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What does the Mercedes sign mean? History of creation. The history of the emblems of Mercedes, Toyota, Skoda, Chevrolet and others. What does the Mercedes sign mean?

The history of the Mercedes emblem dates back to the late 1800s, when Gottlieb Daimler became the technical director of the Deutz engine plant. internal combustion. There is a legend that at the beginning of his work there, Gottlieb Daimler decorated his own house with a star and wrote to his wife that the day would come when this star would shine over his own factory and symbolize prosperity.

Already in the early 1900s, when the question of the company logo was acute, Daimler's sons: Paul and Adolf Daimler, remembered this story and designated the star as a brand name. Gottlieb Daimler himself died in 1900, shortly before his 66th anniversary.

A photo of the Mercedes 1902 emblem will allow you to more clearly imagine what the logo represented.

In June 1909, the three-pointed and four-pointed stars were registered as trademarks. But, starting in 1910, the three-pointed star began to decorate cars.

A photo of the 1909 Mercedes emblem will allow you to more clearly imagine what the logo represented.

Photo of the Benz 1909 emblem.

What does the Mercedes emblem mean? The three-pointed star symbolizes Daimler’s commitment to universal motorization – “on land, water and air.”

Over time, the emblem has undergone minor changes.

In 1916, the Mercedes emblem was enclosed in a circle. Along the perimeter of the circle itself there were four more small stars, also the name Mercedes.

Photo emblem of Mercedes 1916.

In 1923, the new emblem was patented.

The history of the Mercedes emblem continued during the Second World War. It was quite a difficult time, which could not but affect sales, especially such luxury passenger cars. Only financially independent companies could survive. This was a time when the only solution was to merge Mercedes and Benz.

For a couple of years, separate logos were used, but then a decision was made to merge. The basis was the Mercedes logo, which was ringed with a Benz laurel wreath. So, on February 18, 1925, a new Mercedes emblem was registered - a star in a laurel wreath.

Photo of the Mercedes emblem after the merger of two logos

In 1952, the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL received a changed type of star; the emblem was not on the hood, as it was before, but on the radiator grille. This change was due to the desire to emphasize the sporty nature of the car.

Photo emblem of Mercedes 1991.

Mercedes 2008 logo.

It was recently announced that there will be some changes to the three-pointed star, now higher-end cars will get a real shiny Mercedes emblem.

Modern version:

Information taken from the site.

What does the Mercedes emblem mean?

The history of the Mercedes emblem dates back to 1880. Then businessman Gottlieb Daimler depicted a three-pointed star on the wall of his house, accompanied by the inscription “The star will rise over this place and, I hope, bless all of us and our children.” In 1909, the three-pointed star was approved as the logo of the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft company, which, in addition to cars, produced ship and aircraft engines. Thus, the star symbolized the use of Daimler engines on land, in water and in the air, or, if you like, the company's superiority in these three elements. By the way, in 1909, two stars were registered as trademarks at the same time - with three and four rays, but later only the three-rayed symbol began to be used.
Karl Benz, creator of the world's first automobile gasoline engine, registered a trademark of his company – steering wheel- in 1903, and in 1909 he replaced it with a laurel wreath. After the merger of the Daimler and Benz companies in 1926 and the formation of Daimler-Benz AG, the star was inscribed in a laurel wreath, and the emblem acquired its modern appearance - a three-pointed star in a circle - in 1937. True, even in our time, in some cases, a laurel wreath surrounds the star.
The three rays of the star, according to the second and most famous version of the origin of this symbol, represent the names of three people involved in the creation of the Mercedes car - Wilhelm Maybach, Emil Jellinek and his daughter Mercedes. “King of Designers” Maybach stood at the origins transport engine internal combustion. The Austrian consul Jellinek, a car enthusiast and a passionate racer, invested a lot of material resources and mental strength to ensure that the car engines became more and more powerful, and the company that produced them prospered. Jellinek's daughter Mercedes “donated” her name to the car.

The first version of the origin of the Mercedes emblem looks more plausible and organic than the second, although there is another story associated with the three-pointed star - strange, but no less romantic. They say that there is a female figure inscribed in the circle - imagine a girl with her legs spread wide and her arms raised above her head. Remember, in ancient times, a woman’s head or figure was carved on the bow of a ship, and this female idol was considered the guardian of the ship? It’s the same on a Mercedes - the protector goddess floats in the flow of a headwind on the bow of a land ship, protects her owners and prevents them from getting lost in the asphalt jungle.
Superbrand is another example.

