GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

The VAZ battery light is on. The battery charging light does not light up - what does this indicate? The light comes on at idle and then goes off

Classic car dashboards domestic production are not highly informative. There is nothing superfluous on them, except for indicators of the operation of the main engine systems, but they are quite enough so that the driver is informed in time about possible malfunctions cars. However, it happens that some device fails, and then it becomes impossible to determine the failure at its initial stage.

In this article we will talk about the case when the battery charging light is constantly on, using the example of popular classic cars and 2107. We will look at the main reasons for this phenomenon, and also try to diagnose and eliminate possible faults.

Why do you need a battery charging warning light?

To allow the driver to monitor the charging status battery, on the instrument panel there is a voltmeter with a scale, as well as a small red window under which a warning light is installed. When we insert the ignition key and turn it in the lock one turn, this lamp turns on and lights up red. The voltmeter needle is in the zero position. This means that the generator is at rest and does not charge the battery. When the engine starts, the lamp should go out and the instrument needle should move to the right, indicating the amount of voltage supplied to the battery. This happens when the machine’s power supply system is fully operational. But if the VAZ 2107 or 2106 battery charging light is on even after the engine is started, most likely there is a failure somewhere. And our task is to find its cause and eliminate it.

What can a constantly burning battery charging lamp indicate?

If in a VAZ 2107 or VAZ 2106 there can be only one reason - the battery does not receive voltage from the generator, or it does, but its value is insufficient. There may be several malfunctions that lead to this:

  • violation of normal contact at the battery terminals;
  • loose tension or damage to the alternator belt;
  • lack of contact of its “negative” terminal with “ground”;
  • break in the rotor excitation circuit or wear of the generator brushes;
  • malfunction diode bridge.
  • defective fuse;
  • failure of the relay regulator.

Before starting diagnostics

An important point in deciding whether to charge a VAZ 2107 or 2106 battery is the very fact that voltage is supplied to the battery from the generator. In other words, if it does not reach the battery at all, there is nothing to be surprised about. The lamp must light up similar situation. But if the battery charging light is on, but there is charging, it will be a little more difficult to solve this problem.

Our priority task- determine whether voltage is supplied to the battery. This is not at all difficult to do, especially since this requires only one device - a voltmeter or multimeter turned on in its mode. We start the car engine, raise the hood and measure the voltage at the battery terminals with the generator running. If all elements of the system are working properly, the voltmeter should produce 13.6-14.2 V, and no less. This is a working indicator for normal charging Battery If the voltage is below these values, then there is some kind of malfunction.

Lost contact at battery terminals

At this diagnostic stage, you need to check the condition of the wire terminals and battery contact terminals. Often they oxidize, as a result of which the contact between them weakens. In the case when the battery light is on, but there is charging, this malfunction is most often the cause.

The generator operates normally, voltage is supplied to the terminals, but is lost due to poor contact. So it turns out that charging is in progress, but the battery charging light is on. Moreover, in most cases it burns with a dim light. This type of malfunction can be eliminated by cleaning the terminals and contact terminals of the battery, as well as treating them with a water-repellent liquid.

Loose or damaged alternator belt

During diagnostics, it is imperative to check the condition. Sometimes it happens that due to its long-term operation or under the influence of other factors, it becomes deformed, as a result of which the generator drive misfires. Pay attention to the belt tension. Its weakening leads to the same effect.

If the belt is not deformed and has no visible damage, it can simply be tightened. Otherwise, it must be replaced. The normal belt tension is such that it can be rotated around the horizontal axis by 85-90 degrees.

Lack of contact between the generator output and ground

This malfunction, like the first one on our list, occurs due to oxidation of the leads and terminals. In addition, contact failure is possible due to weakening of their fastening. The solution to this problem is to clean the terminals and terminals, as well as treat them with a liquid like VD-40.

Generator faults

If the battery charging light is on, but there is charging (VAZ 2106, 2107), the generator must be checked. The most common problems in terms of our malfunction are a break in the rotor excitation circuit or wear (damage) of the brushes.

