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What to do if your car doors and locks freeze in winter. Is your car lock or door frozen? Solving the problem correctly So that the locks in the car do not freeze in winter

So, in the cold The door to the car interior does not open. There may be two reasons for this: either the lock is frozen, or the rubber seals around the entire perimeter of the door are frozen. You can deal with both problems using improvised methods.

If the problem is in the lock, then the main tool for solving the problem should be a regular key. Firstly, it can be heated with matches or a lighter, and then quickly inserted into the cylinder and thereby try to warm up the locking mechanism. Secondly, almost any auto store has “lock defrosters” - inexpensive tubes with non-freezing liquid - you just need to inject it into the cylinder and wait a couple of minutes.

However, there are situations when there are no matches, no lighters, or auto stores at hand. For example, a castle froze somewhere far from civilization: in a forest, in a godforsaken village or on a half-abandoned highway... There is a way out in this case too - the warmth of your body will help out. You can breathe into the castle cylinder or simply relieve yourself on it. Not a very hygienic method, but when there is no alternative, it will do. Water from a kettle is also suitable for defrosting locks, but do not forget: if there is water or other liquid in the mechanism, it must be treated with WD-40 lubricant as soon as possible, otherwise the next time it will freeze tightly.

When the door is frozen along its entire perimeter, there are also several ways. The ice does not have to be melted - it can simply be crushed: just knock on the edges of the door with your fist. If such manipulation does not help and the door does not want to open, then defrosting will still be required. The most humane thing to do is to use a hairdryer. Moreover, in order not to damage the paintwork, you should not choose the “hottest” operating mode.

However, if the car is located far from an outlet and there is no extension cord at hand, you will have to use boiling water, which will help melt the ice quite quickly. When the door does open, don’t be lazy to stop by the auto store and buy silicone lubricant. Ice will not “stick” to rubber seals treated with this composition, and the doors will no longer freeze. Periodically, the lubricant layer needs to be renewed.

Severe winter frosts, characteristic of almost the entire territory of Russia, can cause a lot of trouble for car owners. One of the troubles that almost everyone has encountered is the inability to open the car doors after several hours of parking at temperatures below zero degrees. The reason is simple - the moisture accumulated in the core of the lock and on the door seals freezes. To open the doors in this case, you will need to melt or destroy the resulting layer of ice. There are several ways to do this.

How to open a frozen car lock?

Problem frozen castle is also typical for those cars where it is installed central locking, and for those where it is missing.

If a car with central locking does not open when you press the button, you should not immediately sound the alarm. The reason may be that the lubricant of the actuators has thickened in the cold. Often the problem is solved by opening the lock with a key. If this does not help: the key does not turn, or it cannot be inserted into the well, you will have to resort to more radical measures.

You can try to melt the frozen ice in the castle using one of the following methods.

Hot air supply.

Blowing hot air over the lock is one of the most accessible and effective methods.

In mild frosts down to -5 degrees, it is enough to warm the castle with your own breath. To do this, you should fold the palm of your hand into a tube, place it against the keyhole and breathe into this improvised air duct. The method works, but under certain conditions:

  • the ice layer is quite thin;
  • temperature not lower than -5 degrees.

In severe frost, this method not only will not help, but can also aggravate the situation. The air exhaled by a person contains a high concentration of water vapor, which, at a significant negative temperature, instantly condenses and freezes, increasing the thickness of the ice layer.

A more effective solution, which is almost always at hand, is the exhaust gases of a nearby car. Although there is enough water vapor in them, their temperature is much higher and they can cope with any layer of ice in any frost. To do this, it is enough to feed the exhaust from a nearby car with the engine running through a hose to the keyhole.

A stream of warm (hot) air from a household or construction hair dryer is even better suited for defrosting the lock. All that remains is to figure out where to get it and how to connect it.

Other methods of warming up the lock.

You can warm up the castle not only with air. Suitable for these purposes:

  • key;
  • thin wire or small metal object (it should fit into the keyhole);
  • hot water or sand.

With the key everything is simple. You need to heat it on the flame of a lighter (you need to know when to stop and not melt the plastic head) and insert it into the well. After this, all that remains is to try turning the key. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times until the lock opens.

IMPORTANT! Applying excessive force, especially trying to turn the key using pliers or a lever, is not acceptable! The result may be a broken key, which in the absence of a duplicate will only add to the problems!

The wire is treated in the same way - it is inserted into the keyhole, and the other end is heated with a lighter. When heated, the wire melts the ice. Periodically they take it out and try to open the car with the key.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to directly heat the lock with a lighter flame - this is dangerous for the coating of the car and the lock mechanism.

Hot water or sand in a suitable container (bottle or bag) attached to the castle will warm up its entire area quite quickly.

