GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Functional properties of vehicles. Curb weight and gross vehicle weight Unladen weight and curb weight

In the automotive industry, there are terms such as: gross and curb weight. These terms are the ones that driving schools are required to talk about in theory. But today, even many drivers with extensive experience do not remember or do not know about this. The curb weight of a vehicle is the total weight of the vehicle with the necessary equipment, all materials needed during operation of the vehicle, a full tank of fuel, the weight of the driver, but excluding the passenger weight and the weight of cargo.

The gross weight is the weight of the vehicle, which is the maximum possible and consists of: the weight of the driver and passengers, the weight of the curbed vehicle, as well as the weight of the cargo.

What is the difference between curb and gross vehicle weight?

If you understand the differences between these concepts, then the whole point comes down to what exactly can be included and summarized in the general criterion of mass. Compared to the value of the curb weight of the car, its gross weight still appears in the indicator the weight of the driver, and the weight of all passengers, as well as the weight of transported luggage.

Gross weight = vehicle weight + weight of all people in the vehicle + cargo in the luggage compartment.

Curb weight = vehicle weight without additional loads.

Of course, each person's weight is different. The same can be attributed to luggage. Therefore, drivers use concepts such as “permissible gross weight cars." Each car has its own highest permissible indicator; everything will depend on the manufacturer, the materials from which the car is made, as well as the shape of the car body, etc.

Do not overload the machine. If this is not observed, then during the use of the car, deformation of the body, axle systems, and also other parts that need to be secured to the car’s suspension will occur. And don’t forget that, given the vehicle’s full curb weight, fuel will be consumed in large quantities. Also, weight is always taken into account when using a two post lift.

All of the above tips for motorists are quite important information, especially if the driver does not have sufficient driving experience behind him. They should not be neglected or ignored. Because sometimes even experienced drivers and chauffeurs commit certain actions that may not seem ridiculous and trivial at first glance, but which can lead to consequences. Therefore, be careful and careful when driving.

The car is complex system, which consists of many nodes. Thanks to their coordinated work, normal movement becomes possible. Electronics plays an increasingly important role in this structure every year.

The on-board network provides control and security. In addition, in modern cars, a variety of sensors and computer systems are responsible for a huge number of processes.

Along with increased safety and comfort, speed limits are increasing. Just a hundred years ago, cars could only accelerate to a maximum of 40 miles per hour. Now they are capable reach 100 kilometers in 4 seconds, and this is not the limit.

Modern manufacturers spend a lot of money and time to improve aerodynamic parameters and reduce weight. Unfortunately, very often motorists forget about the last parameter. This is not surprising, because first of all attention is focused on the quantity horsepower, appearance and number of cylinders.

But weight matters just as much. The less a car weighs, the faster it accelerates to 100 kilometers per hour. And the top speed limit is rising significantly. In addition, a car with low weight is much easier to drive. It's easier to keep on track and out of corners. If the balancing is done correctly, of course.

How did the weight of cars affect the engineering industry?

Car manufacturers have long realized how important low weight is for dynamic performance. As a result, they tried their best to reduce the size of the main components. As evidence, we can recall the invention of the V-twin engine. It allowed us to halve the space under the hood of the car.

Attention! Increasingly, car manufacturers are using modern materials in their design that have high strength and low weight.

As an example, we can recall the Lykan Hypersport. Its body is made of carbon fiber. Due to this, the weight of the car is 1380 kilograms. At the same time, the car accelerates to hundreds in 2.8 seconds.

Average weight table of popular cars

To understand what is modern automobile manufacturers tend to reduce the weight of their creations, just look at the table below.

Curb vehicle weight (kg)



GAZ (Volga)

GAZ (truck)

69A (5 seats)

3962, 452 (loaf)




x trail (x-trail)



Focus 2

Focus 3

















Land Cruiser ( land cruiser)






Modern passenger cars rarely cross the 1,500 kilogram limit. Of course, there are exceptions like this Ford Kuga, but they only further confirm the general rule, which states that the less a car weighs, the better for the consumer.

It's not just about better maneuverability and greater speed. A car with low weight requires significantly less energy to move. As a result, much less fuel is wasted. An important confirmation of this thesis is the constantly growing popularity of parquet SUVs, which hang relatively little and are a fairly economical mode of transport.

If we talk about general indicators, they range from one ton to 1.5. An interesting trend is the growth of the minicar segment. The weight of such machines can be less than a thousand kilograms. Leading experts associate all this with the same desire of people to save. In addition, small cars are much easier to park in the city. Especially when there is a shortage of free parking.

A short excursion into history

The best way to see how the weight of cars changed is in dynamics. Let's take cars from the 50s of the last century. They were real monsters. As an example that well illustrates the general trend, we can recall the Cadillac Eldorado 8.2. Its mass was three tons, and this was far from the limit in those days.

But with the onset of the oil crisis, automakers had to look for other ways to reach the hearts of consumers. The weight reduction has helped to significantly reduce fuel consumption. In addition, this had a positive effect on handling.

Automakers of that time managed to achieve weight reduction through the use of materials such as:

  • plastic,
  • carbon fiber,
  • light metals.

Nowadays, auto industry tycoons are investing millions in research related to the search for strong and lightweight materials.

Average car weight depending on type

There are many types of cars, which are classified according to a number of parameters. One of the main ones is weight. This approach is easily explained by the influence of this parameter on all other characteristics.

