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What to do if you left things on the bus? What to do if you left things on the bus Information about forgotten things on the bus

Since the beginning of December last year, 312 items forgotten by passengers were discovered in the capital's buses, trolleybuses and trams. An inspection was carried out for each episode, and emergency services went to the scene of incidents.

“When leaving the carriage, do not forget your things!” - a pleasant voice reminds us on subway trains. And yet, we often leave our belongings in the subway, and even more so on buses and trams, on trains and planes, and then we rush around, trying to return what we have acquired through backbreaking labor. Bags, umbrellas, tubes, backpacks, cameras and… bags with replacement shoes most often become “orphaned”.

According to First Deputy General Director of Mosgortrans Boris Tkachuk, in winter and spring, the number of things forgotten by schoolchildren and students increases, and this leads to flight delays. Since the beginning of December, buses, trolleybuses and trams have been delayed by a total of 15 hours due to the discovery of unknown objects in their passenger compartments.

Explosives are extremely rare among “lost items,” but there is still a possibility of their occurrence. Therefore, if you find, for example, a package in the cabin, but its owner has disappeared, do not approach the object, do not touch it, and immediately report the find to the driver. If the action takes place in the subway, contact the driver using the call button (it is located near each door in the car). Emergency services will arrive immediately to find out whether the suspicious package is an explosive device or just a pair of underpants in a bag.

Forget the TV on the bus! Do you think it's science fiction? But no. And such cases have happened in Khabarovsk, we were told in the control room. This is, of course, an exception. Much more often, citizens leave glasses, gloves, scarves and... food in vehicles.

“Last year, two men forgot a TV in the bus,” they told us in the control room of the Khabarovsk interdisciplinary navigation and information center. - Small, in a box. They put us next to the seat, and apparently started talking to each other and got off at their stop. Everything worked out well, they remembered the loss in a timely manner, contacted us, and we were the carrier. The TV was returned.

There was also an interesting incident on the eve of March 8, dispatchers recall. A man bought a laptop for his wife as a gift and left it safely on the bus. He didn’t remember the registration number of the car, and only remembered about the gift for his wife a few hours later and called the control room. They say the poor fellow never found his laptop. Some of the passengers most likely discovered it earlier.

By the way, according to dispatchers, city residents have become less likely to forget things in salons, but their number remains unchanged and increases with the onset of autumn and winter. Scarves, gloves, hats, bags with replacement shoes - forgetful citizens leave them on the seats, and simply drop them in the commotion. In summer, glasses, books, magazines, children's caps and sandals lead the list of lost items.

— It happens that food is forgotten. For example, food containers, pies and buns. A couple of times we found entire bags of groceries in the cabin. Apparently, someone was returning home from the store,” recalls Marina Belenkaya, conductor of route No. 8. “We usually carry these things with us throughout the day, in case the owner returns.” If not, we throw it away - the food spoils.

Meanwhile, in half the cases, according to the conductors, the owners still manage to find their things - they catch up with the bus if they immediately remember about the loss or contact the carrier and pick up their luggage in the garage where the bus spends the night. It happens the other way around, things find their owners. So, according to dispatchers, if someone’s documents and phone are found in the cabin, they definitely try to contact the owner or try to find him through social networks. Thus, we have already managed to return several mobile phones.

However, most people do not know where to go if they left a necessary item in public transport - a trolleybus, a bus or a minibus, because there is no general lost and found service in Khabarovsk.

“In general, things forgotten on buses, trams and trolleybuses, if noticed by the conductor or driver, are handed over to the carrier - a private entrepreneur or to the GET municipal unitary enterprise,” explained the dispatch office. — If something is left in the cabin, you should call the Khabarovsk Interindustry Navigation and Information Center at 91-02-07, inform the route, the side number of the bus and the date of travel. We will inform whose route it was, and then the owner will have to independently contact the carrier and find out about the forgotten item from him.

You can report items forgotten or found in transport by phone: 32-85-02, 45-73-15 and 46-12-45.

However, it happens that forgotten things do not reach the driver or conductor at all. As with a laptop, they can be picked up by another passenger. Then, of course, the chances of finding gloves, a bag or a gadget are minimal. Unless the finder publishes an ad on the Internet. Today there are several thematic groups on different social networks.

  • “I won’t give up my passport!” - Rules for deposit at rental points,” read the material.

It has never happened to anyone: they got off the bus, and left an umbrella there - forgotten and almost no one else's... Or, on the contrary, they found it. What to do in such cases, where to go? How to return things forgotten on a bus, trolleybus or tram (hereinafter referred to as transport)?

If you forgot things in transport

The main thing in such a situation is not to waste time. The sooner you start searching, the higher the chances that your items will be found. Where to go for this depends on the type of transport: bus, trolleybus or tram.

Items forgotten on a bus (trolleybus, tram) end up in the bus (trolleybus or tram) depot - dispatch service<*>. They are usually handed over by the driver (or conductor). He either finds the abandoned items himself (when checking the cabin at the final station), or they are brought to him by conscientious passengers<*> .

