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What you need for a vehicle inspection according to the new rules. New rules for OSAGO and technical inspection Changes in passing technical inspection in

As you know, the amendments to the technical inspection adopted in February 2018 came into force on May 4. main feature lies in the fact that they expanded the list of malfunctions, according to which, the use of a car is prohibited. Read about this and much more in our article.

Porsche at the technical inspection

The most basic fear of Russian motorists was not confirmed - the technical inspection was not transferred back to the "hands" of the traffic police or Rostransnadzor, but was still left to "private traders". And now, the responsibility for issuing a diagnostic card lies with the operator who conducted the inspection.

New rules for passing maintenance

Taking into account the new amendments that came into force on May 4 this year, the expert who conducted the inspection must issue a diagnostic card. Even if the car does not meet the requirements, the card is still issued, but in conclusion it is indicated that further operation is impossible. At the same time, if an inspector stops you with a faulty car, you will have to pay a fine.

As for innovations, they are as follows:

It is forbidden to dismantle the factory windshield washers and wipers. The item about “wipers” seems to be the strangest, is it really impossible to put non-original or from a different model of brushes? We will wait for clarification.

Mandatory presence of a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. If earlier only an emergency sign was enough, then from May 4, to pass the inspection in 2018, they are required.

It is forbidden to cover the diffusers of lighting devices with a film, regardless of whether it is transparent or colored. Moreover, the same point applies to those motorists who stick armored film. However, it is very problematic to prove in practice that armored film is applied to the headlights.

Armor on the headlights

Changes have also been made to tires, from now on it is impossible to use studded tires on one axle, and ordinary Velcro on the other. All four wheels must have identical tires. It is also forbidden to come to MOT in the summer on a winter one, and in the winter on a summer one, even if tires suitable for the season are installed on one axle.

The serviceability of the power steering will also be checked (naturally, this applies only to those cars in which such a unit is structurally provided). Accordingly, it will not be possible to pass MOT if the node is faulty.

In addition, they separately touched on alterations. If they have not been properly legalized, then the operation is prohibited. The changes included:

Installed another steering wheel, chair.

Fixed iron bumper instead of plastic and vice versa.

Not included gas equipment.

Changes made to the suspension, for example, installed splices, sheared springs ().

If the technical inspection begins to pass according to the rules, then you will no longer see the understated Prior.

They also plan to introduce a resolution soon to combat the illegal receipt of diagnostic cards. That is, now you can pay about 500 rubles to have your car entered into the EAISTO database. It is supposed to add to the database not only the electronic version of the map, but also video evidence that a particular car actually drove in for inspection.

What is a diagnostic card?

This is a document that contains information about the car (VIN code, number, owner), as well as the technical opinion of the service operator that issued the card. That is, data is entered on whether it is possible or not to use the vehicle. Two copies are created, and an electronic version is additionally issued for the EAISTO database, under an individual number. One copy is given to the owner, the second is kept for three years by the expert who conducted the inspection.

Diagnostic card

Who needs to get a diagnostic card?

The validity periods of the cards, and, accordingly, the time frame for the passage of MOT, are determined by the date of issue of the car. If you rely on Article 15, Part 2 of Federal Law No. 170, then individuals who own vehicles (including trucks up to 3.5 tons) that are less than three years old are given the right not to issue a diagnostic card. Otherwise, if the age of such a car is more than three years, obtaining a card is mandatory. After all, without maintenance, no company will issue “insurance” for you. In the future, the deadlines are as follows:

For vehicles manufactured from three to 7 years ago, with the corresponding marks of the TP, the validity period is two years.

If the age exceeds the seven-year threshold, the validity period of the card is equal to one year.

For those who have not yet expired their old MOT coupon, there is no need to obtain a diagnostic card. You will have to change when you pass the MOT again or after the expiration of the previous one.

The terms of annual maintenance are implied for the following categories (regardless of the year of manufacture):

Trucks, with a mass of more than 3.5 tons.

For special cars that are equipped with devices for transmitting sound and light signals.

Vehicles designed to teach driving.

