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Which is cheaper: CVT or automatic? CVT or classic automatic – which is better? Which option is better

When in a company of car enthusiasts someone starts talking about their car, one of the first questions is always naturally asked: “Which transmission, automatic or manual?” Indeed, even when choosing a car for himself, a person, especially if it will be his first car, usually has only 2 selection criteria regarding the gearbox: automatic or manual.

As for the varieties of the automatic transmission itself, such as a CVT, for example, not everyone thinks about it. Some people only find out what it is during the pre-sale inspection of the car and what is the difference between a variator from a classic automatic transmission. Sometimes such ignorance leads to subsequent disappointment in choosing a car. To prevent this from happening and to always be able to choose a car according to your own needs, you need to know difference between the variator from automatic transmission.

There are a total of two main components of an automatic transmission - a torque converter and a gearbox. The first is directly responsible for changing gears. The design of the torque converter is a completely sealed shell made of heat-resistant metal, inside of which there are the main elements that ensure its normal functioning.

Inside the torque converter is filled with special oil for Automatic transmission, to lubricate every part of the mechanism. Working fluid necessary because during operation the parts are exposed to temperatures close to critical. Their interaction with each other without lubrication can lead to abrasion and subsequent breakdown and the need for replacement. As for the gearbox, it ensures reliable engagement of all gears in a complex mechanism, making it completely complete.

Speaking about the variator, despite the fact that it acts as a type of automatic transmission, one should understand its main design feature– this type of transmission does not provide for gears as such. The switching mechanism in the variator is carried out through gear ratio, which is transmitted by two parallel located – driven and driven – cone pulleys. The pulleys are fastened together with a belt made of special metal or with chains, depending on the type of variator box.

What's the difference between CVT and automatic transmission? and what is better? If we draw a parallel between these two transmissions and, when choosing a car, compare whose features are more beneficial from the consumer’s point of view, there is no definite answer. None of these mechanisms can be called technically simple and cheap to maintain - no, repairing such structures takes a lot of time and costs the same amount of money.

To call one of the presented gearboxes more reliable than its analogue would also be incorrect - the service life of any automotive component primarily depends on what kind of care it was given throughout the entire period of operation. Unified official statistics, confirming with their results the obvious advantage automatic transmission or, on the contrary, there is no evidence that the variator is still better.


The most objective way is to compare a CVT and an automatic transmission installed on different modifications of the same body of the same car brand. In this case, you can make a thorough comparison of a number of factors and draw the appropriate conclusions:

1. Start of movement/start from a place. At the start no differences between an automatic transmission and a variator in terms of the functioning of the transmissions themselves and the driving experience in general, since at this stage the design differences do not yet manifest themselves. With careful operation of the accelerator pedal, cars equipped with both gearboxes start smoothly and without jerking;

IMPORTANT: The very first CVTs from representatives of the German automotive industry had a flaw in the form of excessively slow switching, and as a result, a discrepancy between real acceleration data and those stated in the vehicle’s passport. Subsequently, this problem was eliminated by engineers, and in their own way technical specifications CVTs are no longer inferior to automatic transmissions.

2.D driving in the city cycle/driving on the highway. According to this criterion, the variator is slightly ahead of its analogue, but this does not mean that driving a car with an automatic transmission is uncomfortable. Contrary to many speculations, the automatic transmission does not have any strange shocks when switching - the change of speeds occurs unnoticed by the driver, regardless of the environment in which the car is operated.