All finds are usually recorded in a special journal. Their storage period is 30 days from the date of arrival of the vehicle at the final stop. If during this time the owner of the item cannot be found, it can be disposed of or sold<*> .

If you forget perishable products in transport, they will not be stored for 30 days. According to the rules, such products are destroyed, about which a commission report is drawn up<*> .

It turns out that to find out if the things you forgot were found, you need to call or come to the bus (trolleybus or tram) depot<*>. To help you find your loss quickly, try to remember the route number, the stop where you got on and off, and the approximate time.

Since time is against you in such a situation, the fastest way is to call the park dispatch service. In addition, usually all carriers have " hotline", to which you can also report your problem.

Background information
Telephone numbers of dispatch services and hotlines can be found on the official websites of carriers in your city. For Minsk this is Minsktrans, for other cities - local city transport enterprises.

If your loss is found, you will need to come to the park in person and write an application for its return. The responsible park employee will tell you how to correctly write such a statement and draw up a corresponding document. For this you only need a passport. To ensure that an item is yours, you may be asked to describe it (for example, color, size, distinctive features etc.)<*> .

If items forgotten in transport are not found in the park, you can look for them in other ways. For example, place an ad on special Internet platforms, post up paper advertisements. When using the last option, remember that for posting advertisements in places not intended for this purpose (for example, trees, benches, bus stops) a fine of up to 25 BV is provided<*> .

Pay attention!
If you forgot things in a metro car, contact the attendant at the final station of the metro line you were traveling on. For example, if you were traveling towards Uruchya on the Moscow metro line, go to the duty officer at the final station “Uruchye”. The things left behind are stored there for the first time. Then things, the owners of which are in no hurry to look for them, are transferred to the management of the Minsk Metro. You can find out if yours is among them by calling the lost items helpline.

If you find things in transport

In this case, what is found must be transferred<*> :

- either the driver (conductor);

- or to the park dispatch service.

You can also report your find to the police.

To help you find the owner faster, try to remember the route number on which you found the items, the stop you stopped at, and the approximate time it happened.

You should not leave things with you and look for their owner yourself. The difference between a find and a theft is quite subtle and not obvious. It is assumed that theft is when the owner knows exactly where his property is located, and the finder knows or guesses that the owner can return for this property. In other words, if a package is left on a bus seat, this does not always mean that it was lost. If you wish, you can first hand over the found items to the driver (to the dispatch service), and only then, for example, place an advertisement about the find in a newspaper or on the Internet.

Pay attention!
Keeping things found in a vehicle means breaking the law. This provides for administrative as well as criminal liability. So, for example, appropriation of other people's found things can result in a warning or a fine of up to 5 BV<*> . And if the cost of such things is significant (1000 or more times more than BV) - community service, or a fine, or arrest<*> .

Since the beginning of the year, passengers have forgotten their belongings in buses, trolleybuses and trams 323 times. Some of the most common finds include bags and bags containing personal items, school backpacks, umbrellas, hats and gloves.

Forgotten items are a common cause of delays public transport. To check them, they call operational services that ensure security. This year, buses, trolleybuses and trams stopped for a total of more than 27 hours due to items left behind by passengers.

Mosgortrans regularly instructs drivers on how to behave in emergency situations, including when an ownerless item is found in the car. “At the same time, we ask all users of public transport to be attentive to their property while traveling, and if you find abandoned items on a bus, tram or trolleybus, immediately notify the driver,” he said general manager Mosgortrans Evgeny Mikhailov.

How and where to findthings lost in transport?

On a bus, trolleybus, tram

If you have lost something in ground transport, you need to contact the park manager or route depot. The driver returns forgotten items at the final station. As a rule, every other day they are sent from the control room of the park or depot to the central warehouse of forgotten items of Mosgortrans. They charge a fee for storage here - 12 rubles 46 kopecks per day for one place.

To receive a forgotten item, you need to write a statement indicating the date, approximate time of loss and the route number of ground urban transport, as well as brief description item and hand it over to the lost items warehouse employee. You must have an identification document with you. Lost wallets will also be returned at the warehouse, and money will be returned at the cash register. Passports and other documents are transferred according to the inventory to the lost documents desk of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. For three days a warehouse employee is trying to contact the owner of a passport or other documents that can be used to establish the owner’s contact information.

In a minibus

Items left on the buses of JSC Autoline Group end up in the warehouse of forgotten items. The application can be submitted on the company's website. Upon receipt, you must pay all payments due to the company (for storage, packaging, transportation at the rate of found luggage and publication of an announcement, if any) and issue a receipt for receiving the items. Documents remain in the warehouse for five days, things - for three months. When the storage period for documents expires, they are transferred to the lost and found documents bureau of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate on Novoslobodskaya Street, building 57/65.