A three-pointed star in a circle is the designation of the Mercedes brand. In the 2005 brand value ranking (The Best Global Brands), compiled by the consulting agency InterBrand in collaboration with Business Week magazine, Mercedes ranks 11th in the world. The Mercedes brand, according to the rating compilers, is worth 16.605 billion euros. Ahead, however, is Toyota with a brand worth 20.615 billion euros. In the press release accompanying the rating, Mercedes is named the most expensive German brand.
The Mercedes brand has been created over a hundred years. Consciously or unconsciously, during this time, the owners of the brand invested a certain meaning into it, which was entrenched for centuries. When looking at the three-pointed Mercedes star, according to the results of a number of surveys, respondents had the following associations: German quality, luxury car, expensive car, reliability, confidence, prestige, safety, conservatism, design excellence.

And in the coat of arms the star is burning...

The success of the Mercedes symbol haunts the famous of this world. They apparently believe that, having brought good luck to cars for many decades, the star of captivating happiness will bless them too. For example, former oppositionist of the Orange movement in Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych ordered himself a noble coat of arms. On it, among other things, there are three symbols - a rose, the symbol of Donbass, a palm branch, meaning victory, and... Mercedes icon. What oz

Mercedes-Benz is one of the largest and best automakers in the world today. Luxury cars with a three-pointed star sparkling on the hood attract the attention of everyone, even those who do not understand cars. But now I would like to talk not about powerful technical specifications models produced by the concern, but about what the Mercedes sign means.

Let's look into the past

The history of the emblem began back in 1880, and in a very interesting way. Gottlieb Daimler, the founder of the concern, made graffiti on the wall of his house. He depicted the same three-rayed star. And then he signed it with an interesting phrase. Translated into Russian, it sounds like this: “A star will rise over this place and, I hope, bless all of us and our children.”

This is how the Mercedes sign was born. True, it was approved as a logo only in 1909. Only then the concern was still known as Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft.

A reference to the elements

Gottlieb Daimler invested not only a moral meaning into the famous star. The Mercedes sign, the photo of which is provided above, has a completely logical meaning.

The fact is that the DMG concern produced not only cars. He was also involved in the manufacture of ship and aircraft engines. So each ray in the symbol represents the element in which DMG manifested himself: land, air and water.

It is interesting that in the year the logo was officially designed, two stars were registered as TMs at the same time. They differed in the number of rays. One had three, according to the canon, and the other had four. Perhaps the second version was registered as a fallback option. But, as you know, the “classic” logo model has taken root well. Moreover, now it will be very difficult to imagine one of the Mercedes with a four-pointed star.

Merger of brands

As you know, the Mercedes-Benz concern, known in its modern form, was formed as a result of the combined efforts of two once competing automobile companies. One of them was owned by Karl Benz, and the other by Gottlieb Daimler. They competed for some time, but in 1926 they united, and this was perhaps the best mutual decision in their lives.

Naturally, a question arose regarding what the new Mercedes sign would be like. It was decided to compromise and combine the symbols of both companies. Karl Benz's trademark was originally a steering wheel, which he replaced with a laurel wreath in 1909.

In the end, it was decided to fit a three-pointed star into it. The new Mercedes sign has become very harmonious and original. The photo provided above allows you to verify this. This design solution is so successful that even now on many models you can see a variant of the emblem with a wreath. The star that looks most interesting is the one “standing” on a small round platform, on which the Mercedes-Benz brand inscription can be seen in a laurel wreath. Although on the most modern models there is another option, without a towering star. It is increasingly being placed in the middle of the radiator grille.

By the way, the wreath, which is a symbol of cars winning races, was removed only to make it easier to use the logo in advertising. Everyone knows perfectly well that the fewer elements there are in an emblem, the better it is remembered, since there is nothing superfluous that provokes additional visual stress.

In 1937, the Mercedes-Benz sign was transformed into its final version - the star was enclosed in a circle. After this, no further rebrandings were carried out.

Another version of the origin of the symbol

The Mercedes car sign seems quite familiar, but in fact it is shrouded in real legends. There is a very romantic version that tells how this emblem supposedly appeared.

It is believed that the three-pointed star is actually a female figurine inscribed in a circle. If you turn on your imagination, you can imagine a girl with her legs spread wide apart and her arms raised above her head. There is a reference to ancient times, when a female figure was carved on the bows of ships. She was then considered an idol guarding the ship. It’s exactly the same on a Mercedes - in a stream of fast wind, a beautiful goddess floats on the stern of a land ship, protecting the owners from external road adversities and not allowing them to get lost in the concrete jungle.

In a dispute, an emblem is born

It is worth noting another version, according to which the Mercedes sign appeared. This is also a kind of legend.

They say that because of the future logo, the founders of the company (Gottlieb Daimler, Emil Ellinek and Wilhelm Maybach) argued and fought for a very long time. This is understandable, because everyone wanted to see their ideas reflected in the concern’s emblem. The “modest” Gottlieb Daimler, for example, proposed making his own portrait as a logo.

