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Crunch when shifting into second gear. The gearbox crackles when shifting. Crunch when shifting gears: causes and methods of their elimination

Unfortunately, new cars also have problems with the gearbox, namely, crunching when shifting gears.

How does a crunch sound when switching

The first is sound. The grinding of a gear on a gear is impossible to confuse with anything. A crisp, metallic crunch reminiscent of a growl. The second is the recoil to the lever. This does not always happen, but it happens: when you try to switch, the lever, in time with a crunch, begins to vibrate finely - it seems to be thrown back.

Why does the box not work like everyone else - quiet

What's wrong?

For others, the speeds are turned on without sound, but for you with a crunch? This may be a manufacturing defect in the assembly. It's no secret how cars are assembled on an assembly line, and how they are tested. The problem may be as follows: a poor-quality ferido (clutch disc) is installed. If it is too thick, the clutch does not completely cool down. To put it simply, it turns out that you are trying to engage the speed as if the clutch pedal was pressed halfway.

And another reason is assembly. The box is assembled from several parts (outer casing), which are manufactured together, that is, they are not interchangeable. Now, if the parts of the case are beguiled, and a crunch may occur when turned on from the factory.

How to understand the cause of the crunch

Many people try to independently determine the cause of the crunch when switching. This is problematic, but some advice can be given.

A. If the crunch is pronounced when shifting to an upshift, for example, from first to second, then the reasons may be as follows: wear of bearings in the box, usual lack of oil, wear of teeth (extremely rare), wear of synchronizers (even less often), wear of engagement forks (inside the box), and a violation of the adjustment of the gear shift, or the shift mechanism itself.

B. If the crunch is pronounced when shifting to a lower gear, for example, from third to second, then: lack of oil (unlikely, but possible), wear of forks, bearings, violation of the adjustment of the wings. But most often, a roar when shifting to a lower gear indicates wear on the synchronizers, which do not equalize the speed of rotation of the gears of the box.

E. A growl when engaging reverse gear is common. Due to the peculiarities of turning on the rear (no syncs), it may growl a little when turned on. The rest of the breakdowns are similar to the previous points.

And now it is important - all of the listed symptoms can be present with clutch problems. What can happen: jammed release bearing... On a new car, a roar when the speed is turned on may indicate a poor-quality ferido disk (too thick). And of course - problems with the clutch cable. The cable may not be tight enough and the clutch is not compressing. Or - the cable becomes unusable, and gradually stretches.

All that is in your power is to check the oil level in the box, and try to tighten the clutch cable (you cannot pull indefinitely - the clutch pedal must have free play). All the rest is only at the service station.

Can an oil change and other tricks help you avoid repairs?

I have heard this statement more than once. From the point of view of mechanics, this is not serious. Topping up oil may help, but changing is unlikely. If the gearbox whines slightly and the growl is very slight, try changing the oil. The best option is to visit a specialist. The slightest breakdown in the box, which was not fixed in time, can result in a serious and expensive repair.

As you know, a manual transmission is highly reliable and unpretentious. With proper use and timely maintenance, the "mechanic" does not often "fool the head" of the driver. However, over time, this transmission may also have malfunctions. One of the most common problems is crunching when shifting gears. What causes it and how to fix the malfunction, we will consider in this article.

Most often, an unpleasant crunching or grinding noise appears when switching only one gear (for example, to second) and when switching the lever to neutral. If you hear a crackling, grinding or crunching sound when upshifting or downshifting, it is important to find the cause of the problem and fix it as soon as possible.

The main reasons for the crunch of the checkpoint:

  • Synchronizers. They are responsible for smooth gear shifting. If this element wears out, an unpleasant sound is produced. To solve the problem, it is enough to install new synchronizers.
  • Clutch basket. Over time, when the car's mileage is already long, the basket “petals” begin to fall out, which also causes a crunch or crackle when certain gears are engaged. The solution to the problem is to replace the basket with the clutch disc.
  • Clutch cable. This element is responsible for the smooth operation of the clutch itself. The wear of the cable leads to its breakage, which results in the failure of the clutch pedal and the appearance of a crunch when changing gears. The solution to the problem is to replace the clutch cable.
  • Transmission shaft. A crunch and grinding noise when shifting gears can also cause a gearbox shaft malfunction. To solve the problem, you need to replace this transmission part.
  • Bearings. If, in addition to unpleasant sounds, you note difficult gear shifting, then there is a high probability that the bearings of the input shaft are faulty. As in previous cases, the situation can be corrected by replacing worn parts.
  • Lack of oil. If the gearbox mechanisms are not getting enough oil, this can cause a number of problems, including crunching and crackling when shifting gears.

