GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

We make a mini tractor with our own hands. How to make a homemade mini tractor Show a drawing of the frame for a homemade mini tractor

If the farm has large cultivated areas, it is impossible to do without labor mechanization. For this purpose, walk-behind tractors and mini-tractors are used, which, thanks to attachments, are capable of performing full cycle agricultural work.

However, high-quality equipment has an appropriate cost, so some farmers use a homemade mini-tractor on their farm. Making such equipment is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The easiest option is to make a homemade mini-tractor from a walk-behind tractor by installing a special adapter.

Almost all manufacturers provide this opportunity. It is worth noting that there are models completely assembled by hand. Let's consider options for manufacturing the main components.

Advantages of homemade products

According to their own technical parameters, homemade units are practically no different from factory models. At the same time, the costs of their creation are significantly lower.

It’s worth clarifying right away that the drawings will help you calculate the required traction force and determine the required amount of material. To create such a circuit requires certain knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering. However, you can use ready-made diagrams taken from the Internet.

Assembly according to ready-made drawings is not particularly difficult: most components are removed from faulty equipment and installed ready-made. This is quite practical and profitable - there are practically no problems with spare parts during repairs.

In addition, the use of ready-made hydraulic connectors and adapters allows the use of factory-made attachments.

If homemade equipment will be driven on federal highways, you need to obtain the appropriate permission from the traffic police.

Now let's look at the assembly diagram of the main components of the tractor.


To make the base you will need a rolled channel. This material is able to withstand dynamic loads. Typically, the frame is a welded structure made of transverse cross members and longitudinal spars.

It is better to immediately provide for the possibility of mounting the engine, rear and front axle supports, and the driver’s seat.

There are manufacturing options with a breakable frame. Such products have greater maneuverability, so they are suitable for working in confined spaces and even in greenhouses.

Such structures are also made from channel bars, but not a monolithic base is made, but two half-frames. The structural elements are connected by a hinge joint; for this you can use the driveshaft of a truck.

Power point

The key component of homemade equipment is the engine. The best option would be to use any engine with a power of about 40 horsepower. These characteristics have power plants motorcycles, so a mini-tractor with a motorcycle engine is a fairly common occurrence.

Tractors with a ZiD 4.5 engine are also found on farms. This is a four-stroke unit, with one cylinder and air circuit cooling. Please note that this engine runs on gasoline. Therefore, when using equipment in the cold season, you will need to install a cold start system.

The choice of engine depends entirely on the needs of the farmer. A weak installation will not be able to work with some types of attachments, and difficulties will arise when processing virgin soil areas.


Please note that homemade products can be made on a wheeled or crawler. The first option is much more common.

If there is a need to make a homemade caterpillar mini-tractor, we can offer an interesting scheme for manufacturing the propulsion unit. The role of rollers is played by wheels removed from a garden cart; they are used as tracks car tires with deep tread.


The tires are cut in half, then joined together and riveted with metal plates. The result is a tracked model with specific low pressure on the soil and high maneuverability.

If the equipment is manufactured on wheels, you can use ready-made axles from passenger cars. This applies if the mini-tractor is all-wheel drive. If the 4x4 scheme is not important, any homemade front axle is installed. It will perform the function of a controlled chassis, rear axle will be the leader.

It is quite difficult to make a homemade reverse gearbox, so it is better to use a ready-made unit removed from a motorcycle or a faulty walk-behind tractor. A belt clutch or worm shaft is used to connect the gearbox to the rear axle.

In order for equipment to work with attachments, a hydraulic system is required. This unit is usually assembled from feed pumps and a hydraulic connector. Considering that hydraulics are created with your own hands from ready-made elements, you can additionally install power steering.

Steering largely depends on the frame of the mini-tractor. For example, when using an articulated frame, it is not the wheels that turn, but part of the semi-frame. For this, a pair of gears is used: one is attached to the steering column, the other is welded to the front half-frame platform.

Often the steering circuit consists of the handles of a walk-behind tractor, but in this case the use of a reverse gearbox becomes impractical: it is difficult to control the equipment when moving in reverse.


Most of additional equipment You can also make it yourself. Let's look at how a homemade milling cutter is assembled onto a mini-tractor.

