GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Fer decorative plaster of internal walls. Estimated prices for material resources

Plastering and puttying work usually comes first on the list of interior finishing activities. They form the correct geometry of the premises and the even texture of the walls.

Species Price, rubles Unit measurements
Plastering walls along the plane 250-600 m2
by lighthouses 370-700 m2
on the grid 470-750 m2
decorative 1300-2000 m2
complex geometric shapes 700-1200 m2
Ceiling along the plane 250-700 m2
by lighthouses 350-750 m2
Door and window slopes 500-700 p.m.
Aligning corners 150-250 p.m.
Added for each subsequent layer of 10 mm 150-250 m2
Choosing the geometry of the room 100-200 m2

What determines the price per square meter for plastering walls?

To save money, you can do the finishing yourself. For inexperienced people, repairs can be lengthy and difficult. For this reason, it is better to entrust the work to qualified craftsmen.

Experts can always give useful tips and make rational proposals for the design of premises. As a result, cooperation with professionals will help avoid many problems:

  • expenses for unnecessary materials;
  • immersion in the specific details of the execution of complex work;
  • elimination of defects resulting from inexperience and low qualifications.

When contacting a specialized company, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will charge a hefty price for their services. But in exchange for the high cost, the customer receives plaster in full compliance with the requirements of SNiP and long-term guarantees.

Private traders take less money; if you wish, you can find those who will ask for only 100-200 rubles. But by deciding to contact handicraftsmen, the risk of getting a poor-quality result and the likelihood of rework increases. Such “cheap” services ultimately lead to additional costs, loss of time and frayed nerves.

Prices can also vary greatly depending on the region. In the capital and large regional centers, a square meter of rough plaster costs at least 700 rubles. In peripheral areas, the same work is estimated at 200-300 rubles. If there are a lot of unevenness on the walls and you have to install beacons, then the cost increases to 300-400.

What is the price of 1 square meter determined from?

The price list usually reflects the total cost of several consecutive actions:

  • Surface preparation - removing old plaster, sealing cracks and irregularities, installing reinforced mesh.
  • Cleaning walls from dust and debris.
  • Mixing the solution.
  • Application.

Most serious companies have their own Internet sites, where they post detailed information about their services and price lists. current prices. For the convenience of customers, they also provide a service for preliminary calculation of expenses in an online calculator. This makes it easier to find favorable rates and simplifies the choice of a construction contractor.

Factors influencing the final cost of 1 m2 of plaster

1. Main material of load-bearing walls.

The cheapest option is plastering concrete and brick surfaces. Finishing cinder block or aerated concrete costs a little more. The most expensive job is leveling the wood.

2. Technical condition plane.

When the texture is smooth, the cost per square meter is calculated at a minimum. If there are cracks, irregularities, or differences on the surface, then eliminating them is more expensive. The amount of additional payment is discussed between the contractor and the customer and depends on the number and complexity of the defects. When you first contact a specialist, the price of plastering work per square meter of a perfectly flat wall is usually stated.

3. Thickness.

The standard price is determined based on laying a layer up to 10-15 mm. If a large thickness is assumed, then the primary cost is multiplied by the complexity factor. Depending on the number of layers, it is 1.2-1.5.

4. Scope of work.

The larger the surface, the cheaper a square of plaster costs. A common practice is to provide discounts starting from an area of ​​200-300 m2. It may turn out that finishing a square meter of walls in a garage costs more than a similar process in a large apartment.

5. Cost.

Depending on the purpose and main composition, consumption varies widely. This directly affects the price per square meter. The type of mixture (dry or ready-to-use), the volume of packaging and the size of the purchase also matter. The most popular brands: Ceresit (16-74 rub./kg), Knauf (9-22 rub./kg), Monolit (7-24 rub./kg), Volma (8-23 rub./kg).

Other factors also influence the final price per m2:

  • application technology – with or without the use of beacon profiles;
  • type of mixture - simple, improved, high quality;
  • use of additional materials (plaster on mesh);
  • type of subsequent finishing.


Today we will talk about compiling estimates for finishing work. Finishing work includes a set of finishing works inside and outside the building.

When calculating estimates for plaster buildings we use the collection GESN / FER 81-02-15-2001.

