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What kind of meme about a girl let them talk. On the bottom. Bloggers and PR Shurygina

The article is intended for those who are interested in the life of Diana Shurygina, who has sharply gained popularity.

For those who are completely unaware of who Diana Shurygina is (#on the bottom), and why she is popular, I hasten to tell you this information, and also, for those who are simply interested in this person, I can tell you in more detail.

First, let's find out who she is and what Diana Shurygina is?!

Diana Shurygina- this is a typical girl from the province who became widely known on the Internet and on television due to a case in which she allegedly became a victim of rape on the “registration”. Immediately after the incident, Diana wrote a statement to the police against the rapist, who turned out to be Sergei Semyonov. Further, the incident began to be discussed on the TV show “Let Them Talk,” and then the Internet picked it up and began to actively discuss it. A division of opinions occurred almost immediately: some criticized Diana and did not believe her, others defended and sympathized with her. As a result, against the backdrop of a surge in popularity, the girl, without hesitation, created a YouTube channel and began to energetically develop her new image.

On the bottom Diana Shurygina

Why "On the Bottom"?! Where does this even come from?! Is this a meme?

On the Internet you can now find jokes and memes that use the text “On the Bottom”; the culprit of this phenomenon is Diana Shurygina. Are you interested in learning more about where it came from?! We tell you:

In the first episode of the program "Let Them Talk" (which started all the hype with the new Internet star) Diana, in a dialogue with the guests of the program, answers the question “How much and what did she drink that day,” where she answers in the text that she drank a little vodka, several plastic cups and emphasizes a couple of times "ON THE BOTTOM"This is where the new Internet meme #nadoshke originates. We looked at this in more detail.

An excerpt of the video thanks to which this meme “On the bottom” was born

Visiting Diana Shurygina. General information about Diana

After the introduction, I would like to delve into more detailed aspects of the Diana Shurygina phenomenon. Together we’ll look at all the parts of the Let Them Talk program in which our heroine took part, let’s look at her in social networks, photos, highlights on the Internet (for example, conflicts with bloggers), etc.

All parts of the program Let them talk to Shurygina

I would like to start, as they say, from the very beginning, which began with the popular program on Russian TV - “Let them talk.”

“The Shurygina Phenomenon” became so popular on the Internet that in order to maintain high television ratings it was enough to simply broadcast it. This was done, so much so that as many as 5 issues were published with her! FIVE!

  • Let them talk - In the midst of a party. Part 1. Issue dated January 31, 2017

  • Let them talk - In the midst of a party. Continuation. Part 2. Issue dated February 20, 2017

  • Let them talk - In the midst of a party. Continuation. Part 3. Issue dated 02/21/2017

  • Let them say - #nadonyshke: how Diana Shurygina became an Internet star. Part 4. 03/06/2017

  • Let them talk. #nadonyshke: how Diana Shurygina became an Internet star. Part 5. Issue dated 03/07/2017

Diana Shurygina aka Diana Shkurygina- this is a classic example of a minor whore in a vacuum, who became famous not only in Russia, but also abroad, thanks to the wild popularity of the talk show “Let Them Talk”, which discussed her fictitious rape. The popularity of the “Let Them Talk” episodes is due to the overwhelming sluttiness of the “rape victim,” as well as the absolutely fucked-up behavior of both Diana Shurygina herself and her estranged parents, especially her mother. Actually, because of the above-mentioned sluttiness of Shurygina, a boy named Seryoga, who was on his way to success, is now serving a three-year prison sentence in a general regime colony under Articles 131 (Rape) and 132 (Violent acts of a sexual nature) of the Criminal Code Russian Federation. Considering the articles on which a boy named Seryoga, who is on his way to success, entered the zone, we can assume that he will come out of there with an anus the size of which is comparable to the size of the anus of a professional mensphysicist, so immediately after his release he will be able to compete at the Yashankin Cup without any problems .

