GAZ-53 GAZ-3307 GAZ-66

Rich mixture while warming up. Too rich mixture: causes and solutions from professionals. What should the fuel-air mixture be?

IN modern cars, and the VAZ-2114 can be called relatively modern for another two or three years; engines with an injection power system are installed. Enough simple circuit injection was also implemented on the VAZ-2114. However, it can also confuse the owner. The injection power system practically does not require adjustment, it can be relaxing in terms of maintenance and operation, but for the time being it is on the display P0172.

What is a rich mixture and error P0172

Too much rich mixture on a VAZ-2114 it can happen for several reasons, but the main, most characteristic sign of such a failure will be the error message P0172. Of course, the error can be ignored and reset. However, it is more difficult to discount a whole bunch of symptoms of unstable and incorrect engine operation.

Error P0172 on the on-board computer screen

To begin with, you should know that an over-enriched mixture is a state of the fuel-air mixture when the amount of fuel significantly exceeds permissible norm and predominates in proportion to the amount of air.

Error P0172, what to do?

Consider whether the settings have changed software. It is quite possible that after “light chip tuning” from a well-known fuel systems engineer throughout the cooperative and reflashing the controller, the engine can operate correctly for some time. However, there is a good chance that the operating sensor ratings are not compatible with the new settings. Therefore, fuel supply will be carried out incorrectly.

Malfunctions in the operation of the injection system are also possible after replacing the oxygen sensor, or any of the sensors that are related to the engine power system.

If the malfunction occurs “by itself”, and all the problems listed above do not concern this motor, it is necessary to conduct high-quality computer diagnostics of the engine.

Standards of air in the fuel mixture

Fuel mixture composition diagram

The average engine requires approximately 15 kg of air and one kilogram of gasoline for normal operation. If this proportion is shifted towards air, then if on the contrary - rich.

Of course, in different operating modes the proportions of air and fuel may be different and they must be fully controlled by electronics using several sensors. Thus, with a lean mixture, fuel consumption will be slightly lower than the rated value, but the engine characteristics will not correspond to the nominal ones.

Appearance of a spark plug with an over-rich mixture

In addition, there are a number of symptoms that are immediately noticeable:

  1. Strong popping sounds from the muffler , regardless of speed, more often at high speeds. This happens because unburned fuel in the combustion chamber invariably enters the exhaust system along with the exhaust gases. It cannot leave the muffler as easily as gases do, so it accumulates in the labyrinths of the muffler and, when it reaches a certain temperature, ignites or explodes. This is fraught not only with sound special effects, but also with torn or torn off resonators and mufflers.
  2. Smoke out exhaust pipe becomes dark or completely black . This happens for the reason that what burns in exhaust system The fuel is not filtered by anything, or more precisely, the gas from the combustion of gasoline in the muffler does not undergo filtration.
  3. The engine noticeably loses power . The over-enriched fuel-air mixture burns slowly and not completely, the remaining gasoline splashes the spark plugs, significantly worsening the spark formation process. Consequently, the mixture does not burn completely and the piston does not receive optimal force. At times, especially after driving at high speed, it happens again, but not for long. Until the rich mixture floods the candles again.

    Visual inspection of spark plugs

  4. Naturally, this may indicate huge fuel consumption - despite a failure in the control system, fuel still continues to be supplied to the combustion chamber, where it is used extremely inefficiently and most of it literally flies down the chimney.

When and how does a mixture become too rich?

Despite the fact that we now blame gasoline for having too much of it, in fact, most often it turns out that the proportion of the mixture is off due to less air.

The first thing you need to do, and this is the easiest thing, is. It may simply be clogged, so the required amount of air no longer enters the combustion chamber.

If the filter is obviously clean, then there may be several reasons:

  1. Incorrectly configured injectors . They can open and close on time, but the amount of fuel injected may be too large. As a rule, they can only be carried out on a special stand, as can their cleaning and adjustment. But most often,

    New sensor mass flow air

  2. Fuel pressure in the rail is too high . The pressure in the fuel rail is easy to check, but this can happen due to the fact that the return hose is simply pinched. A faulty pressure regulator may also be the cause.
  3. Failure may cause a hit large amounts of gasoline into the lubrication system , this occurs especially often in the cold season, when starting the engine is difficult.
  4. If the malfunction is of a floating nature, it is quite possible that there is no or intermittent contact on one of the terminal blocks . Each of them will have to be checked separately.

