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How to decorate sandwiches with caviar. Sandwiches with red caviar - photo design. Classic sandwiches with butter and caviar: recipe

Which New Year without caviar? And any more or less significant holiday is not complete without it! In our country, you probably won’t find a single family that doesn’t have appetizers with red caviar, or at least the same sandwiches, on their table. But red caviar can be served not only on slices of bread and butter!

If you are a passionate lover of this luxurious delicacy, our appetizers with red caviar for the holiday table will help you not only serve red caviar beautifully, but also experience new flavor combinations. Simply replace the usual butter with soft curd cheese - and you have a new appetizer with red caviar! Instead of bread, cut cucumber slices or fill half boiled eggs with caviar. We have selected appetizers with red caviar for your holiday table to suit every taste.

Sandwiches with red caviar “Classic”

red caviar,
sprigs of parsley.

Cut the loaf into thin slices. Spread soft butter on it in an even thin layer, on top of which, caviar to caviar, apply an even, neat layer of red caviar. Garnish the sandwiches with parsley sprigs. To make your usual favorite sandwiches look more festive, cut the loaf not into ordinary slices, but, for example, in the shape of diamonds, circles or stars.

Sandwiches with red caviar and salmon

white bread,
150 g red caviar,
200 g lightly salted salmon,
sprigs of fresh dill.

Cut the white bread into neat, uniform square slices and cut off the crusts. Apply a thin layer of soft butter to each slice. Visually divide the rectangular slice into two triangles. Sprinkle one of them with chopped dill and place a thin slice of red fish on top; on the other, apply a thin layer of caviar and decorate the second triangle with a small sprig of dill.

Sandwiches with curd cheese, red caviar and shrimp.

white bread,
red caviar,
curd cheese (can be with herbs),
small peeled shrimps,
dill greens.

Boil the shrimp for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, drain in a colander and let cool. Cut white bread into medium slices, carefully cut out circles, lightly brown them, spread the sides with a thin layer of butter and roll in chopped dill. Then apply a thin layer of curd cheese on each circle, a thin layer of caviar on top, and place a shrimp in the middle.

Canapes with red caviar and cheese salad

1 baguette,
100 g red caviar,
100 g hard cheese,
2 boiled eggs,
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the baguette into thin slices, cut into hard crusts around the edges and fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Grate the hard cheese on a medium grater, and the boiled eggs on a fine grater, combine the ingredients. Add mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper to this mixture to taste. Place the resulting cheese salad on a canapé, distributing it evenly, a little on each slice, and place ½ tsp in the middle of the slices. red caviar, add a sprig of dill to each.

Tartlets with red caviar, soft cheese and dill

Ingredients (for 20 small tartlets):
100 g soft cheese,
20-30 g butter,
100 g red caviar,

Beat soft cheese and butter until smooth. Add half a teaspoon of chopped dill to the resulting mass and mix well. Fill the tartlets 2/3 full with the cheese mixture, smooth it out, and evenly distribute a layer of caviar on top so that there are no gaps. Garnish with dill sprigs.

Tartlets with red caviar, crab sticks, pineapple and garlic

Ingredients (for 10 small tartlets):
120 g crab sticks,
50 g hard cheese,
2 spoons of red caviar,
1 clove of garlic,
1 pineapple ring,
a little dill,
mayonnaise and salt - to taste.

Cut the crab sticks and a ring of canned pineapple into very small cubes, add finely grated cheese, minced garlic, a little salt and mayonnaise. Mix everything and fill the tartlets with filling almost to the top. In the center of the tartlet, use a teaspoon to make a small depression and place a little red caviar there in a heap or distribute the eggs over the entire surface without covering it entirely. Complete the picture with sprigs of dill, and the dish is ready.

Vol-au-vent with red caviar and cream cheese

500 g puff pastry without yeast,
150 g cream cheese,
80-100 g red caviar,
1 tbsp. l. flour,
1 egg yolk.

Thaw the dough and roll it out to about 5mm thick in one direction on a floured board. Using a notch no larger than 5 cm in diameter, cut out circles from the dough. Then, using a notch with a diameter of 3 cm, cut out the centers of half the circles, carefully remove them to form a rim. Place large mugs on a baking sheet lined with parchment, gently brush their surface with beaten yolk and place the rims on top, lightly pressing them into the dough, and also brush with yolk. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200ºC, spray it with water from a spray bottle a couple of times to create steam. It is known that puff pastry loves moisture very much and rises well when it is available. Quickly close the oven and bake the vol-au-vents for 20 minutes. Once they have browned and risen, remove them from the oven, let cool and fill almost to the top with the cheese filling. Place caviar on the filling and garnish with herbs.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and cheese

6 boiled eggs,
70 g hard cheese,
80 g red caviar,

Carefully peel the eggs without damaging the whites and cut them in half. Remove the yolks, mash with a fork, add finely grated cheese and mayonnaise. Mix the resulting filling thoroughly and fill the egg halves with it (without a slide), place the caviar on the filling and garnish with herbs.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and rice

5 boiled eggs,
4 tbsp. l. red caviar,
2 tbsp. l. boiled rice,
½ onion,
2 tbsp. l. sour cream 20%.