How to prevent crunching in the gearbox? It must be understood that untimely maintenance and improper operation of the transmission lead to problems in its operation. So, it is extremely important to change the oil in the gearbox on time, because it depends on whether the shafts, gears and other elements of the manual transmission receive the lubrication necessary for their operation. Manufacturers recommend changing the oil every 60 thousand kilometers.

If the crunch does appear, it is imperative to find and eliminate its cause, because using a car with a faulty box can very quickly lead to more serious malfunctions, and then a simple replacement of the part will no longer be enough. A serious manual transmission repair costs quite a lot.

The transmission is the unit through which the torque is transmitted to the drive wheels. Normal driving is only possible if the transmission is 100% functional. But sooner or later, every car owner is in need of manual transmission repair. One of the most obvious signs is a crunch when shifting gears. This problem can arise if:

  • You prefer a "sporty" driving style with sharp gear changes.
  • Ignore the need for routine maintenance.
  • Installed during the repair substandard parts, due to which normal performance characteristics The checkpoints were violated.

Possible breakdowns

There are several reasons why a crunch may occur at the moment of gear shifting. Immediately, we note that this unpleasant sound is nothing more than a symptom indicating the occurrence of one of the malfunctions, which we will discuss below.

First. In most cases, a crunch indicates a breakdown of the synchronizers. They provide smooth gear shifting without extraneous sounds. After a certain time, the synchronizers begin to wear out. So, for example, if the synchronizer of the 2nd gear is faulty, then the crunch will appear only when you turn it on. Otherwise, the box will work fine.

Second. Another reason is the fall of the petals from the clutch basket. Damaged parts must be replaced to eliminate the crunch.

Third. Crunchy noises when shifting can also occur if you do not fully release the clutch while driving. In this case, the problem most often manifests itself at first and reverse speeds.

How to keep the manual transmission in good condition?

How the car owner looks after his "iron horse" directly affects the durability of the manual transmission. To avoid the occurrence of a crunch, it is enough to follow these simple rules:

  • Do not forget to go through a routine inspection.
  • Change the oil every 60-70 thousand kilometers.
  • Make sure that there are no leaks (if there are any, the oil seal must be replaced).

By following these simple rules, you will prevent abnormal noises when shifting gears, ensure stable transmission performance and save money on repairs.

Synchronizers flew or why does the box crunch when shifting gears? This article will be most relevant for mechanics, since the machine and its types (,) have a slightly different system. A similar surprise is presented to us by cars with experience, which, for certain reasons, have defects. How to identify, eliminate, prevent, read below.

Crunching breakages

Does the box crunch when shifting gears? There may be only five reasons, but whatever it is, a "surgical" intervention in the transmission is required. It will not do with a slight fright, so you can fix it yourself or if you have no experience, drive it to a car service.
  • Synchronizer: the reason is precisely its deterioration due to the lack of a proper level of lubricant or its old age. In such cases, any lubricant will turn from a useful substance into a harmful environment that destroys everything. It is advisable to eliminate the cause at a certified service station, since the slightest oversight can lead to the failure of the entire unit;
  • "Basket": constructively, it consists of "petals" as the people call it, and so after a certain mileage, each one is different, they begin to loosen and fall out. As a result, the driver cannot “put the squeeze on” the speed. One advice: complete replacement baskets, and along the way, conduct a visual diagnostics of the synchronizers. Replace if necessary;
  • Clutch cable: typical for most domestic cars. In such cases, you cannot turn on anything at all. You can get to the service station only by turning on the gear, and then start with the battery while you move and then follow only at this speed. Repair will take you no more than 10 minutes, just replace the cable with a new one;
  • Box shaft: friction from rotation can cause a critical increase in temperature and, as a result, burst one or another node. There is only one way out: disassembling and replacing the contents. The main thing is that the shaft does not jam while driving, since the consequences can be much more serious;
  • Manufacturing defects: anything can happen. A complete replacement of the node that has failed is required.

As practice shows, most breakdowns are due to untimely replacement of the lubricant. For some reason, some drivers have the opinion that it is necessary to change on the machine, but not on the mechanics. So it turns out that the lubricant loses its properties, which leads to breakdowns.

To prevent this from happening, each driver should look at the operating instructions and act according to the recommendations. must take place strictly on time.

Most manufacturers recommend replace 45-50 thousand km. mileage. This number is the golden mean. Tightening is not recommended. Of course, depending on the operating conditions, the figure can be changed (but only downward). If climatic conditions characterized by critical temperatures towards minus or plus.

I would like to note that if the car is front-wheel drive, then for him low level or deterioration of the oil is even worse than for the rear. The whole reason is that the latter works autonomously, but front-wheel drive in tandem with the front axle, which also need to be rotated and lubricated. Therefore, car owners need to pay increased attention to this.