The only exceptions are faulty copies. The same applies to the variator box. They were designed and produced to increase the smoothness of the ride and cope with their task successfully, because here formally no switching occurs at all;

3.Fuel consumption. There is an opinion that supposedly on cars with an automatic transmission this figure is always higher when compared with analogues, including a CVT. As practice shows, the difference in fuel consumption, especially in cars with old atmospheric and compressor internal combustion engines, is determined almost entirely only by the displacement of the engine itself. If there is a difference between the CVT and automatic transmission, amounting to 0.3-0.5 liters of fuel consumed per 100 kilometers, in favor of the first, then this is more of an error than an objective difference;

4.Dynamic characteristics. Based on this indicator, it is still necessary to recognize some superiority of an automatic transmission over a CVT, since a kind of “push” given to a car with an automatic transmission with each subsequent shift makes it accelerate faster. However, this cannot be designated as either a plus or a minus of the CVT, since it was originally designed for a comfortable and measured ride and was integrated into cars intended, in the overwhelming majority, for quiet family trips;

Thus, driving a car with an automatic transmission will still be differ from driving the same copy, but with a CVT. However, the differences will only be in some dynamic characteristics, which is not that important for most car users.

However, for those who like to use their car as a sports car, the option with automatic transmission will be preferable as it is faster. For those who prioritize comfort, smoothness and shifting, a CVT will be the more optimal choice.

It is not possible to identify a clear leader based on the listed criteria - this is a subjective choice of each owner of cars with similar transmissions.


Despite the fact that it is impossible to objectively determine which gearbox: CVT or automatic is better, the public, apparently, has made its choice in favor of the classic automatic transmission. CVTs did not find popularity, despite the rather progressive system once proposed by engineers when cars equipped with these boxes were just starting to roll off production lines.

The main reason for the failure of the variator as a transmission may be that it was installed on fairly large engines, up to 3-3.5 liters. Yes, according to the indicators of fuel consumption meters, such specimens consumed no more than their analogues, and in general, there were no questions regarding the basic driving characteristics.

However, when consumers see such a displacement, they already mentally paint a picture in their heads of how this car is capable of accelerating quickly and maintaining such dynamics throughout the entire required interval. A CVT as a gearbox, designed for small cars and quiet driving, cannot provide such sensations.

IMPORTANT: CVT and automatic transmission: what's the difference?? Even with the same acceleration characteristics, for example, up to 100 km/h, in the form of the same numerical indicators, the automatic transmission will give much more emotions, as if recreating the atmosphere of participation in a sports competition, while with a CVT even relatively fast acceleration will not be possible so noticeable. By the way, a similar comparison can be made between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission.

The most important thing is to know what you want from a car and compare what you want with what it can provide. In this case, the choice between an automatic and a CVT will not cause any difficulties.

Drivers who have decided that they do not want to be distracted by the gearshift lever while the car is moving are faced with a dilemma about which type of gearbox to choose. Despite the similarities in driving a car with a hydromechanical automatic transmission and a CVT, the operation of each vehicle has its own characteristics. It is impossible to determine which type of gearbox is better, otherwise competition would completely push the losing unit out of the market. At the same time, select best option transmissions to suit the needs of a particular driver is possible, since each of the mechanisms has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Features of the hydromechanical automatic transmission design

With the classic design of an automatic transmission, its design includes:

  • torque converter;
  • planetary mechanism.

An automatic transmission has a fixed number of gears, determined by the pairs of gears located inside. During acceleration and deceleration of the car, the gear ratio changes with a slight kick-down. This leads to small pauses and jolts, especially noticeable on older gearboxes.

Torque from the engine is supplied to the box through gear oil between the pump wheel and the turbine, so the design does not have a rigid connection between the power plant and the automatic transmission. This technical solution ensures a smooth start to the vehicle, but the transmission efficiency decreases, which causes increased consumption fuel.

Gear changes occur under the influence of increasing oil pressure. The design contains friction clutches. ensuring operation at the required speed. The entire process is controlled by an electronic control unit that receives information from sensors.

Subtleties of the variator device

The design of the variator allows the engine torque to be continuously transmitted through the transmission. The most popular the following types CVT:

  • V-belt, which has become a leader among other systems;
  • toroidal;
  • chain.

The V-belt variator uses two sliding pulleys and a belt made using a special multi-layer technology. During acceleration and deceleration, the pulleys compress or expand, continuously changing the gear ratio.