Remove the yolks from boiled eggs, carefully cut in half, and mash them with a fork. Add finely grated onion, rice, sour cream and mix. Fill the egg halves with the finished filling, and place red caviar on top. Place eggs stuffed with red caviar on a plate with lettuce, garnish with herbs, tomato slices or lemon slices.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and sprats

5 boiled eggs,
1 can of sprats,
fresh parsley,
red caviar.

Carefully cut the boiled eggs into two halves, remove the yolks and mash them with a fork. Add half a can of sprats to the yolk mixture and mix thoroughly until smooth. Add finely chopped parsley to the resulting mass and mix everything well again. Now add mayonnaise, but a little so that the mass does not turn out liquid. Mix everything again and fill the egg halves with the filling. Cut out small triangular slices from the lemon and place on the filling, decorate the appetizer with fresh parsley leaves and place one coffee spoon of red caviar on each stuffed egg.

Lavash appetizer with red caviar, cream cheese and cherry tomatoes

thin pita bread,
cream cheese,
red caviar,
cherry tomatoes,
green salad leaves.

Spread the pita bread, spread the cream cheese evenly over its surface, then spread red caviar in a thin layer. Carefully, trying not to crush the eggs, roll the pita bread into a roll. Using a sharp knife, cut the finished roll into portions, place them on a plate lined with lettuce leaves and garnish with cherry tomatoes.

Let your holiday be the most beautiful and delicious, and let the appetizers with red caviar on the festive table be a real hit of the feast!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Red caviar may be considered a delicacy, but sandwiches with caviar have long become a classic. Think for yourself what appetizer can decorate a holiday table better than this dish? Moreover, preparing such a snack is not at all difficult, and if you show a little imagination, you will also get a very beautifully designed composition.


Classic sandwich with red caviar


Loaf (any bread will do) -1 pc.
Caviar – 200g.
Butter – 100g
Greens – optional, a few sprigs of dill or parsley for decoration.


To be honest, I can’t even call it a recipe and I can hardly believe that there are people in the world who are not able to spread butter and caviar on bread on their own, but since I decided to write about sandwiches with caviar, I can’t do without the classics.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices; if you cut it thicker, the bread will interrupt the taste of caviar and you will have to add much more of it. If you cut it into very thin slices, it will be difficult to spread butter, and eating such sandwiches is not convenient, they will fall apart in your hands.


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Cream cheese (or sour cream) – 100 gr.
Red caviar -200 gr.
Greens (dill, parsley) – to taste, for decoration.
These sandwiches perfectly combine the flavors of fresh cucumbers, soft cream cheese and salted caviar. They are perfect for decorating a holiday table, because... their taste is different from the classic recipe.


1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

Sandwiches with red caviar and egg


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Butter – 100g.
Chicken egg (quail eggs) – 3 pcs.
Red caviar – 150g.
Dill, parsley – if you want to decorate sandwiches, greens won’t hurt.


The recipe is very simple, but there are different versions. Many of my friends believe that mayonnaise goes better with eggs than butter. By replacing just one ingredient, you get a completely different taste, not bad at all, but I prefer the classic. In any case, this snack is very high in calories, you should not abuse it.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

If you want to make eggs stuffed with caviar, the recipe is here...

Sandwiches with red caviar and cream


Loaf - 1 piece.

Cream (whipped) - 6 tbsp. l.
Butter - 60g.
Red caviar - 100g.
Dill - 2-3 sprigs.


These little delicacies are perfect for special occasions, banquets and, of course, will be very useful on the festive table in the New Year. After all, beautiful sandwiches with red caviar canapés are the most popular appetizer at any buffet table. The only negative is that they are difficult to take without getting dirty, because... The sides are greased with butter, so they should be served on skewers, or offer your guests forks.