First of all, the generator must be dismantled and disassembled. To check the rotor winding, we use the same multimeter turned on in ohmmeter mode. We connect its probes to the terminals of the winding and measure its resistance. For a working rotor it should not be less than 4.5 ohms. If the resistance does not reach this value, most likely an interturn short circuit has occurred somewhere. If it is not detected at all, the winding may break.

Let's move on to the brushes. We take them out of their seats and inspect them for wear. If the length of the brushes does not exceed 7 millimeters or they show signs of damage, we change them. Pay attention also to the condition of the brush commutator. If defects are detected in its copper plates, we change the rotor.

Diode bridge

The diode bridge is used to convert AC voltage to permanent. If at least one of the diodes breaks down, the device stops coping with its tasks, which is why a voltage that does not correspond to its parameters begins to flow into the on-board circuit of the machine. That is why the rectifying bridge must be checked in the case when the battery charging light is on, but there is charging (VAZ 2107, 2106).

You can also determine the health of the diodes using a multimeter in the appropriate mode. Turn on the tester and connect the red probe to the positive terminal of the bridge, and the black probe to one of the contacts marked “AC”. The threshold (pass) voltage for silicon diodes ranges from 400 to 1000 mV. If the device shows you a value that does not fit within the specified range, the bridge must be replaced. It is impossible to repair it.

Fuse failure

The electrical charging circuit of the battery, like any other, is protected by a fuse. It is located in the mounting block under the hood of the car. In “sixes” and “sevens” this fuse is usually designated as F10, but, in any case, it is better to look through the user manual before checking. Most often, when it malfunctions, no voltage is supplied to the battery at all, but it also happens that it is this that causes the battery charging light to light up, but there is charging.

The fuse is checked with a tester after it is removed from the socket. If the device shows that the part has become unusable, simply replace it.

Malfunction of the relay regulator

Another reason that the battery charging light is on, but there is charging, may be a failure of the relay regulator. It, in fact, is responsible for the timely switching on and off of this lamp. In VAZ 2106, 2107 cars, the relay is installed in the engine compartment on the upper part of the wheel mudguard on the right side. The principle of its operation is as follows. When the ignition is turned on (with the engine off), current from the battery flows through its closed contacts and powers the warning lamp.

When we start the engine, the generator turns on, supplying the relay with already rectified voltage. Under its influence, the armature of the device is attracted to the core, opening the contacts. The lamp should go out.

It is not difficult to check the relay yourself. To do this, just disconnect both wires from it and short them together. We start the engine and look at the warning light. If it does not light, we replace the relay.

To avoid problems associated with a faulty battery charging circuit, use the following tips.

  1. Pay more attention to your car's dashboard. This way you will know not only about the charging status of the battery, but also about the operation of other systems and mechanisms.
  2. Check the alternator belt regularly. The correct operation of the entire on-board network when the engine is running depends on its condition and tension. If you find the slightest defect in the belt, do not delay replacing it.
  3. Don’t be lazy at least once a month to check the voltage supplied by the generator to the battery terminals. If any discrepancies with the recommended values ​​are detected, perform a full diagnostic of the on-board network.
  4. Periodically conduct a visual inspection of the condition of the battery terminals and generator terminals. Having discovered their oxidation, clean them with fine sandpaper and treat them with a liquid like VD-40.
  5. Do not allow water to get on the generator, battery and relay regulator. It can provoke short circuit in an electrical circuit. It is better to entrust it to specialists.
  6. When repairing the battery charging circuit, avoid using spare parts that raise doubts about their quality.

VAZ 2106 - 2107 owners often wonder Why does the battery indicator light not light up when the ignition is turned on?. This is a fairly common problem on classic. And almost everyone has encountered such a manifestation of a malfunction in the car’s energy system.

And it’s one thing if such a malfunction occurs in the summer and 100 meters from the house. Such a breakdown is much more dangerous in cold weather on a country road, especially at night. Therefore, you need to know the causes of the problem, as well as how to fix it. There are several reasons for a light bulb to fail. You'll have to check all the options, fortunately it's not difficult. Basic electrical knowledge is sufficient.

The battery charging indicator lamp does not light up when the ignition is turned on in a VAZ 2106 - 2107, what to do?