  • We make the frame. Pieces of corrugated pipe or channel are suitable for this. Please note that the frame dimensions depend on the tractor power: low power engine will not be able to work with wide-area equipment. We immediately install the brackets for the wheelset.
  • We mount the shaft that will connect to the PTO of the mini-tractor. A pipe with a diameter of 5 centimeters, attached to the frame using support bearings, is suitable for this.
  • VKontakte

    Domestic craftsmen are capable of constructing almost any device. Homemade mini tractors and full-fledged tractors do not seem like a difficult design task for them. We present to your attention a selection of videos about homemade tractors.

    Homemade products with elements from cars

    1. A mini tractor with a frame like the K700 - it also breaks in half for turning. Drive and steering installed from a VAZ 2109 car. This all-wheel drive iron horse is pulled by a Tula engine. The author of the design and invention is Mikhail Poddoskin.

    2. Next copy - homemade tractor, equipped with a gearbox and an engine from the Zaporozhets car. A 100 mm channel was used as a frame. To use attachments, the tractor is equipped with a hydraulic system.

    3. A mini tractor equipped with an engine from the Oka car. Has four-wheel drive and a good hydraulic system. Tail lights installed from Gas 53.

    Mini tractors made from different parts

    1. Video recording of a homemade tractor, the traction unit on which is installed from a Chinese ZIRKA heavy walk-behind tractor. The engine power is only 10 horsepower.

    2. The next unit has a UD-15 engine. The ignition system, that is, the magneto, rotates in the opposite direction. The gearbox and flywheel are from the Dnepr motorcycle. The transmission of torque to the wheels is achieved through the use of chain transmission. For hydraulics, an NSh10 pump is installed.

    3. Another exhibit with a UD-2 engine with a power of 8 hp. according to the author's recommendations - better than UD-25. The bridge is from ZIL, and the box is from GAZ-51.

    This article will describe the process of making a homemade mini tractor with your own hands (a video is provided at the end of the article), talk about the types of this agricultural technology, and the advantages of use.

    The field of agricultural activity for many of us has associations with soil cultivation. But in order to grow any vegetables, fruits, or berries, it is necessary not only to plow the soil and fertilize it, but also to constantly water it and get rid of weeds. A mini tractor will be an excellent assistant in solving such problems. This agricultural technology greatly simplifies the work.

    Although the minitractor is small in size, it copes with the assigned tasks successfully: plowing the soil cover, loosening it, mowing herbaceous vegetation and other various works that are related to cultivating the land for planting various plants.

    Large enterprises engaged in agricultural activities use mini tractors domestic production. What should an ordinary farmer do? Due to limited funds, private farmers can use homemade agricultural technology.


    There are three types of this agricultural technology:

    1. Equipment that has many functions, capable of performing a variety of jobs, for example, cultivating the land, mowing grass, getting rid of garbage, and the like. These mini tractors are equipped with a motor of average power - this will be acceptable for cultivating approximately six hectares of land. Tractors can also be equipped with mounted devices, which will help increase the number of assigned tasks.
    2. Tractors whose task is only to mow grass and get rid of debris. This machine is capable of processing only two hectares of land. This type is especially often used for mowing the lawn.
    3. Rider. This is the latest type of mini tractor. The main task of this agricultural technology is to fertilize the soil and add minerals. When equipped with additional equipment, it can also be used for soil treatment. However, the area of ​​the cultivated territory in this case will be small.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    It is worth immediately noting that the data homemade cars mainly used by private farmers. The main advantages of mini tractors made by yourself:

    1. Excellent deep processing land plot. If the soil being cultivated is rocky, it is very difficult to physically cultivate it manually. Therefore, in this case, a mini-tractor is indispensable, which will cope with the task in a short period of time;
    2. This agricultural technology is very convenient to use in small areas for cultivating huge fields (more than ten hectares); only an ordinary standard tractor will do.
    3. Overall low cost. A DIY mini-tractor will help you save a decent amount of money. In this case, all expenses will include financial resources spent on necessary materials, for the construction of agricultural machinery. There are also no additional costs for repair work;
    4. The minitractor can be equipped with additional devices, thereby you can increase the number of functions of this machine. The structure does not have a huge weight.