1. Cut the bread into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. Calorie content of caviar is normal. Caviar is very well absorbed by our body. But if we consider it fully, then a sandwich with red caviar is not the best useful product. Oil consists of almost nothing but fats. Bread is fast carbohydrates. It’s clearly not worth eating such food at night. If you listen to nutritionists, then the ideal ratio of BJU (proteins\fats\carbohydrates) is 16%\17%\67%, BJU of sandwiches with red caviar is 23%\35%\45%. This is not far from ideal, but the calorie content of the dish is crazy, approximately 345 Kcal per 100 g of product. For overweight people, it is advisable to eat caviar in its pure form and in small quantities.

(I can’t help but add my “I”; a normal Russian man, on the advice of nutritionists, will probably die in a week on 2200 kcal per day. It may be subjective, but this is my opinion and my site :))

3. Salt. Yes, we are used to adding it to food and without it food seems tasteless to us. And I love salty foods. But this is a minus, whatever one may say. Salt retains water in our body, in addition it accumulates in the joints. I don’t think this is an argument for giving up seafood, but it is a fact.

4. Allergies. Everything here is banal. Caviar, fish and almost every “sea protein” contains parvalbumin. This is an absolutely safe protein that forms the muscle structure of living (and it is the protein that makes them so) marine organisms. Meanwhile, scientists have recorded increased levels of parvalbumin in salmon (red fish). Which means that if you are allergic to fish, it will be allergic to any fish, but to red fish it will manifest itself much faster and brighter, because... Logically, the higher the concentration of the allergen, the brighter the symptoms. Again, I don’t want to slip into paranoia, but I don’t advise pregnant and lactating women to eat caviar, because... this can cause a hypertrophied reaction in the child's body.

I started out good, but in the end I even got scared when I re-read what I wrote, even though I eat caviar quite often :) .

Beautiful sandwiches with red caviar, decoration

Of course, caviar is a very tasty and healthy product, but probably the most important thing is the rarity of this delicacy. And if you are able to treat your guests to such delicacies, your efforts should be appreciated. Even a piece of bread can be turned into something unique, the main thing is to know how to serve it. I won’t hide that some of the photos are not mine, many were taken by my good friend Roma, using his professional camera, for which I thank him very much. (but my recipes were photographed with my ancient phone, why should he burn in hell :))

Sandwiches with red caviar are not the most common dish on the table on a weekday. However, if guests are expected in the house, then the housewives try to surprise with this particular snack. Preparation does not take much time; the design raises more questions. After all, the main thing in a dish is not the ingredients, but its appearance. We'll tell you and show you how to make sandwiches with red caviar beautifully and festively; our tips will come in handy for a birthday, New Year's, or an office buffet.

Classic sandwiches with caviar made from black bread

The slightly buttery taste of caviar combined with aromatic Borodino bread will make a hearty snack for festive table. If you need to make a sandwich a quick fix, but at the same time the dish should also have an aesthetic appearance, then this option is perfect. What's interesting about this recipe is that the pleasant taste is achieved by combining a small amount of ingredients. Cucumbers and fresh herbs add freshness to the sandwiches.



  • red caviar - 120 grams,
  • Borodino bread - 6 slices,
  • butter - 100 grams,
  • cucumber - 6 disks,
  • black olives - 6 pieces,
  • dill - 6 sprigs.


Cut the bread into small pieces. It is advisable that the thickness does not exceed 1.5 cm.

Spread each piece with a thin layer of butter. It should not interrupt the taste of the other ingredients.

Carefully place red caviar on the edge of each piece. Smooth out a little.

Cut the cucumber into 3-4 mm slices. Place the disks on the opposite edge of the bread.

Use olives and small sprigs of parsley for decoration. The butter and black olives provide a nice contrast to the sandwiches.

Making sandwiches with red caviar and salmon

There are many options for preparing delicious caviar sandwiches, making them accessible to everyone. The rich taste of caviar, complemented by aromatic salmon, will create the feeling of a real holiday. Such a dish will provide respectability to the festive table. White bread with caviar and salmon is already a tasty and satisfying snack, and a beautiful design will help turn such sandwiches into original canapés.


Cut white bread into small triangles, spread each of them with a thin layer of butter. Cut a piece of salmon into slices and place on each bun. Place a few peas of caviar on top. You need to decorate mini sandwiches with bright and juicy products. Cut the lemon into thin slices. To make the sandwiches look brighter, you can put purple onions on top: it will refresh the dish and will not spoil it with bitterness. For contrast, place olives and fresh parsley sprigs on the bread. To turn sandwiches into unusual canapés, you can use colored skewers.

Sandwich with cucumber and red caviar on the festive table

Red caviar, used to create sandwiches, can make even the most ordinary preparation exquisite. An attractive snack can be created using simple and affordable ingredients. Thus, the freshness of an ordinary cucumber harmonizes perfectly with the refined taste of red caviar. In this recipe, butter can be replaced with low-calorie cheese in order to reduce nutritional value dishes.