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  • Everyone knows that a car engine does not run on pure gasoline, but on a mixture of gasoline and air, the so-called fuel-air mixture. It is calculated that for the complete combustion of one kilogram of gasoline, fifteen kilograms of air are needed, that is, the optimal composition of the fuel mixture is approximately 15/1 - one kilogram of gasoline to 15 air. At the same time, the power and economical indicators of the engine will be normal (balanced).

    A reduction in the proportion of air causes the fuel mixture to become richer. Acceptable, within the proportion – 13/1. This mixture is called rich and is necessary for the engine to operate at full load in order to fully unleash its power potential.

    A decrease in the proportion of air to less than 13 kg per 1 kg of gasoline leads to the formation of a rich fuel mixture. A rich fuel mixture, unlike an enriched one, leads to a decrease in engine power and throttle response, since due to a lack of oxygen, gasoline does not burn completely.

    With a ratio of 5/1, the fuel mixture is considered over-enriched, and the engine refuses to run on it at all; gasoline simply does not ignite.

    Either the carburetor or the engine control system (ECM) are responsible for the correct mixture formation specifically for each engine operating mode.

    We will be interested in a rich fuel mixture, since the engine runs on it, but its performance in this case leaves much to be desired and something must be done about it urgently.

    Let's consider the signs and reasons for the formation of a rich fuel mixture in carburetor engines VAZ cars.

    Signs of a rich fuel mixture

    — Black carbon deposits on the spark plug electrodes

    — Black smoke from the muffler

    Cold engine easier to start than hot

    — High fuel consumption

    — Reduced engine power and response

    The main reasons for the formation of a rich mixture

    Carburetor malfunctions or fuel system:

    — the GDS air jets are clogged;

    — the fuel and (or) air jets of the GDS, according to their calibration data, do not correspond to the standard for this engine;

    high level fuel in float chamber carburetor;

    — the economizer of power modes is faulty;

    — the EPH system is faulty;

    — pumps the fuel pump.

    Other malfunctions with similar symptoms

    Ignition system malfunctions

    - ignition timing is too early;

    — one or more spark plugs are faulty;

    — armored wires, slider, distributor cover are faulty;

    — the centrifugal ignition timing regulator is faulty;

    — the ignition coil is faulty;

    — the gap between the breaker contacts is too small (for a contact ignition system).

    Engine malfunction

    — the valve timing is off (the timing belt has jumped);

    — elements of the cylinder-piston group are worn out;

    — gaps in the valve drive are too large.

    Notes and additions

    Error p0172 on the VAZ 2114 is a fairly common problem that is indicated by on-board computer. What does this error code mean, what causes it, and what actions should the car owner take? We’ll talk about this in today’s article.

    What does error 0172 mean?

    Code P0172, which is issued by the on-board computer, is a system error indicating that the fuel mixture is too rich in the combustion cylinders.

    An over-enriched mixture is a mixture in which the air content is less than normal, and, on the contrary, there is more gasoline than necessary.

    Theoretically, the error can be ignored, but unstable engine operation will not allow you to use the car normally, so you still have to delve into the problem. An average static engine requires 1 kg to operate correctly. about 15 kg of gasoline. air.

    If there is less air, then the mixture is considered rich, and if, on the contrary, it is poor. Of course, the proportions of fuel and air are slightly different in different operating modes of the car, so the ECU continuously monitors this ratio and immediately alerts the driver in case of problems.

    Signs of a rich mixture on a VAZ-2114

    A too rich mixture on a VAZ-2114 manifests itself not only by issuing error p072, but also by the following symptoms:

      • high gas consumption. Moreover, consumption increases sharply and is explained by inefficient consumption of the fuel mixture;

      • loss of engine power. A mixture in which the air content is less than normal burns more slowly than usual, and often not completely. As a result, the piston is not provided with optimal force, which is why the engine power decreases;
      • black smoke from the exhaust pipe. The reason lies in the lack of filtration of gas from gasoline combustion;

    • the appearance of strong pops in the muffler. The reason is a lack of air in the engine cylinders.

    Reasons for a rich mixture on the VAZ-2114

    The formation of a rich fuel-air mixture occurs in a number of cases:

      • incorrectly adjusted fuel system. As a rule, this is the result of intervention in the system to reduce gas mileage or increase power;
      • clogging air filter. In this case, the required amount of air does not enter the combustion chamber;

    A dirty air filter is the most common cause of a rich mixture. If error P0172 is detected, you should first check the condition of the filter.

      • incorrectly configured injectors;

      • high fuel pressure in the rail or malfunction of the pressure regulator;
      • air flow meter failure. In this case, the sensor transmits incorrect data to the on-board computer, as a result of which the fuel supply system operates in accordance with these indicators;

    • economizer malfunction.