The mechanism will thaw even faster if you pour hot water on it (there are often tips to use boiling water for this). However, experience shows that such harsh measures are more likely to cause harm:

  • with a significant sharp change in temperature (the metal of the door has cooled down to the air temperature outside, and boiling water with a temperature of about 100 degrees is poured onto it), the paintwork, which is exposed to a stream of hot water, will crack with a probability close to 100%;
  • some of the water will definitely get into the well and internal cavities, which can subsequently aggravate the freezing problem;
  • the same part of the water can cause damage to the electrical part central lock and other wiring hidden in the doors, for example, for power windows.

Other methods of dealing with ice using improvised means.

You can melt the ice in the castle without resorting to heating. Alcohol-containing liquids are well suited for this:

  • pure medical or industrial alcohol;
  • cologne, eau de toilette or perfume;
  • Windshield washer fluid (“anti-freeze”).

When alcohols come into contact with ice, they dissolve it, causing the release of heat. To defrost a lock in this way, simply inject liquid into the keyhole using a syringe or use a spray bottle. In a few minutes the problem will be resolved.

Practical note! From perfumery, only those liquids whose alcohol content exceeds 40-50% are suitable for this method (for example, triple cologne with a concentration of more than 60%). You should be careful with anti-freeze - it contains isopropyl alcohol, and this substance is harmful to health and chemically aggressive.

In extreme cases, you can achieve a positive effect - unlocking the lock - by using exotic products such as Vaseline or nut loosening fluid (for example, kerosene-based WD-40).

Vaseline is applied to the key and inserted into the hole of the lock, trying to turn it periodically. It should be noted that it will take a lot of time to tear off the doors in this way.

WD-40 is sprayed from a can onto the lock and borehole. However, you need to remember that this liquid is hygroscopic (“pulls” water) and can cause problems in the future.

The best option for opening a frozen lock would be towing the car to a warm garage, where it will warm up evenly, and the owner will have the opportunity to dry the parts and take the necessary preventive measures - lubricate the lock parts with grease or similar lubricants, treat the door seals with silicone to prevent freezing problems in the future .

An effective way to open a frozen lock is to use tools such as a defroster keychain or a “Liquid Key”.

You can purchase them at any auto store and always have them on hand when the air temperature drops.


Even residents of regions with less severe winters sometimes cannot open their car. This is due to temperature changes: the moisture accumulated during the thaw freezes, tightly gripping the lock mechanisms and door seals. As a rule, this happens when we are in a hurry.

How to open a frozen lock

On equipped burglar alarm You can open the car lock using the key fob. However, at low temperatures the battery often runs out and it becomes useless. Then you have to open the door with the key. And there are three ways.

Don't forget to check all the doors, not just the driver's door. Hatchbacks and SUVs can also be accessed through the trunk.

Method 1. Crumble

If the lock is slightly frozen and you managed to insert the key into the hole, try to crumble the ice inside by rotating the key from side to side. Proceed carefully and do not use too much force. Overdo it, and the remnants of a broken key will be added to the ice jam.

If the driver's door does not budge, try the same procedure with the passenger door.

Method 2. Gray

If turning the key in the lock does not work, you can try to melt the ice. The simplest thing is to heat the key itself with a lighter.

A more effective option is to insert a thin metal object into the lock and heat it, transferring the heat inside the mechanism. A hairpin, a piece of wire or an unbent key ring can be used as a conductor. If there are other cars nearby, try heating the lock with hot water.

What you shouldn’t do is pour hot water: in the cold it will immediately cool down and freeze, further aggravating the problem.

Another bad tip is to blow into the keyhole. The heat of your breath is still not enough to melt the ice, but the resulting condensation will immediately freeze. Moreover, if you are careless, you can even stick your lips to the lock.

Method 3. Defrost

It is best to use a special defrosting spray, the so-called liquid key. You just need to attach a small can to the lock and press the sprayer a couple of times. The alcohol-based liquid will melt the ice, and the lubricant included will prevent corrosion and protect against subsequent freezing.

If you don’t have a liquid key at hand, but there is a pharmacy nearby, you can buy alcohol and a syringe and inject the lock: the effect will be the same.

But you shouldn’t spray WD-40 and other kerosene-based liquids into the lock. They will help little against ice, but at the same time they will wash away all the lubricant from the mechanism.

How to open a frozen door

Unlocking the lock is only half the battle, because to get into the car, you still need to open the door. Due to the larger area, it, or rather the rubber seals, freeze to the body much more strongly.

Under no circumstances should you pull the handle with all your might: the door is unlikely to budge, but the handle may fall off. To open a frozen door, you need to tap it with your fist along the entire perimeter and press on it. This way you will crumple the seal, the ice on it will crumble and free the door from captivity.

You can also try rocking the car from side to side.

On hatchbacks and station wagons, try slamming the trunk sharply several times, if you can open it, of course. The air flow will push the door from the inside.

How to open frozen windows

There is no particular need to open the windows, unless you are going to wipe the side mirrors directly from the cabin. However, in order not to inadvertently damage the window lift mechanisms, it is better not to try to lower the icy windows before the interior has warmed up.