Cut the black bread into slices and spread with butter. Peel the cucumber. Cut the prepared vegetable into slices 5 mm thick and place on the bread preparation. Place red caviar on top in a mound. It is recommended to use parsley sprigs for decoration.

Festive sandwiches with herring, red caviar and lemon

This option is perfect if you need to prepare hearty and beautiful sandwiches for a buffet table. The salty taste of caviar and herring is enhanced by the slight sourness of lemon. These fresh sandwiches make a great appetizer when you need to wow your guests. We recommend serving this appetizer with strong alcoholic drinks.


Cut white bread into slices of 1.5 cm each, dry in a toaster. Cut the herring fillets into small pieces and place on top of the toast (about 3 pieces per slice), leaving 3 cm free at the edge. Carefully place the caviar on the workpiece. Attach a lemon slice to the edge of the toast.

Elegant appetizer of sandwiches and fish

This appetizer is designed to attract attention to the holiday table. It is based on simple solutions: the right combination of color and taste. The composition is dominated by salty ingredients, which harmonize well with each other. The bright, rich colors of this snack will allow it to take its rightful place among other dishes.


Visually divide the plate into two parts: fish will be placed on one, and sandwiches on the second. Cut the herring fillet into 2 cm slices and place along the edge of the plate. Make strips of red fish 4 cm long, which must be slightly tucked and placed on a plate as a second layer. To prepare sandwiches, cut the baguette into disks and spread with butter. Place red caviar in the middle of each slice. For decoration, use a cucumber, from which you need to cut out small wedges and leaves. For contrast, add a cranberry. Use the resulting preparations to decorate sandwiches and free space on the plate.
Place onion feathers, parsley and dill randomly on the appetizer.

Snack plate of sandwiches and vegetables

A great option if there is a holiday at home. Salty sandwiches with red or black caviar are great to eat as a bite with juicy cucumbers and pepper. Bright and quick snack will not require serious financial and time expenditure from the hostess. Light vegetables in the company of hearty caviar sandwiches will quickly fly off the table.


Cut white bread into slices and spread with butter. If desired, it can be replaced with processed cheese. Place red caviar on top and distribute it in an even layer over the entire piece. Place the sandwiches on a large plate. Cut the cucumbers into slices and arrange them beautifully around the sandwiches. Remove seeds from peppers and make thin slices. Place on a plate, alternating with cucumbers. Decorate the edges of the plate with greens.

How to decorate sandwiches in New Year's style

New Year is a special event, so housewives strive to prepare festive sandwiches using red caviar. Since the New Year is not complete without a Christmas tree, you can decorate snacks using its image. From balls of red caviar, like from puzzles, you can lay out figures symbolizing the holiday. A large amount of greenery is also welcome.
Red caviar is an almost universal product that can be combined with both fresh and salty ingredients. It will have a harmonious taste both as part of a classic sandwich with butter and as an appetizer with hard cheese or herring. The piquant ingredients add piquancy to these sandwiches. The unobtrusive sourness of lemon can highlight the oily taste of caviar, and an olive or black olive will emphasize its saltiness.

New Year's toast with red caviar

This dish contains the simplest ingredients. The uniqueness of these sandwiches lies in their beautiful festive design, which helps maintain the appropriate New Year's atmosphere. If the appetizer runs out during the holidays, whipping up more sandwiches will be a piece of cake. The main advantage of New Year's toasts is their simplicity.


Cut white bread into slices. Using special molds in the form of a Christmas tree, a star and other attributes of the New Year, cut out the corresponding figures. Gently fry each of the pieces in a frying pan without oil on both sides. When the bread has cooled, spread butter on each slice. Place red caviar on top of the toast and distribute it over the piece. Place the sandwiches on a plate and garnish with dill sprigs.

New Year's decoration of caviar and herringbone cheese sandwiches

On the holiday table, virtually every dish should be associated with the approaching New Year, so the recipe for these sandwiches will delight the resourceful housewife with its simplicity and relevance to the theme.


Cut hard cheese into thin rectangular or square slices. Using special molds or a knife, cut out Christmas trees from the cheese. Place them on the bread so that the top of the tree coincides with the corner of the bread, secure with a skewer. Decorate the preparation with red caviar. Sandwiches are beautifully served on a plate with lettuce leaves.

