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What does the Mercedes emblem mean? How the Mercedes Benz logo appeared What is depicted on the Mercedes emblem

The Mercedes brand logo is considered one of the oldest. The three-pointed star was patented back on March 26, 1901, and was adopted as the logo of the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft company in 1909. At that time, the company produced engines not only for cars, but also for ships and aviation. Therefore, the three ends of the star are a symbol of power over the three elements - earth, sea and air.

But it is believed that the idea for the star dates back to 1880, when company founder Gottlieb Daimler drew it in a letter to his wife, designating the location for their home in Deutz. He believed that in the future this three-pointed star would be depicted above the roof of his own automobile plant, symbolizing prosperity. Gottlieb made the right decision; the company truly flourished and continues to do so to this day.

Also, according to one version, the three ends of the Mercedes star are three people who played a major role in the emergence of a car of this brand. Wilhelm Maybach - inventor of engines internal combustion, Emil Jellinek – Austrian consul and racing driver who financed quite a bit own strength invested in the development of the enterprise. Mercedes is Jellinek's daughter, after whom the car was named.

There is another interesting version of the origin of the three-pointed star. The rays of the star are the canes of Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach and Emil Jellinek, which they crossed in a quarrel. Then everyone followed their own line and could not agree on what logo the company would have. The situation was resolved by little Mercedes, who at the moment of the quarrel shouted for the men to stop arguing, because the fate of the company was in their hands. Literally in their hands there were canes, which, when connected, depicted a three-pointed star.

There is also a version among consumers that the three-pointed star is a symbol of a woman with legs spread wide and arms extended upward. Just as earlier figures of female goddesses were placed on the bows of ships to protect the ship at sea, now Mercedes cars had a logo protecting the car on the roads.

In parallel with Mercedes, in 1903, Karl Benz registered his logo - steering wheel with a stylized “BENZ” inscription, and in 1909 he replaced the wheel with a laurel wreath, which symbolized victories in automobile racing.

In 1926, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz merged to form Daimler-Benz AG and the logos were “combined” - the three-pointed star became entwined with a laurel wreath.

In 1937, the logo was simplified by removing the wreath. Now the star was described simply by a circle. Since then, the emblem has not changed, except for minor variations in color design.

The history of the Daimler-Benz concern, which produces Mercedes cars, began in 1926, after the merger of two companies: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft and Benz. The symbol of DMG, which produced cars under the Mercedes brand, was a three-pointed star, denoting dominance at sea, on land and in water. It was chosen not without reason, since in addition to cars, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft produced engines for aviation and navy.

In 1912, the company Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft became the official supplier of court of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II.

Trademark The Benz company had a stylized steering wheel, which, as now, was a circle with transverse slats. After several victories in competitions and sports competitions, it was replaced by a laurel wreath - a symbol of victory.
After the companies merged, a compromise decision was made and both logos merged into one. Over time, the complex emblem with a laurel wreath was simplified to a simpler, laconic circle, and in 1937 the world saw the well-known logo in its modern form.

Mercedes logo: other versions

Some versions more closely associate this icon with aviation, seeing in the three-rayed star either an image of an aircraft propeller, or even an aircraft sight. They can hardly be considered convincing, since the production of products for the aviation industry was far from the main profile of the company.

Yet another version States that the star represents the unity of mechanic, engineer and driver.

There is also a very romantic hypothesis that says that the three heads of the merged companies - Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach and Emil Ellinek - could not come to a clear decision on the new logo for so long that things almost came to blows. And when they crossed their canes in fighting fervor, they suddenly saw in this not a reason for disagreement, but a harmony of forces and settled on this symbol. However, there is no documentary evidence of this version, so it would be more correct to classify it as fantastic.

Today, perhaps, there are very few people who have not at least once seen the Mercedes brand, or at least have not heard of this legendary German car brand with a very memorable emblem. But how many people know why it is like this and where it came from?

We will try to tell our readers the story of the creation of this brand, which today is one of the most expensive and prestigious in the field of mechanical engineering on our planet.

In 1880, entrepreneur Gottlieb Daimler decorated the wall of his own house with a three-pointed star, using it as a talisman. The star became the logo of Daimler Motoren Gessellschaft only in 1909. It was a symbol of the use of Daimler engines in the air, on land and in water, so the company also produced aviation and marine engines. Interestingly, in the same year the four-pointed star logo was registered, but, as you can see, it was not popular.

The name “Mercedes” owes its appearance to the daughter of Wilhelm Maybach, whose name was Mercedes. An interesting fact is that the Latin root of the word “mercy” was literally translated as “profit, reward”, then “redemption”.

Creator of the first car gasoline engine, Karl Benz, registered his trademark in 1903 - the steering wheel, which in 1909 was replaced by a laurel wreath.
In 1926, the Benz and Daimler companies merged, forming the world-famous Daimler-Benz AG. The unified emblem was a three-pointed star Mercedes Benz in a laurel wreath or in a circle.

According to the rating of the consulting agency InterBrand, the Mercedes brand ranks 11th in the world. This car brand is also the most expensive in Germany. The Mercedes brand has been created over more than a hundred years. Consciously or unconsciously, the creators of the brand filled it with a certain meaning, which was fixed forever. The associations that this car evokes are unchanged: quality, conservatism, reliability, prestige and safety.

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The history of the Mercedes emblem dates back to the late 1800s, when Gottlieb Daimler became the technical director of the Deutz plant, which produced internal combustion engines. There is a legend that at the beginning of his work there, Gottlieb Daimler decorated his own house with a star and wrote to his wife that the day would come when this star would shine over his own factory and symbolize prosperity.

Already in the early 1900s, when the question of the company logo was acute, Daimler's sons: Paul and Adolf Daimler, remembered this story and designated the star as a brand name. Gottlieb Daimler himself died in 1900, shortly before his 66th anniversary.

A photo of the Mercedes 1902 emblem will allow you to more clearly imagine what the logo represented.

In June 1909, the three-pointed and four-pointed stars were registered as trademarks. But, starting in 1910, the three-pointed star began to decorate cars.

A photo of the 1909 Mercedes emblem will allow you to more clearly imagine what the logo represented.

Photo of the Benz 1909 emblem.

What does the Mercedes emblem mean? The three-pointed star symbolizes Daimler’s commitment to universal motorization – “on land, water and air.”

Over time, the emblem has undergone minor changes.

In 1916, the Mercedes emblem was enclosed in a circle. Along the perimeter of the circle itself there were four more small stars, also the name Mercedes.

Photo emblem of Mercedes 1916.

In 1923, the new emblem was patented.

The history of the Mercedes emblem continued during the Second World War. It was quite a difficult time, which could not but affect sales, especially such luxury passenger cars. Only financially independent companies could survive. This was a time when the only solution was to merge Mercedes and Benz.

For a couple of years, separate logos were used, but then a decision was made to merge. The basis was the Mercedes logo, which was ringed with a Benz laurel wreath. So, on February 18, 1925, a new Mercedes emblem was registered - a star in a laurel wreath.

Photo of the Mercedes emblem after the merger of two logos

In 1952, the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL received a changed type of star; the emblem was not on the hood, as it was before, but on the radiator grille. This change was due to the desire to emphasize the sporty nature of the car.

Photo emblem of Mercedes 1991.

Mercedes 2008 logo.

It was recently announced that there will be some changes to the three-pointed star, now higher-end cars will get a real shiny Mercedes emblem.

Modern version:

Information taken from the site.