On the subway

Items found in carriages, stations and lobbies are sent to a lost and found property warehouse. They are stored for three months and then transferred to the State Fund. Forgotten personal documents (passport, policy, driver's license, student ID, etc.) are immediately handed over to the police.

The Moscow metro wants to create a search for forgotten things. A search request can be left on the subway portal.

On electric trains and aeroexpress trains

Forgotten items are handed over to the head of the station or terminal of the train's final destination. If lost, contact the station duty officer. Aeroexpress publishes information about things found on trains on Instagram or in the permanent Lost & Found section on the company’s pages.

Khabarovsk resident

When my boyfriend and I were returning home, I discovered that I had left my backpack on the bus. At first I was upset because it contained a tablet with personal photos, videos and contacts. We decided to follow the bus by car, but we never found it on the route. The traffic police officers, whom we met on Muravyov-Amursky, advised us to immediately go to the bus depot on Bolshaya. There I immediately went into the administrative building, and Vanya began asking bus drivers in the parking lot. The conductors were sitting in the lobby, waiting for the end of their work shift. The watchman took me to an office that resembled a lost and found office. The woman at the desk filled out the application, immediately called and clarified that there were no items left on our route.

While I was there, conductors came into the office and brought handbags, gloves, and keys that someone had left behind. I didn’t even know that such a “service” existed and that they kept all things and did not throw them away or take them for themselves.

I was taken into the corridor and asked to recognize the conductor of my bus, but my granny turned out to be quite mischievous and rejected me. In the end, it turned out that the backpack had fallen behind the seat, where it was not visible, and Vanya and the driver found it there. Now I know not to lose hope and bravely go to the bus depot.

Anna Ferapontova

senior ticket cashier KhPATP No. 1

When the conductors finish their shift, they hand over the proceeds and at the same time bring the left things. We do not have a lost property office - lost items can be brought to the cash register or to the control room. People mainly lose wallets with money, documents, glasses and gloves. Depends on the season. In the fall, umbrellas are traditionally left, and before the New Year, gifts and even food are left. But on March 8, no one loses flowers, but they are often given as gifts when getting on the bus. Children like to forget their sports uniform, and after the bath people often leave brooms behind, and after the clinic - medical cards. We store all non-perishable items for a long time. We do not accept food because there is no refrigerator.

When they leave documents with contact information or telephone numbers, we always try to call the owners’ relatives or their acquaintances, we call hostels and institutes. Once we called a mother in Kamchatka whose son had forgotten his phone. Recently, an entrepreneur stopped by, picked up the migrants’ belongings and documents, took them to the mosque, where speakerphone found the owners.

What to do if you left something on the bus:
1. Save your ticket and remember which bus you took (municipal or private) and its number.
2. Remember the distinctive features of the loss: this will be asked.
3. Call the bus depot, tram or trolleybus depot (addresses and telephone numbers at the end of the article).
4. Buses run on schedule, so if you lost something in the morning, it’s better to come in the afternoon. The day shift lasts until 4 pm. Evening – until 9 pm. The latest one ends at one in the morning.

A couple more tips:
1. Keep your belongings with you and do not place bags on the seats.
2. If you see an item abandoned, it is better to immediately tell the conductor.

Private carrier

IP Stepanov Alexey Stanislavovich
routes: 23, 19, 33, 10, 333

We have both shuttle buses and custom ones. All of them are based in the Southern Automotive Park. Buses from both municipal and commercial carriers can travel on the same route. At the same time, there may also be several merchants: 5-7.

If the item was not lost on my bus, then I usually give those who call me the telephone number of the Transport Administration, where they can contact and describe the car so that it can be found. Often passengers do not even remember the bus number, but only remember the color or decor inside.

Sometimes we find cell phones. We charge the discharged ones and find “Dad” or “Mom” in the contacts. I have already returned two or three phones for my practice.

If the owner of the lost item never called us, we often take the forgotten items to the salon and carry them for two weeks in the hope that the next day a person will get on the bus and pick up the items. You can always stand at the bus stop, wait for your bus, go in and ask if they found anything.

In general, we don’t really lose things. If they lost it, they called, they came, they picked it up. There is a telephone number on each bus that you can call us on. Things are picked up either at the base or in the garage where the bus is parked.

City administration

From the official response of Sergei Vasilievich Afanasyev

Deputy Mayor of the city for industry, transport, communications and work with law enforcement agencies

Currently, large and small capacity transportation is carried out on city routes: 86 commercial carriers and the Khabarovsk municipal unitary enterprise "KhPAP No. 1", as well as trams and trolleybuses. The city administration always meets passengers halfway and is ready to help in finding forgotten things. To do this, you can call the Khabarovsk Intersectoral Navigation and Information Center or the Transport Department. In this case, the passenger must be informed:
Phone: 45-73-15

Transport Department of the Khabarovsk City Administration
Address: st. Kim Yu Chena, 44 B
Phone: 30-21-82 (during business hours)