In the less common chain technology, torque is transmitted by the beveled ends of the axles of the chain links. The pulling force is provided by the chain itself. The design is not capable of transmitting a lot of force and also creates a lot of noise.

The toroidal variator has no pulleys or V-belt. It uses cone-shaped discs and rollers. Of all types of variators, this mechanism is capable of transmitting the greatest force, provided that high-strength steel is used. Expensive materials used in the production of toroidal CVTs affect the price of the finished product.

Machine breakdowns

Most breakdowns, both on a classic automatic transmission and a CVT, occur due to untimely maintenance or failure to correct operation car. At the same time, the machine has characteristic weaknesses:

  • contamination of the valve body as a result of poor quality transmission fluid;
  • decrease in oil pressure due to a malfunction of the oil pump;
  • scrolling clutches on discs;
  • jerking of the car when changing the gear ratio;
  • wear of planetary gears;
  • disturbances in the operation of sensors;
  • wear of friction linings.

There are still breakdowns. characteristic of specific car models. They usually arise due to engineering miscalculations when designing the machine. This problem is most acute among domestic iron horses.

The most common CVT malfunctions

The variator is more demanding of oil, which should be changed exactly on time and only with that recommended by the car manufacturer. Selecting a lubricant on your own can quickly damage the unit. The most common breakdowns are:

  • oil pump wear;
  • belt slipping;
  • excessive wear of surfaces;
  • belt rupture, which causes widespread damage to the unit;
  • shaft scuffing.

Choosing which is better: CVT or automatic transmission gears, from the point of view of the most common breakdowns, the choice should be made towards the classic automatic transmission. This is caused by fewer malfunctions that can cause complete immobilization of the machine. Also an important nuance is the small number of specialists capable of performing high-quality repairs of the variator.

Service life of automatic transmission components and service life of continuously variable transmission elements

One of the key factors that distinguishes a CVT from an automatic transmission is the duration of operation before major repairs. The undisputed leader here is the automatic transmission. With timely oil changes, it will last 300-400 thousand kilometers. The CVT will require belt replacement when the odometer approaches 100 thousand. After replacement, the variator will work up to 120-150 thousand km. At the same time, during operation, a continuously variable transmission requires higher quality and more expensive oil.

If the belt is not replaced in a timely manner, it may break. This problem occurs while driving and causes severe damage to the unit. Major renovation or replacement of the unit in this case is inevitable, so it is not so difficult to determine whether a variator or an automatic transmission is more reliable.

Advantages of an automatic transmission

A hydromechanical automatic transmission has a number of significant advantages over a CVT:

  • Automatic transmission is more reliable, regardless of the vehicle’s operating mode;
  • the cost of repairs is lower;
  • It’s easier to find a professional who can perform high-quality automatic transmission repairs;
  • simple controls vehicle, especially for drivers coming from a manual transmission.

Modern automatic transmissions allow you to extend engine life by optimally choosing the gear ratio depending on road conditions. The absence of a rigid connection between the motor and transmission eliminates shock loads. Newbie mistakes with incorrect gear selection are also eliminated.

Pros of a continuously variable transmission

Advantages that distinguish a CVT from an automatic transmission:

  • better dynamic characteristics, since there is no interruption in the supply of torque, which is necessary in an automatic transmission to change the gear ratio;
  • significantly lower fuel consumption;
  • good smoothness, as there are no jerks present in automatic machines;
  • up to 10% higher efficiency.

While driving a car with a CVT, you may notice the monotony of the engine. This is due to the fact that the electronics maintain optimal speeds corresponding to the required torque, and speed changes occur only with the help of the CVT. This property allows you to maximize the service life power plant.

Disadvantages of the machine

The difference between an automatic transmission and a CVT allows us to highlight the following disadvantages of a classic automatic transmission:

  • poor acceleration dynamics;
  • high consumption fuel, since a lot of energy is lost in transmitting force through transmission fluid;
  • Jerks are noticeable when moving, and the more worn the box is, the stronger the jerks.