When the ice melts, the windows can be opened and also treated with silicone grease where the seal is adjacent.

And you should not clean mirrors with a scraper: it leaves scratches and can damage the anti-reflective coating.

If your car is not equipped with electrically heated mirrors, try clearing them of ice with warm air. When the car warms up, direct a stream of air from the heater through the open window,

How to keep your car from freezing

  1. Wipe door seals dry and treat them with silicone lubricant or spray.
  2. Allow the car to cool before parking it. Ventilate the interior by opening all doors and trunk to allow moisture to evaporate or freeze.
  3. Be sure to treat all locks with a silicone-based water-repellent lubricant.
  4. If the locks are constantly freezing, dry them thoroughly by placing the car in a warm garage or underground parking. The car will warm up and then all the moisture will evaporate.
  5. When leaving your car overnight, remove snow from the top and bottom of the doors.
  6. And don't forget to throw newspapers on the floor. They will absorb melted snow and the humidity in the cabin will decrease.
  7. Always make sure that you dry the car properly after cleaning. The washer must blow compressed air through the window seals, windshield wiper blades, washer nozzles, as well as locks, door handles and the gas tank flap.

How do you get into a frozen car in winter? Share your tips in the comments!

For determined people who are in a hurry, the problem can be solved in one movement: you just need to pull the door as hard as possible. So if you yourself and your rhythm of life are in the above category, then you can, in general, not read everything that follows - you still won’t read it “by the instructions”. The only thing I can give here is one...

advice: if you tear off the door, then it’s best not the driver’s door, but the passenger one, and even better, the one that is used least often - for example, the rear left one (if it’s not frozen and the central locking works). Through it you can move to the driver’s seat and warm up the remaining doors with a “stove”.

The point here is that with such violence against a frozen door, rubber seals are often torn off and torn, which even on a car under warranty will have to be changed only at your own expense. And since the driver’s door is used most often, the torn seal will soon lose its presentation, water will leak through the torn fragments, and snow will accumulate. And you will immediately have to go for repairs, otherwise the ride will be very uncomfortable.

The other door, especially the rear left one, can be carefully closed by tucking in the torn rubber bands, sealing the damage with household products, and then drive for some time, taking into account the date and budget for repairs.

In general, when opening frozen doors, the main task is to maintain the integrity of the rubber seals.

How can it be solved?

How to open locks?

If the locks open and are not frozen, then to save personal time you can go straight to the “Second approach” item. If the locks are still frozen, read on.

By the way: Frozen locks will have to be opened in any case - whether you are going to open the door with a jerk or tear it off or carefully separate it from the frame.

Advice: Before the onset of cold weather, you should definitely stock up on a product from the “Lock defroster” group. The price is from 50 rubles, but it helps a lot.

If there is no defrost, then you can try some of the available means - antifreeze liquid from the washer fluid reservoir, as well as any “household” alcohol-containing composition, even cologne. It can be poured, say, into a plastic bottle “with a spout” from some pharmaceutical drops, and then injected into the keyhole. After about two minutes you can try turning the key.

Attention: If the key does not turn, under no circumstances should you apply great force! Otherwise, you can break both the key and the lock. Therefore, if you can’t twist it, we continue to defrost it.

How to open the doors?

So, the lock is open (or the locks were opened initially), now we proceed to open the door.

Advice: Even if you open it carefully, it’s still better not the driver’s door, but the other door. (That’s why, by the way, you need to defrost the passenger door lock).

Step 1: We clean the perimeter of the door where the frame adjoins the opening. To do this, it is convenient to use a thin flat scraper or, if you don’t have one, some kind of handy “plastic”, for example, a plastic stationery ruler. Be careful: when clearing glaciation, you do not need to scrub with all your might! Proceed carefully, trying not to damage, first of all, the paint and the seals themselves.

Step 2: You can try to pull the door lightly. Has it opened? Hooray! If it doesn’t open, then there are two options. The first one is to tear it off, the second one is to go to “Step 3” - to freeze it.

Step 3: After cleaning the perimeter of the door where the frame adjoins the opening, you can treat it with the same anti-freezing windshield washer fluid, pouring it in a small stream, for example, from some plastic shampoo bottle.

Final: Let's open the door! Still doesn't work? Then we continue to defrost, but we end up freezing ourselves. If we don’t want a cold, then we pull a little harder and get into the car, turn on the “stove”.

Don't be afraid: After correctly performing the above-described manipulations, the risk of breaking the door seal will be minimal.

Prevention will help

And so that we don’t have to “dance with a tambourine around the car or tear open the door as hard as we can, before the frosts we stock up in advance on inexpensive, but great things that make life easier:

1. Product for protecting locks and hinges from freezing - from 50 rubles.

2. Anti-freezing agent for door and trunk seals - from 100 rubles.

3. Universal silicone grease (frost-resistant) - from 100 rubles.