First, a little theory: when the engine is running, a dead battery is charged constant voltage at 13.6-14.2 V from the vehicle’s on-board network through the generator. Due to different speeds crankshaft engine, to maintain the specified voltage, a voltage regulator (PP, “tablet”, “chocolate bar”) is included in the generator excitation circuit, which, when the network voltage increases above the rated one, reduces the current going to the generator excitation winding.

The magnetization of the rotor poles decreases, which leads to a decrease in its output voltage. Therefore, the reasons that the generator does not charge the battery are associated with the elements of the “excitation circuit” or the “generator-battery” output voltage circuit, including the generator itself.

When the ignition is turned on, the lock (14) also turns on the ignition relay (13). In this case, + 12V from the battery (1) passes through the relay contacts and fuse No. 10 mounting block, then supplied to the on-board network and to the output of the battery charge indicator lamp (11) and the charging sensor in the instrument panel (12). After that, they go through the diode, the mounting block (10) (plugs Ш5-Ш10), are fed to plug “61” of the generator and go to the terminal of the built-in PP (7) and through the brush and contact ring to the excitation winding (8) - the starting excitation of the generator (4). As the engine speed increases, and with it the generator rotor, the phase voltage increases, and through a block of additional diodes (3), it increases the voltage on the excitation winding and on the output diode of the battery charging indicator light.

When the output phase voltage reaches +12V at both terminals of the battery lamp, the voltage is equalized, and due to the absence of a voltage difference, it goes out (as when starting a car). In this case, the generator produces a voltage greater than 12V, which charges the battery through output “30”.

Burnt out battery indicator light

A fairly common cause of this problem is lamp failure. This is perhaps one of the simplest breakdowns, but it is not always harmless. It is advisable to replace the light bulb as quickly as possible. If there are problems with it, you will not be able to identify the problem with the generator in a timely manner. Which will lead to the battery being discharged at the most inopportune time. Thus, driving with a burnt-out lamp is highly not recommended.

You should also consider the design features of your car. Most generators have a built-in resistance. This allows you to generate energy even when the charge control lamp is burnt out. On some cars, the lamp itself plays the role of resistance.

This can be found on some modifications of the VAZ 2112, as well as many old foreign cars. In this case, when the light bulb burns out, the generator stops producing current. If your car has this structure, you should always have a spare lamp.

Low battery

Another common reason why the battery warning light does not light up when the ignition is turned on in a VAZ 2106 - 2107 is a weak battery.

If, at the same time that the battery light does not light up, the dashboard instruments do not turn on or are dimly lit, then this is a clear sign of a low battery. The problem can be “cured” by simply charging the battery.

However, it's not that simple. The discharge of a car battery may not occur because the owner did not have time to charge it in time or forgot to turn off the headlights. A problem with a battery becomes dangerous if the cause lies in the generating device. As you know, the battery must be charged while the car is moving, otherwise it will discharge quite quickly. And this function falls on the generator. But if the latter is faulty, then problems arise.

Thus, a reason that is trivial at first glance may indicate a damaged car generator that performs a lot useful functions. Obviously, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out, the cause should be found and eliminated.

Blown fuse

The cause of lamp failure is dashboard There may be a blown fuse. In this case, several devices usually fail at once. If such a symptom appears, you just need to check the fuse. It is located in the mounting block.

Mounting fuse block VAZ 2107

You can find it using the diagram on the block cover. To check, the fuse is removed from the mounting block. The most in a simple way will install a known good fuse. If this is the reason, then the light should light up when the ignition is turned on. You can also check the fuse by measuring the resistance with a multimeter.

A light bulb may burn out due to a faulty electrical circuit.

A problem with the circuit that powers the battery light can be caused by several things. Let's consider everything.

So, problems with contacts are becoming quite common. Usually this situation occurs in the spring, after cold weather. During the winter months, moisture accumulates on the connectors, causing the formation of oxides. This makes the contact much worse, as a result of which the indicator stops turning on.

As a rule, this problem does not appear immediately and is not stable. In other words, the light bulb may light up one time and not another time. The solution to this problem is to clean all connectors. They should be treated with a grease specifically designed for this purpose.