    Ways to eliminate error p0172

    If injection engine prepares a mixture that is too rich, the first thing the car owner needs to do is eliminate various additional settings for the volume of air or gasoline supplied.

    If the vehicle has undergone fuel system adjustments, they should be cancelled. If the engine runs for a long time on an over-rich mixture, the result may be damage to the pistons and spark plugs.

    Often a rich mixture on a VAZ 2114 is formed due to incorrect supply of gasoline by the injectors. You should pay attention to the injectors if traces of fuel assembly combustion are found on the outside of the injector. Traces from the combustion of the fuel-air mixture can be found on the copper o-ring. If such signs appear, it is advisable to ensure that the injector is installed correctly.

    If the problem is in the injectors, then it is not necessary to remove them. To check the functionality, just listen carefully to the noise of the motor in operating condition. Faulty (or clogged) injectors produce a high-frequency, dull sound. Faulty injectors will have to be replaced, but clogged ones can be cleaned at home.

    There are several methods for this:

    1. Flushing with special additives that should be added to fuel tank. The advantage of this method is that the additive not only flushes the injectors, but also normalizes the operation of the entire engine.
    2. Ultrasonic cleaning. This work is not quite simple and requires first removing the injectors from the car and then installing them back. In addition, expensive equipment is needed to carry out such cleaning.
    3. Cleaning the injectors using a syringe and a special washing liquid.

    If the cause of error p0172 lies in a dirty air filter, then it is best to simply replace it with a new one. If at the moment there is no money to buy a new filter, then it can be cleaned fairly quickly.

    Cleaning the air filter

    The procedure is very simple:

    • open the hood, disconnect the battery and unscrew the screws of the filter safety cover;
    • manually remove the filter from the grooves of the cover;
    • treat with a special impregnation, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse the filter element in clean water;
    • Allow the filter to dry completely and replace it. You can speed up the drying process using a regular home hair dryer.

    If the cause of the rich mixture is a faulty pressure regulator, it should be replaced:

    • disconnect the negative terminal of the wire from the battery;
    • remove the vacuum hose and unscrew the nuts of the drain tube, holding the hose fitting;
    • use a rubber ring to connect the washer and tube;
    • unfasten the clamping bar;
    • loosen the screws that secure the regulator to the ramp and remove it;
    • Attach the new regulator in the reverse order.


    In this article, we examined in detail the concept of error P0172, which is diagnosed by the on-board computer on the VAZ-2114, the reasons leading to it and ways to eliminate it.

    Often, when the check engine light comes on, the diagnostics display error p0172. This means only one thing: the mixture in your car’s engine is too rich. But why is she rich? There may be several answers here; let’s try to understand the main reasons for the rich mixture.

    So the problem arose out of the blue? The scanner showed an error, saying the mixture is too rich, dude. And the diagnostician took the money and said, look further yourself, I did the diagnostics

    In addition to the scanner, you can also be told about the presence of an over-enriched mixture in the engine of your car when measuring CO and CH during a technical inspection. In general, it doesn’t matter where you learned that there is such a mixture in the engine; to troubleshoot a problem, you must understand what the very concept of this mixture means.

    When there is too much gasoline and not enough air in the fuel-air mixture, such a mixture is called rich.

    The easiest thing to look for is in the fuel supply system (lots of fuel), or in the air supply system to the combustion chamber (little air). Don't forget to start.

    Causes related to the fuel system:

    • Too much high pressure in the fuel line. And there may be a few more sub-items here Great pressure may be due to a faulty fuel pump. Or it could be due to a faulty fuel pressure regulator. There is a special fuel pressure gauge that is used to check the fuel pressure.
    • The adsorber is not working properly. That is, the vapor recovery system is faulty. In this case, there may be too much fuel entering the inlet through the adsorber, so here you go cause of rich mixture.
    • Injector malfunction. Tested on a stand for . That is, the injectors (nozzles) simply do not keep the fuel closed, and this is a reason for it to get into the cylinders even with the nozzle closed.

    Causes related to air supply:

    • Clogged air filter. Trite? Yes. But this happens all the time, so check it out. Just keep in mind that if, when checking the air filter, you suddenly find that it is covered in oil, then the engine is bad... almost.
    • Also a malfunction mass air flow sensor may cause a rich mixture. Or a manifold air pressure sensor. In any case, this is checked by, namely by the parameters of voltage and air flow or by the absolute pressure in the intake manifold.

    On this main types of appearance rich mixtures run out and what remains are rare or exotic. Such as poor contact condition, error in the control unit itself