Maybach insisted that the logo be an orange. And if you believe the legend, he didn’t even justify his proposal in any way. Unlike Ellinek, who insisted: "Mercedes is the elephant of the auto industry!" It is not difficult to guess what animal he wanted to see as a logo. But Gottlieb and Wilhelm didn’t even want to listen to Emil. Their indignation was understandable, since the company itself was named after Ellinek’s daughter. Naturally, they did not want the Mercedes car sign to be created by Emil.

And at one point the dispute reached its climax. The men grabbed their canes and crossed them, intending to have a great fight. It was at that second that Emil’s daughter ran into the room, having heard the entire altercation through the wall. It pained her to hear three geniuses fighting over a problem that could be solved with a logical approach. The girl fell to her knees, shed a tear and, wringing her hands, shouted: “Please don’t quarrel! After all, the fate of the company is in your hands!”

This could not help but touch the men. They looked at their “guns” to lower them, and suddenly an insight descended on them. They saw the future logo in the crossed canes. The decision was made instantly, and the conflict was settled.

Brand price

There was a lot of interesting talk about the Mercedes sign. What this emblem means is clear. Now it’s worth focusing on another, no less entertaining topic. And it concerns the cost of the logo.

It is very expensive. According to 2005 data, Mercedes-Benz is in 11th place in the world in the brand value ranking. And the price of the rights to the logo is more than 16.605 billion euros. This same fact makes the concern the most expensive German brand.

It is worth noting the results of a number of sociological studies, the subject of which was the concern’s logo. Hundreds of people were asked the same question - what associations does it evoke in them? Mercedes-Benz emblem? The most common answers were: elite segment, high cost, German quality, reliability, prestige, confidence, stability, safety, technical excellence, conservatism.

For good luck

The Mercedes badge on the hood looks nice, and many agree. But some people show too much love for this logo. Ex-president Ukraine, for example, once ordered a noble coat of arms. The images are quite complex, but among the elements that first catch your eye are a rose (the symbol of Donbass), a palm branch (the personification of victory) and ... the “Mercedes” emblem. It is difficult to give a logical explanation for its presence in this context. Perhaps the owner of this masterpiece in this way decided to attract the blessing of the star of captivating happiness or personify success and wealth in this world.

Relation to the emblem

True, some believe that the Mercedes logo symbolizes evil and evil spirits. Semioticians (specialists in signs) assure that this emblem contains a veiled three-rayed swastika, the ends of which simply “bent over” and formed a circle.

And in some cultures, such a star personifies the desire for spirituality. But the fact that it is outlined in a circle is very bad. It suppresses the desire to be spiritually enlightened and directs one to acquisitiveness.

However, all this is just opinions, versions and guesses. In fact, the three-pointed star is simply an expensive and recognizable trademark, owned by one of the best automobile concerns worldwide.

The Mercedes sign is known to all people today. Even for those who have little knowledge of the topic of cars. Mercedes-Benz is a world-famous concern, and the cars it produces have proven themselves to be luxurious, expensive and of high quality. And on the hood of each model there is a three-pointed star. What does it mean? How did this symbol appear? It's worth looking into.


The Mercedes sign appeared in 1925. It arose shortly before the merger of two companies - DMG and Benz & Cie. The companies merged a year later, in 1926. And the new enterprise became known as Daimler-Benz AG. This event subsequently marked the emergence of a new car brand. It is today known as Mercedes-Benz. Along with the emergence of this company, the co-founders also had a desire to preserve their traditions.

Interestingly, the logo itself was registered as a trademark in 1909, on August 6th. And what’s most interesting is that the laurel wreath and the Mercedes star have completely independent origins.


Back in 1886, they didn’t even suspect each other’s existence. But it was that year that both entrepreneurs created their own cars, powered by an internal combustion engine. Then they registered their own trademarks. And again, at the same time - in the summer of 1909. The two companies seemed to be competitors to each other in advance. Their founders set a certain direction for development and began to use newly created emblems on the cars they produced.

But then, as mentioned above, a merger of companies occurred. And a common logo appeared - a three-pointed Mercedes star and a Benz laurel wreath. Although Daimler still used a different version of the emblem when creating its cars. On the hood there was simply the inscription “Daimler”, and a mythical phoenix seemed to be hovering above it.

The emergence of a trade name: the history of Daimler

So, we can talk more about the Mercedes sign later, but now it’s worth saying a few words about the name. Regardless of what exactly the founding company was called - DMG or Daimler, the cars had to be called something. Therefore, the company agreed in 1900 with such a person as Emil Jellinek. He was involved in the sale of innovative engines and automobiles. And at that moment Jellinek was the most major dealer cars produced by DMG. He, in fact, gave the name to the machines. Mercedes was his nickname, which he used to participate in racing. But in fact, it later turned out that this was the name of his beloved daughter.