The story of Diana Shurygina

A friend invited Diana to her birthday some kid with whom our young skin was unfamiliar. The birthday was celebrated in a rented country house, which was located 150 kilometers from the city where Shurygina lives. It goes without saying that Shurygina agreed to go to her birthday, because that’s what all sixteen-year-old girls do who don’t want to get fucked. Obviously, before going to the registration, Diana put on makeup, therefore, she began to look much older than her age, that is, she looked 20+. Upon arrival at the country house, Diana Shurygina got drunk vodka, as the minor alcoholic herself claims, she drank vodka from glasses, but there was on the bottom, so everything is fine. After which Shurygina was allegedly raped. Well, in fact, being a hardened young whore, she simply gave it to two boys, and one of them, the convicted Sergei Semyonov, fucked her twice. The point of the situation is that Shurygina publicly declares that she was raped by two people in turn, while she wrote a statement of rape against only one, since the family of the second “rapist” paid the Shurygin family 1,000,000 rubles.

Diana Shurygina on “Let Them Talk”

Actually, the whole story described above could have passed the public eye if Diana and her crazy family hadn’t invited to the talk show “Let Them Talk”. Absolutely everything during the first episode of “Let Them Talk,” aired on January 31, 2017, revealed Diana Shurygina as a whore: makeup, clothes, manners, phrases, smiles, as well as arrogant bullshit typical of young prostitutes who consider themselves smarter than those around them. It was during “Let Them Talk” that the general public became aware that Shurygina's father demanded 1,000,000 rubles from Semenov's parents and only after their refusal was a statement written to the police about alleged rape. The consequence of all this was that no one believed Shurygina, either in the studio or on the Internet. After which the persecution of Shurygina began, which was mainly expressed in the creation of funny memes about a young whore. At the moment (03/8/2017) it has already been released five issues of “Let Them Talk” dedicated to Diana Shurygina and the rape she invented.

Sergey Semenov and the path to success

As has already been written, Sergei Semenov is currently serving a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 3 years and 3 months in a general regime colony. Considering his articles, most likely, at the moment when you are reading these lines, Seryoga’s ass is being subjected to the most severe tests. However, this is not the worst scenario for Semenov, since 3 years and 3 months of imprisonment in a general regime colony is the result of an appeal. Initially Sergei Semenov was sentenced to 8 years in prison in a maximum security colony, and these would be tests for an ass on a completely different level.

In a favorable scenario, Sergei Semenov will be released on parole in about 1.5-2 years.


In fact, no useful conclusions can be drawn from this whole story, since any person could be in Semenov’s place, except for bodybuilders who don’t have a pussy, and mensphysicists who are sexually interested only in men. All other people who like to stick it to someone on the list are at risk, therefore, there are only two options to protect themselves from Semenov’s fate: do not go to the list or don’t stick it to anyone on the list.

Just barely, like a cat cried, a cat cried, with a little finger, a little, with a sparrow's nose, with a gulkin's nose, a little, with a little finger Dictionary of Russian synonyms. on the bottom adverb, number of synonyms: 9 to spare (27) ... Dictionary of synonyms

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Not enough, not enough, dissatisfied, poor, meager. One, two (one, the other) and I got it wrong. Ah, strength in a nutshell! completely exhausted. Wing. I don’t have enough money, not enough, just barely enough. It’s like the cat cried a little wine here. There is no end to the suitors: once again and... ... Dictionary of synonyms

See little... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. to live in poverty, not enough; one can count one another, you can count it on your fingers, it’s worth a penny, it’s a cat’s lick, you can count it on your fingers,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

With a gulkin's nose, with a sparrow's nose, on the bottom, the cat cried, little Dictionary of Russian synonyms. how the cat cried adverb, number of synonyms: 5 the cat cried (17) ... Dictionary of synonyms

Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

At the bottom, just enough, a little, the cat cried, little, a penny, the size of a little finger, the size of a gulkin’s nose, the size of a sparrow’s nose Dictionary of Russian synonyms. on the little finger adverb, number of synonyms: 9 to spare (27) ... Dictionary of synonyms

A little, a drop, a drop (in the sea). A tiny bit, a little bit, a little bit, a tiny bit, a little bit, a little bit, two three. In the arrangement of the hut for the overnight stay of strange people, one could already see a drop of care for one’s neighbor, a drop of compassion for him, a drop of thought about him. Ch... ... Dictionary of synonyms

For a penny, for a little finger, with a little finger, a little, shorter than a sparrow's nose, at the bottom, with a gulkin's nose, the cat cried, short, a little, short, just enough, like the cat cried Dictionary of Russian synonyms. with a sparrow's nose adj., number of synonyms: 13 to spare (27) ... Dictionary of synonyms


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