Freed from the mandatory maintenance and obtaining a diagnostic card, trailers with a carrying capacity of not more than 3.5 tons owned by individuals. Article 32 of the law on maintenance.

According to article 15, part one, of the Federal Law (dated July 1, 2011), the following are subject to maintenance every six months:


Light taxis.

Trucks converted to carry more than 8 passengers (not including the driver's seat).

Special vehicles, including used trailers for the transport of dangerous goods.

At the same time, the right (Article 15, Part 6) is reserved for absolutely any owner of the vehicle to undergo MOT at any time, regardless of the time limits regulated by law.

Penalties for not having a diagnostic card (TO)

As you understand, as such, there are no fines specifically for the lack of a diagnostic card or non-compliance with the operating rules (for individuals, owners of the vehicle). Because the traffic police are not even entitled to demand a card from you. A fine will be assigned for the lack of "insurance". After all, if you do not have a diagnostic card, no insurance company will sign a contract with you. In fact, for individuals, the insurance policy is to some extent a diagnostic card, in the understanding of the traffic police. Therefore, if it is not there, a fine is provided accordingly:

800 rubles, if there is no policy at all. It is possible to pay less by 50% if you meet the 20-day payment deadline.

500 rubles for an expired policy or issued in violation.

500 rub. or a warning if the driver fails to provide the policy on the spot.

This is with regard to individuals, for them we recall that “direct” fines for the lack of a “technical inspection” were canceled back in 2012, at the same time it was forbidden to demand a card from the driver. But, the fines remained the same (Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) for:

Passenger taxis.

Buses, trucks (equipped for the transport of passengers (more than eight seats).

Special vehicles designed, including for the transport of dangerous goods.

The amount of the fine varies from 500 to 800 rubles. Moreover, there is an addition, if the debt is not repaid within two months, the amount will increase proportionally.


Tariffs for maintenance are set by each individual subject of the federation independently. Therefore, the price of a diagnostic card differs not only depending on the type of vehicle, its class, but also on the region. So, the average cost in Russia:

Everything cars(including taxis), used no more than eight places - 700 rubles.

Buses with more than 8 seats and a maximum weight of up to 5 tons - 1290 rubles.

Similar to the previous one, however, for buses whose mass exceeds 5 tons - 1560 rubles.

Trucks up to 3.5 tons - 770 rubles.

Trucks from 3.5 to 12 tons - 1510 rubles.

Motor transport - 240 rubles.

State duty is no longer charged.

What documents will be required?

If you turn to Article 18, Part 1.2 of the Federal Law, the owner of the vehicle to undergo MOT will need:

Passport of the Russian Federation or rights (VU).

If the maintenance is not carried out by the owner, a general power of attorney will be required.

To obtain a diagnostic card, it is necessary to eliminate the existing malfunctions. By the way, during the re-examination of the car by an expert, attention is paid only to those details that did not meet the requirements during the first check.

Hello, friends! Today I'll tell you how to get through vehicle inspection in 2018. After all, you probably know the situation when you come to an accredited center, not doubting that everything is in order. And then suddenly you hear about new requirements and find out that there is a repair shop nearby, where the car will be gladly fixed for a tidy sum. So that you avoid such troubles, I will talk about the nuances of passing MOT.

Decree on technical inspection: how often to pass it according to the new rules

The current procedure is regulated by law “On the technical inspection of vehicles”. It must be carried out periodically, and the results are recorded in the diagnostic card, which is later issued to you.

MOT is carried out more seriously, so prepare the car

Based on the results of the inspection, the information is entered into the EAISTO database. If defects are revealed, then the owner of the car does not receive a diagnostic card in his hands, and he is taken away 20 days to fix the problem. Then he will turn to the operator who carried out the maintenance: he will not repeat the procedure from the very beginning, but will check the problematic vehicle system. If you are going to another point, the employee will undertake a re-inspection.