So in 1902, on June 23, the Daimler company applied to register this name as a personal trademark. And after three months the brand gained legal protection. The inscription “Mercedes”, curved like an arc, became new.

Benz trademark

Since the Mercedes sign, which we all know today, has a “double” history, attention should also be paid to the Benz company. Or rather, how she advertised herself at the beginning of the last, 20th century.

The founder did everything simply - he created a memorable one. It was an inscription with the words Original BENZ on it. It was decided to supposedly place it inside a black cogwheel. It looked very impressive and was really memorable. Then, however, the last part became the central element of the emblem - they decided to remove the Original prefix. And the cogwheel black wheel was replaced with a laurel wreath, which is a symbol of victory. And since the company had achieved considerable success at that time in the production of cars, this was very symbolic.

Making a Star

The history of the Mercedes sign is very rich and complex. After all, the company itself comes from two companies, so the brand, accordingly, could not help but undergo changes.

The formation of a recognizable three-pointed star began shortly after the adoption of the name “Mercedes”. The idea was proposed by Paul Daimler, the son of the company’s founder who died in 1900. The three-pointed star has become a symbol of the fact that Damiler engines are used everywhere - on land, in the air and in water. After all power units, which the company produced, went into aviation, ships, and cars.

Initially, the star did not have a ring, which is now difficult to imagine. It appeared in 1916. It became much more convenient to place the Mercedes sign on the hood, and besides, it looked much more organic. And then, after another five years, it was decided to add a star in a wide ring - it was placed on the radiator.

And after the merger of the Daimler and Benz companies, in addition to the names, it was also decided to combine their logos. From each trademark something special was taken. Daimler left the star, and the head of the Benz company suggested enclosing it in a laurel wreath. The decision was made, so that in 1927, on October 7, the name Mercedes-Benz and a three-pointed star, enclosed in a ring of a wreath with the name of the company inside, were officially assigned to the new company.

Many people wonder what the Mercedes sign means. The answer was given above - this logo embodies the fact that the company's engines were used in aviation, navy and cars. But many people decided, as they say, to dig deeper. And some of the information turned out to be very interesting.

So, the circle is a symbol of movement, protection, prosperity and concentrated energy. Another circle is eternity. Maybe this is an accident, but people who drive Mercedes are successful, energetic and confident.

What does the Mercedes sign mean, that is, the three-pointed star? It turned out that you can see something special in her too. This sign is related to In other words, it is the all-seeing eye, a symbol of fate. In many nations, this symbol means enormous strength, power, and strong spirit. This can also be reflected in Mercedes - after all, we all know very well how fast, powerful, dynamic, and reliable these cars are.

And finally, the number of rays itself is three. You can talk about it for a long time, delving into numerology and esotericism, but this is not relevant to the topic. So only one thing can be said. The number three is synonymous with excess, prosperity, abundance. “Troika” - aspiration, sometimes even greatness, success. This figure is more than magical. And definitely, all of the above is reflected in such an emblem as the Mercedes car sign. People who know what kind of cars these are will certainly agree.

Emblem location

There are always two Mercedes emblems on the hood. Today there are several options. Using the example of the “five hundredth”, popular in the 90s, you can see that a three-pointed star in a ring proudly rises on the hood, and a little lower, at the very top of the radiator grille, is the same sign, but enclosed in a laurel wreath and with the name of the company.

Nowadays, models with a large star in a ring in the middle of the radiator grille are increasingly common. But nevertheless, on their hood there is also a modest sign with a wreath. There are options (usually tuning) that combine two prominent options at once. The star on the hood is in a ring and on the radiator grille is in the middle. In general, there are a lot of options. But in any case, there is always a star on a Mercedes. Unless they came off the assembly lines of a given tuning studio, they often have a stylish three-dimensional letter B instead of a star on the grille. Although everyone still knows that this is a Mercedes.

Long-term success

“Mercedes-Benz” is a sign that carries not only a certain meaning, which was described above. From an ordinary human point of view, this is an incredibly expensive brand. Today its value is more than 16.505 billion euros! And this concern is unanimously recognized as the best German brand. And the most expensive, of course. And this is not surprising. The brand has been formed for more than a hundred years. Over the years, a huge amount of effort, money and nerves of its creators, developers, and specialists from various industries have been invested in the brand. More than one hundred people tried to make Mercedes not just a car brand, but a legend. And it was a success. Today, when people see a person driving a car of this brand, they understand that he has money. He is successful and wealthy. He is probably confident in himself and his abilities. Because only such a person can afford a car of the highest German quality. These cars are elite, expensive, reliable, prestigious, safe, comfortable, sophisticated on the inside and stunning on the outside. And of course, technically advanced. This is what can be said about Mercedes cars.