To better understand how cars are classified by weight, let's consider the most popular types, which include:

  1. Minicars. The engine of such cars rarely exceeds one liter. The minimum value is 0.4 l. Power of 15-40 horsepower is quite normal. Weight ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 tons. Such vehicles consume from 5 to 7 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. Maximum speed 100 km/h.
  2. Small cars. The engine capacity of such vehicles can reach two liters, but usually it ranges from 1 to 1.5 liters. Power is about 60-70 hp. The body can have either four or five seats. Machine weight from 0.8 to 1 t. At the same time, fuel consumption is 6-8 liters, and the speed is 110-120 km/h.
  3. Cars with medium displacement. The engine capacity in such cars is from two to three liters. Power is about 80-130 horsepower. Weight 1.2-1.6 tons. Fuel consumption 12-14 liters. The maximum speed is 120-145 km/h.
  4. Cars with large displacement. The weight of such vehicles reaches 2.5-3 tons. They consume a lot of fuel. On average 18-20 liters per 100 km. Speed ​​from 150 to 240 kilometers. The cabin can easily accommodate six or even eight people. The power of such machines can reach 300 hp.

Judging by latest sales in Europe, every year the first two types of cars occupy an increasingly larger sales sector. This tendency is easily explained by the desire modern people save money and do not pollute the environment.


From all of the above, we can conclude that the weight of a modern passenger car is about 1.5 tons. Moreover, every year, thanks to modern materials, this figure is becoming smaller.

All phenomena that occur while a car is moving depend to a very large extent on its general sizes, weight, shape, center of gravity position, body position, i.e. from its general structure or, as they say, layout. It is more convenient to get an idea of ​​this general, initial data on the car when the car is stationary.

Rice. The main dimensions of the car give an initial idea of ​​its layout.

Let's look at the car from the side. To draw or sketch it, you would first need to outline several basic dimensions:

  • car length and height
  • longitudinal distance between the wheel axles (the so-called wheelbase or just a base)
  • clearance between car and road
  • front and rear overhangs, i.e. the distance from the axis of the front or rear wheels to, respectively, the front or rear end (buffer) of the car

If you look at the car from the front, back and above, the main dimensions are the width of the car, the track of the front and rear wheels, i.e. the distance between the centers of the tires of one axle.

Overall dimensions called the extreme, the most large sizes vehicle length, width and height.

Domestic cars and trucks differ in layout. The more modern the car, the larger part of its total length is occupied by the passenger room or cargo platform, the more these useful areas of the car are moved forward. The ratio of the vehicle's base and its height to its length is becoming increasingly smaller, and the useful length used for its intended purpose (for passengers, luggage or cargo) is increasingly larger.

The ratio of the useful length of a passenger car Lк to its total length L1 or the useful area of ​​a truck platform Sк to its total area S1 is called the indicator of the use of dimension n (the Greek letter “eta” with the indices “dl” - length or “pl” - area):

ndl = Lk/L1
npl = Sk/S1

The larger the n index, the more perfect the car’s layout.

Before you put your car on the scale, you need to determine what weight it is in. If all the mechanisms of the car are filled with lubricant and other fluids (water, brakes, etc.), the car is equipped with a spare wheel and a set of tools, and the tank is filled with fuel, then the weight of such a car is called curb weight or own weight.

If a car is not filled with gasoline, water, oil and other liquids, its weight is called dry. Dry weight determines the amount of metal and other materials in the vehicle's structure, and is also important from the point of view of transporting the vehicle (on a railway platform or by crane). Sometimes dry weight is the weight when the spare tire and tools are also removed from the vehicle.

If a car has a driver, passengers (according to the number of seats in the body) and cargo, its weight is called complete.

When a car is weighed with a load, i.e. when the total weight is determined, the body is loaded with sandbags or cast iron bars, and the weight of the passenger is taken to be 75 kg.

Rice. Development of the passenger car layout.

Rice. The AMO-3 and GAZ-51A cars have bodies of the same length, but the GAZ-51A has a cabin moved forward, so the base is shorter than that of the AMO-3 by 510 mm, and the length is 425 mm.

The ratio of the payload weight Ge to the vehicle's own weight G0 is called the vehicle's specific load capacity ng:

The requirements for weight distribution over the wheels, as we will see later, are very contradictory. To improve the traction qualities, cross-country ability of the vehicle and to facilitate steering, it is advisable to load the drive (rear) wheels and unload the guides (front); To increase stability and smoothness, it is advisable to distribute the load equally or slightly overload the front wheels. To increase the service life of all tires, their uniform load is necessary, which is obtained with the following weight distribution along the axles:

  • 50%:50% for passenger cars
  • 33%:67% for trucks (including two tire slopes on the rear wheels)

Rice. Adding up the forces from the weight of the individual parts of the machine, we get the force from the total weight applied at the center of gravity.

Particularly important is the consistency of weight distribution across the wheels (not weight, but weight distribution!), i.e., maintaining the percentage of the total weight falling on the front or rear wheels in all weight states. Unfortunately, most modern cars does not have this quality. This can be achieved if the center of gravity of the load is close to the center of gravity of the vehicle without a load.

The distribution of weight over the wheels depends on the weight of the mechanisms and payload and on their location along the length of the car (it is assumed that the car is more or less symmetrical about its longitudinal axis and the load on the left and right wheels is the same. Therefore, the weight distribution on the left and right wheels is not are being considered). The latter is especially significant, since the most important components of the car’s weight - the engine, body, payload - can be located differently in relation to the support points (i.e., the front and rear axles) and have different weights. When designing a car, the weight of each vehicle unit (as well as the weight of the parts of the unit itself) can be represented as a force directed towards the road surface. You can consider the aggregates one by one, taking them in pairs, and find the resultant for each pair; then take the resultants found in pairs and so on until the resultant of all these forces is obtained, equal in magnitude to the weight of the car and applied at a point called the center of gravity.

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One of the key characteristics of a car is its weight. The weight of the vehicle directly affects fuel consumption and the operation of many systems provided in the car.