When choosing an automatic or variator, you should take into account that an automatic transmission requires a much larger volume of oil to be filled than a CVT. The transmission fluid must be replaced regularly, which introduces certain financial costs for maintaining the machine. If the clutches burn out, the entire volume of the transmission must also be replaced.

Disadvantages of a CVT

A list of how a CVT differs from an automatic transmission for the worse:

  • very often high-quality repairs can only be performed official dealers, which increases the cost and also complicates maintenance in the case of a provincial city;
  • belt replacement is expensive;
  • The electronics are more complex than an automatic transmission, so not many specialists take on the task of repairing and reflashing it.

During operation, it is allowed to fill in oil only intended for a specific car model. Getting it in small towns is a problem. Filling with oil of similar properties can cause increased wear and serious malfunctions.

Comparison of the economic component of operation

Transmission fluid in CVTs has to be changed more often and costs more. At the same time, the automatic transmission requires almost 2 times the amount of oil during each change, so according to this criterion the boxes are practically no different.

Economical fuel consumption is unrivaled by the CVT. Despite all attempts by automakers to provide automatic transmissions with an economical mode, the low efficiency of the automatic transmission does not allow it to approach the performance of continuously variable transmissions. The main difference of the variator in the form of a fairly rigid transmission of force from the engine to the transmission allows you to save a lot on refueling.

Repairing an automatic transmission is much cheaper than a CVT. The variator loses both in mileage before repair and in sensitivity to proper operation. The low number of high-quality CVT technicians is also a factor in the high cost of repairs.

In order to decide which transmission is more suitable for a particular car owner, you need to know his main requirements for the car. For example, a continuously variable transmission can satisfy the desire to pay little for fuel. At the same time, it’s worth buying an iron horse with CVT in a small town without a developed network of service centers only after deciding in advance on the place for maintenance.

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An automatic transmission can be represented by a classic automatic transmission or a CVT. When purchasing a car, a car enthusiast thinks about which gearbox to choose; Which is better: CVT or automatic transmission. When choosing between a CVT and an automatic, you need to know how they differ, take into account their pros and cons, and also understand which device is more reliable.

CVT gearbox

Like any other gearbox, a variator is a device that converts the torque coming from the engine to the wheels. Torque transmission is carried out steplessly within a certain control range. Quite often, a variator is denoted by the abbreviation “CVT” (Continuously Variable Transmission), which translated from English means “transmission with continuously varying torque.”

CVT types

Depending on the device, the following main types of variators are distinguished:

  • chain;
  • V-belt;
  • toroidal.
V-belt variator

Most widespread received a V-belt.

The CVT V-belt variator consists of a V-belt located between two sliding pulleys. As the car moves, the pulleys either compress or unclench, providing a change in the gear ratio. The main goal of a CVT transmission is to provide a smooth, stepless change in torque. This is true for cars, scooters, snowmobiles and other equipment.

Toroidal variator

In a CVT, power is transmitted by the beveled ends of the chain link axles, and the pulling force is transmitted by the chain.
In toroidal variators, cone-shaped disks are used instead of pulleys, and rollers are used instead of a belt. They are capable of transmitting more torque. To produce parts for this CVT type high-strength steel is required, which ultimately affects its cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of CVT

Chain variator

The main advantage of a CVT transmission is the ability to provide a continuous change in torque. This allows you to achieve better fuel consumption and vehicle dynamics.

The disadvantages of the variator include:

  1. It is impossible to install it in cars with a powerful engine.
  2. Maximum loads, towing or systematic driving high speed will lead to rapid wear of the variator belt, and, accordingly, to breakdown of the CVT.

Automatic transmission

Hydromechanical automatic transmission

The automatic transmission is controlled by a shift selector located on the central tunnel or on the steering column (in American cars). Moving the selector to a specific position allows you to select desired mode movements. Additionally, you can choose special ones: winter, sports, economical. The difference in fuel consumption between normal, sport and economy modes is obvious.