The main thing to remember is that timely and comprehensive replacement of spare parts and lubricating fluids can save your car from sudden breakdowns. This is the topic of what to do if the box crunches when shifting gears, it is over. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our recommendations for drivers, regardless of experience and experience. Apply our tips in your daily life when repairing a car.

When buying a car, many drivers give preference, considering it more reliable. A manual gearbox has several advantages, the main one being its simplicity. If we compare the mechanics with or, then in the event of damage or failure of any elements of the manual transmission, the repair will cost the driver relatively inexpensively.

At correct operation and timely maintenance, the mechanical transmission will not require special attention... However, in practice, in the operation of the manual transmission, as in other parts of the car, problems may arise over time. One of the common problems with manual transmissions is the crunch that occurs when shifting the gear lever. In this case, the driver needs to determine the cause and correct the problem.

Read in this article

Gearbox crunches: signs

When driving or braking the vehicle when shifting the gear lever, the driver may hear extraneous sounds such as crunching, grinding or crackling sound.

Moreover, most often, extraneous sounds when the gear lever is turned on can appear only in one of the gears, for example, only when switching to the first or only when switching to the second, etc. Also, when the gear lever is returned to the neutral position, an unpleasant crackle may appear or grinding.

Crunch when turning on the first gear. Before the car starts moving, when shifting into first gear, a crackling or grinding sound appears, as if the clutch pedal is not fully depressed. But when you switch from the second to the first, the crackling disappears. A crunch can occur when the first gear is engaged from the second, that is, during a decrease in speed, for example, when braking a car in front of a traffic light.

  • Crunch when shifting into second gear. Shifting into first gear is smooth and quiet, but there is a crackling sound when shifting from first to second gear. This occurs during acceleration when the engine speed is increased. Moreover, all other gears at any speed are switched without crunching.
  • Shifting from third to second gear can also be accompanied by a crunch, shifting gears can be difficult. One way or another, a failed transmission may be a problem, since the element is subject to heavy loads.

It is important to understand that if shifting the gear lever to a higher or lower speed is accompanied by an incomprehensible crackling or grinding, the cause should be identified and eliminated as soon as possible.

Crunch when shifting gears: causes and methods of their elimination

There are different reasons for the crunch, crackle, or grinding noise when you engage the gear lever. It all depends on the specific case.

In the event of a minor breakdown, without interfering with the box mechanism itself, the problem can be eliminated by replacing the damaged part. In another, more serious case, the problem is solved by overhauling the manual transmission itself.

The main breakdowns causing a crunch or crackle when changing gears:

  • Failure of synchronizers. Synchronizers are responsible for smooth gear shifting. Over time, they wear out and cease to fulfill their functions. This leads to the appearance of a crunch or crackle when changing gears. The problem is solved by replacing the damaged synchronizers with new ones.

    Failure of the clutch basket. The basket consists of "petals" that begin to fall out over time. This problem most often affects vehicles with high mileage... In this case, when one or more programs are switched on, extraneous sounds, such as crunching or crackling, will appear. The problem is solved by replacing the clutch plate.

  • Cable malfunction. One of the most important elements of the car is the clutch cable, through which it is possible to achieve smooth operation of the clutch itself. When the clutch cable is worn out, it breaks, as a result of which the clutch pedal falls through and a crunch or crackle appears when shifting gears. The problem is solved by replacing the clutch cable.
  • Defective transmission shaft. Another reason for the appearance of unpleasant sounds when shifting gears is a malfunction of the gearbox shaft. You can solve the problem by replacing this manual transmission unit.
  • Bearing wear. If, when shifting gears in the manual transmission, a crunch appears or gear shifting is difficult, most likely the matter is in the bearings of the input shaft of the gearbox. The problem is solved by replacing worn-out parts with new ones.

How to avoid crunching in the gearbox

Improper operation and untimely Maintenance The manual transmission leads to problems in the operation of this unit. What you need to pay attention to first of all:

What is the bottom line

The appearance of a crunch in the manual transmission may be the first signal for a serious breakdown of this unit. Therefore, when symptoms such as crunching, grinding or crackling appear when shifting the gear lever from an increased to a reduced speed or vice versa, it is necessary to carry out a full diagnosis and identify the cause of the malfunction.

Timely elimination of the problem will help the car owner avoid more expensive manual transmission repairs, since driving with a faulty gearbox, which crunches when switching, can lead to more serious malfunctions, and after a relatively short period of time.

Read also

Correct gear shifting on a car with a manual transmission: when to engage a particular gear on a manual transmission, working with the clutch pedal, mistakes.

  • The gears are turned on tightly or the speeds do not turn on mechanical box gears: the main causes of the malfunction and possible malfunctions.