Tips for making sandwiches with red caviar

Sandwiches are an ideal dish because you can experiment with them. It is almost impossible to spoil it with a combination of products, although if you want to surprise your guests with a pleasant combination of flavors, it is better to think through the composition in advance.
Most often, fresh bread serves as the basis for such sandwiches. Fragrant Borodinsky will be appreciated in a male company as an excellent snack for strong drinks. This is a rather satisfying option, which, in addition, looks noble and appropriate on any table. Usage white bread has more variations. It is cut into slices, ready-made slices are used, and blanks for canapés are also made from buns.
Sandwiches in which the base is cut out using a shaped cutter look unusual. In addition to fresh bread, you can use dried bread in sandwiches with red caviar. The pleasant crunch of the bun and soft balls of caviar will please your taste during any feast.

You can diversify this dish even by simply replacing the base. So, in this capacity they cope with the task perfectly:

  • crackers (you can choose lean or salty, thin or thick);
  • chips. It turns out to be a fairly light snack, but you need to remember that such a base gets soggy quickly, so you need to eat the sandwiches first;
  • tartlets and baskets. Both store-bought and home-made products will look beautiful on the table;
  • original snacks are made in tandem with puff pastry pastries. Valovany are easy to prepare, especially from ready-made dough, the main thing is not to make them big.

Mini sandwiches will look modern if you use skewers to decorate them. Translucent, they will create a special atmosphere and provide guests with the necessary level of comfort.

Red caviar in itself can make a sandwich tasty and beautiful. But you can always find more interesting combinations.
Caviar will harmonize with the following products:

  1. Seafood. Caviar as a component of sandwiches goes well with all seafood, so you can safely put herring, red fish, and shrimp on the base;
  2. Vegetables. Hearty caviar with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, beetroot caviar will leave a stunning aftertaste;
  3. Berries. A berry or two will highlight the sandwich and allow you to decorate the dish more elegantly and festively. You can use cranberries, blueberries or blueberries.
  4. Green. Caviar goes well with regular and curly parsley. Dill and onion feathers in moderate quantities will also help to decorate sandwiches with caviar in an original and beautiful way;
  5. Dairy products. Many housewives use butter in such sandwiches on an intuitive level. The product can be replaced with cottage cheese, hard, soft or processed cheese;
  6. Eggs. Beautiful white and yellow circles on bread combined with bright red caviar - good option for the festive table. In addition to chicken, quail eggs go well with caviar sandwiches;
  7. Pates. Liver pates, spread on top of bread and decorated with balls of caviar, allow you to experience a new palette of tastes.
  8. Dips, unsweetened cream, paste. Butter is most often used as a base for caviar sandwiches. In addition to creamy soft cheese, sandwiches can also be greased with cream, paste from avocado, fish, shrimp, pepper, nuts;
  9. Caviar with caviar. Red caviar goes well with black, you can lay out zebra-like stripes from them, or arrange them in the shape of a yin-yang circle. You can also draw on red caviar with black caviar, draw a smiley face, make the inscription “life is good,” “there is happiness.” And this is truly happiness, the fact that we can afford, if not every day, but from time to time, to pamper ourselves and our guests with beautiful and delicious sandwiches with caviar and other additional delicacies.

- This is not just a dish, a snack. This is a kind of symbol of prosperity in the house, it was like that in distant times and even more recently, and it still is now. The well-known expression “eating caviar with spoons” is not a mockery, it is a way of serving this delicacy, there are two such ways: “Russian” and “European”.

In the Russian tradition, caviar was served on the tables of our not poor compatriots in deep dishes made of glass, porcelain and metal and eaten with small spoons. On especially special occasions, vases made of ice were frozen, caviar was served in them with thinly sliced ​​lemon and green parsley, and washed down with vodka.

To prepare sandwiches, a constant, “classic” set of ingredients is used: rye or wheat bread, butter good quality. The most valuable food product, one of the national culinary symbols of the country, is obtained from fish roe of the salmon family, which is processed in a solution with table salt and preservatives. Recipe for sandwiches with red caviar It can be simple or complex, consist of dozens or just a few products.

Heart sandwiches for Valentine's Day

Very beautiful sandwiches with red caviar decoration in a romantic style. There are different ways to confess your feelings to your loved one. Objects, flowers, food can say more than words. “Black” or “white” bread can be cut not into traditional slices, but into shapes, in the form of hearts, diamonds, stars or triangles.

From finely chopped olives we make dots on ladybugs, and from olives cut into strips we lay out legs. Decorate the sandwiches with canned green peas.


  • Unsweetened crackers (large)
  • Butter
  • Red caviar
  • Green onions
  • Pitted black olives


Spread crackers with butter. Finely chop the onion and olives. Place caviar, onions and olives on crackers diagonally, as in the photo.