Consists of a planetary gearbox, control system and torque converter. The machine can be used in passenger cars and trucks, as well as buses.

It consists of pump and turbine wheels with a reactor located between them. The pump wheel is connected to the engine crankshaft, the turbine wheel is connected to the gearbox shaft. The reactor, depending on the operating mode, rotates freely or is blocked using.
Transmission to the gearbox occurs through a flow of liquid (oil) ejected by the pump wheel blades onto the turbine blades. The gaps between the pump wheel and the turbine are minimal, and their blades have a specific shape that forms a continuous circle of oil circulation. Thus, there is no rigid connection between the engine and transmission, which contributes to the smooth transmission of traction force.

Converts the rotation speed and transmitted torque within a limited range, so a multi-stage planetary gearbox is attached to it. It also provides reverse movement.

Gear shifting occurs under oil pressure using. The pressure between the clutches in accordance with the algorithm of the box operation is distributed using the system solenoid valves(solenoids) under the control of the control unit.

The disadvantages of an automatic transmission are its high cost, as well as increased fuel consumption.

Comparative characteristics of two types of gearboxes

Which device is better: CVT or automatic? Let's carry out comparative characteristics, allowing you to identify differences and determine which of the boxes is better and more reliable.

The difference between a CVT and an automatic from an economic point of view

Which gearbox is better in terms of operating costs: CVT or automatic? Let's compare some indicators.

  1. Transmission fluid. CVT oil changes occur more frequently and are more expensive.
  2. Fuel consumption. Fuel in a car equipped with a CVT is consumed more economically.
  3. Repair. Maintenance and repairing the variator is much more expensive more expensive to operate machine. CVT is a rather complex and “sensitive” mechanism.

Although servicing a CVT is more expensive, the gearbox itself is cheaper than an automatic. And if the box is used correctly, it can last a long time without repair.

Which device is better in terms of reliability?

In order to determine the degree of reliability of devices, we will set a number of severe conditions:

  • possibility of towing;
  • off-road;
  • high speeds;
  • sporty riding.

The CVT cannot cope with difficult conditions. His belt won't bear the load. An automatic machine will do a better job here. The element of CVT is smooth movement without sudden acceleration.

How to determine which device is installed in the car

  1. Need to study technical documentation cars. The designation of the variator is CVT, the automatic is AT.
  2. Take a test drive. If a CVT is installed, you will not feel the gear changes. You can “listen” to the machine and monitor its operation using the tachometer. CVT works in one key, measuredly. However, it is possible to have a special mode that simulates gear changes and allows the driver to feel them shifting.

Let's sum it up

Today, automatic transmission is much more common than CVT. But the latter has great potential. Automatic transmissions are more reliably used in cars with high power and capable of towing trailers. From the point of view of economy, a variator looks preferable.

CVT or automatic? The choice is yours. And it will depend on the characteristics of the devices that are your priority. Love the smooth city ride in a small passenger car? Your choice is CVT. If you prefer sporty driving or often use a trailer, then an automatic is better for you.

Many people often argue and cannot decide which is better: an automatic or a CVT. Both of these gearboxes perform automatic gear shifting, but each of them has its own characteristics. They lie not only in how the car controls and moves with them, but also in the design principle characteristic of each type of gearbox. Therefore, in order to determine which is better - a CVT or an automatic transmission - it is worth analyzing each option separately.

This gearbox refers to stepped planetary models that are connected to the power plant via a torque converter. Here the selection process, as well as gear shifting, occurs hydromechanically. In modern models, electronics are responsible for this process, which determines at what speed the box should currently operate. At the same time, the number of steps gradually increases. So, if previously a 4-speed unit was standard, today cars are produced equipped with 9-speed models.