    A homemade unit also has a number of disadvantages:

    1. An owner who wants to make a mini-tractor on his own will have to look for materials himself, and this is a rather lengthy process;
    2. Some rare component may be used for assembly; it may be very difficult to find. However, for assembly, materials are used that are very easy to find on the market, and can also be easily replaced in case of breakdown;
    3. For a tractor you made yourself, you need to get permission to drive on city roads, otherwise you may receive a serious fine.

    But these are not such serious disadvantages, there are more advantages and they are more significant.

    Assembly Guide

    Follow a certain algorithm of actions for assembling this agricultural technology:

      1. At the very beginning you need to make a frame. For this, a steel channel is used. Also, the general design must contain quick-release load-handling devices (crossbars). Crossbars should be located at the front and rear. The main power elements (spars) should also be located. To make the frame, you need to slightly reduce the width of the front part. After this, it will be possible to make a part in the shape of a trapezoid. Do not forget to make a small hole in the frame - this will help in the future to attach other devices;
      2. Next, racks are used that need to be welded to the corners. The role of the racks is to create a subframe. Additionally, they must be combined at the top of the structure. Then you need to attach the wheeled vehicle unit (rear axle) to the frame;

    1. Then comes the installation of the motor. The motor must have sufficient power. An ordinary motorcycle engine is suitable for installation;
    2. The gearbox is installed on the frame. It should be towards the driver. In the future, this will help you easily operate the tractor;
    3. Creation of steering control. A steering wheel taken from a domestic car is suitable for steering. As a last resort, you can use the handlebars of a motorcycle;
    4. Installation of the towbar. It is designed for a trailer.
    5. Creating a brake. Then the electrical system is connected.

    If you are doing a small farming, you need such equipment as a mini tractor. With it, you can complete a lot of everyday agricultural tasks in a short period of time.

    Making a mini tractor with your own hands is not difficult. Of course, you need to have certain knowledge. You can purchase them by watching the video:

    Having a house in the village or a summer cottage, every spring you have to dig up a garden. And if in the village this is done in one day by ordering a tractor, then on a summer cottage everything is not so simple. After all, the entire territory of the dacha is surrounded by a fence, so it is almost impossible for a tractor to drive there.

    Then you have to dig with your hands. However, not all summer residents are happy with this. You can, of course, buy a walk-behind tractor, but not everyone can afford this pleasure, and many summer residents dream of having their own mini tractor.

    In order to make a mini tractor with your own hands, you need to start with the base, that is, the frame.

    It is the most important part for our technical tool, since you will place the rest of the parts on it.

    First of all, you should draw a detailed drawing of the frame.

    To make it, use lightweight metal channels. You connect them to each other using automatic or semi-automatic welding. Also note that the length and width of the frame should be proportional to the dimensions of the future product.

    You will assemble a mini tractor on this basis. To do this, drill holes in the frame on all sides in order to secure various attachments.

    Also, do not forget that you will also need to attach the footrests on both sides. They are made from eight-millimeter steel sheet “St-3”. You will also use it to make a steering column.

    To make your mini tractor more durable with your own hands, provide “kerchiefs” on the sections that run across. In this case, you use the same steel from which the footrests were made.

    Now weld the bushings to the front of the base, which will serve as hangers for the bridge. You make them using sheet metal “St-3” two centimeters thick. Next, attach the front and rear axles.

    Bridges must be made with your own hands, using separate parts from a similar type of equipment (for example, you can use bridges taken from a Muscovite or a twenty-fourth Volga for this purpose). However, in this situation they will be too bulky and will not be suitable for us to make a mini tractor with our own hands. So some details will have to be made from scratch, be mentally prepared for this.

    What components will you have to make yourself?

    It is necessary to machine the rotary bushings and support axle shafts. It will also be necessary to make a cross beam. To do this, take a pipe that has a square cross-section measuring sixty-five by sixty-five millimeters. The thickness of the metal should be five millimeters. From this pipe, measure the required length and cut it using a grinder or a metal file.

    If you do not find a pipe of this size, you can make a cross beam yourself using metal corners. Using structural steel, you make bushings to secure the axle shafts. The turning mechanism is made using pieces of metal pipe. The pipe used for this should have a cross-section of seventy by fourteen millimeters.

    Cut pieces from it, each of which should be one hundred and twenty millimeters long. The bearings will be located on the metal in specially made seats.

    Then this part must be covered with a welded metal lid. In the middle you weld a ready-made part, which consists of two bearings and a cylindrical race.