Festive sandwiches with herring and melted cheese


  • 200g lightly salted herring,
  • 2 processed cheeses,
  • 50g boiled carrots,
  • 50g butter (solid)
  • white bread


Finely chop all ingredients, place in a bowl and place in the refrigerator to cool.

Remove the chilled appetizer from the refrigerator and stir lightly so that the pieces of the appetizer ingredients stand out.

This snack can be placed on pieces of regular bread, it can be placed in tartlets or vol-au-vents made of puff pastry. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Prepare sandwiches With caviar based on white bread for toast. Use cookie cutters to cut out hearts, flowers, stars, or any other shape you like. Spread a thin layer of butter over the entire surface of the mold, distribute red caviar on top, also over the entire surface.

Sandwiches with black caviar

Using black caviar, you can make simple and light sandwiches from bread, butter and, in fact, caviar. But by adding a little imagination, you can make the dish more original, both in taste and appearance.

These sandwiches can be decorated with stripes or placed on slices of bread with cat tracks made from black caviar. It looks very unusual, but beautiful.


  • - fresh loaf - 6 slices;
  • — mayonnaise or sour cream – 30 g;
  • – black caviar – 40 g;
  • – lightly salted salmon – 100 g;
  • - iceberg lettuce leaves.

Cooking method

  1. Lightly moisten the salmon with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Cut the loaf into thin slices and dry it a little in the toaster - a weak crust should appear on the surface of the bread.
  3. Place the fish on the loaf slices.
  4. Drizzle mayonnaise or sour cream onto the fish.
  5. Place a random pattern on the fish using black caviar.
  6. Place lettuce leaves on a large plate and place the finished sandwiches on them.
  7. Complete the composition with small lemon slices.

  • Lightly salted herring fillet
  • Boiled beets
  • Boiled eggs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dill
  • Onion



  • Loaf or bread
  • Processed cheese in bags Viola
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sliced ​​salmon or trout
  • Dill and parsley


Cut the loaf or bread into pieces 1 cm thick. You can make oval or round pieces from the bread, cut it into a mold or a glass. I cut out the lid from a cereal jar.

Spread mayonnaise on the prepared pieces. Using the same shape, cut out pieces of cheese and salmon and place on sandwiches. The sides of the sandwiches can be coated with mayonnaise and sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

Make cheese roses on the salmon, make salmon roses on the cheese, garnish with parsley.

Holiday sandwiches with cheese and garlic


Spread each slice with butter; the layer should not be too thick, otherwise only the taste of butter will be felt in the sandwich.

  • white bread – 1 piece;
  • trout - 200 grams of lightly salted trout;
  • mascarpone cheese – 1 package;
  • dill, parsley, lemon basil - to taste;
  • fresh – 2-3 pieces.

Cooking recipe:

First, you will need to take the bread and dry it slightly in an oiled frying pan. After which you will need to take mascarpone and mix it with chopped herbs. Cut the cucumbers into thin bars, then slice the fish very thinly. The cheese will need to be spread on the loaf, and the fish and cucumber will need to be carefully placed on the cheese paste. Garnish with some greens and serve.

Sandwiches with sprats

Another very delicious recipe sandwiches are sandwiches with sprats.

To prepare you will need to take the following products:

Red caviar sandwiches made from rye bread with whipped cream cheese:

Appetizer “Caviar on chips”. Place large Pringles-type chips on a large flat plate. For each chip, put a small rose of butter and a teaspoon of caviar - red or black. Garnish with fresh parsley. You need to cook it just before serving - after a few hours the dish will lose its taste, as the chips will become soggy, absorbing moisture from the caviar.

Caviar on pancakes.Pancakes with caviar is a traditional presentation, almost as common as . But this method can also be diversified. Prepare pancakes. Spread each pancake with cream cheese and roll into a roll. Cut the resulting long roll into several small ones and place them vertically on a flat dish. Place a spoonful of red or black caviar on the top of each pancake-cheese roll. Similar rolls can be made from fried beaten eggs.

Serving caviar on a festive table should be beautiful! Try, experiment, without fear of making mistakes, because caviar can be combined with many foods: salted and unleavened pastries, any vegetables, fish, fried and boiled eggs, rice, etc. Limitless fantasies to you and bon appetit!

  • Wheat or rye bread,
  • red caviar,
  • butter,
  • lemon,
  • dill, parsley

“Food - best medicine”, say nutritionists. To have a beneficial effect on our health, food should not only be tasty, but also pleasing to the eye)).

One of these appetizers that can increase your appetite and decorate any holiday table is caviar tartlets.

They are easy to prepare, look appetizing, and are an ideal snack for any special, or not so special, occasion.

We have already prepared tartlets with a surprise for the New Year's table.