Modern gearboxes make driving more comfortable


The automatic transmission is a classic torque converter, which was invented at the beginning of the last century. Modern models of such a box include the following elements:

  1. Fluid couplings. Such a unit is necessary to ensure transmission, as well as conversion of torque coming from the engine directly to the gearbox. It is located on the flywheel of the power plant.
  2. Planetary gearbox. In an automatic transmission, it is he who is responsible for changing gears, as well as the speed at which the car moves.
  3. Hydraulic control mechanism. Monitors the correct functioning of the planetary gearbox.

There are several types of automatic transmissions, differing mainly in the transmission control system. So, in the first case, an electrical device is used, and in the second, a special hydraulic device is used for this. Other parts are almost completely identical. Automatic transmission models also differ in the type of front or rear drive. In the first case, the transmission is more compact and also has a special compartment inside the housing designed for the main gear.

Operating principle

The automatic transmission operates on the principle of transmitting torque from the crankshaft to the rest of the transmission mechanisms. It looks like this:

  1. First, the power plant spins the flywheel, where the drive turbine is securely fastened.
  2. After this, the force is transferred directly to the input shaft of the gearbox. Here, through gears, the gear ratio itself changes. Due to friction clutches, the necessary sections are activated to ensure the correct functioning of the power plant. To reduce the load when switching speeds, overrunning clutches are used.
  3. The clutch control process occurs thanks to a hydraulic system that compresses the desired clutch package. This engages the corresponding section of gears that are connected to it.

All pressure in such a transmission is provided by a hydraulic pump. In modern models of “automatic machines”, the process of controlling hydraulic drives is ensured using spools, whose movement occurs thanks to solenoids. In simpler automatic transmission models, control occurs through the accelerator, as well as centrifugal regulatory pressure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

It is worth mentioning the positive aspects of such a checkpoint:

  1. Possibility of automatic gear shifting when reaching the maximum engine speed.
  2. Protection of the power plant from overloads.
  3. There are only 2 pedals: brake and gas.
  4. Inexpensive repair (relative to the variator).
  5. Long service life.

Automatic transmission

TO negative aspects applies:

  1. Considerable weight of the unit.
  2. Low pickup (applies to classic hydromechanical models).
  3. The inability to tow the car only requires evacuation.
  4. Higher fuel consumption.
  5. It is not possible to brake the engines while mode “D” is on.


This type of transmission is also considered automatic, however, its operating principle is to smoothly and continuously change the gear ratio. It is important to remember that a continuously variable variator does not have the classic gear shift that is present in a regular automatic transmission. As a result, the main difference for the driver is a freezing of engine speed, accompanied by a smooth increase in speed. There are completely no shocks during starting from a standstill, as well as during acceleration.


Regarding components unit, then the main elements in it are:

  1. A device responsible for disconnecting the crankshaft as well as the transmission.
  2. Torque converter.
  3. A control unit whose task is to control the transmission of torque and the acceleration process of the vehicle.
  4. Automatic clutch mechanism.
  5. Special unit reverse, as well as a planetary gearbox, necessary to provide the transmission structure with the ability to move the machine backwards.

Operating principle

An important distinguishing feature from a classic automatic is the absence of gears, as a result of which there is no clear number of gears. Here, a change in thickness occurs between the acceleration shafts without the need for discrete steps. The increase in speed is due to an increase in the bending diameter that the cones have. As a result, when the drive belt makes 2 revolutions, the driven shaft can then rotate 10 times. Such changes allow you to accelerate to high speeds. There is also the opposite effect, when at 10 revolutions of the main shaft, only 2 driven ones are made. Similar situation allows you to start from a stop, drive up a steep hill, and also pull large loads behind you.

The correct operation of such a box is ensured on-board computer. It is the electronics that are responsible for changing the position of the pulleys, which is controlled by many sensors.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Speaking about the positive aspects of such a unit, the following qualities should be noted:

  1. Smooth acceleration without jerking or switching.
  2. Fuel saving.
  3. No rollback on climbs.
  4. There are only 2 pedals.
  5. Low noise operation.