Choosing for yourself new car, many buyers are thinking about the issue of its curb, full and maximum permissible weight. After all, quite often vehicles are used to transport passengers and large loads. If a machine is not designed to withstand the required loads, it will be unsuitable for its intended use.

It’s commonplace that the driver must understand how many passengers and luggage he can take on board, so as not to damage his car or cause damage to the suspension or other components due to overload.

The basic concepts of vehicle mass characteristics are discussed in theoretical terms. Many people do not consider such information useful, but they come across it after some time. Because of this, motorists have difficulty studying this issue.

The concept of curb weight

This is the most common concept that automakers focus on, official dealers and which the drivers themselves look at.

The curb weight of any vehicle is the weight or weight of the vehicle, which includes the weight of all standard equipment, operating materials, but does not take into account the weight of cargo, passengers and driver.

Standard equipment usually includes spare parts and tools. As for operating materials, we consider fuel, motor and gear oil, coolants and other components.

You can describe somewhat differently what the curb weight is in any factory car. This is the total weight of the components of the vehicle, empty in terms of cargo, driver and passengers, but with the fuel tank filled, with all standard tools, equipment and operating fluids. In fact, this is the car in the form that is delivered to car dealerships. It contains everything you need, but there is nothing superfluous, which the car owner himself will gradually accumulate.

Determining the meaning of this characteristic is not difficult. This is due to the fact that the curb weight, like the total vehicle weight, is often . But they mean different parameters. Therefore, first you should look into technical passport. Also, such information is available even before purchasing a car, since manufacturers and sellers must include these parameters in the list of technical characteristics.

It is important to add that the EU has adopted a slightly different standard, according to which the driver’s weight is included in the total curb weight. This takes into account the standard weight of 75 kilograms.

The decision is well founded and has a logical explanation. The point is that the movement of a vehicle will be impossible if there is no person in it, that is, a driver. It is considered a significant component of the car, which is why automakers consider it incorrect to classify drivers as payloads.

Curb weight has another name. This is the unloaded mass. As for the total weight of the vehicle, things are somewhat different.

It is the concept of gross weight that additionally includes the weight of equipment, consumables, driver, cargo and passengers. From here it is not difficult to determine the difference between these two concepts. It consists in the weight characteristics of the passengers in the car, the driver himself and the cargo located in the cabin or luggage compartment.

Another important characteristic is the dry weight of the vehicle. This includes the net weight of the machine itself and its structure. In this case, the weight of standard equipment, fuel, and consumable fluids should be subtracted from the curb weight. Then we get that same dry mass.

Calculation features

Each country has the right to use its own formula to determine the curb weight of a particular vehicle. This is not surprising, since this criterion is key for allowing vehicles into areas where there are weight restrictions. This primarily applies to bridges, as well as dams and other similar structures.

As already noted, in Europe they additionally add the average weight of a motorist, that is, an indicator of the average weight of a person. This way you can better generate data on the weight of the car.

If we talk about the rules for the Russian Federation, then when calculating curb weight the following points are taken into account:

  • 75 kilograms. As in the case of the European Union, in Russia there is a rule of adding the average weight of a person to the curb weight. It is based on the simple concept that the driver acts as an essential component for the movement of the vehicle;
  • if these are trucks or buses intended for, with a structurally provided space for a crew member, 75 kilograms are also added;
  • tools. The curb weight must include a list of tools necessary for the motorist;
  • 90%. This is exactly the volume of refilled fuel tank included in curb weight. If we take a standard tank volume of 60 liters and roughly calculate the mass of fuel, it turns out that about 55 kilograms are taken into account as an addition to the curb weight;
  • spare tire A spare wheel is a mandatory component;
  • jack, fire extinguisher, etc.

By summing all these parameters with the dry mass, the final value is obtained, which is indicated in technical documentation car.

It is worth noting the fact that there are special formulas that allow you to individually calculate curb weight. This is especially true for freight vehicles that pass through special points for the weighing procedure. If you subtract the curb weight from the scale indicators, you can find out the exact weight of the cargo, maximum weight and other characteristics.

Therefore, in certain situations, regulatory services use calculation formulas to determine this parameter.

Why is it important to know her

There are a number of life situations for a motorist when he needs or simply needs to know exactly the parameters of the curb weight of his vehicle.

Each vehicle has a certain weight limit for transported and towed cargo. If you get stuck and ask the driver of a vehicle that is not technically capable of handling the load to tow you, the consequences will be negative for both parties.

You also need to remember about the curb weight when passing difficult sections, bridges, dangerous places etc. There are special warning signs on the roads showing the maximum weight you can drive here.

Concept of payload mass

Having understood the concepts of the mass of a car without a load, we are now interested in a slightly different mass of the car. Experts and ordinary motorists believe that the most significant characteristic from the point of view of vehicle operation is the carrying capacity. It is also called the payload mass. But the concept of carrying capacity is more understandable and simpler. This will not change the essence.

The carrying capacity of a vehicle is understood as the total weight of all cargo transported by a vehicle, which meets the operational and general technical characteristics of the vehicle.

Here it is important to take into account the division of the payload mass into nominal and calculated.

In the case of the calculated weight, only the weight that a particular vehicle is maximally capable of transporting is taken into account. In the case of nominal, the quality of the road surface on which cargo transportation is carried out is necessarily taken into account. If it is a hard surface, then passenger cars capable of transporting from 500 kg. cargo and more. In the case of trucks and dump trucks figure in the region of 25-30 tons.

Gross mass concept

Next, let's look at what the rules call the permitted maximum or gross vehicle weight. Many people equate such concepts as curb and gross weight of a car or truck. But this is not entirely correct.

There is a significant difference between these values ​​that should not be overlooked. This would be a serious mistake.