    Some details about the rear axle

    You don’t have to make it yourself, but take a ready-made one from Volga. However, remember that the mini tractor is less wide than the rear axle, so you must reduce the length of the axle so that the result is eighty centimeters. To achieve this goal, remove the fixing stockings and cut off the rivets. Push the rest of the part deeper. You can separate the axle and the gearbox housing using a sledgehammer. Don't forget to fix the first element using a special mandrel.

    After these steps, you will be able to ensure a reliable connection with the reverse gearbox, which will completely eliminate the possibility of cardan failure. And you won’t have to worry about how to install and balance the counterweights, which will greatly speed up the production time of the mini tractor.

    Fix the stockings that you have shortened in the holes by cutting an M-12 thread and screwing screws into it. Now attach the resulting bridge to eight steel plates. You must weld them using M-10 bolts. Four bolts must be welded to each plate. After this, secure the frame using nuts and spars. Use spring washers to control the connections. For this purpose, steel plates of the same size must be welded onto the bridge.

    Finally, install the required number of brackets under the frame mount. To make the lifting mechanism, the shaft of the lifting mechanism housing must be welded to the axle housing.

    At the final stage, weld the chair to the tractor and paint all metal parts of the product with paint of any color. Don't forget to install a hitch on the back of the frame so you can hitch the plow.

    Second way

    It is simpler than the first one, but you must purchase a walk-behind tractor, and you can even use a Soviet-made Ural.

    Now you need to remove the engine from it, this is the main traction device. Whatever remains can be used as spare parts.

    You will also need a trigger mechanism and two axles with wheels.

    The advantages of homemade tractors are obvious. Each person can make them independently, the cost of parts for such devices is lower than for factory ones, they do an excellent job of cultivating small areas of land. In addition, many parts for a homemade tractor can be found on your farm.

    Let's take a closer look at the question of how to make a tractor with your own hands.

    1 Preparation of drawings

    Regardless of the fact that any tractor, be it standard sizes or a motor tractor, consists of at least hundreds, or even thousands of parts; anyone who can master the diagram depicted in the form of a simple drawing can assemble it independently. Thanks to the schematic drawing, assembling a tractor with your own hands is similar to a standard construction kit, where element A is connected to element B, then part AB to element C, and so on along the chain.

    Although, it is worth noting that in our country there are probably enough self-taught craftsmen who can “keep a drawing in their head,” that is, perform the same sequential actions as with a drawing, just follow imaginary instructions. However, this does not apply to everyone. Anyone who does not have such experience is unlikely to be able to assemble any structure without turning to a pre-drawn diagram for help.

    In case you had a “bad relationship” with drawing at school and you are not able to organize a drawing of a diagram of a full-fledged homemade tractor, ask acquaintances, friends or relatives who understand this matter better than you about it. As a last resort, Google search will help you find any information.

    Before you start drawing the diagram yourself, decide what kind of tractor you want to make, on what basis it will be made. So, for example, homemade tractors can be:

    • tracked;
    • wheeled.

    They are manufactured on the basis of:

    • . The tractor from Niva is very popular in Russia (one of the most famous walk-behind tractors in the Russian Federation);
    • automobile engines. Moreover, engines of both passenger cars and trucks and cargo-passenger vehicles can be used. By the way, the GAZ-66 engine is very suitable for making a homemade tractor with your own hands, which will have high power. You can often find a tractor from an UAZ;
    • UD-2 is a universal engine used as an additional motor in installations that are equipped with electric power, and also as an engine in a homemade tractor;
    • The homemade 4×4 tractor is popular among people. A homemade 4x4 tractor is also called.

    Having decided on the above question, you can safely proceed to the drawings. In this case, after creating the diagram, be sure to make a list of available parts and assemblies, and a list of those elements that need to be purchased, after which, buy the missing spare parts. Only after the entire list of parts is in your garage can you begin assembling the structure.

    1.1 Design features

    How to assemble a tractor with your own hands? There is no big difficulty in this. If you have correctly drawn the diagram and prepared all the necessary parts, making a tractor with your own hands proceeds to the practical part. The difference in modifications and options depends on the tools and skills you have. Below we describe the most optimal design:

    If you have chosen to do it yourself, because it does not damage the top fertile soil layer during operation, to simplify things, buy a new module equipped with wheels and a seat. Alternatively, all the elements can be assembled yourself at home. However, such a design will lack a drive. The assembled, crawler tractor is controlled with your own hands by turning the transmission-motor unit. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a standard steering wheel.