The collection contains single prices for finishing work

This collection includes unit prices for:

a) facing work - covering the surfaces of buildings and structures with natural stone, artificial tiles, artificial marble and sheet materials;

b) plastering work - plaster walls, ceilings and slopes with simple, improved and high-quality finishing, preparing surfaces for painting, facing with dry plaster and decorative plaster;

c) stucco work - installation of gypsum and cement products;

d) painting work - painting with oil, water, special compounds and varnishes with simple, improved and high-quality surface finishing according to the scope of work given in table. 15-3a, 15-3b and 15-3c in the technical part of the collection. In table 04-027 shows unit costs of resource consumption for the third surface filling, the need for which must be justified by design data;

e) glass work - glazing of window frames, door panels and shop windows, installation of light-transparent fences;

f) wallpapering - wallpapering walls and ceilings, covering doors with upholstery materials, covering walls with washable film wallpaper, according to the scope of work given in Table 15-3d, 15-3d of the technical part of the collection.

In the unit prices of this collection, when determining costs, the following are taken into account:

a) performing work from inventory tables, stepladders and ladders when finishing rooms with a height (from floor to ceiling) up to 4 m, installing moldings and glazing - up to 8 m. The possibility of using previously installed scaffolding for related work or installing it again for the production of finishing work in rooms with a height of more than 8 m are established by design data. Costs for these purposes should be determined according to unit prices of the collection FER-2001-08 “Structures made of bricks and blocks”;

b) plastering or facing the facade with natural stone or artificial tiles from ready-made scaffolding. If it is necessary to install scaffolding specifically for these works, justified in the construction project of the facility, the costs for these purposes should be determined according to unit prices of the collection FER-2001-08 “Structures made of bricks and blocks”;

c) painting facades from scaffolding installed for related work, or from ladders and cradles, moving them along the front of the work.

Example of estimate for plaster Can . The sample will help you use the collection prices.

As part of our newest estimate business, When calculating the cost of finishing work, our specialists describe in detail innovative methods of finishing work, rules for working with drawings when drawing up estimates (including plaster). We teach how to properly work with regulatory framework, count volumes and always apply the correct and profitable prices

1. Introduce, from December 1, 2006, additional elemental estimate standards and unit prices for plastering work inside buildings using dry gypsum mixtures mechanized way(Application).

2. Add the specified standards and prices to Section 02. “Plastering work” of the GESN (FER) Collections 2001-15 “Finishing work”.

3. These elemental estimate standards and unit prices can be used by customer organizations and contractors, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, and are intended to determine estimated cost construction using resource and base-index methods, as well as for payments for completed construction, repair, construction and installation work.

4. Unit prices are developed for the 1st base area Russian Federation(Moscow region) at the price level as of January 1, 2000 with a regional coefficient of 1.0. When applying prices in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their connection to local conditions should be carried out taking into account territorial correction factors in the basic price level as of 01/01/2000.

to the letter from the Coordination Center for Pricing
and estimate standardization in construction
dated December 19, 2006 N KTs/P190

Technical information

Performing plastering work using dry gypsum mixtures using a mechanized method

The use of mechanized methods for the production of interior finishing work increases the efficiency of using dry construction mixtures (DCM), as it allows you to organize the execution of work using in-line methods and reduce the duration of finishing work.

The use of gypsum plasters makes it possible to achieve surface quality that virtually eliminates or minimizes putty work. Such surfaces are almost ready for direct application of decorative coatings (smooth and structured paints, decorative plasters, wallpaper, etc.). Gypsum plasters provide higher adhesion to decorative materials and do not lead to the formation of cracks in the plaster layer itself.

Advantages of using gypsum plasters compared to cement ones:

The use of gypsum plasters, in contrast to cement plasters, makes it possible to combine into one step the work of leveling surfaces (plastering) and preparing them for applying the final decorative coating (puttying).

Gypsum solutions are non-shrinking, which does not lead to cracking of the plaster layer (webs), which is one of the problems with cement-based plasters.

Gypsum plasters allow you to level surfaces in thick layers of up to 7 - 10 cm in one application without the risk of cracking and peeling.

The specific gravity of gypsum materials is 2 - 2.5 times less than cement materials, which greatly facilitates the work of the plasterer and reduces transport costs and reduces the load of the building on the foundation.

Gypsum solutions have high mobility and plasticity, which provides more high performance labor compared to cement mortars

High adhesion to the base and low specific gravity of gypsum plasters make it possible to easily use them for leveling horizontal surfaces, for example, ceilings.

Gypsum plasters are a porous material, which allows you to create a balanced indoor microclimate.

Gypsum plasters have lower thermal and sound conductivity coefficients than cement plasters, which improves the thermal and sound insulation of rooms.

The use of gypsum dry mixtures with a mechanized method of application is less problematic and less energy-intensive for existing types of equipment.

The use of gypsum plasters in combination with primers solves the problem of plastering concrete, smooth bases without the use of reinforcing steel mesh used when plastering with cement mortars.

The grade of gypsum plasters is 45 - 80, which allows them to be used on much softer substrates without the risk of subsequent peeling of the plaster layer.