If we talk about what the total or maximum permissible weight of a car means, then this means the weight of a curbed and maximally loaded vehicle, which is laid down at the design stage of the model. Additionally, the weight of the driver and his passengers is taken into account.

Each individual brand and specific vehicle model has its own permissible or gross weight ratings. This characteristic largely depends on what materials were used in production. body parts, interior elements and other components.

Mm (maximum mass) = Msn. (equipped) + Mgr.p. (cargo and passengers) + Mv. (driver)

It is highly recommended not to violate the maximum vehicle load requirements. If there is too much cargo and people on board, which exceeds the loads specified in the technical documentation, this will lead to serious problems. The first thing that will suffer is the suspension. The risk of encountering deformations of the body itself also increases.

Differences between full and loaded

In order to finally understand these concepts, it is necessary to bring some clarity regarding curb and gross weight. Many people know that these concepts are different, but they cannot say exactly how they differ.

The whole point here is what exactly is included in the general indicators of the two characteristics. If compared with the parameters of the curb weight, then the total weight will additionally take into account the weight of the motorist himself, that is, the driver, passengers on board and.

There is no denying the fact that not all people meet the standards laid down in the technical parameters. A weight of 75 kilograms is considered average, since the driver can weigh either 50 kg or 150 kilograms. People are different, and this is where the difference in their weight comes from.

The situation is similar with transported luggage and cargo. Some people practically do not use the luggage compartment, and at most transport a few bags from the supermarket a couple of times a week. Others regularly fill the trunk as much as possible with various items, things and goods. It gets to the point where the rear suspension drops from such a load, and the car barely moves.

This discrepancy in characteristics has led to the active use of the concept of permissible total mass. Each individual vehicle has a maximum load limit, which the design does not allow to cross. Automakers foresaw this at the design and production stage.

The more a vehicle is loaded, the more fuel is consumed, the consumption of not only gasoline but also oil increases, the tires wear out faster, and the wear of suspension elements and the engine itself accelerates.

This does not mean that the car cannot be used as a means of transporting luggage or passengers. There is no need to prohibit anyone other than the driver from getting into the car. But you need to adhere to the maximum loads established by the manufacturer. Otherwise, you risk facing serious damage, body deformation and other troubles.

In reality, all the concepts discussed are quite simple. Understanding them and determining the difference will not be difficult.

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All about the vehicle's curb weight

In the world of cars, this term comes up very often. But not everyone may still know what the curb weight of a car is. Usually they talk about this in driving school, but then everything gets confused because the concepts are forgotten.

This term implies the mass of a car without passengers, as well as without a driver. But this mass includes all the necessary equipment and consumables, take, for example, motor oil. A full tank of fuel, as well as engine coolant, are also included in the curb weight of the car. That is, this is how much an empty vehicle weighs, which is fully fueled and ready for work.

It is necessary to distinguish curb weight from dry and gross permissible weight. Dry weight is the weight of an unfuelled vehicle without equipment. And the gross permissible weight is the weight of a fully loaded vehicle. It’s better not to exceed this figure, then your car will always be in good condition.

How to find out the weight of a car. Vehicle curb weight and gross

In the automotive industry and everything connected with this area, two basic concepts are used: curb weight of the car and gross weight of the car. These two characteristics are those that are necessarily discussed during theoretical classes held at a driving school. However, many, even very experienced, drivers do not know or have simply forgotten what lies behind this terminology.

What is the curb weight of the car

The curb weight of the vehicle is the total, i.e. total weight of the machine with a set of standard equipment, all its operational consumables that are necessary (for example, coolant and motor oil), a tank fully filled with automobile fuel, the weight of the driver, but without the mass of cargo and the weight of passengers.

What is the gross vehicle weight

The gross vehicle weight, or, as it is also called, the gross permissible weight, is the weight of the vehicle, which is the maximum permissible and includes: the weight of the driver, the weight of the passengers, the weight of the entire equipped vehicle, as well as the weight of the cargo carried by the vehicle.

What is the difference between curb and gross vehicle weight?

If you understand the differences between these two concepts, then the point is what exactly is included and summed up in the overall mass indicator. Unlike the indicator of the curb weight of a car, the indicator of its total weight also takes into account the weight of the driver, the weight of the passengers of the car, and the weight of the cargo that is located (transported) in it.

It is absolutely natural that people are all different - each person has a different weight. The same applies to car luggage - some drivers can “pack the car” so that it cannot move, while some drivers treat it more carefully and transport cargo within reason. In this regard, the concept most often used among motorists is “permissible gross vehicle weight”. Each car has its own highest permissible mark, it all depends on the manufacturing company, the materials that were used in the production process of the car, as well as the structure car body and other load-bearing parts of the machine. It is important not to load your own car so much that this figure is exceeded. If you do not adhere to this, then gradually during the operation of the car its body, axle systems, as well as many other parts that are attached to the car’s suspension will be deformed. It is also necessary to take into account that with the vehicle’s full curb weight, it will absorb significantly more fuel.

A passenger car is a vehicle designed to transport passengers and luggage, with a capacity of 2 to 8 people. If there are more seats for passengers, the car is considered a bus (minibus). The first car was created in 1876.

Classification of passenger cars

I would like to note that the classification of passenger cars both as a class of wheeled vehicles and within this class is itself quite conditional: some cars may be “transitional” between classes, or even by all indications belong to two or more classes at the same time .

In addition, the classes themselves change their definition, the size of the cars, and so on. This is best illustrated by the constant physical growth of the same model line. For example, the BMW 3 Series, which debuted as a very compact car, has now grown so much that it has given birth to the BMW 1 Series.