    The walk-behind tractor should be supplemented with a hinged module with a seat; for earthworks, it is also necessary to take care of it. To implement this option, assemble a frame using a wheelset and rolled metal. Then install two trailer units and a seat on it. Do not equip wheels with shock absorbers, this will negatively affect the speed of the device.

    2 Tractor assembly

    There is no single recommendation on what to take as a basis for the future unit and how to make a homemade tractor, which is influenced by the presence of this or that equipment on your farm from which the homemade product will be constructed. Therefore, it is advisable to consider various options. If you don’t have a walk-behind tractor made on the basis of a Zhiguli, the tractor will become a much better assistant.

    2.1 Tractor based on Zhiguli

    To build a Zhiguli tractor with your own hands, first of all develop a kinetic diagram that takes into account the balance of the structure. The device will include: engine, rear and front axles, reverse gear, cardan transmission. The engine will drive the front wheels. Through the chain, torque will be transmitted sequentially to the gearbox, cardan drive, etc. The driven rear wheels will rotate as a result.

    The frame is made of pipes and angles. Follow correct location forks and bushings that provide rotation. The body is made from sheet metal. The height of the sides should not exceed 30 cm. Next, the attachments and the driver's seat are mounted. Then check the functionality of your unit. The final step is to prime and paint the surface of the metal elements.

    2.2 Tractor with D-21 engine

    Many craftsmen prefer to equip a homemade tractor with Chinese engine. Lifan, Forza, Zonshen are taken as a basis. However, experienced designers recommend installing a reliable UD-2 or D-21 motor. In the first case, the engine develops power up to 8 hp, in the second – up to 25 hp. Coupled with a 4-stroke system and air cooling, such equipment is not only successfully used for agricultural activities, but also for transporting goods. Let's consider the option with the D-21 diesel engine.

    To create the frame, take a pipe from a haystack. Pre-cut the half-frame borrowed from the T-25, weld a pipe to its front part, and a 3.5x50x50 cm metal sheet to the back. A hydraulic tank and hydraulic cylinder, which is also taken from the T-25, are attached to the sheet using bolts. It is better to purchase a factory-made front axle, otherwise problems with the axle shafts may arise. Wheels take from GAZ-52, tires from Belarus 82 (8.3×20), which are manufactured by the Minsk Tractor Plant.

    The front wheels on a homemade tractor with a D-21 engine are from the T-25 (6.00-16). The hood and beam are original, but above fuel tank you need to work hard. To do this, weld a 40-liter container from 3 mm sheet. Place the finished product on the back of the tractor under the seat. Carve an adapter plate for the GAZ-52 gearbox. As a clutch, take a basket, a fork and release bearing from . First remove half of the springs. The disc included in the clutch is suitable for any (both GAZ and UAZ).

    Make a 3 mm seat for the flywheel basket. The gearbox input shaft must be lengthened by 12.5 cm, and the cardan drive from the GAZ-52 must be shortened. The connection must be removable. Get the steering column from GAZ-52. The hydraulics for a homemade tractor are assembled from an R-80 with a floating effect and an NSh-10 pump. It is placed through a fork connection at the front of the engine. Pre-replace standard bolt, responsible for fastening the motor pulley.

    You should not install the pump on the gearbox through the power take-off, because when the clutch is released, the hydraulic system will turn off and the rotation speed will be unsatisfactory.

    2.3 Tractor based on Oka

    Do-it-yourself tractors from Oka follow the same principle as those from others Soviet cars. It all starts with the construction of the frame. Stock up on sheet iron and metal channel beams.

    The design is a standard rectangular shape welded from metal corners. The front and rear axles are assembled from Oka components. The device is equipped with an Oka engine. However, before installing the engine, the wheel clearance is increased to improve cross-country ability.

    The rear and front side members are strengthened as they bear the brunt of the load. A coupling mechanism should be provided for mounting attachments. Drawings for further assembly can be found on the Internet. If you don’t have the specified car, you don’t have to buy a new one vehicle, the unit is also suitable in a non-working state, since its individual elements are used.

    2.4 Review of a homemade mini tractor (video)