The light bulb may burn out due to an open circuit. To make sure of this, you should arm yourself with a multimeter. The device checks the circuit to determine the faulty section.

Fuse relay is faulty

Another possible problem is a faulty relay. Some car modifications equipped with relays that control the battery charge light on the instrument panel. As soon as the relay fails, the indicator does not work either.

To test the relay, you should arm yourself with a multimeter. They measure the current at the positive output of the relay. If the voltage is less than 6V, then there is clearly a problem with the generating device. If the value is even higher, then the relay is faulty. It needs replacing.

Thus, finding out the reason why the battery light does not light is extremely important for adjusting the indicator and protecting the car from more serious malfunctions.

Video: VAZ 2107 battery charging lamp does not light up - searching for the cause

Checking fuses of VAZ 2106 - 2107 with a multimeter

You also need to know how to check a fuse in a car with a multimeter because in some cases replacing it does not eliminate the malfunction; the circuit needs a more thorough check. Usually its failure is visible to the naked eye, but in some cases the break can be detected only after an instrumental check. To do this, use a car tester or even a simple voltmeter to measure direct current.

  1. We attach the probes to the fuse.
  2. Next, using simple manipulations, we melt the wiring inside the fuse. Therefore, we made a non-working fuse out of a working fuse. What won’t you do for a good article!? :-). Again we apply the probes to the fuse and look at the behavior of the multimeter.
  3. Resistance is infinitely large, no sound signal We don’t hear the “peep” type. The fuse is broken. It can be thrown into the trash bin.

Video: How to check fuses with a multimeter

When we start the engine (first turn on the ignition), on almost all cars, two indicator lights (usually red or yellow-orange) light up. The first is the battery indicator light, the second is the engine oil pressure indicator. After the engine has started, they should go out (this is in normal operating mode). But what to do when the battery light comes on and doesn’t go out? I'll give you some advice...

There is only one reason: it does not receive charging, so the indicator light is on. In turn, the battery is recharged by the generator. It produces current when the engine is running to recharge the battery. Electricity is generated in the classical way - the axis rotates, in fact it is a simple electric motor. A drive gear is attached to the axle. It is when the motor is running that electricity is generated through a belt drive to this gear (the axis rotates). If this belt breaks, the shaft will not rotate, and accordingly, charging will be interrupted and the indicator light on your panel will light up. This is the first and most banal reason. The drive belt just broke.

The second reason is the so-called generator brushes. The shaft on one side has graphite brushes, which contribute to the generation of electricity; over time they wear out very much. And they stop generating current, so the battery is not charged, as indicated by the sensor. You just need to replace these brushes.

Fourth is the stator winding. The shaft is called a stator, it has a copper winding that must be intact. If this winding breaks, the generator stops producing electricity. The sensor lights up accordingly. Everything looks fine - it works, but there is no electricity. Replacing the stator is not a very simple process, since you will need to disassemble the device itself. Of course, you can replace it yourself, but it is better to contact a specialized station.

These are the main reasons.

Determining that your generator is not working is quite simple; there is one old-fashioned method, details below.

1) First, scientific - with the engine running, the voltage at the terminals should be 14.2 - 14.7 V. If you have less and the sensor does not go out, then the problem is definitely in the generator.

2) Now the folk method. We put on rubber gloves (the currents are necessarily high there, although the voltage is low) and with the engine running, remove one terminal from the battery. If the car stalls, it means it is not working. Needs renovation.

3) Also if not working generator, not only will the battery light be on, but all devices, such as backlights, will light up very dimly.

Guys, here is a short but useful video on repairing and disassembling our dynamo machine! On almost all models they have a distinctive structure, and on our VAZs almost all of them have BOSH.

I'll end here, I think it was useful. Read our and the new section

A light with a battery icon located on the instrument panel informs the driver of problems in the vehicle's electrical system. In this article we will talk about:

  • Why does the battery light come on?
  • what to do if it catches fire;
  • How to prevent electrical equipment breakdowns that cause the light bulb to turn on.

Why does the battery light come on?