CVT circuit

But there are also certain negative sides:

  1. Inability to operate at high speeds and maximum power for a long time.
  2. More required frequent replacement oils and filters.
  3. Additionally, filling into the box is required special liquid, on which the functioning of the belt depends.
  4. With rough use, it wears out and breaks faster.
  5. The power of the engine with which such a transmission works cannot exceed 220 hp. With.
  6. Difficult and expensive repairs.
  7. If one of the sensors fails, this leads to incorrect operation of the box and requires repair.

Which is better - automatic or variator

When considering which is better for a crossover or sedan - a CVT or an automatic transmission, you should take into account a number of their features:

  1. CVT gearboxes require more frequent oil changes, which also have a higher price.
  2. An automatic transmission consumes more fuel than a CVT.
  3. Operation and repair of a CVT is significantly more expensive than a classic automatic.
  4. The variator is a more sensitive mechanism, therefore it breaks down more often and cannot be used in difficult conditions and off-road.

If we talk about which gearbox is better according to owner reviews, then the majority will definitely choose a classic automatic. This is due to the lower costs required for its maintenance.

How to choose

A competent approach will allow you to choose a car with a high-quality gearbox. So, it is important to consider the following parameters of the units:

  1. Fuel consumption.
  2. Weight and dimensions of the structure.
  3. How often do you need to replace technical fluids, and also how much fluid is “gobbled up” by the box.
  4. Reliability of the model, frequency of required repairs and the presence of “pain points” in the gearbox.
  5. Operating conditions in which it is possible to use one or another gearbox.

In the modern automotive industry, the development of new components and assemblies makes it possible to improve the performance of vehicles. However, sometimes the creation of new models of gearboxes leads to a decrease in their service life and an increase in vehicle maintenance costs. As a result, people cannot decide which car to choose: an automatic, a CVT or another gearbox.

Quite often, when choosing a new car, people are faced with the problem of CVT or automatic, which is better? Each of the boxes has its own positive aspects, and negative. We will try to figure out the difference between a CVT and an automatic and choose what suits your type of driving.

So, what is the difference between a CVT and an automatic? The simplest description of a CVT is that it is an automatic transmission with no steps. The CVT is more reliable and lighter than an automatic transmission. So, to answer the question posed, it is necessary to understand the operating principle of both boxes.

CVT operation

The principle of a CVT is extremely different from an automatic transmission. It can probably be called the most advanced of all gearboxes. The essence of its work is that it has the ability to continuously change gears. And if there are no steps, then there are no jerks, which add discomfort during movement. It is worth noting that the fuel consumption of a CVT will also be lower due to a smoother ride. If you are a fan of accelerating quickly after a traffic light, then a CVT transmission can give you this, as it has great acceleration.

When starting to move, unlike an automatic transmission, the variator will behave more smoothly and smoothly. When driving a car with this gearbox, you can feel the full power of your engine, since it does not slow it down either due to your unhurried reaction or the operation of the mechanisms of the box itself. The driver has a unique opportunity to enjoy the sound of the growing power of his engine; there are no failures or problems with gear shifting interruptions. When comparing the speed of a CVT with an automatic, of course, the CVT will be in the lead. Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of the variator.

Pros of a CVT

  • Rapid acceleration (compared to all other gearboxes)
  • Less fuel consumption
  • Extended service life due to smooth operation
  • Elementary in mastering

Disadvantages of a CVT

  • The cost of servicing this box is quite high, and finding someone who will take the risk of working on it is quite problematic
  • Expensive replacement of the chain between the shafts. This procedure must be done once every 100 thousand kilometers. It is not only expensive, but also difficult to implement
  • The variator has a large number of complex and expensive electronics, and if problems arise, you will need to pay a considerable amount for its repair.
  • This box requires special oil, which is quite difficult to find, and it is still as expensive as all other gear maintenance items.