In addition, the classification of cars greatly depends on the specific legislation of the country. So, for example, in Russia, cars classified as passenger cars cannot have a gross weight of more than 3500 kg, and in the USA - 8600 pounds (3904 kg); in Germany, a passenger car with a station wagon or hatchback body, subject to dismantling rear seats and belts and painting the rear side windows can be registered as a truck; in the USA for a long time everything SUVs were considered a “truck”, regardless of weight and size; Customs rules of the Russian Federation require that an imported car with a maximum permitted weight of up to 3500 kg be registered as a truck - if the mass of the payload exceeds the mass of the passengers and driver (75 kg per seat), and a passenger car - if the weight of the driver and passengers exceeds the permissible mass of the payload ; etc.

Passenger cars by class

    • Class A. 3-door and 5-door hatchback. Small dimensions - length - no more than 3600, width - no more than 1520
    • Class B. 3- and 5-door hatchbacks, less often sedans, length 3500-3900, width 1520-1630
    • Class C. Hatchback, sedan, station wagon or UPV. Length 3.9 - 4.4 m. Width 1.6 - 1.75m
    • Class D Hatchback, sedan, station wagon and high-capacity station wagons. Length 4.4 – 4.7 m. Width 1.7 – 1.8m
    • Class E. Sedans and station wagons. Length more than 4.6 m. Width over 1.7m
    • Class F Sedans, limousines. Length more than 4.6 m. Width over 1.7m
    • Minivans and high-capacity vehicles. Hatchback, sedan, station wagon or UPV
    • SUVs. 3- or 5-door station wagons, less often with a removable soft top. Capacity - from 4 to 9 seats. The purpose is quite universal, although it can be very specific.
    • Coupe. Coupe with 2 or 4 seats
    • With open body. Convertibles, roadsters and spiders

In real life, cars can also be classified according to their intended purpose.

"Passenger cars". Designed to transport passengers and/or small amounts of cargo on roads with improved surfaces. They do not have increased cross-country ability (even if there is all-wheel drive!), leaving the road or overcoming a small ford can be carried out exclusively “at the driver’s own risk.” A subclass of “passenger cars” are “sports cars”.

These cars are not intended for racing, but are designed to provide increased driving pleasure to their owner. The range of “sports” solutions can begin from the Manufacturer’s installation of a “sports body kit” on an ordinary model (for example, Chevrolet Lacetti WTCC, Opel Vectra OPC-line), and ending with the release of highly dynamic models (Honda NSX, Chevrolet Corvette, Lamborgini Murcelado...) - “SUVs "

This class of vehicles can be used in real off-road conditions and is structurally adapted to this. - The currently popular class of “crossovers” (also known as “SUVs”) is intermediate between passenger cars and SUVs.

These cars have increased cross-country ability compared to “passenger cars”, but do not have a full set of off-road qualities and do not allow them to overcome serious off-road conditions. - “commercial” passenger cars are often created on the basis of “passenger cars”, but are intended mainly for transporting small consignments of goods in the interests of business, and not only.

Interestingly, there is a tendency to “return” to the function of a passenger car: for example, based on the popular Opel Corsa An Opel Combo cargo van was created, in which a volume of about 3 m3 for cargo is organized behind the backs of the front seats, and the Opel Combo Tour is also offered, where passenger seats are installed in the spacious, previously cargo compartment. This car (like many competitors) differs from its purely “passenger passenger” progenitor by a much more spacious interior and a high ceiling.

Classification of other passenger cars

G1 - coupe
G2 - premium coupe
H1 - convertibles and roadsters
H2 – premium convertibles and roadsters
I - all-terrain station wagons
K1 - light SUVs
K2 - medium SUVs
K3 - heavy SUVs
K4 - pickups
L - minivans
M - small commercial

Passenger cars include passenger cars with a capacity of up to 8 people, including the driver.

Passenger cars are classified by purpose, by class, by general layout, and by body type.

According to their purpose, passenger cars are divided into cars general purpose and off-road vehicles. The purpose depends on the ability of this model to move in various road conditions.

General purpose vehicles are designed for driving on roads of various categories, mainly on highways. General purpose vehicles include VAZ, GAZ, KIA, Volga, etc.

All-terrain vehicles can drive off-road and are designed for use not only on paved roads, but also in off-road conditions. Off-road vehicles include Niva and UAZ vehicles.

Depending on the overall layout domestic cars divided into rear-wheel drive (classic layout), front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive

The classic layout involves placing the engine above the axle of the front wheels. The wheel formula of such cars is 4×2. The drive to the drive wheels of the rear axle is carried out via a cardan shaft. For example: VAZ-2107 Lada, GAZ-3110 Volga.

The vehicle class depends on the engine cylinder capacity, expressed in liters, and on its unloaded weight. Limit indicators for classes are given in table.

Division of passenger cars by class

European classification of passenger cars

Particularly small class cars are designed for 4 people, other models - for 5 people.

By body type, modern domestic passenger cars can have the following body types: sedan, hatchback, station wagon, pickup truck and van.

Basic models of passenger cars are assigned a four-digit index, in which the first digit indicates the class of the car, the second - the type of car, and the third and

the fourth indicates its model number. To indicate modifications of base car models, additional numbers may be added to the index.

The full model designation includes the abbreviated name of the manufacturer.

What is the curb weight of the car. Dimensions and weight of the car

In the automotive industry, there are terms such as: gross and curb weight. These terms are the ones that driving schools are required to talk about in theory. But today, even many drivers with extensive experience do not remember or do not know about this. The curb weight of a vehicle is the total weight of the vehicle with the necessary equipment, all materials needed during operation of the vehicle, a full tank of fuel, the weight of the driver, but excluding the passenger weight and the weight of cargo.