Inspection in 2018: changes and new rules

In February 2018, the following changes came into effect:

  1. The list of malfunctions that do not allow to pass MOT has been expanded. Among the innovations - a ban on the dismantling of manufacturer-installed windshield wipers and washer systems. Also, you can not strengthen the headlights with special films, even transparent ones, and drive with damage to the power steering.
  2. Returned the requirement to carry in the cabin first aid kit.
  3. Can't do without fire extinguisher, and the capacity must be at least 2 liters. There are fewer requirements for types: powder and freon are allowed.
  4. Fans of alterations and tuning will be disappointed: they will not even supply seats from other car models. Changes are allowed when they are recorded in the registration certificate..
  5. dripping unacceptable.
  6. According to the new requirements for technical inspection on all wheels vehicle studded tires must be fitted. This rule cannot be called new, but now it is officially spelled out in the legislation. It is stipulated that tires can only be operated with the same wear, size and type.
  7. Gas equipment it is allowed to establish if it meets the requirements of the Customs Union (an entry in the registration certificate is necessary).

There are a number of minor rule changes, but they will not affect ordinary drivers. It is only necessary to take into account the listed changes and get ready that at the next maintenance they will issue a new form of a diagnostic card. The old ones remain valid, so there is no reason to rush for an inspection.

The document is an A4 sheet containing information about the condition of the car, the main components and systems. If the card is damaged or lost, then the data is restored based on the EAISTO. You will have to pay for the reissuance procedure 300 rub. But the risk of losing the document is small, since the law does not require you to carry it with you.

Do I need to get a new diagnostic card if the car has changed ownership? No, because the technical condition of the vehicle is recorded in the document, and not information about the owner.

Where to pass inspection, and who has the right to carry it out

There are no changes in this area: as before, contact operators accredited by the RSA (Russian Union of Motor Insurers).

They have the right to refuse the service in 2 cases: in the absence of documents identifying a person, or if the vehicle does not match the information in the TCP.

How to pass a vehicle inspection for OSAGO: new rules in action

How is the inspection carried out under the new rules? You will need to prepare a package of documents and provide a vehicle for inspection. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Pick a time and sign up for an accredited service station.
  2. When you arrive at the appointed time, the employee will check the integrity windshield and rear-view mirrors. There should be no cracks or other defects that obstruct visibility.
  3. Attention is paid to the work of windshield wipers and windshield washers. It is important that the brushes clean at least 90% of the area allotted to them.
  4. The check includes seat adjustment correct operation of the seat belts.
  5. An important point will be equipment: first aid kit, fire extinguisher and emergency sign. The fire extinguisher must comply with the requirements of 2018.
  6. Chassis and brake systems checked by raising the car with a lift. Road tests are rarely done because they require a lot of space. Instead, you will put the car on a special stand, and then you will press on the pedals, changing the force. You will also need to use the handbrake. The inspector will pay attention to the uniformity of braking: the wheels must slow down equally.
  7. Body inspection It is aimed at identifying corrosion, paintwork defects, mechanical damage.
  8. An important aspect is to check how steering corresponds to the norm. Then the operation of the headlights and other signal lamps is tested. Attention is paid not only to whether the high and low beams are on or not, but also to the angle at which the rays fall.
  9. Concerning tires, then the inspector measures the height of the tread, makes sure it matches the season, and looks for possible deformations.
  10. being tested power unit and check the composition of the exhaust gases.

It happens that unscrupulous employees, wanting to receive a bribe, overestimate the requirements for the car. In this case, ask to clearly indicate the clause according to which you cannot receive a diagnostic card.

Recheck Features

If deficiencies are identified, you will eliminate them within 20 days, after which you will return to the service station. The diagnostics do not have to be repeated from the very beginning: the operator will only check the systems that raised questions. If you decide to undergo a new examination with another operator, then pay for the procedure again.

How technical inspection is carried out in practice according to the new rules: user experience

I just happened to remember that it was time to pass inspection. Chose the item, arrived. At first I saw the inscription “Cashier”, gave the money and received a form of a diagnostic card, which must be filled out at your own peril and risk.

I stood in line for 2 hours and drove into the box, where the examination itself took place. The technician said to turn on the engine, dimensions, turn signals, low and high beam headlights, fog lights. At the next stage, the inspector asked to get out of the car and revved himself while driving on some rollers. Then he went down into the inspection ditch and told me to turn the steering wheel.