The continuously variable transmission will be a suitable gearbox for both novice drivers and experienced racers. If you are looking for constant drive on public roads, constant maneuvers and rapid overtaking, then the CVT will become ideal solution for you. But you should prepare for the fact that, in the event of breakdowns, you will need to shell out a fairly large sum for repairs, and in terms of consumables, they are also expensive. If you do not have a fairly substantial amount of money in your pocket, then you should not consider buying a car with a CVT. After all, no one wants your car to be stuck for a long time after the first accidental breakdown due to the owner’s cash-strapped situation.

The operation of the variator is smooth, but it’s not worth overpaying for it. If you don't have enough money, you can easily put up with the smoothness of the automatic transmission, which gives up just a little. The CVT transmission is an attribute of comfort, but for comfort, as we know, it is necessary and has to be paid.

Operating principle of an automatic gearbox

Automatic transmissions are getting better and better over the years. The available implementation options now were previously only dreams. The box itself consists of several vital parts, including:

  • Torque converter, which replaced the flywheel
  • Planetary gear system, which does the shifting work

Over the years, the number of gears themselves has changed, it has grown from 4 to 8. The control system in cars with an automatic transmission has also become noticeably better. If at the beginning of the popularity of automatic transmissions it was necessary to move a special switch from the upper position to the lower position, now the box itself has begun to do this work for the driver. The next global decisions in the history of the development of these boxes was the ability to choose between the “sport” mode and the “quiet ride” mode.

The variator can be compared in detail with an automatic gearbox, since it can be considered one of its varieties, but with better technical indicators. An automatic transmission will provide acceleration at a lower speed and the smooth ride itself will not be the same as with a CVT transmission. It is worth considering the pros and cons of an automatic transmission.

Pros of automatic transmission

  • Simple controls will appeal to novice drivers, as it is very easy to get used to this gearbox. You will not be constantly haunted by the thought of where the gear you need is located and at what moment it is best to change it
  • It is almost impossible to render the clutch unusable. This advantage also has manual transmission. In this they are a little similar
  • Gentle gear shifting brings less wear to the engine, and therefore its service life increases
  • If an automatic transmission has a large number of gears, fuel consumption decreases.

The main disadvantages of an automatic transmission

  • Lack of dynamics, both during acceleration and during prolonged maneuvering
  • If an old automatic with four gears is installed, then it consumes much more fuel than a CVT gearbox
  • Although the price for servicing an automatic transmission is incomparable with a CVT, still, in the event of an unexpected breakdown, it will force you to shell out a considerable amount of money from your wallet
  • The machine is picky about oil, and it will have to be changed much more often. The smoothness of the variator does not leave a large amount of chips, which can complicate its operation, but the automatic cannot boast of the same, because the switching is quite harsh, which means there are more chips left
  • It is not recommended to use oil at high sub-zero temperatures. Although the manufacturer claims that some types of oil are immune to thickening, it’s still not worth the risk. Nobody wants to stand up in their car in the bitter cold.

And now, having found out what the disadvantages of the automatic transmission are, we can recommend using it in medium climatic conditions, without large temperature changes. Constantly changing the oil will not allow you to catch your breath both financially and in the constantly worrying question of the approaching change. The automatic transmission is quite smooth, but still not enough to experience true driving comfort. Fuel consumption will be higher than that of a CVT, which means get ready, because you will be a frequent visitor to the gas station.


Once you have figured out all the pros and cons of both boxes, you can choose what suits your lifestyle, driving style and time on the road. If you need low fuel consumption and comfort on the road, and you can afford to repair the CVT gearbox, then it will serve you well without any complaints.

In the event that you are not able to accept such large financial losses, then an automatic transmission will be much cheaper. But the cost of gasoline and oil will take a toll on your wallet.
For novice drivers, in order to get better acquainted with a car, an automatic is more suitable, since it will not require constant costs, which means that a person with an average income, but who needs constant access to a car, can purchase it.

Below you can watch a video about what a CVT is.