The gross weight is the weight of the vehicle, which is the maximum possible and consists of: the weight of the driver and passengers, the weight of the curbed vehicle, as well as the weight of the cargo.

What is the difference between curb and gross vehicle weight?

If you understand the differences between these concepts, then the whole point comes down to what exactly can be included and summarized in the general criterion of mass. Compared to the value of the curb weight of the car, its gross weight still appears in the indicator the weight of the driver, and the weight of all passengers, as well as the weight of transported luggage.

Gross weight = vehicle weight + weight of all people in the vehicle + cargo in the luggage compartment.

Curb weight = vehicle weight without additional loads.

Of course, each person's weight is different. The same can be attributed to luggage. Therefore, drivers use concepts such as “permissible gross vehicle weight.” Each car has its own highest permissible indicator; everything will depend on the manufacturer, the materials from which the car is made, as well as the shape of the car body, etc.

Do not overload the machine. If this is not observed, then during the use of the car, deformation of the body, axle systems, and also other parts that need to be secured to the car’s suspension will occur. And don’t forget that, given the vehicle’s full curb weight, fuel will be consumed in large quantities. Also, weight is always taken into account when using a two post lift.

All of the above tips for motorists are quite important information, especially if the driver does not have sufficient driving experience behind him. They should not be neglected or ignored. Because sometimes even experienced drivers and chauffeurs commit certain actions that may not seem ridiculous and trivial at first glance, but which can lead to consequences. Therefore, be careful and careful when driving.

A car is a complex system that consists of many components. Thanks to their coordinated work, normal movement becomes possible. Electronics plays an increasingly important role in this structure every year.

The on-board network provides control and security. In addition, in modern cars, a variety of sensors and computer systems are responsible for a huge number of processes.

Along with increased safety and comfort, speed limits are increasing. Just a hundred years ago, cars could only accelerate to a maximum of 40 miles per hour. Now they are able to reach 100 kilometers in 4 seconds, and this is not the limit.

Modern manufacturers spend a lot of money and time to improve aerodynamic parameters and reduce weight. Unfortunately, very often motorists forget about the last parameter. This is not surprising, because first of all attention is focused on the number of horsepower, appearance and number of cylinders.

But weight matters just as much. The less a car weighs, the faster it accelerates to 100 kilometers per hour. And the top speed limit is rising significantly. In addition, a car with low weight is much easier to drive. It's easier to keep on track and out of corners. If the balancing is done correctly, of course.

How did the weight of cars affect the engineering industry?

Car manufacturers have long realized how important low weight is for dynamic performance. As a result, they tried their best to reduce the size of the main components. As evidence, we can recall the invention of the V-twin engine. It allowed us to halve the space under the hood of the car.

Attention! Increasingly, car manufacturers are using modern materials in their design that have high strength and low weight.

As an example, we can recall the Lykan Hypersport. Its body is made of carbon fiber. Due to this, the weight of the car is 1380 kilograms. At the same time, the car accelerates to hundreds in 2.8 seconds.

Average weight table of popular cars

To understand that modern automobile manufacturers are striving to reduce the weight of their creations, just look at the table below.

Curb vehicle weight (kg)

3962, 452 (loaf)

Focus 2

Focus 3

Land Cruiser

Modern passenger cars rarely cross the 1,500 kilogram limit. Of course, there are exceptions like the Ford Kuga, but they only further confirm general rule, which states that the less a car weighs, the better for the consumer.

It's not just about better maneuverability and greater speed. A car with low weight requires significantly less energy to move. As a result, much less fuel is wasted. An important confirmation of this thesis is the constantly growing popularity of parquet SUVs, which hang relatively little and are a fairly economical mode of transport.

If we talk about general indicators, they range from one ton to 1.5. An interesting trend is the growth of the minicar segment. The weight of such machines can be less than a thousand kilograms. Leading experts associate all this with the same desire of people to save. In addition, small cars are much easier to park in the city. Especially when there is a shortage of free parking.

A short excursion into history

The best way to see how the weight of cars changed is in dynamics. Let's take cars from the 50s of the last century. They were real monsters. As an example that well illustrates the general trend, we can recall the Cadillac Eldorado 8.2. Its mass was three tons, and this was far from the limit in those days.

But with the onset of the oil crisis, automakers had to look for other ways to reach the hearts of consumers. The weight reduction has helped to significantly reduce fuel consumption. In addition, this had a positive effect on handling.

Automakers of that time managed to achieve weight reduction through the use of materials such as:

Nowadays, auto industry tycoons are investing millions in research related to the search for strong and lightweight materials.

Average car weight depending on type

There are many types of cars, which are classified according to a number of parameters. One of the main ones is weight. This approach is easily explained by the influence of this parameter on all other characteristics.

To better understand how cars are classified by weight, let's consider the most popular types, which include:

  1. Minicars. The engine of such cars rarely exceeds one liter. The minimum value is 0.4 l. Power of 15-40 horsepower is quite normal. Weight ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 tons. Such vehicles consume from 5 to 7 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. Maximum speed 100 km/h.
  2. Small cars. The engine capacity of such vehicles can reach two liters, but usually it ranges from 1 to 1.5 liters. Power is about 60-70 hp. The body can have either four or five seats. The weight of the car is from 0.8 to 1 ton. At the same time, the fuel consumption is 6-8 liters and the speed is 110-120 km/h.
  3. Cars with medium displacement. The engine capacity in such cars is from two to three liters. Power is about 80-130 horsepower. Weight 1.2-1.6 tons. Fuel consumption 12-14 liters. The maximum speed is 120-145 km/h.
  4. Cars with large displacement. The weight of such vehicles reaches 2.5-3 tons. They consume a lot of fuel. On average 18-20 liters per 100 km. Speed ​​from 150 to 240 kilometers. The cabin can easily accommodate six or even eight people. The power of such machines can reach 300 hp.