The rest of the checks were carried out according to the principle “I believe in my word”: the employee did not want to look for an emergency sign in the trunk. He left for 10 minutes, and returned with a stamp in good working order and a diagnostic card. I was surprised that the car was not raised on some kind of unit, like last time, but I did not complain. In general, it seemed that the new rules did not add zeal to the employees of accredited service stations.

How often to pass inspection: ordinary transport and special categories

The frequency of inspection is determined by the following scheme:

  1. Inspection of a new car is not required within 3 years. The rule also applies to trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons, motorcycles, trailers and semi-trailers.
  2. If the age of the car is 3-7 years, frequency of maintenance - 1 time in 2 years.
  3. For vehicles manufactured over 7 years ago, an annual procedure is provided.
  4. Once every six months, passenger buses, vehicles for transporting dangerous goods, taxis and trucks for transporting people with more than 8 seats undergo MOT.

Consider these rules, otherwise it will not be possible to conclude an OSAGO agreement.

What must be checked during technical inspection: conditions for passing

In total, 65 aspects are checked during the inspection, so go to the service center in advance and prepare the vehicle. When you arrive at the maintenance point, the inspectors will give Special attention next:

  • condition brake system and engine;
  • wheels and tires;
  • work headlights;
  • compliance of windshield wipers and windshield washers with the norm.

Also take care of the complete set of the vehicle and study the list of malfunctions in which the operation of the car is not allowed. As a result, you will be able to sort out controversial issues if an employee starts extorting a bribe.

Terms of technical inspections

How to prepare for a motorcycle inspection according to the new rules

Motorcycle owners are also required to pass a vehicle inspection. The duration of the procedure is shorter than car diagnostics. Given the new rules, the following will be checked:

  • condition of the braking and steering systems;
  • tire wear;
  • the presence of a first aid kit, and for motorcycles with a sidecar - an emergency sign;
  • work of headlights, turn signals, other signals;
  • integrity of the paintwork.

The presence of a motorcycle helmet is also a prerequisite for obtaining a diagnostic card.

The document will not be issued if you yourself have made changes to the design of the vehicle and have not received permits.

How much does a maintenance checkup cost in 2018?

The cost of the procedure varies depending on the subject of the Russian Federation. It is calculated using a formula, but to find out the price, it is easier to find a local government decree. Fluctuations can be great: for example, in Moscow, the service will cost 881 rub., in St. Petersburg - in 720 rub., and in some regions it is reduced to 300 rub.

The diagnostics of freight transport is more expensive - the costs reach 2 000 rub. If we are talking about a bus with more than 8 seats, then the price will be about 1 300 rub.; and for the inspection of the motorcycle for compliance with the requirements will have to pay 250 rub.

Discounts are provided to certain categories of the population, but in order to receive them, it is necessary to clarify the conditions in the region. For example, residents of Moscow can undergo maintenance free of charge at some stations. The service is provided to disabled people, women over 50 and men over 60, heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as holders of the Order of Glory.

What documents to take to pass the inspection

The owner of the vehicle or his representative must appear to pass the technical inspection. You will need to submit the following documents:

  • your passport;
  • power of attorney, if the procedure is not the owner;
  • technical passport for the car or registration certificate.

If you have them and the appropriate condition of the vehicle, you can easily get the right document.

Penalty for not having a technical inspection: if you do not have a diagnostic card

The legislation does not require the driver to present a diagnostic card to the traffic police, therefore, there are no penalties for the absence of this document. But you won’t be able to get an OSAGO insurance policy without it, which means you won’t be able to drive. Driving a vehicle without a policy is punishable by 800 rubles.

If the driver provides an expired document, the fine will be 500 rubles. Deposit money within 20 days to receive a discount.

Who is responsible for the lack of inspection

Directly, the absence of a technical inspection will not cause a fine, but without it you will not receive OSAGO. Driving a vehicle without this document falls under the category of offenses. Moreover, you can be fined more than once.