Unlike dry mixtures intended only for manual plastering, increased requirements are imposed on machine-applied materials:

1. The quality of the mixture must ensure unhindered movement of the solution through mortar hoses with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of up to 60 m.

2. Keep the mixture in the mortar hose for up to 30 minutes. When stationary, it should not lead to blockage when restarting the unit.

3. Granulation of the mixture components should ensure the possibility of feeding it in dry form using a pneumatic method without the risk of separation of the components.

4. Solutions obtained on the basis of mechanized mixtures must have high mobility and plasticity, ensuring labor productivity that meets the standards for mechanized technologies.

5. All other requirements related to adhesion, shrinkage processes, strength must comply with generally accepted regulatory requirements.

Preparation of solutions and their application to the surfaces being treated are the most labor-intensive parts of the finishing process. The use of mortar-mixing pumps makes it possible to mechanize plastering and puttying work, installation of cement screeds and self-leveling floors, supply of masonry mortars and construction and installation adhesives.

As an example, we give the technical data of a plastering machine from PFT. It allows you to mechanize the most labor-intensive operations when carrying out plastering work - mixing with water and spraying on the wall. The machine mixes and delivers dry mixtures suitable for machine processing with a maximum fraction of up to 4 mm over a distance of up to 50 m in a continuous mode.


Performance* 6 - 55 l/min
Supply pressure* Max. 30 bar
Feed range** up to 50 m
Drive: 2 three-phase gear motors 400 V, 50 Hz
Feed drum motor: 0.75 kW, 28 rpm
Pump motor: 5.5 kW, 400 rpm
Compressor power: 0.9 kW, 0.25 m3/min, max. 6 bar
Supply water pressure: 2.5 bar when machine is running
Dimensions length/width/height: 1050/720/1550 mm
Filling height: 910 mm
Total weight: 264 kg



* Depending on the engine speed, quality and consistency of the mortar mixture, delivery height, pump design.

**Depending on the quality and consistency of the mortar mixture, delivery height, pump design and diameter of the mortar hose.

"Finishing work"
Section 02.
Plastering works

2. Plastering surfaces inside buildings

Scope of work:

01. Preparing the surface for plastering with cleaning of small deposits of concrete, mortar and dust. 02. Stuffing strips of plaster mesh at junctions (standards 1, 2, 5, 6). 03. Surface marking. 04. Construction or installation of beacons (standards 5 - 8). 05. Primer. 06. Installation of a plastering unit, connecting water and power supplies, loading and preparing a solution from dry gypsum mixtures. 07. Applying plaster mortar. 08. Leveling the solution, processing and polishing the surface. 09. Applying a covering layer (standards 5 - 8). 10. Rearrangement of hoses during work. 11. Rinsing the unit and hoses at the end of work.

Meter: 100 m2 of surface to be plastered

15-02-026-1 on stone and concrete walls
15-02-026-2 on stone and concrete ceilings
15-02-026-4 on stone and concrete slopes
15-02-026-5 on stone and concrete walls
15-02-026-6 on stone and concrete ceilings
15-02-026-7 on stone and concrete rectangular columns
15-02-026-8 on stone and concrete slopes
Resource code Unit measured 15-02- 026-1 15-02- 026-2 15-02- 026-3 15-02- 026-4 15-02- 026-5
1 person-hour 39,1 50,03 55,82 63,2 58,76
1.1 Average job level 3,9 4,2 4 4 4,1
2 Driver labor costs person-hour 0,22 0,24 0,22 0,28 0,24
3 Machines and mechanisms
031121 mach.-h 0,22 0,24 0,22 0,28 0,24
385601 mach.-h 5,68 6,25 5,71 8,67 6,42
4 Materials
(402-9112) T 1,455 1,65 1,546 2,228 1,65
(101-9732) Primer T 0,01 0,011 0,01 0,012 0,011
101-0874 m2 4,2 4,2 - - 4,2
101-0179 T 0,00008 0,00008 - - 0,00008
411-0001 Water m3 0,63 0,71 0,67 0,96 0,71
Resource code Cost element name Unit measured 15-02- 026-6 15-02- 026-7 15-02- 026-8
1 Labor costs of construction workers person-hour 74,89 82,39 96,7
1.1 Average job level 4,3 4,1 4,1
2 Driver labor costs person-hour 0,26 0,24 0,3
3 Machines and mechanisms
031121 Construction mast lifts 0.5 t mach.-h 0,26 0,24 0,3
385601 Plastering machines PFT G4 mach.-h 8,36 6,79 9,51
4 Materials
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 2,211 1,746 2,436
(101-9732) Primer T 0,012 0,011 0,014
101-0874 Woven mesh with square cells N 05 without coating m2 4,2 - -
101-0179 Construction nails with flat head 1.6 x 50 mm T 0,00008 - -
411-0001 Water m3 0,95 0,75 1,05