Judging by the latest sales in Europe, every year the first two types of cars occupy an increasingly larger sales sector. This trend is easily explained by the desire of modern people to save money and not pollute the environment.


From all of the above, we can conclude that the weight of a modern passenger car is about 1.5 tons. Moreover, every year, thanks to modern materials, this figure is becoming smaller.

All phenomena that occur while a car is moving depend to a very large extent on its overall dimensions, weight, shape, position of the center of gravity, location of the body, i.e. from its general structure or, as they say, layout. It is more convenient to get an idea of ​​this general, initial data on the car when the car is stationary.

Rice. The main dimensions of the car give an initial idea of ​​its layout.

Let's look at the car from the side. To draw or sketch it, you would first need to outline several basic dimensions:

  • car length and height
  • longitudinal distance between the wheel axles (the so-called wheelbase or simply base)
  • clearance between car and road
  • front and rear overhangs, i.e. the distance from the axis of the front or rear wheels to, respectively, the front or rear end (buffer) of the car

If you look at the car from the front, back and top, the main dimensions are the width of the car, the track of the front and rear wheels, i.e. the distance between the centers of the tires on one axle.

Overall dimensions They call the extreme, largest dimensions of a car in terms of length, width and height.

Domestic cars and trucks differ in layout. The more modern the car, the larger part of its total length is occupied by the passenger room or cargo platform, the more these useful areas of the car are moved forward. The ratio of the vehicle's base and its height to its length is becoming increasingly smaller, and the useful length used for its intended purpose (for passengers, luggage or cargo) is increasingly larger.

The ratio of the useful length of a passenger car Lк to its total length L1 or the useful platform area of ​​a truck Sк to its total area S1 is called the indicator of the use of dimension n (the Greek letter “eta” with the indices “dl” - length or “pl” - area):

The larger the n index, the more perfect the car’s layout.

Before you put your car on the scale, you need to determine what weight it is in. If all the mechanisms of the car are filled with lubricant and other fluids (water, brakes, etc.), the car is equipped with a spare wheel and a set of tools, and the tank is filled with fuel, then the weight of such a car is called curb weight or own weight .

If a car is not filled with gasoline, water, oil and other liquids, its weight is called dry. Dry weight determines the amount of metal and other materials in the vehicle's structure, and is also important from the point of view of transporting the vehicle (on a railway platform or by crane). Sometimes dry weight is the weight when the spare tire and tools are also removed from the vehicle.

If a car has a driver, passengers (according to the number of seats in the body) and cargo, its weight is called complete .

When a car is weighed with a load, i.e. when the total weight is determined, the body is loaded with sandbags or cast iron bars, and the weight of the passenger is taken to be 75 kg.

Rice. Development of the passenger car layout.

Rice. The AMO-3 and GAZ-51A cars have bodies of the same length, but the GAZ-51A has a cabin moved forward, so the base is shorter than that of the AMO-3 by 510 mm, and the length is 425 mm.

The ratio of the payload weight Ge to the vehicle's own weight G0 is called the vehicle's specific load capacity ng:

Specific load capacity trucks is close to unity, i.e. the car weighs approximately the same as it can carry on itself. For passenger cars, this indicator ranges between 0.20 and 0.40, since passengers are accommodated freely in the body, and for small cars (lighter, with a tight body) the indicator is higher than for large ones.

Since we are considering a car in motion, of the listed weight states, only the total weight of the car must be taken into account. After all, a car in running order (without a driver and load), and, moreover, in a state corresponding to “dry weight”, cannot move. But in addition to the total weight, in some cases the weight state of the car is taken, which is conventionally called the running state, when there is a driver on the car, but there are no passengers or cargo. The car can move, but it is not loaded.

To be weighed, the car is rolled onto large scales either in its entirety or with its front and rear wheels in turn. In the second case, by adding two weighing results, you can get the weight of the car and at the same time find out what part of the weight falls on the front wheels and what on the rear, i.e., what is the weight distribution over the wheels of this car, what is the front and rear axle weight and what is the load on each wheel and tire. All this data is extremely important for assessing all the qualities of the car: its smoothness, ability to accelerate and climb, and reach the highest speed.

Rice. When the number of passengers changes or the platform is filled with cargo, the weight distribution over the wheels changes.

In trucks, the front wheels account for 25-35% of the total weight, and the rear wheels account for 65-75%. The dead weight of trucks is distributed almost equally between the axles: 40-50% on the front wheels and 50-60% on the rear wheels. This shows that the bulk of the payload's weight is transmitted through the rear wheels.

The requirements for weight distribution over the wheels, as we will see later, are very contradictory. To improve the traction qualities, cross-country ability of the vehicle and to facilitate steering, it is advisable to load the drive (rear) wheels and unload the guides (front); To increase stability and smoothness, it is advisable to distribute the load equally or slightly overload the front wheels. To increase the service life of all tires, their uniform load is necessary, which is obtained with the following weight distribution along the axles:

  • 50%:50% for passenger cars
  • 33%:67% for trucks (including two tire slopes on the rear wheels)

Rice. Adding up the forces from the weight of the individual parts of the machine, we get the force from the total weight applied at the center of gravity.

Particularly important is the consistency of weight distribution across the wheels (not weight, but weight distribution!), i.e., maintaining the percentage of total weight falling on the front or rear wheels in all weight states. Unfortunately, most modern cars do not have this quality. This can be achieved if the center of gravity of the load is close to the center of gravity of the vehicle without a load.