According to legal norms, one violation will not become an obstacle for subsequent multiple punishments. When you are fined for not having OSAGO, the traffic police officer records the offense. But, if you continue to move, and you are stopped again, then the place and time of the event change. Therefore, this is a new violation, and you will get new penalty. Simply put, law enforcement officers can record violations indefinitely, until you pass a technical inspection and receive an OSAGO.

Separately, cases are considered when an employee conducting maintenance issues a card without actual diagnostics. When this is discovered, the negligent inspector will share responsibility with the owner of the vehicle or his representative, if the procedure is issued by proxy. The operator will not just pay a fine: in the event of an accident due to a defect in the car, the employee will compensate for the damage from his own pocket. If we are talking about the owner of the vehicle, according to the new rules, they can impose a fine of 800 rubles.

Who does not need to undergo MOT

Car owners will not have to go to the service station for the procedure if the car is less than 3 years old and it belongs to category B; in other cases it is necessary. It will be possible to determine what is the frequency of inspection for your vehicle using the table:

What to do if the car is insured but has not passed inspection

Such situations are rare because Insurance companies they will not sell the policy without MOT. But it happens that they provide a document under the agreement, according to which you undertake to undergo an examination within 10 days. In case of violation of the agreement, you will not receive payments upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Problems arise when the diagnostic document is no longer valid and the policy has not expired. Indeed, before OSAGO was issued when the maintenance period was at least 6 months. Now you have the right to get a policy, even if the inspection paper becomes invalid the next day. In such cases go to the maintenance point and get new document until the old one expires.

What other new rules might be introduced

According to statistics, last year the issuance of a diagnostic card without actual diagnosis led to 5,800 accidents. On this basis, additional changes to the legislation may be introduced. According to the project, the inspection procedure should not only take place on time, but also be recorded on video.

So far, changes are in the future: if such rules are adopted, it will be necessary to purchase equipment and create storage for the database. This will lead to additional costs, and the price of inspection will increase.

Adjustments are constantly made to the procedure for regular car diagnostics. Keeping track of changes in legislation for individuals who own a vehicle is quite difficult. But since car owners are obliged to take care of the health of mechanisms and structures, we will tell you what is needed for a vehicle inspection in 2019, how to prepare a car for it, what documents will be needed and how much the procedure will cost. Another important point concerns which vehicles do not need to participate in the inspection.

Every responsible car owner knows that in order not to violate the law and minimize the likelihood of getting into an accident as a result of a car malfunction, you should pass its technical inspection on time. Until 2014, car diagnostics could be done at the traffic police. As a result of the procedure, the car owner was issued a technical inspection coupon. Now the rules have changed.

After recent changes, such coupons have ceased to be issued - they have been replaced. This is a document that just confirms the passing of the inspection. It contains information about the transport, its owner or representative of the owner of the car by proxy. The result of the technical expertise is recorded in the diagnostic card, the date until which it is valid is affixed.

The implementation in 2019 of the technical inspection of the car in the traffic police according to the new rules is regulated, adopted in 2011. Regular amendments to the law have simplified the inspection procedure. Now this can be done in any center that has a license for this type of activity. An organization that has the appropriate equipment and staff with the required qualifications is subject to accreditation.

Inspection is carried out at different intervals. How often diagnostics should be done depends on the type and age of the vehicle. The rules for conducting an inspection are set out in Art. 15 of the mentioned law. Another change related to technical inspection touched upon the fact that now there is no need to present a diagnostic card to draw up a car insurance contract. When compiling this document, the details and information about the technical inspection are simultaneously entered into a single database (EAISTO).

For the OSAGO policy, the representative of the insurer can independently clarify the information online. In addition, until recently, a state duty of 300 rubles was levied for technical inspection. In 2019, you will not need to pay a state tax to the treasury. It is enough just to make a payment for the services of the service center in which the car was diagnosed.

What is the inspection procedure?

Determine what is needed to pass the inspection. First of all, the car owner will have to choose an accredited service center. Specify the cost of the service, since the price of technical inspection is different in each service. The rules for passing the examination of a car require that the vehicle be presented for inspection directly at the center.