  • ready-made tartlets – 1 package
  • butter – 200 gr.,
  • Salmon caviar – 1 jar
  • parsley - for decoration


  • Add pieces of chilled butter to the finished tartlets,
  • add a spoonful of caviar
  • decorate with greens and serve

Tartlets with caviar are ready!

Bon appetit!

Ingredients for preparing and decorating sandwiches with red caviar:

  • Wheat or rye bread,
  • red caviar,
  • butter,
  • lemon,
  • dill, parsley

Recipe and decoration for sandwiches with red caviar:

Cut the bread into thin slices in the form of hearts (as in the photo), diamonds, triangles or stars.

Spread butter not only on the surface of the bread, but also on the edges (ends).
Dip the buttered sides of the future sandwich into finely chopped dill to create a green border.

Place caviar on the sandwich (as much as you don’t mind, but only in 1 layer).
We decorate the sandwich with lemon slices and a sprig of parsley, and along the edge we make a pattern of softened butter using a culinary syringe and a butter rose.

The result was delicious and very beautiful sandwiches for the holiday table.

Today we will prepare sandwiches with pollock caviar, which will be an excellent appetizer on the holiday table and delicious dish on weekdays for a tasty snack between meals.

I’ll also explain that pollock caviar is no less healthy and tasty than red caviar. The main thing is to properly prepare sandwiches with it.

What you will need:

  1. 2 jars of pollock caviar.
  2. 1 medium sized onion.
  3. Pieces of rye and white bread.
  4. Sunflower oil with seed flavor 1 tablespoon.
  5. 3 lettuce leaves.

How to make sandwiches with pollock caviar

Sandwiches with pollock caviar, of course, we will start preparing with caviar, which we put in a deep bowl, add very finely chopped onions, add 1 spoon of sunflower oil (you don’t have to add sunflower oil), mix and leave the dish aside to start preparing slices of bread for sandwiches.

Cut the rye and white (bun) bread into small pieces, fry them in a frying pan in oil until lightly browned on both sides until golden and crispy, and let them cool.

Now spread each piece of bread with pollock caviar (you can first spread the pieces of bread with butter). We put lettuce leaves on a large plate and put pollock caviar sandwiches on them. Between them you can put sprigs of dill, parsley and cilantro.

The finished sandwiches with pollock caviar are ready, you can eat them. If someone wants, you can first rub pieces of toasted bread with garlic, and then spread the caviar.

Other sandwiches with pollock caviar and egg

You can also spread ready-made pollock caviar onto biscuits, onto which you first spread butter and then the caviar.

Boiled tartlets and halves chicken eggs(just remove the yolks from them) are perfect for platforms on which you can put pollock caviar.

And for greater beauty and variety of sandwiches from this type of caviar, make it with bread and with tartlets and biscuits. On a large platter, all types of sandwiches will look very beautiful, and there will be a large choice for guests.

Sandwiches with red and black caviar: made from white and dark bread, cucumbers, potatoes and champignons, with butter, sour cream and Japanese mustard.

Caviar is served on toast, unsweetened crackers, shortcrust pastry baskets, red onion boats, and French puff pastries. Caviar is wrapped in red fish strips, placed in baked mushroom caps, and served on fresh cucumber slices. Sandwiches with caviar are greased with butter (it perfectly complements the taste of caviar), heavy cream, curd cheese, and avocado paste. Sandwiches with caviar are decorated with lemon, herbs and olives. Caviar goes well with fresh and lightly salted cucumbers: They also liven up the sandwiches. A completely harmonious tandem with caviar can be a strip of omelette, a poached egg, or even a whole fried egg.

Recipe 1. Sandwiches with red caviar - a classic recipe

You will need: 140 g of red caviar, 1 baguette or loaf, 60 g of butter, parsley.

Cut the loaf into thin slices and dry them in the toaster. Brush each piece of bread with softened butter and spread the caviar evenly over the entire surface. If you want to add some spice to your holiday snack, you can make a sandwich with aromatic butter: grind the butter with herbs crushed in a blender - cilantro, dill, basil, tarragon. You can use garlic, rosemary, chili pepper, curry, dried porcini mushrooms - any herbs and spices you like.

Recipe 2. Canapes with red caviar and shrimp

You will need: slices of white bread, 140 g of red caviar, 2 tablespoons of chopped dill, 50 g of butter, 70 g of cream cheese, small shrimp for decoration.

Using molds, cut out circles or squares from slices of bread and dry them on both sides until golden brown in a dry frying pan. Grease the sides of the toast with butter and roll in herbs. Grease the tops with cheese, add some caviar, and decorate the canapés with shrimp.