The distribution of weight over the wheels depends on the weight of the mechanisms and payload and on their location along the length of the car (it is assumed that the car is more or less symmetrical about its longitudinal axis and the load on the left and right wheels is the same. Therefore, the weight distribution on the left and right wheels is not are being considered). The latter is especially significant, since the most important components of the car’s weight - the engine, body, payload - can be located differently in relation to the support points (i.e., the front and rear axles) and have different weights. When designing a car, the weight of each vehicle unit (as well as the weight of the parts of the unit itself) can be represented as a force directed towards the road surface. You can consider the aggregates one by one, taking them in pairs, and find the resultant for each pair; then take the resulting resultants in pairs, and so on, until the resultant of all these forces is obtained, equal in magnitude to the weight of the car and applied at a point called the center of gravity.

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In the automotive industry and everything connected with this area, two basic concepts are used: curb weight of the car and gross weight of the car. These two characteristics are those that are necessarily discussed during theoretical classes held at a driving school. However, many, even very experienced, drivers do not know or have simply forgotten what lies behind this terminology.

What is the curb weight of the car

The curb weight of the car is the total, i.e. the total weight of the vehicle with a set of standard equipment, all its operational consumables that are necessary (for example, coolant and engine oil), a fully filled tank with automobile fuel, the weight of the driver, but without the weight of cargo and the weight of passengers.

What is the gross vehicle weight

The gross vehicle weight, or, as it is also called, the gross permissible weight, is the weight of the vehicle, which is the maximum permissible and includes: the weight of the driver, the weight of the passengers, the weight of the entire equipped vehicle, as well as the weight of the cargo carried by the vehicle.

What is the difference between curb and gross vehicle weight?

If you understand the differences between these two concepts, then the point is what exactly is included and summed up in the overall mass indicator. Unlike the indicator of the curb weight of a car, the indicator of its total weight also takes into account the weight of the driver, the weight of the passengers of the car, and the weight of the cargo that is located (transported) in it.

It is absolutely natural that people are all different - each person has a different weight. The same applies to car luggage - some drivers can “pack the car” so that it cannot move, while others treat it more carefully and transport cargo within reason. In this regard, the concept most often used among motorists is “permissible gross vehicle weight”. Each car has its own highest permissible mark, it all depends on the manufacturing company, the materials that were used in the production process of the car, as well as the structure of the car body and other load-bearing parts of the car. It is important not to load your own car so much that this figure is exceeded. If you do not adhere to this, then gradually during the operation of the car its body, axle systems, as well as many other parts that are attached to the car’s suspension will be deformed. It is also necessary to take into account that with the vehicle’s full curb weight, it will absorb significantly more fuel.

When studying automotive topics, you come across a number of terms that define certain parameters of vehicles. Most definitions are introduced and refined by government regulatory agencies and other organizations responsible for organizing traffic. For both passenger cars and trucks, curb and gross weight are one of the key technical parameters, which are indicated in documents by manufacturing companies.

A car leaving a factory assembly line and a car arriving at a car dealership for sale have different weights. After equipping with spare parts (spare tools and accessories) and filling with technical fluids, the weight of the vehicle increases. For domestic vehicles, the concept of curb weight is regulated by GOST R 52389-2005. It includes a lot:

  • car;
  • standard equipment (lift, fire extinguisher, spare tire, first aid kit, standard set of keys and tools);
  • technical fluids, lubricants and a full tank of fuel;
  • driver, whose weight is taken as 75 kg.

In the European Union zone, car manufacturers also include the weight of the driver, whose weight is 75 kg, in the curb weight of the vehicle. We can say that the operating weight is the weight of a fully equipped, fueled and ready-to-drive vehicle with a driver.

What is the gross vehicle weight

All elements of the car are calculated and manufactured with a certain margin of safety. It is absolutely clear that exceeding the vehicle load leads to a deterioration in traction characteristics and braking efficiency, and also has a key impact on safety. Therefore, manufacturing companies indicate the total permissible weight in the vehicle documents. It represents the maximum permissible parameter and includes the mass:

  • a equipped and ready-to-use vehicle;
  • driver and passengers by number of seats;
  • transported cargo.

What is the difference between gross and curb weight of a car?

If we compare the total (permitted) and curb weight of a car, the first parameter is obtained by adding to the second the weight of passengers and transported luggage. The curb weight (weight without load) of the machine is established based on technical features(car brand, body type and weight, volume of the fuel tank and cooling system, manufacturing materials, etc.) and is a given parameter, then the total weight is a limiting indicator. It shows that exceeding it can lead not only to a decrease performance characteristics, but also to emergency failure of individual components and elements of the machine.

All manufacturers, when designing their cars, try to reduce the weight of their cars as much as possible, which directly affects their acceleration and economical characteristics. The more weight a vehicle can transport over a certain distance, using the minimum amount of fuel, the better.

When calculating the gross permissible weight, manufacturers are guided by some average data on the weight of passengers, the driver and transported luggage on public roads. Using the test method, they establish the threshold before which the car is able to operate without significant excess fuel consumption and exceeding axial and other loads on the transmission and chassis elements. If a one-time and slight excess of the total permissible weight can be to some extent compensated for by the structural safety factor, then constant and excessive loading of the interior and trunk of the car will definitely lead to a decrease in the service life of the entire car.

With a simplified calculation, subtracting the curb weight from the total, you can find out what is the maximum amount of cargo a car can take on board. All specified norms and values ​​are indicated in the PTS (vehicle passport) and are duplicated on special tags located in the doorways or under the hood of the car. For example, the operating weight value may be needed at a service station when servicing or repairing a machine using a lift that has weight restrictions. Knowing the weight of the luggage to be transported, it will not be difficult to quickly find out whether the permitted (total) weight will be exceeded and take measures to prevent the vehicle from being overloaded.