When the battery light turns on, it means that for some reason the battery is not receiving voltage from the generator. After all, while the engine is running, the generator generates voltage, which charges the battery, which has lost some of its energy during the starter’s operation. When no voltage is supplied to the battery, the battery does not receive energy to charge, so it will soon be completely discharged. A complete discharge will damage the battery plates and reduce its capacity, after which this part will need to be replaced, otherwise there will not be enough energy to start a cold engine.

What to do if the battery light comes on

  • If the battery light comes on, it is advisable to stop the car and turn off the engine so that it cools down.
  • After this, check all the wiring connecting the generator, stabilizer (on many older cars these parts are installed separately) and the battery. The excitation wire may have come loose from the generator, so it is not producing electricity.
  • If all wires are intact and all terminals are in place, attach a voltmeter to the battery, record its readings and start the engine.
  • As soon as the engine starts, the voltage on the battery should rise by 1–2.5 volts. If this does not happen, you need to look for a bad contact or a broken wire, and also check the operation of the generator and stabilizer.

The check must begin with the fuse box, for this you need electrical diagram cars. Find the fuse responsible for charging the battery and check it. If it is OK, start the engine and remove the excitation wire from the generator and measure the voltage on it using a tester or voltmeter - normal values ​​are 11.9–13.9 volts. When there is no tester, you can get by with a 12-volt light bulb to which wires are attached. If the light is on, the excitation voltage is OK; if not, you need to look for a break or poor contact.

To check the generator, disconnect the positive wire from it. To do this, unscrew the nut, then remove it, the washer and the terminal. Isolate the terminal and start the engine, then check the voltage at the alternator with a light bulb, tester, or voltmeter. If there is no voltage, the problem is in the generator and it needs to be repaired or replaced. If there is voltage, then the problem is in a separately installed stabilizer or poor contact between the generator and the battery. If you do not know how to fix such problems, then contact an auto electrician.

Sometimes it is not possible to stop to perform the checks described above. In this case (if possible), turn off the headlights and all electrical appliances, including the radio, to reduce the load on the battery. In this mode, it will be able to keep the engine running for several hours, during which you need to find a car service center or an auto electrician.

How to prevent problems that cause the battery light to come on

To prevent the battery from being left without charging voltage, it is necessary to clean all contacts at least once every two years. You can do this yourself using the tool KONTAKT 60, KONTAKT 61 or their analogues. For such work, you must have a good understanding of electrical engineering and the features of working with electrical appliances. If you do not have such knowledge, then contact an auto electrician or a car service center. Specialists will clean the contacts in 10–15 minutes, after which you can go about your business.

On the dashboard of a car of any brand there is a red pictogram with a picture of a battery - this is the battery charging light. If the car is in good working order, the indicator should light up when the ignition is turned on. When the engine starts, the pictogram goes out. Why is this happening?

When the driver inserts and turns the key in the ignition, the car independently diagnoses all systems. If the test results show no problems, the icons stop lighting.

Among the analyzed elements is the battery. If the battery is faulty, the icon on the dashboard will continue to light up when the car is already started, or will not light up at all. What are the reasons why the lamp does not go out in a timely manner?

Why does the battery charging light not go out?

A burning battery charge lamp may indicate a number of malfunctions

If, after starting the car's engine, the battery charge lamp continues to glow or is lit at full intensity, this indicates that all electrical systems are powered directly from the battery. This means that the car will continue to move until the battery is completely dead (about 2.5–3 hours, if you drive with the headlights, air conditioning, wipers, and audio system turned off).

The battery charge light comes on after the engine starts: why does this happen?

The reasons why the icon does not stop lighting in a timely manner may be:

  • problems with the relay regulator or diode bridge;
  • low tension of the alternator belt or its wear;
  • blown fuse;
  • poor battery terminal contacts;
  • break in the generator circuit, partial or complete malfunction of the generator brushes or brush holders;
  • failure of the ignition switch (not one, but several icons may light up at once, including the battery charge and catalyst overheat lamps, as well as a check).

Why the lamp does not go out when the car engine starts: video

The lamp works when the engine is on: how to identify the cause

Check how intensely the icon lights up and when it happens. Based on this, you will understand where the problem lies.