3. Plastering individual places, flights of stairs and landings

Scope of work:

01. Preparing the surface for plastering with cleaning of concrete deposits, mortar and dust. 02. Stuffing strips of plaster mesh at junctions (standard 2). 03. Surface marking. 04. Primer. 05. Installation of a plastering unit, connecting water and power supplies, loading and preparing a solution from dry gypsum mixtures. 06. Applying plaster mortar. 07. Leveling the solution, processing and polishing the surface. 08. Rearrangement of hoses during work. 09. Rinsing the unit and hoses at the end of work.

Meter: 100 m2 of horizontal projection of a march or platform (floor by floor)

Resource code Cost element name Unit measured 15-02- 040-1 15-02- 040-2
1 Labor costs of construction workers person-hour 95,66 141,32
1.1 Average job level 4,2 4,4
2 Driver labor costs person-hour 0,24 0,26
3 Machines and mechanisms
031121 Construction mast lifts 0.5 t mach.-h 0,24 0,26
385601 Plastering machines PFT G4 mach.-h 6,42 8,36
4 Materials
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 2,431 2,53
(101-9732) Primer T 0,011 0,012
101-0874 Woven mesh with square cells N 05 without coating m2 - 24
101-0179 Construction nails with flat head 1.6 x 50 mm T - 0,0006
411-0001 Water m3 1,05 1,1

"Finishing work"

Section 02.
Plastering works

In estimated prices as of 01/01/2000.

NN prices Name and characteristics construction work and designs Unit measurements Direct costs, rub. Including, rub. Labor costs of construction workers, person-hours
wages for construction workers machine operation materials
(Codes of unaccounted materials) Name and characteristics of materials not included in prices total incl. drivers' wages consumption of unaccounted materials
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Plastering surfaces inside buildings
Table 15-02-026 Plastering surfaces using dry mixtures using a mechanized method
Meter: 100 m2 of surface to be plastered
Plastering surfaces using dry mixtures using a mechanized method, improved:
15-02-026-1 on stone and concrete walls 100 m2 600,20 371,84 107,49 2,21 120,87 39,10
(101-9732) Primer T 0,01
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 1,455
15-02-026-2 on stone and concrete ceilings 100 m2 735,10 495,80 118,24 2,41 121,06 50,03
(101-9732) Primer T 0,011
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 1,65
15-02-026-3 on stone and concrete rectangular columns 100 m2 646,66 536,99 108,04 2,21 1,63 55,82
(101-9732) Primer T 0,01
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 1,546
15-02-026-5 on stone and concrete slopes 100 m2 773,28 607,98 162,96 2,82 2,34 63,20
(101-9732) Primer T 0,012
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 2,228
Plastering surfaces using dry mixtures using a mechanized method, high quality:
15-02-026-5 on stone and concrete walls 100 m2 816,47 574,09 121,32 2,41 121,06 58,76
(101-9732) Primer T 0,011
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 1,65
15-02-026-6 on stone and concrete ceilings 100 m2 1031,97 753,39 156,93 2,62 121,65 74,89
(101-9732) Primer T 0,012
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 2,211
15-02-026-7 on stone and concrete rectangular columns 100 m2 934,82 804,95 128.04 2,41 1,83 82,39
(101-9732) Primer T 0,011
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 1,746
15-02-026-8 on stone and concrete slopes 100 m2 1125,93 944,76 176,61 3,02 2,56 96,70
(101-9732) Primer T 0,014
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 2,436
3. Plastering individual places, flights of stairs and landings
Table 15-02-040 Plastering flights of stairs and landings using dry mixtures using a mechanized method
Meter: 100 m2 of horizontal projection of a march or platform (floor by floor)
Plastering flights of stairs and landings using dry mixtures using a mechanized method on concrete with finishing of stringers and beams:
15-02-040-1 improved 100 m2 1071,87 947,99 121,32 2,41 2,56 95,66
(101-9732) Primer T 0,011
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 2,431
15-02-040-2 high quality 100 m2 2285,58 1442,88 156,93 2,62 685,77 141,32
(101-9732) Primer T 0,012
(402-9112) Dry plaster gypsum mixture T 2,53

Operation of construction machines and mechanisms

Estimated prices for material resources

Letter of the Coordination Center for Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction dated December 19, 2006 N KTs/P190 “On the introduction of elemental estimated standards And unit prices to carry out plastering work inside buildings using dry gypsum mixtures using a mechanized method to the Collections of GESN (FER) 2001-15 "Finishing works"