

If you don’t want to disassemble the filter, then you can listen to other motorists who prefer one filter or another. It will be useful to visit various forums where the pros and cons of this or that manufacturer are discussed.

Evaluation of modern filters for injection systems

If earlier, when there were carburetors under the hood of domestic cars, there were no such requirements for the fuel filter, then today, with the advent of injectors (see), everything has changed. New system nutrition, which involves injection, is a delicate and fastidious creature.
Give her only the best, and rough gasoline will certainly not make her feel good. And whatever fuel there is, injectors cannot tolerate dirty air, and it must be clean.



  • According to many motorists, the best filters for the VAZ 2112 will be filters from Bosh. Why are they better than the rest?
    According to experts, these filters will perfectly protect the entire fuel system not only from solid or water particles, but also from impurities that live in modern gasoline.

  • In second place are Champion filters. They are produced not only for gasoline versions of cars, but also for diesel ones. An ultra-effective level of filtration of impurities and contaminants, elimination of foreign matter and other advantages distinguish this Belgian filter from the mass of others.

  • The ideal purity of the fuel entering your car's system is guaranteed by Mann filter manufacturers. They reliably protect the injection mechanism of the injector, removing various impurities and contaminants from the fuel. Dust, rust and water will not get past this guard.

  • The filter for which the majority of Russians voted. This is Nipparts, which produces mostly spare parts for Japanese and Korean cars.
    Today, fuel filters from this well-known manufacturer occupy last place and on the list of the best in Europe.


The information provided above will help you choose a good filter that is reliable and efficient work. You no longer have to worry about contamination of your car’s fuel system, although you still need to change this filter after a certain time. Now let's find out how to replace the filter.

Detailed instructions


  • So, first of all, you need to de-energize the battery.
  • Then, holding the fuel filter with a wrench, unscrew the fitting with another wrench.

Note. At this point, you will need to place some kind of container under the fitting so that the gasoline does not simply spill out onto the ground.

  • The second fitting is subjected to similar dismantling.
  • Now you need to loosen the clamp holding the filter. We use the key for 10.
  • Remove the filter.
  • We install a new one.

Note. When installing a new filter, you need to follow the arrow marked on the housing. This same arrow should be directed in the direction of fuel movement, that is, look at the left side of the VAZ 2112.

After installing a new filter, it is recommended to check the tightness of all connections, doing this manipulation with the engine running.
When installing the filter yourself according to the instructions, it is also recommended to study photo and video materials. The price for such services in services today is very high. For this reason, learning how to carry out this operation yourself will be extremely important.

Fuel entering car engine, must not contain any foreign particles. Therefore, the design of the fuel system includes a special filter, the basis of which is filter paper. This allows you to detain accidentally caught in fuel tank dust or water before they enter the engine combustion chamber.

Where is the fuel filter located in the VAZ-2114

The fuel filter on the VAZ-2114 is located on the bottom under the trunk and is included in the fuel line. If you look in the direction of travel of the car, it is fixed slightly to the right of the muffler. To carry out work to replace it, you need a garage with an inspection hole.

On carburetor versions of the car (limited edition, first releases) this part is located next to the fuel pump.

Fuel filter on a car

Symptoms of a problem

  1. The engine stops after idling for a short time.
  2. Fuel consumption is increasing.
  3. Difficulties in engine operation.
  4. Jerking or sudden stopping of the engine while moving.

Tools for work

To dismantle the filter element, you need the following tools:

  • Container for draining gasoline.
  • O-rings.
  • Carob wrenches ranging in size from 10 to 19 mm.

How to change it yourself

Before starting work, the vehicle's on-board electrical system must be de-energized. You also need to relieve the fuel pressure in the system, for which the fuel pump is disconnected from the power supply and the engine is allowed to run until it stops on its own.

Next steps include several steps

Instructions for replacing the injector (video)

Differences on cars with carburetor and injection engines

The VAZ-2114 car is equipped with injection power units volume 1.5 and 1.6 liters. There is a difference between these models in the way the fuel lines are attached to the filter element. These are the fittings mentioned above on a car with a 1.5-liter engine and spring clamps on a car with a 1.6-liter engine.

Since the first batches of cars were produced with a “21083” carburetor engine, it’s worth telling how to change the filter on such a car. The progress of work is not fundamentally different, but the type and appearance filters will be strikingly different from their injection counterparts. So, the algorithm:

  1. Loosening clamps on gas hoses.
  2. Removing the worn fuel filter.
  3. Installing a new filter. This must be done so that the arrow on the body points to the fuel pump.

After installing the filter, you need to make sure that there are no fuel leaks through the fuel line fittings. If there is leakage, tighten the nuts that secure the pipes. It is important to take into account that the device must be oriented along the arrow marked on it, which shows the direction of movement of the fuel. In the case of the VAZ-2114, the arrow should point to the right side of the car.

Replacing the fuel filter on other car models.