Constant light

Most likely, the problem is that the battery needs more charge while driving. The causes of this problem may also be:

  • weakening;
  • complete or partial wear of the alternator belt;
  • regulator relay burnout;
  • breakdown of generator brushes.

In any case, it is necessary to replace the failed element.

On turns

The problem lies in the diode bridge or in another system. For the most accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to seek help from specialists.

At high speeds

The slip rings are worn out. The problem may also be caused by a poorly tensioned alternator belt, faulty bearings or alternator brushes.


To find a defect, you need to examine the alternator belt, regulator and diode bridge. If the indicator is fully lit, start checking from the bridge, if bright - from the relay.

Blinks, lights up periodically, dims

A flashing (dim) pictogram indicates abrasion of the copper rings of the armature or generator brushes. You need to stop using worn out parts and buy new ones.

If the charge lamp barely lights up, you need to check the generator brushes

When turning on the headlights and turn signals

It is necessary to check the contacts of the diode bridge, the condition of the generator or commutator brushes.

Burns barely noticeable

A lamp that burns at full intensity indicates a faulty diode bridge or insulation. To solve the problem, it is recommended to replace the bridge. Also bad job indicator may mean that the ignition key is not turned all the way - in this case, you just need to pour a little WD-40 into the ignition switch well.

For better performance of the battery charge indicator, you should drop WD-40 into the ignition switch well

With the ignition off

The fault lies in the generator. Unfortunately, the car owner cannot do without replacing it, and this is fraught with significant financial expenses.

While charging

If charging is carried out, but the light continues to burn, then it is necessary to clean the oxidized contacts. Sometimes it may be necessary to transfer mass from the battery to the starter.

Tools for self-diagnosis of faults

To carry out diagnostics and identify the cause of the problem, the car owner will need:

  • Phillips and slotted screwdrivers;
  • control lamp (12 volts);
  • multimeter or voltmeter;
  • pliers and sandpaper (necessary for cleaning oxidized contacts).

Troubleshooting Tools: Gallery

Sandpaper is needed to clean the terminals. Using a voltmeter, you need to determine whether there is a charge. Pliers are necessary in the procedure for stripping the terminals. You need a 12-volt lamp. A Phillips screwdriver is necessary for diagnosing the car. A slotted screwdriver - indispensable assistant motorist

How to fix a problem that caused the battery charge lamp to light up

If the voltmeter on the instrument panel and the battery lamp indicate a gradual increase in charge, and the battery itself is “empty”, but shows a voltage of 12–14V (which “falls” to the left when the headlights, turn signals and other devices are turned on), then the causes of the malfunction may be a decrease tension or wear of the alternator belt.

If the generator brushes are worn, they need to be replaced.

Similar symptoms indicate wear on the generator brushes. The length of this element in good condition should not be less than 5 mm. To eliminate the problem of an “empty” battery, it is recommended to replace the alternator belt and brushes.

If the voltmeter readings indicate the presence of a charge, the voltage at the battery terminals is 12 V, but the battery itself is discharged, it is necessary to clean the terminals. This can be done using a knife, brush, sandpaper.

If the voltmeter indicates there is a charge, but the battery is discharged, you need to clean the terminals

The fact that the fuse has blown is indicated by the following behavior of the car: after turning the ignition, the battery icon does not light up and there is no current supply to the battery. In this situation, you have to replace the element.

If there is no charging, all devices work properly, but the battery light does not light up, you need to remove terminal 61 and connect it to the car body.

Terminal 61 location

If the icon remains lit, the cause of the malfunction is the generator activation winding. The problem may also lie in faulty contacts - you will have to clean them.

The following situation is also possible: the battery light lights up and does not go out after the engine starts, and charging either does not occur at all or periodically stops. Such behavior of the car indicates poor-quality contact of the wire with the connector located on the dashboard.

How to reset the “low battery charge” error

To reset, it is recommended to contact the services of a service station. If you want to get rid of the error as quickly as possible and at low cost, you can simply remove the negative terminal from the battery for a few minutes, and then return it to its place.

The activation of the battery charge lamp icon usually indicates a minor malfunction, but you should not ignore this signal, otherwise you may face serious damage.