Recipe 3. Sandwiches with black caviar and egg

You will need: a jar of black granular caviar, 1 loaf, 1 soft-boiled egg, 1 teaspoon mustard, 4 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise or curd cheese, 1 lemon, green onions or parsley.

Cut the loaf into slices, brown in a frying pan and brush with oil. Cut the eggs lengthwise into thin circles. Combine mustard with mayonnaise. Place caviar on toast, a piece of egg, and a spoonful of mustard paste in the middle. Garnish with lemon slices and green onions.

Recipe 4. Champignons with red caviar

You will need: 240 g of red caviar, 10 pieces of small champignons, 170 g of full-fat sour cream, 1 sprig of green onion, a handful of chopped dill, salt, pepper, olive oil.

Rinse the mushrooms, place in a sieve, and then dry on a paper towel. Cut off the legs, chop finely and fry together with the onion in oil. Place the caps on an oiled baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes in the oven. Combine sour cream with dill. Place the mushroom filling in the cooled caps, sour cream sauce on it, and a spoonful of red caviar on top.

Recipe 5. Sandwiches with black caviar and wasabi

You will need: a jar of black caviar, 1 baguette, 70 g butter, olive oil, 40 g Japanese wasabi mustard, sprigs of fresh herbs.

Cut the baguette and brown it in olive oil. On each slice, place a piece of butter, a pea-sized piece of wasabi, and a mound of caviar on top. Garnish sandwiches with fresh herbs.

Recipe 6. Original snack with cucumber caviar

You will need: 2 fresh cucumbers, 90 g of sour cream, a handful of chopped herbs, salt, 100 g of red caviar.

Cut the cucumbers into thick slices and place on a plate. Mix sour cream with salt and chopped herbs. Using a teaspoon, make indentations in the pulp and fill them in sour cream sauce and place caviar on each circle. If you want to diversify the appetizer, you can put caviar on some of the circles, and make the rest with red fish and shrimp. Instead of cucumbers, you can use fresh avocados or baked zucchini.

Recipe 7. Hearty sandwiches with red caviar

You will need: 2 tomatoes, 70 g butter, celery, leaves Chinese cabbage, 120 g of hard cheese, a jar of red caviar.

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, cheese into strips. Grease the bread with butter, place a slice of tomato on each, and cheese on top. Cover the sandwiches with cabbage leaves and top with a spoonful of red caviar. Garnish with celery leaves: they add piquancy to sandwiches, aid digestion and are a storehouse of vitamins.

Recipe 8. Appetizer with caviar in potato baskets

You will need: 120 g of black caviar, 200 g of small potatoes, 80 g of butter, olive oil, white pepper, dill sprigs, sea salt.

Wash the potatoes, cut them lengthwise into two halves, place them on an oiled baking sheet, sprinkle with salt and white pepper and bake in the oven until tender. When the halves have cooled, use a spoon to scoop out some of the pulp and fill them with oil, and place the caviar on top. Garnish the appetizer with dill sprigs.

Recipe 9. Sandwiches with black caviar and poached egg

You will need: 4 slices of black bread (can be with nuts, seeds, dried fruits), 100 g of red fish fillet, 70 g of black caviar, dill sprigs, 1 avocado, 50 g of butter, vinegar and salt.

Cut the fish into pieces. Remove the pit from the avocado, cut into pieces and beat with oil. Pour vinegar into a pan of boiling salted water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter). Carefully break each egg, one at a time, into a ladle and slowly dip into water, hold for 3-4 minutes, then place on a plate. Grease the pieces of bread with avocado paste, place an egg on one side, a spoonful of caviar on it, and a piece of red fish on the other. Garnish the sandwiches with dill sprigs.

Recipe 10. Omelette canapes with caviar

Needed: 4 raw eggs, 1 teaspoon chopped dill, 2 tablespoons sour cream or cream, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, 20 ml olive oil, 100 g of cream cheese, a pinch of sweet paprika, salt and black pepper, 70 g of red and black caviar.

Beat eggs with sour cream, dill, spices and flour. Pour the egg mixture into a well-heated frying pan with oil and cook over very low heat for 7-10 minutes. Cut circles from the cooled omelet, place a spoonful of cream cheese on them, and a pile of caviar on top.

Sandwiches with caviar are exquisite, healthy and tasty. They look just great on the holiday table. To create your own culinary masterpieces, experiment with the shape of bread slices, proportions of ingredients, decorations of the snack: cream, for example, can be ground with tuna - you will get the most delicate fish pate for sandwiches, with cottage cheese, herbs and salt - in this way you will prepare curd cheese like " Almette." Have a festive mood and delicious sandwiches!