After the inspection is completed, you need to pay money for its passage. Based on the results of the technical inspection, the operator brings all the information into a single document - a diagnostic card. The document is kept in paper and electronic form. When the information is entered into a single data bank, the car owner can apply for an OSAGO policy.

What is checked during inspection

It is important to know a few nuances of how to pass a vehicle inspection in 2019. The car should be prepared. If there are faults, repairs must be made. All components and mechanisms of the car must be in good condition, otherwise the result of the inspection will be negative. Mandatory in the process of maintenance check:

  • state of the brake system;
  • serviceability of a steering;
  • availability and suitability of lighting fixtures;
  • engine performance;
  • work of windshield washers;
  • windshield integrity;
  • condition of tires and wheels;
  • the presence and condition of other components and mechanisms.

If the car has a GLONASS system, its performance is monitored during the technical inspection. What else is checked during the inspection? The vehicle must be equipped with a fire extinguisher and a warning triangle. The fire extinguisher must have a weight corresponding to the category of the car: for a car - 2 kg, for a bus, truck - 5 kg. The device must be sealed, filled with a mixture to extinguish fires. The expiration date of the fire extinguisher must also be checked.

Until recently, it was required to present a first aid kit during technical inspection, but this prescription has recently been canceled. However, you should not forget about the presence of a list of necessary medicines. For the lack of a first-aid kit, a traffic police inspector can impose a penalty if he stops the car on the road.

Required documents

It is not enough just to choose an accredited service center and prepare the car for the procedure, you also need to collect the necessary papers. What documents are needed to pass the inspection? This:

  • general civil passport document of the owner of the car;
  • vehicle registration document.

If the car is not provided for inspection by its owner, then it will be required. The document must indicate that the representative of the owner of the car is authorized for the actions in question. A separate power of attorney will not be required if the document for the right to drive issued by the owner of the car in the name of the authorized person indicates his right to present the car for technical inspection in a separate paragraph.

In addition to the listed papers, certain categories of Russians will need to add more documents, for example, giving the right to benefits. This applies to pensioners, disabled people, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and other privileged categories of citizens. In each region, they have discounts on payment for maintenance, in some, for example, in Moscow and the Moscow Region, they are entitled to a free technical inspection. In order to take advantage of the benefit, you must have a pension certificate or other document confirming the status of the car owner.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

I want to note right away that the technical inspection procedure itself has not undergone significant changes. If we talk about a personal car of category B, then it is required only before buying an insurance policy. And to obtain it, you need to contact the nearest inspection point, where the car will undergo a technical condition check.

However, changes are made to the list of requirements for cars. That's what we're talking about today:

In short, then:

  • Each cylinder requires a manufacturer's certificate.
  • The cylinder must be marked with the serial number and the designation "LPG" or "CNG".
  • HBO must have a certificate of periodic testing.
  • HBO should not have design changes.
  • You can not use HBO if: the examination period has expired; HBO fastening is broken; there is a gas leak.

Warning triangle, first aid kit fire extinguisher

56. Vehicles must be equipped with a warning triangle

56. Vehicles (except for vehicles of categories O, L1 - L4) must be equipped with a warning triangle, as well as first-aid kits in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 11.1 and 11.2 of Appendix No. 8 to TR CU 018/2011

Warning triangle should now also be available on vehicles of categories L5, L6 and L7 (quad bikes and symmetrical tricycles).

First aid kit not previously checked. From February 22, a first-aid kit should be on symmetrical tricycles, quadricycles, cars, trucks, buses. Moreover, buses (M2 and M3) must have 3 first aid kits, and all other vehicles - one.

Note. The contents of the first aid kit must not be expired.

58. Vehicles of categories M 1 and N must be equipped with at least one powder or halon fire extinguisher with a capacity of at least 2 liters, vehicles of categories M 2 and M 3 - 2 fire extinguishers, one of which must be located in the driver's cab, and the second - in the passenger compartment (body). Fire extinguishers must be sealed and marked with an end-of-use date that must not have expired at the time of inspection.

58. Vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of clause 11.4 of Appendix N 8 to TR CU 018/2011

New requirements for fire extinguishers:

  • M1 - cars - 1 fire extinguisher with a volume of at least 1 liter (previously - 2 liters).
  • M2, M3 - buses - 1 fire extinguisher with a volume of at least 2 liters (previously - 2 fire extinguishers).
  • N - trucks - 1 fire extinguisher with a volume of at least 2 liters.
  • Double-deck vehicles - an additional fire extinguisher on the second floor.

Leakage of oils and working fluids

65. Dropping, repeated at intervals of more than 20 drops per minute, of oils and working fluids from the engine, gearbox, final drives, rear axle, clutch, battery, cooling and air conditioning systems and hydraulic devices additionally installed on vehicles are not allowed

65. Dripping of oils and working fluids from the engine, gearbox, final drives, rear axle, clutch, battery, cooling and air conditioning systems and hydraulic devices additionally installed on vehicles is not allowed

Please note that the phrase "more than 20 drops per minute" is excluded from this paragraph. That is, if there is any leak in one of the car's systems, it will not be possible to pass the inspection.

Changing the design of the vehicle

68. Changes in the design of the vehicle, made in violation of the requirements established by Section 4 of Chapter V of TR TS 018/2011, are not allowed.

Changing the design of the vehicle is discussed in detail in. In this case, it remains to be noted that if some non-standard components are installed on the car and information about them is not included in the registration certificate, then it will not be possible to pass the technical inspection.

Additional requirements for the vehicle

Also, in Annex 1 to the Technical Inspection Rules, several new paragraphs (69 - 82) have been added, which provide links to additional requirements for various vehicles. We will not consider them in detail in this article. If you wish, you can independently follow the links given in the table:

Vehicle categories M2 and M3
Special vehicles of operational services
Specialized vehiclesClauses 15.1 - 15.4, 15.6 - 15.8
Special vehicles for public utilities and road maintenance
Vehicles for the transport of goods using a dissolution trailer
Tow trucks
Vehicles with lifting devices
Vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods
Vehicles - tanks
Vehicles - tanks for the transportation and refueling of petroleum products

On February 22, 2018, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2018 No. 148 “On Amendments to the Rules for Conducting a Technical Inspection of Vehicles”) came into force, which changed the rules for conducting a technical inspection. The life of motorists “gave a crack”: the document made it more difficult for owners of tuned cars to go through the procedure and introduced additional requirements for the condition of cars. What criteria should a car now meet?

Inspection 2018: new rules

Now the “iron horse”, even with a minor malfunction, for example, with faulty windshield wipers or when unauthorized changes are made to the maintenance design, will not work. The car must be in perfect working order. The presence of any leaks or breakdowns delays the moment of obtaining a positive conclusion on the passage of MOT. In addition, it is forbidden to tint the headlights or install lamps in them that are not provided by the manufacturer. There are no penalties for driving without a technical inspection yet, but it will not work to get an OSAGO policy.

The main purpose of the rules is to increase the level of safety of road users. The work is carried out by special service stations that are accredited to solve such problems. During the inspection process, they check the car and identify critical faults, if any.

Inspection 2018: changes in the rules for passing inspection

power steering

If earlier it was checked only for physical damage (deformation, cracks), now the control will be more stringent. It must be fully functional and not leak. The presence of such a defect is a reason to refuse to issue a diagnostic card until repair work is completed. Now this rule also works for motor vehicles, the steering of which was not previously checked at all.

Head light, external lighting

Until this “wonderful” moment, the check was carried out only for the integrity of the headlights. Now they should be clean, serviceable, unpainted and not tinted. It is allowed to leave only those lighting devices that are allowed by the manufacturer. Removing factory-installed appliances is also prohibited. It is forbidden even to change the shade of the turn, if it is yellow, then it is forever. The headlights must have the lamps prescribed in the “manual” by the manufacturer.


Previously, it was possible to pass the inspection if the car had at least one windshield wiper and washer. However, their performance has not been tested. Now from February 2018 will be checked all windshield wipers and windshield washers installed during the production of the car. If at least one does not work, for example, the rear one, then it will not work to pass the inspection.

LPG equipment

According to the old rules, the fact of tightness, the absence of delay, the presence of the required marks and other nuances was checked. If the car is equipped with LPG, then in preparation for maintenance, it is required to refer to paragraphs 9.8 - of the rules of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", which considers the requirements for such equipment.

In short, then:

  • Each cylinder requires a manufacturer's certificate.
  • The cylinder must be marked with the serial number and the designation “LPG” or “CNG”.
  • HBO must have a certificate of periodic testing.
  • HBO should not have design changes.
  • You can not use HBO if: the examination period has expired; HBO fastening is broken; there is a gas leak.

Just one of these violations is enough for the issuance of papers to be refused.

Warning triangle, first aid kit fire extinguisher

The warning triangle must now be available on quads and symmetrical tricycles.

Previously, the first-aid kit was not checked. Now the first aid kit should be on quadricycles, cars, trucks, buses. Moreover, buses must have 3 first-aid kits, and all the rest - one. The contents of the first aid kit must not be expired.

New requirements for fire extinguishers:

  • M1 - cars - 1 fire extinguisher with a volume of at least 1 liter (previously - 2 liters).
  • M2, M3 - buses - 1 fire extinguisher with a volume of at least 2 liters (previously - 2 fire extinguishers).
  • N - trucks - 1 fire extinguisher with a volume of at least 2 liters.
  • Double-deck vehicles - an additional fire extinguisher on the second floor.

Studded tires

All tires will be checked: are they studded or non-studded. That is, now you can’t come to winter summer tires, and in summer on winter ones.

Oil and fluids

Prior to changes in the maintenance procedure, the machine successfully passed it if the number of drops working fluid in 60 seconds did not exceed 20. Now the phrase “more than 20 drops per minute” is excluded from this paragraph. which means: if there is any leak in one of the vehicle systems, it will not be possible to pass the inspection.

Changing the design of the vehicle

Previously, car owners could put new bumpers, mount body kits, weld the trunk on top of the car and upgrade the vehicle as they wish. In case of serviceability technical systems the car passed MOT. Now making changes to the design (except for factory solutions) requires documentation and confirmation of safety. This applies to everything - winches, trunk and other elements. Even if the car was bought with tuning, it will have to be put in order by the new owner.

In addition, several other innovations have been made to the technical inspection rules:

1. New table regulating inspection time for different categories. The travel time has increased only for buses (categories M2 and M3). In addition, separate lines have been added to the table that regulate the time for checking special and specialized vehicles, as well as cars for the transport of dangerous goods.

2. New design diagnostic card. There have also been changes to the form. Now there is no need for printing, and this is not a violation, because the field has disappeared in the updated form. There was only a column for the signature. But such a change does not interfere with checking the fact of maintenance, because all the information is available in a common database.

What happens if THAT is ignored?

There are no fines for drivers of category B for using a car without MOT, but it will not work to get OSAGO without a MOT passed. If an employee of the State traffic inspectorate discovers the absence of a policy, he can fine the driver in the amount of 800 rubles. And if the car owner gets into an accident, then in this case he is forced to pay off the victim himself and repair his car.

What documents are needed to pass the inspection

To pass the inspection in 2018, the following documents are required:

  • Identification document (passport or driver's license).
  • A power of attorney if the owner of the car is not present at the inspection.
  • Certificate of registration or PTS (if the car is not registered).

No additional documents are required from you.

What other changes in the rules for passing technical inspection can be expected in 2018

The development of new amendments was carried out by specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development. Changes have already been made to the law and will soon be considered by deputies.

So, according to the new rules, in 2018, the inspection of your vehicle will need to be recorded on a photo and video. This measure was introduced to prevent the sale of diagnostic cards without checking the cars by specialists.

It is also planned to introduce fines for not passing inspection. According to preliminary data, its size will be 800 rubles.

For providing false information to the AIS, a person can be prosecuted.

Taking into account the fact that the fleet of most Russians is clearly not brand new, all these good changes and intentions are likely to turn into another round of corrupt prices for technical inspection.